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/lit/ - Literature

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18538903 No.18538903 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong /lit/?

>> No.18538909


>> No.18538914

three strikes and you're out!

>> No.18538923

That's it. This is literally the reason.

>> No.18538926

Everything is fine

>> No.18538932

but i could literally write my magnum opus right now if i wanted to. its been in my head for 7 years now

>> No.18538939

post something desu

>> No.18538945

Anyone got a snippet of her writing ?

>> No.18538961
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deep as a throat

>> No.18538970

Lmao. What a joke

>> No.18538984

Retarded cunt.

>> No.18538995

It's retarded, but I'd take it over Rupi Kaur.

>> No.18539009

who's to blame here, women for making Poopee a success or Poopee for making women think this is acceptable?

>> No.18539014

what's your opinion on teenager literature, /lit/?

>> No.18539018

it's shit

>> No.18539054

One has to keep in mind that her entire fanbase and ego is bolstered upon dilettante tiktok zoomers who think shes le aesthetic and simps bc she’s an attractive girl. They don’t even know what good writing is in the first place so to them her work is amazing. It’s all about posturing and cultivating an online image, not about creating genuinely good work.

>> No.18539119

the fanbase reflect the writer

>> No.18539157

Im watching this vid and i imagine being her boyfriend. We are in a car. 120km/h while From King by Conway the Machine is playing violently loud. She asks me to slow down but i don't listen. I release my safe belt.

>> No.18539206

Change "From King" to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA52uNzx7Y4

>> No.18539226

Im not afraid to say that your choice is 100000000x times better than mine thank you.

>> No.18539316

i watched this video when it was posted the other day. it's far too long and full of dumb jokes but there's nothing wrong with the core message. why does everybody on this board have a stick up their ass

>> No.18539330

Cynical contrarianism and general negativity are the only things we're good at

>> No.18539427

Everyone involved, her, her audience and lit would be better off if she was married and had to take her kids McCarthy and Pinecone to soccer practice.

>> No.18539466

What is the core message? I don't want to suffer through the video

>> No.18539767

>Good looking
Wow what a mystery she's a hit!

>> No.18539862

in her first video you can see she’s normal (or at least looks normal) but there’s something deeply disturbing somewhere; her eyes and demeanor tell you what she will soon become. fast forward to future videos and there it is, she’s a caricature of your average college graduate writing poems like “I’m a slut” or “it’s okay to whine and drink wine” or whatever and with every video she releases it’s like a loop reinforces itself where she goes all in in being the real life tumblr woman yass vibes sarcasm the only way I communicate
and I should have jackshit to do with it all if you didn’t punish me with her videos every so often, /lit/

>> No.18539869

gonna need an incel check here desu

>> No.18539885

It’s just grrr young attractive women

>> No.18539928

This but unironically

>> No.18539999

The first generation to grow up with all of humanities accumulated knowledge at their fingertips - they're not going to have any drive to create anything new.

>> No.18540105

But he is right tho. There are plenty of shitty men characters like her too. No one fucking likes them.

>> No.18540179

holy quads

>> No.18541150

god she is so hot

>> No.18541173

I don't think she's okay

>> No.18541176


>> No.18541179
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reminds me of this

>> No.18541181

I wish I could have impregnated her mouth back then

>> No.18541201

this, it at least has some aesthetic aims

>> No.18541203

Dead wrong actually. It's men for listening and actually giving women's dumbass ideas merit

>> No.18541223


>> No.18541230

I wanna draw master chief killing aliens and stuff. I get better every day

>> No.18541788

Who cares, stop giving maladjusted roasties attention.

>> No.18542050

Has anyone read her poetry, and how bad is it?

>> No.18542084

Why is every woman poet writing shit like this? I don't mean the style, because, whatever, but the content. It's always something about how the writer is fucked in the head and then some vague motivational but ultimately defeatist shit about being okay with being mentally unstable. It's annoying.

>> No.18542111

lol please this ethot has never written anything of value

>> No.18542124

KEK it is ok, dunno why you keep roasting that ship. Definitely better than that other Rupi Kaur shit.

>> No.18542134
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You have to remember that most women, especially the artistic ones, have little to no conception or regard for form. Women can be great artists because they're able to channel moment-by-moment thinking into unique acts of channeled preservation--think someone like Virginia Woolf and how she influenced stream of consciousness; but this ability is what ultimately handicaps them in creating true masterworks.

Men aren't necessarily better at art holistically, they just work harder at it. Women clearly seem to think that the only form of expression should come naturally--despite what they do and say most of the time being incredibly designed--which is why their art can either be really beautiful or just terribly childish.

>> No.18542137

If she had no photos up, nobody would have ever heard of her or cared.

>> No.18542320

Is that about trying anal?

>> No.18542373

try this. It's 1921. who are the best 20th century writers so far? I mean ones you'd have heard of at this point.

>> No.18542566

Probably writers who wrote literature about post-Great War or as we know it now, the uneasy period between WW1 and WW2

EM Forester wrote imo his magnum opus A Passage to India in 1929, but at that point he had already written Room with A View (1908) and Howard End (1910)

>> No.18542591

I also want to say that Maurice, also one of his best novels, was set in the 1910s, although Forster didn't publish it until he died

>> No.18542608

Backstory, and reason to care?

>> No.18542743

is there a word or phrase for this performative introspection that is all so common online?

>> No.18542783

Take away the second page and the poem's actually o.k.a.y.

>> No.18542892
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You know Millenials are 26+, right?

>> No.18542918

I'd hardly call them men, but the sentiment is right. Capitalism and the advent of industry made it possible for the first time ever, theoretically, for women to be equal in economic value to men. As a result, western civilization pushed equality, first equality between men, then equality of women to men and blacks to whites and all other such unimportant forms of equality. Equal equal equal, our lives are a sum where each constituant is equal in value, where my life is worth no more than the next. In my job I am irreplaceable, yet I am meant to be equal to my coworkers, my clients, my boss... Even my boss is more easily replaced than me, and yet I'm here, equal equal equal. My life is a sum, the difference I make is big, but we pretend it's relatively the same. Niggers equal kings equal women equal whites equal men equal x. Equal individuals, all uniquely equal. All uniquely the same.

>> No.18543289


it is very obvious that she is Successful because of her Good Writing. Even if she was ugly, this is the kind of stuff that really rocks you to your core, makes you think, makes you re-enchanted with mystery. when she wrote "i'm okay!" five times in a row, i became enlightened. i'll admit, i wasn't expecting something so powerful. her fame is not based on viewers pretending that they are just like her. she is not popular because she's a sweet little pussibabe that will give you a kiss if you compliment her little shit poems. What SHE does is good. What SHE does is quality. If you disagree, you are automatically wrong and also an incel.

>> No.18543599


>> No.18543603
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Why even write when this queen is so much deeper?

>> No.18544192
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Leave female mental illness kino to me.

>> No.18544207

Reads with the rhythm of rap lyrics

>> No.18544293

what is it with pointy eyes, pointy nose, pointy chin, pointy body white women and dyed white hair? why do I find that so incredibly hot?
also. women, amirite hehe

>> No.18544315

What a unique perspective anon
kill yourself

>> No.18544677

Same. And if they're into anime i just pop a boner. I barely watch anime myself, but something about women watching anime turns me on.

>> No.18544704

I could kill myself, but someone else has already killed themselves for me. We're equal.

>> No.18544709

Only poofters fuck women.

>> No.18544725

womyn are truly pathetic beings

>> No.18544795

Let's not gratuitously dunk on her. At least, she finally learned what rhymes are.

>> No.18544834

not the anon you're responding to but shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the board. also kill yourself

>> No.18545036

Why are you promoting for literal whotubers?

Clearly a dude.

>> No.18545073

Are writers really ever aware that they are writing their magnum opus or does it only hit them once it’s finished?

>> No.18545092

whoops, i dropped my magnum draft for my monster opus

>> No.18545228

authors consciously writing their big book of everything usually fail, sometimes spectacularly so. it's not their call, at least not during the actual process

>> No.18545269

That’s pretty cute, not that bad

>> No.18545473

Well, 'it's okay' does sum it up pretty well.
Could be done without the dumb illustrations though, they're very cringe. Don't really care for this much.

>> No.18545485

Marcel Proust

>> No.18545506



>> No.18545519
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>> No.18545547

At least it has metre and rhyme

>> No.18545556
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>> No.18545572

Imagine if her and rc waldun did a collab... And then eventually fell in love

>> No.18545577


>> No.18545590
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>> No.18545905

this is so powerful

>> No.18546243

if you want an actual answer:
its because more people have a platform/voice now, including average and retarded joe. Only the smart/well people ever got a chance to write and then publish it so many people got to read it but only in recent times has that changed since the internet is basically free and broadcasts to potentially everyone

>> No.18546262

Good point; It seems that now, more than ever, the majority gets to pick and choose who gets an audience and who doesn't since everybody has a platform now; how are the actually good people supposed to distinguish themselves then?

>> No.18546286

initially thought this was about megan boyle and tao lin

>> No.18547612

>not the anon you're responsing to

May as well be. We're all equal. Uniquely the same.

>> No.18547648

it isn't? what other autistic chink writer is so highly respected that he could say "this white bitch is the voice of our generation" and everyone would listen to him