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18537760 No.18537760 [Reply] [Original]

I need your help bros. So I think I'm done for now with reading philosophy, I've been reading for 4 years (what I read was Plato, most of Aristotle, Spinoza, the Bible, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel)

I know this board thinks psychology is a meme (which I understand to a certain extent), but I'm not one to stick to dogmatisms and would like to see how science and the modern world sees the human mind. Does anyone have a psychology reading list or the most important authors from the different psychological study branches? (apart from psychoanalysis, I already have a reading list for that)

>> No.18537769

Read B.F Skinner and all about behavioral psychology. Also about personality psychology

>> No.18537777

Skinner is actually the only one I know I should read kek
>Also about personality psychology

Where do I start? Or does Skinner talk about it too?

>> No.18537782

stay woke anon

>> No.18537814
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Kant btfo psychology

>> No.18537830

yes yes, Philosopher X btfo psychology. You're not smart and you're only reinforcing a gay ass trope I already acknowledged.

Also, if you read Aristotle then you'd probably see the slight appeal of psychology

>> No.18537836

Discovery of the unconscious by Henri F Ellenberger

>> No.18537843

If you aren't against textbooks or manuals, check out Psychology by David G. Myers

>> No.18537851

thank you frens

>> No.18537863

Also check out these courses by

>> No.18537945

Skip Freud entirely, read Man and his symbols for a summary of Jungs thoughts. It's not very scientific but I found it to be extremely profound.

>> No.18537956

Read Leibniz, the German Idealists, and Schopenhauer. Then you have the bridge to Jungian psychology.

>> No.18537984

Carl Jung

>> No.18538022

>a psychology reading list
Bruce Hood, Daniel Schacter, Daniel Wegner, Daniel Gilbert - Psychology (2018)
Daniel Wegner - The Illusion of Conscious Will (2002)

That should suffice.

>> No.18538029
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>> No.18538084

currently listening to the Yale one and I'm liking it! I'll definetly listen to the entire thing this week

>> No.18538188
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>what I read was Plato, most of Aristotle, Spinoza, the Bible, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel

I can't help but notice you skipped important early philosophers like the Presocratics, Plotinus, Cicero, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas...

Is this perhaps because you are primordially terrified of their massive dongs, anon?

>> No.18538229

this is good advice.

Also check out predictive processing/coding if you want to take a look at things from a more rigorous scientific perspective, this theory fits well with Schopenhauer etc. It's one of the better unifying theories of the brain/mind, well worth checking out.

>> No.18538289
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>Is this perhaps because you are primordially terrified of their massive dongs, anon

You got me

>> No.18539028


>> No.18539664


>> No.18540034

Not OP but related question:
I'm currently reading General Introduction to Psychoanalysis by Freud and I'm really digging it. Where to go next with Freud, or good beginner books about psychoanalysis?

>> No.18540377

Read Adler and Jung after Freud

>> No.18541228
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>Does anyone have a psychology reading list or the most important authors from the different psychological study branches?
Just get an up to date biopsychology and evopscyh textbook, pure psych is garbage and not worth reading. Ideally combing through up to date scientific papers will get you the best knowledge but that requires a bit of autism and background knowledge.
t. wasted a bunch of time with psych during school

I will however strongly recommend pic related, it's very information dense but worth the read.