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File: 50 KB, 450x664, heideggerashobbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18533175 No.18533175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did he wear the goblin hat

>> No.18533319

I can tell that you've never had a hat that you really really like

>> No.18533323

you got me

>> No.18533343

This one was taken in June 1968, on a second visit to Heidegger’s little hut on Todtnauberg. Up in the Black Forest hills the man who considered himself the leading ‘Shepherd of Being’ had, as Hannah Arendt said, ‘retreated into the mouse hole’. He must have felt cosy in there with his Germanic thinking cap on. Silhouetted against the light, it looks like an extension of his head – a reservoir to hold the emanations of his grey matter, thoughts too ecstatic to remain in his skull. A mental condom; or perhaps an air chamber solemnly pumping, as Adorno once put it, the ‘Wurlitzer of the Mind’.

>> No.18533474


>> No.18533604

It made him feel comfortable. It made him feel safe. In the hat, he had control over his own destiny. Without the hat, he was a flopping fish. A fish without a river. With the hat, he was totally, wholly human, his actions, his destination, his journey were all his own.

>> No.18533628
File: 159 KB, 1010x1500, cutiepie heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could dislike this innocent man?

>> No.18533642
File: 268 KB, 638x1024, ADORNO_-Theodor_Universitaetsarchiv-Frankfurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your jargon, it's not Hegelian

>> No.18533654
File: 35 KB, 484x295, hustlemania-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorno used the term 'Wurlitzer of the spirit' not of the 'mind', and it's unapt here since Teddy was referring to a certain standardisation of human expression when technology is used as an intermediary. As such we can only assume a pretensions, undereducated asshole wrote this blurb.

>> No.18533659

In the intellectual battle between Heidegger and Adorno, we get the archetypal battle between the Aryan and the Jew.

>> No.18533690

Kant had a hat like this and it caught fire one day and he had to act quickly to stamp it out.

>> No.18533701


>> No.18533707


>> No.18533742

reptilian anglos and seething tankies

>> No.18533752

It's his thinking cap.

>> No.18533803

Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

>Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

>Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

>Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

>Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard

>Fagdeggar BTFO'd hard by Thomas Bernhard


>> No.18533824

Honestly, that is /fa/ beyond all understanding.

>> No.18533859

>no thinking cap

>> No.18533878
File: 362 KB, 1102x967, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never discover THAT hat that speaks to you

>> No.18534364


>> No.18534373

I mean, it's not a woman. You have time. Just spend a couple days looking around online.

>> No.18534388

Keep telling yourself that...

>> No.18534410

/lit/ only likes this guy and his incoherent ramblings because he was an epic redpilled Nahtzee. When you're scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel I guess he does look quite good.

>> No.18534432

>Respected and intellectually significant philosophers, both his peers and future thinkers, find his work engaging and valuable
>publish countless books and articles on fine grained details of his work, and larger analyses
>anon comes along, can't understand it, decides its incoherent

Truly it must be an easy life to wake up with this kind of arrogance.

>> No.18534459

thats the anglo tradition

>> No.18534461

>appeal to authority
Oh, my mistake, if a hive of oversocialized professional bullshitters declare something a masterpiece I suppose there really must be something to it after all, Being really does do a disappearing act while constituting time outside of time, Nothing truly noths, and so on.

>> No.18534495

Stop talking about what other people think of things you hate and tell us what you actually think of the thing you hate.

>> No.18534503


>> No.18534506

>slurping stale academic semen is based

>> No.18534509

literally no one else dislikes him in such autistic ways

>> No.18534515

bro, ain't gonna reply to >>18534495 ???

>> No.18534518

Plenty of people hate Heidegger, even Germans.

>> No.18534531

Idgi, I already explained my core beef. One of his major central doctrines (self-concealing of Being) is pure nonsense. What more do you want?

>> No.18534536

>What more do you want?
I don't know.

>> No.18534552

>pure nonsense

>> No.18534554
File: 36 KB, 498x476, 51IbM1n836L._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being really does do a disappearing act while constituting time outside of time, Nothing truly noths

This is so cringe inducing I got goodebumps. To see some fatuous retard toss off his wiki take on Heidegger as if we're supposed to be wowed that "oh shit this dude really knows what he's talking about, we done been told and he didn't break a sweat!" (in your mind, that's how you saw it going, that is obvious lol.) To top it off, you were trying to establish your authority by these questionable epithets in a post deriding appeals to authority haha. It's actually comforting to see this type of embarassing, meaningless pretense.

>> No.18534563

>Nonsense is a distorted sense-->
>Phainomenon can be presented as Schein
this sounds awfully lot like a section in SZ

>> No.18534589

>Being being outside of time

>> No.18534627

You really think it's feasible that there was some "primordial disclosure" to Parmenides and select other Greeks that shows that Being is really processual and recedes just as it appears? Parmenides who denied the reality of change? The burden of proof is on the Heideggerian to show that something so simple, immediate, pure, indeterminate and actual as Being can change in itself and play games with us like this.

>> No.18534642
File: 41 KB, 807x380, marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No arguments. You seem flustered anyone dare question your intellectual daddy but can't muster a defense beyond hurling insults ineffectively.
See quote.

>> No.18535588

>he thinks this means being is outside of temporal
Do you even Augustine bro?

>> No.18535600
File: 167 KB, 480x621, Adorno-on-the-Beach-8c88f4e357f739a3988240b995cd431a-8c88f4e357f739a3988240b995cd431a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorno looked like this

>> No.18535621

He looks like a literal tranny about to cut his dick off

>> No.18535723


>> No.18536385

He unconsciously attained to his true clown form.

>> No.18536402

i bet no one here wears lots of hats to see which ones they really like

>> No.18536443

touch grass

>> No.18536496
File: 12 KB, 200x235, Okakura_Tenshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heideggar? Never heard of him.
>Ito Kichinosuke, one of my teachers at university, studied in Germany in 1918 immediately after the First World War and hired Heidegger as a private tutor. Before moving back to Japan at the end of his studies, Professor Ito handed Heidegger a copy of Das Buch vom Tee, the German translation of Okakura Kakuzo’s The Book of Tea, as a token of his appreciation. That was in 1919. Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) was published in 1927 and made Heidegger famous. Mr. Ito was surprised and indignant that Heidegger used Zhuangzi’s concept without giving him credit. Years later in 1945, Professor Ito reminisced with me and, speaking in his Shonai dialect, said, ‘Heidegger did a lot for me, but I should’ve laid into him for stealing’. There are other indications that Heidegger was inspired by Eastern writings, but let’s leave this topic here. I have heard many stories of this kind from Professor Ito and checked their veracity. I recounted this story at a reception held after a series of lectures I gave in 1968 at the University of Heidelberg at the invitation of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Japanese exchange students attended these lectures, and I explained that there were many other elements of classical Eastern thought in Heidegger’s philosophy and gave some examples. I must have said too much and may even have said that Heidegger was a plagiarist (Plagiator). Gadamer was Heidegger’s favorite student, and we ended up not speaking to each other for 4 or 5 years because he was so angry with me’ (Imamichi 2004, pp. 123–124).

>> No.18536529


>> No.18536865

>you never had a hat that you really really like
has such a melodic ring to it

>> No.18536924

>and I explained that there were many other elements of classical Eastern thought in Heidegger’s philosophy and gave some examples. I mu
chinks (and crypto chinks) are the most insufferable """""""""philosophers""""""" of all.
They write cryptic 7 line "poems" with muh epic puns and then say this explains everything.
The chinks we have running around our universities today opposed to the nips from back then are still the same; "trying to bridge the gap from western back to eastern philosophy". They are all neurotic small minded faggots who could be handed any book and pretend it is the greatest or are so pedantic that they struggle to do anything other than repeat what Hegel & Co. wrote in their books in a more mundane manner.

And I say this as somehow who loves ZhuangZi.

>> No.18536930

heidegger was a hack and a social climber within academia...awful taste in women and a known cuckold too

heidegger directly inspired derrida and was happy because of it

>> No.18536934

Just this night I was thinking about how impersonal verbs are used to encapsulate notions of being and time - and of meteorological events. How often the mystery of rain, of the clouds, of the storms offers us a glimpse of Being?
It is also interesting how the sky is the quintessential time keeper. The movement of the sun, the phases of the moon, the passing of the seasons... How constellations help us understand our time and place on earth. It is also interesting how much the observation of these events is linked to agriculture.
I have never read Heidegger really, just some second-hand expositions of his central concepts, but I need to give him a try.

>> No.18536972

>cringe Western philosopher:
Writes a 400+ page book where he invents multiple words and only explains them in self-reference to other words he made up in order to create a convoluted mess of self-referentiality which is impossible to understand, all in order to explain a concept he stole from a Japanese poet.

>based Eastern sage:
Writes a short essay about tea, a couple lines of poetry, and a fart joke. A decade later an irreverent pun he scrawled on the wall of a whore-house bathroom is "discovered" by a cringe Western philosopher who then bases his whole career off plagiarizing the idea.

>> No.18537121

>>cringe Western philosopher

cringe GERMAN philosophy...these "people" are all like this

french post-modernism wouldn't exist without heidegger

>> No.18537195

Unlike Anglo philosophers who will spend dozens of pages on a "rigorous" logical analysis only to come up with a conclusion like: "As demonstrated, there is no necessary causal mechanism between mental event M in which I decide to kick you in the ass and physical event P1 in which my foot hits your ass, as the variable A representing the ass occupies a fuzzy semantic space and in all worlds where this world is that world Mx=/=Px, therefore feet are real, asses aren't, and causation is metaphysically untenable."

Truly, the power of the eternal Anglo is blinding.

>> No.18537226

analytic phil was literally invented by thatcher and reagan...doesn't make all of german philosophy suddenly worthwhile and not incredibly destructive to individuals and civilization

>> No.18537230

sorry I’m not a baldfag like u

>> No.18537237

Incel eyes

>> No.18537239

>heidegger directly inspired derrida and was happy because of it
We actually don't know what his thoughts on Derrida were. He just waved his hand and we don't know if this was an "I agree" or a "go away".

>> No.18537243

>analytic phil was literally invented by thatcher and reagan

Please elaborate, I have got to hear this one

>> No.18537257

>We actually don't know what his thoughts on Derrida were. He just waved his hand and we don't know if this was an "I agree" or a "go away".

Moron. He read Derrida and really liked him and invited him to come to his cabin but Derrida bailed at the last second.

>> No.18538687

You're wrong, I'm right.

>> No.18538741

I just realized that I have been searching for it all my life
Perhaps we already crossed paths by I was blind and we may never meet again

>> No.18538759

He looks like a mischievous owl there

>> No.18538771

>tfw lucky hat is gone, and never coming back
it really hurts guys

>> No.18538785

I just were whatever baseball hat I find in my house.