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/lit/ - Literature

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18531505 No.18531505 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate /ourgirl/ so much?

she doesn't write badly

>> No.18531630

I am a sucker for catalysts towards wider reading. I respect her for that. And, yes, she doesn't write badly. She penned a world that will entertain for generations, given our species' years are not as numbered as hysteria suggests.

>> No.18531659

>she doesn't write badly
Except she does write badly

>> No.18531676


>> No.18531677

>catalysts towards wider reading.
How does that quote go? "Harry Potter doesn't teach children to read, it teaches children to read Harry Potter"?

>> No.18531680

I want to fuck her so much lads

>> No.18531688

she uses freemasonic crap

>> No.18531695

I actually haven't read harry potter or watched the movies yet

>> No.18531702

first few movies are comfy

>> No.18531718

No, only the third one is good (because it had a good director instead of a literally who).

>> No.18531729

I just deflect the topic during conversation with knowledge I gathered through social osmosis

>> No.18531734

Literally See Spot Run with padding.

>> No.18531737

>Yes I love time travel hehe, wibbly wobbly timey wimey like Doctor Who, yes! Like with science and interstellar yay time travel!

Chamber of Secrets is the only good HaPo film.

>> No.18531740

Too transphobic

>> No.18531751


>> No.18531754

first two are aesthetic as fuck

>> No.18531755

I like her. I think she wrote the modern equivalent of Robinson Crusoe, perfectly manifesting the mindset of the anglo world in the current era. For her sake I wish she could write more successful and well known stuff besides Harry Potter. It would be sort of sad if Harry Potter was all she was ever known for.

>> No.18531758

When they are on fire.

>> No.18531760

>/lit/ arguing about childrens' films

>> No.18531761

you arent a 90s kid stfu

>> No.18531762

yes autist
say what you want to say instead of using meme arrows you spineless imbecile

>> No.18531765

Don't get too erect over Buckbeak's sweaty flanks, mate.

>> No.18531769

Nope. Nope. It makes Stephen King seem like Pynchon.

>> No.18531772 [DELETED] 
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I wonder how her P tastes like..

>> No.18531773

P is for Pussy, right?
right, anon?

>> No.18531774
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I wonder how her V tastes like

>> No.18531779
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I'm trans so I dislike her in that sense but I do love her Harry Potter books
I was the type to wish and dream about getting a letter from hogwarts or realising that I could use magic and read and re-read the series endlessly
Recent news about her is upsetting but I still love her books and I wish /lit/ would stop being so stuck up and pretentious and recognise their good qualities

>> No.18531854
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it´s just so tiring OP.

>in group
do everything to defend them,suck them off forever, submit, deflect
>out group
cancel them, attack them in any form, make long winded arguments to make a cheap copy of real thought
how does it honestly feel to be you ?
I mean we can basically know how you react to any piece of media, to any politician, to any author, to ANY human, by checking if they belong into your mentally constructed groups or not.

At this point after years of 4-chan, everyone besides you can pretty much simulate your entire being in their mind and it´s not even hard.
Maybe your just a few dozen dedicated people who were groomed in the 2016 election to being redpilled, maybe you´re some mentally ill boomers... we dont know.

For all we know, you´re just a script who checks in-group/out-group ->{"reaction!";}, while calling everyone disagreeing an NPC.

>> No.18531863
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I don’t hate her but she’s a bad writer and the effect she’s had on the state of people reading is terrible. She wasn’t acting maliciously though just trying to tell a story to captivate children, even if it’s not a great story and it’s more than a little trite (plus the setting is wildly inconsistent and nonsensical). That said she’s a qt and looks like a thicker version of the cougar who took my virginity so maybe that’s the reason why I don’t hate her

>> No.18531869

Get over yourself and let the woman have an opinion. Pretty much the whole Entertainment Industy thinks I'm guilty of what my ancestors have done and therefor cancer but I still read and watch their garbage.

>> No.18531878

Yeah I bet she'd be gutted about it

>> No.18531885

Yes a woman is allowed to have an opinion but a woman in her position, with her wealth, influence and power scares me
Also as someone who isnt a minority i dont think youd understand what its like to really enjoy someones work only to find out they did something totally against your existence, I try to continue to love authors who turn out to be racist but its hard sometimes

>> No.18531886

most of you probably read them first as kids but i'm old enough to have been an adult when they first starting getting popular and it was so fucking bemusing to see this incredibly average kid's book suddenly become a global phenomenon and suddenly adults are reading kids books in public (and not actually ones with literary merit) and it's on talk shows and starts to pervade popular culture in every way and it was just the most obvious annoying dumbing down of the world i've witnessed in real time.

>> No.18531923

>a woman in her position, with her wealth, influence and power scares me
She wrote children’s books and writes detective stories, she’s wealthy but has markedly less influence than schizos think she does.
>Also as someone who isnt a minority i dont think youd understand what its like to really enjoy someones work only to find out they did something totally against your existence,
You make it sound like she opened a trans death camp, rather than just stating her views on the separation of gender and sex which only a delusional freak would disagree with.
>I try to continue to love authors who turn out to be racist but its hard sometimes
Enjoying the work of authors who strongly disagree with your political views is only hard for someone who stopped maturing at 14.

>> No.18532030

Probably pushed then, I did used to wonder why it seemed to be everywhere growing up.
I found out her whole Elder wands nonense symbol was connected to freemasonry so maybe there's something to it.

>> No.18532048

Which is the Harry Potter film where the chinky bird snogs are Harry?

>> No.18532077

jus a working class mum
simple as

>> No.18532135

Only trannies hate her because she exposed gender identity extremism.

>> No.18532154


You sound exceptionally weak

>> No.18532157

>she doesn't write badly
She failed to portray the social dynamics of a secluded society, reducing all the wizard problems to "well, there're jerks who call others mudbloods".

Imagine, for a second, an aristocratic/"pureblood" society of wizards.
Via magic you can easily self-support and supply yourself with food and other things. Hence, as a wizard you are not being forced to work to survive. Hence, you value things for what they *are*, not for their market exchange value. That means, pursuing virtue, the right conduct of proper behavior, and shit.
Suddenly, some fucktards from muggle society arrive en masse, and enforce their customs upon you. Bureaucracy, taxes, endorsing goblin bankers with usury, having to cluster together to avoid muggle detection, having to work and overproduce to sell. *These* should have been the key problems for an average Voldemort's follower. *Sane* reasons. The screeching about "mudbloods" would have been just a "rule-of-thumb" correlation.

Instead, what we got is "Well, they are evuuul, mkay?". The books are shit.

>> No.18532186

She looks sympathetic.

>> No.18532334

>she exposed gender identity
Gender is a social construct. When you deconstruct rigid gender roles, you are saying "Men can do unmanly things, while still being men. Women needn't remain in the kitchen."
Sex is biological. When you try to deconstruct sex (like trannies do), you are saying "If you don't act like a man, you are a woman". You are imposing rigid gender roles.

>> No.18532577

That is the worst film out of all, even though it has the best director. The editing was all fucked up and that was always the worst book of the series anyway. The 2nd, 4th, and last 2 are the best.

>> No.18532635

based as fuck tbqhwyf

>> No.18532653

Horrid taste

>> No.18532798

>When you deconstruct rigid gender roles, you are saying "Men can do unmanly things, while still being men. Women needn't remain in the kitchen."
What does that kind of statement even mean to an essentialist? "Men can do unmanly things while still having a Y chromosome?" That doesn't possess much content. No one fears losing a chromosome. People fear losing their social status. What that statement really means is that "Men should be able to do unmanly things while not losing their social validity as men." This is a normative request to widen gender definitions, not to do away with them in favor of biological categories. You're still playing into the patriarchal anxiety over losing one's manhood. Trans advocates simply say that such an approach does not go far enough. Why should men have to be men in the first place, and why should women have to be women?

>> No.18532839

Books gave me good feelings and had me thinking about them a lot during reading and for months after. And that's fine. I got what I was looking for out of them.
She made (many) mistakes. One of her unique quirks was to completely forget the mcguffins and unique principles established in the prior books because of the inconvenience they provide to her new darling ideas. Maybe she never learned to kill her darlings, or maybe she doesn't care enough about details to bother with the slight plot inconvenience of consistency.

>> No.18532866
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The only reply that needed to be made

>> No.18533021

>Trans advocates simply say that
That if a boy is playing with dolls, he's a girl now.

>normative request to widen gender definitions
No, it's a request to essentialize gender. No one advocates gender reassignment surgery in order to act in a gender neutral fashion. No, it's all about cute dresses. The stereotypical concepts of Feminity and Masculinity are imposed.

>"Men can do unmanly things while still having a Y chromosome?"
When women dress and act like men, they are tomboys. They don't need no testosterone hormones and FtM transitioning. You are not widening anything, you are eliminating actual diversity, because it doesn't conform to your vision of how it ought to be.

>Why should men have to be men in the first place, and why should women have to be women?
Why shouldn't they? If social constructs are mere constructs, then your attempt to change the default option, is an attempt to impose your will. "Obey *my* vision of how one ought to do!". A delusional power grab, basically.
If not, then you are just essentializing rigid gender roles.

>> No.18533045

Every tranny I've met has had intensely unstable emotions and has problems with mental illness. I don't think this is exclusive to being transgender. In fact, I think being mentally ill and unhappy and addicted to porn or sex in teens / abused as a child / feminized before boners could happen is the cause of transgenderism. I don't think hormonal differences cause it. Historical accounts don't discourage my findings, but I don't care enough to research. I just stay away from them because I find my life is of much higher quality without transgender people in it.

>> No.18533154

>Why shouldn't they?
Because there are people who don't want to. You're obviously arguing in bad faith.

>> No.18533213
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>people who don't want to

Consent can be manufactured. Wants can be imposed.

>> No.18533230

>le bad faith
Whoever taught this phrase to the Frail Retard Brigade of the internet has so much to answer for

>> No.18533242

Shut the fuck up kike hahahaha

>> No.18533250

Well I'm glad you're generous enough and deigned women to be so graciously given your albeit timid approval to posses at least one (1) opinion, great lord.

>> No.18533265

ywnbaw. In addition: Go back.