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18528902 No.18528902 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 24 in a month. Recommend me something to read before my 24th birthday.

>> No.18528906


>> No.18528908

The Great Gatsby (classic) or
Year Zero (comical)

>> No.18528909

Read the “poem of the day” from the Poetry Foundation website every morning from now on. Sometimes it will be poz shit or BLM nonsense, but at least you will read several authors and broaden your horizons.

>> No.18528937


>> No.18528942

my first language is not english so reading english poems for me is a bit challenging.

>> No.18528976

All the more reason to read more English.

If you happen to be French, I recommend http://www.unjourunpoeme.fr/

>> No.18528993
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nah, I'm russian

>> No.18529037
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>> No.18529110
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Thinking Being: Introduction to Metaphysics in the Classical Tradition.

Assuming that you have read Plato of course.

>> No.18529220

>Assuming that you have read Plato of course.

I have read the Republic and a couple of dialogues. Would that count?

>> No.18530556

KJV (memorise it entirely)

>> No.18530732

Are you feeling like you're aging too fast? Not trolling, it just matters for the response. I felt like that at 24, and then the process of

finishing undergrad -> law school -> bar exam -> opening country practice -> getting married and having kids -> buying farm and building house

really slowed things down by the time 30 (almost 31) rolled around. I read books that made me think of the future/what would really make me happy. Poetic Diction by Barfield to start with.

>> No.18530743

The Tartar Steppe

>> No.18530781

Why do I feel like getting a rather stable life like yours should only speed up the feeling of time passing by/ageing? I am 22 now. Finished my undergrad last year, studying for masters. But in fact, I've been living mostly a NEET lifestyle for the last two years (even before pandemic) as many university classes are either very easy or can even be bribed. I've been studying on my own a lot as I possibly want to pursue another degree (in Mathematics) in the near future, and my life has been very mundane and monotonous, with very little interpersonal communication. I, thus, fueled by my meticulous studying habits, cannot differentiate between days, seasons, and everything feels the same. I feel like my time flies very fast and it makes me almost panic. Do you have more recommendations that deal with perception of time?

>> No.18530813

Have you tried growing plants?

>> No.18530835

New experiences, struggles, and planning/anticipation slow the perception of time passing. Rigorous physical exercise, martial training (any and all violent skills, not just kicking people), challenging relationships both platonic and romantic, and anything that makes you feel out of your depth will slow the passage of time to a crawl. Being in great cardio vascular shape drastically slows your perception of time as well. Pick a favorite song and listen to it every run. After a month it's going to sound like it's playing slower. Weird as hell.

Challenge yourself mentally and physically each day OUTSIDE of your usual routine. Treat your computer like a telephone and a library archive terminal, don't hang out on it all day. Print the reading material out or put it on an e-reader and go read it in the park instead of your room. Ask people doing interesting things that you see what they're doing and if you can join them. That cold shower/bungee jump feeling of "ooooohhh shit I can't do this..." and pushing through it is when you grow as a sentient being. Increase your agency.

>> No.18530885

Anon, I'm turning 24 soon as well. What particularly are you looking for? I've read Maxim Gorky's Maть in Russian and I would sincerely recommend him (besides Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Chekhov or Tolstoy). If you are looking for a novel, I sincerely enjoyed the novel Stoner by John Williams more than any other. If you are looking for philosophy, rereading Plato is an option. You can definitely live your life only from reading Plato, but even myself, being 24, I think that I need more time to get into him. Bur for the momet, feel free to read some Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche (yes, really), Heidegger or, if you live in total despair, Michelstaedter or Weniger. Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents is also a great work worth reading.

Finally, because you've read Plato, I would recommed you reading the Greeks. Yes, poetry is hard to digest, even if its a national epic. However, E.V.Rieu's sublime translation of both the Iliad and the Odyssey are very accessible for non-natives. To add to this, you can also try the Greek Tragedies - you can definitely start with the Three Theban Plays (Antigone, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colon), translated by Lattimore.

PS: Гдe ты ceйчac живёшь?

>> No.18530943

she bought?

>> No.18530961
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Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham

It's all about a young man's struggle to find his way in the world. If you're turning 24 you're probably able to appreciate it

>> No.18530965

>Pick a favorite song and listen to it every run. After a month it's going to sound like it's playing slower. Weird as hell.
Holy shit I thought I was the only one.

>> No.18530974

I am 25 and feel very old already. So old that I wrote a novel because I couldn't stand being 25 and not yet having truly written anything, other than short poems and essays.

>> No.18531043

based post

>> No.18531663

Живy в Mocквe, бpaтишкa, cпacибo зa paзвepнyтый пocт!

No, I feel pretty young tbqh. I feel like I'm 20 yo with the confidence of a 27 yo (whatever the hell that would mean)

>> No.18531725

every time

>> No.18531731

You aren't old.

>> No.18531732

Read all of them. And then read the Quran and you’ll see how Islam turns Platonic metaphysics into dust with a divine dialectic.

>> No.18531746
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>I am 25 and feel very old already

>> No.18532431

Hmmm seems kind of gay and retarded. Consider not doing this, OP.

>> No.18532443

Nah, I' m good.

>> No.18533480

I had small dreams, which helps--small farm, small law office where I work 9-3, little to no stress. I used to get panicky thinking about suburban lifestyle forever, working 40 hours per week, etc., which I think is close to what you're describing as accelerating that feeling as you get older. I sort of tailored what I wanted to avoid that by picking an area where I could live outside the suburban sprawl while still having access to the city, picking a career where I can play farmer without any financial consequences.

But if your dreams are big, like writing a bestseller while young or being partner at a V5 firm, the time constraints and capacity dwindle with every passing year. I can definitely see how that feeling could become crushing over time. Not saying to alter your dreams entirely, just tailor them to remove those constraints.

>> No.18534408

Tы дo этoгo чeгo-тo читaл хoть?

>> No.18534580

Turgenev - First Love

Thank me later, Vlad!

>> No.18534939

the bible

>> No.18534960

Unironically helped me more than anything else in my life, although still working on the "entirely" part.

>> No.18534995

Read TS Eliot, love letter and wasteland.



>> No.18535300

Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins

>> No.18535502
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>tfw turning 24 in 3 days
See ya next month OP.

>> No.18535531

This, nothing else is needed nor beneficial.