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18534715 No.18534715 [Reply] [Original]

>is... is that... a Disneyland theme park? I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAAANEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.18534735


I know it's fashionable to dunk on Baudrillard but his "hyperreality" concept is very useful when considering online social media.

>> No.18534762

He was right tho.

>> No.18534779
File: 15 KB, 629x437, derrida1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signs are always only referring to other signs anyway, this is normal, not some catastrophic loss of reality.

>> No.18534807

Fucking bullshit. When does the next Captain America come out? He’s such a badass.

>> No.18534822
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 7AA0850B-6724-4B5F-94A0-7B8F1D8D029C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there is a lot of people who can only talk in metaphors from movies / tv and they seem to think the world of politics runs like tom Clancy novel,

We have shit like miku and vtubers now witch are fucking crazy when you think about them

>> No.18535089
File: 64 KB, 500x378, 99A30F75-7F86-4D92-9E47-68C2448B7981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him and Baudrillard establish plenty of zones of indiscernibility as theorists

>> No.18535097

Reading these guys convinced me that America is the worst nation ever to exist in history, and that if it were totally destroyed, like Atlantis, the world would be better off.

>> No.18535103

He says, posting an anime reaction photo.

>> No.18535112

He doesn't recognize Hatsune Miku on sight

>> No.18535130

Wait til you read Plato.

>> No.18535134
File: 15 KB, 237x360, The_Gutenberg_Galaxy,_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that a.... book? aaaahhahahhghghghghghghg help me cat

>> No.18536226

you idiots do realize his concepts go beyond trash hollywood movies right.
like watergate, gulf war, etc.

>> No.18536281


>> No.18536350

>gulf war
Didn't happen.
You can't prove that it did.

>> No.18536365
File: 29 KB, 690x468, notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Disneyland analogy is a rip-off from PKD on the exact same topic. Check his HOW TO BUILD A UNIVERSE speech.

Dick is referred to in Simulacra.. 4 times, and even his name is stated wrongly in the original French edition. Then, the plot of one of his novels is given as the plot of another of his novels...

Obviously this boomer never read any Dick, although he was VERY popular in France, but read reviews and maybe heard some of it. And then ripped his ideas off.

Also, picrel is the introductory note to an english translation (either by Stanford or some other american uni, cant remember now) of an anthology of his essays.

TL,DR; Baudrillard is not a real philosopher but a simulacrum one. He's a fake.

>> No.18536373


>> No.18536409

I never got the Disneyland example. It's a simulation of a real town. Everyone knows it's fake. So what?

>> No.18536413

hmmm yeah maybe 0,o maybe i do read this book. 4chan is a hyperreality because its definitely not reality, waaay too detached desu XD

>> No.18536419

There is no such thing as Kuwait
t. Iraqi

>> No.18536425

Dick ripped off guy debord and anybody who thinks the hack dick's ideas are anywhere near substantial enough for anybody but a 8th grade book report to rip off is retarded and hasn't read Baudrillard

>> No.18536450

Eh, I always think that application is kind of banal. I think television is a much better demonstration of hyperreality, since it’s the technological innovation of his own time that he would’ve drawn reference from. For example, when asked to do a report on the Afghanistan war, Baudrillard just chilled in a hotel room watching CNN, because for him that WAS the (hyper)reality of the war.

>> No.18536578

>guy debord
>The Society of the Spectacle
This is McLuhan for 8th grade edgy M*rxists.

>> No.18536588

Dick is chronologically earlier than the frog. PKD published his novels and short stories for a decade before this frog came up with the light-McLuhan book.

And that's also probably because Dick was all the rage in France.

>> No.18536589

Guy Debord ripped off Socialisme ou Barbarie

>> No.18536605

>Dickin' France

>> No.18536610
