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18526313 No.18526313 [Reply] [Original]

I haven’t read pic related but it’s highly recommended by normies. Which history book is the least biased (from both sides)?

>> No.18526394

This is extremely biased. He legit implies that the germans should be wiped out to prevent future wars. It's okay, at the start, but he really starts losing the thread after the war starts. Also, a journalist, not a historian. I'm also looking for a better book on this exact time period though (weimar - 1945)

>> No.18526403

You are literally never going to find an "unbiased" history of Nazi Germany. If you want multiple viewpoints then read multiple histories written by authors with different political ideologies.

>> No.18526427

It is next to impossible to find an unbiased documentation of the time period. You need to read multiple pieces from both sides in order to formulate an informed opinion.
>t. NatSoc who hates historic revisionism both ways

>> No.18526438

Side A:
>thing happened and it was horrific, people's guts were pulled through their mouth by hitler himself, 6 million per day
Side B:
>nothing happened, the racial and genetic enemy of the state were sent to 5 star hotels
Not OP, but reading propaganda from multiple sides is useless.

>> No.18526440

I'm actually 100 pages into this myself and the level of editorializing is obnoxious, it's very evident that the guy is a shitty journalist and not a historian. It's not good.

>> No.18526445

I think everyone understands that but there are certainly less biased books than Shirer's, guy is a clear asshole. Anyone got a good recommendation on a more sympathetic book, if not unbiased?

>> No.18526448
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It's a royal pain in the ass, really.
Because of a funny thing called nuance you often find yourself at odds with both sides.

>> No.18527048


I’m not looking for an unbiased look at the period. I was hoping for recommendations that aren't outright propaganda

>> No.18527144


The problem with "both-sides-ism" is that by making it a "both sides" issue you make up stuff to fill and/or ignore stuff to subtract by put the dividing line in the middle and trying to make it equal. Then you ignore the possibility that there are more than two sides.

The dividing line is never in the middle and WW2 was not complex at all. A bunch of idiots had the reactionary idea that they could rule by force and found out they could not. Force doesn’t produce anything; it only takes. WW2 destroyed Europe. There is no bias in what is obvious.

No sympathy is warranted, and a “more sympathetic view” itself would be a bias that obscured or changed facts, hence the denialism of those who doubt the holocaust.

>> No.18527188


The fantasy of what you wanted to happen is not history.

>> No.18527202

Now tell Shirer that.

>> No.18527205

> dont question state propaganda, any dissent is 'denialism'

>> No.18527225

Obvious strawman. The "state" did not write that book, nor does the "state" in the USA ban any book. Just because the market bans your nazi propaganda doesn't mean that it is banned.
As I recall, it was the nazi that banned and burned books.

>> No.18527258
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>The dividing line is never in the middle and WW2 was not complex at all. A bunch of idiots had the reactionary idea that they could rule by force and found out they could not
You are the biggest Pseudo-Intellectual I've had the displeasure of meeting today.
For touting quote "making it a "both sides" issue you make up stuff to fill and/or ignore stuff to subtract by put the dividing line in the middle and trying to make it equal" and then saying that within the same post is perhaps the single most ignorant thing I've seen come out of 4chan.
Leave and never return. Or better yet kill yourself. I don't want you to shit up the gene-pool any further.

>> No.18527467

Your argument is empty. Politics follow culture. If the culture bans something, it is in practice no different that legal banning.

>> No.18527476

I dont think it exists anon sorry. You have to read from multiple angles to understand the history. Unfortunately, modern academia is not only dishonest but completely anti-intellectual so you're not going to find any honest evaluation of history for a few more decades. I think in ~200 years once the generations of morons we have now are long dead someone will put together the full story. Until then you're just going to get bombarded by half-truths and outright deceptions at every turn.

>> No.18527748

not that anon, but clearly that isn't accurate. you and I and other canons have had exposure to natsoc and other 'banned' alternative politics and have been able to learn about them and judge them for ourselves. In an actual authoritarian state, the vast majority of people do not have the same access. China, for instance. People there have all been lead to believe that the great leap forward was just a three year period of natural disasters.

>> No.18527832

Are there any good ones in English written by people with the correct ideology?

>> No.18527935

>rule by force
>rule by force but we dress it up in abstractions like "freedom" and "the will of the people"

>> No.18528024

The allied occupiers burner even more, but I guess that's outside the baby-brained high school narrative

>> No.18528270

It might be considered a bit too biased towards National Socialism, but the most objective attempt I have seen is Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor.

>> No.18528296

The European theater of WW2 was basically Hitler v Stalin

US should have sat on the sidelines and focused on burning Japan to glowing ashes

>> No.18528352


>> No.18528357

How dare you post rational wiki here
That's like shitting on the dinner table

>> No.18528536

>A bunch of idiots had the reactionary idea that they could rule by force and found out they could not.
All you had to do was write this sentence. Now we know you have a brainlets view of World War II.

>> No.18528559

If you're reading history with ideology then you aren't reading history. But if you mean a book that is written from the view point of someone not trying to INSTAGIB this period of history then I would point towards Richard Tebor's, "Hitlers Revolution".

>> No.18529020

It may not be unbiased but Shirer literally lived through the events and spoke to some important people.

>> No.18529040

okay jew

>> No.18529054

You should be reading history to inform your ideology though

>> No.18529060
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Pic related is great and unbiased

>> No.18529129

does anyone really trust that a book about Nazis endorsed by a jewish paper like the NYT is unbiased?

>> No.18529199

You should have called it the "Jew York Times," that would have really hammered your point home.

>> No.18529364

Unironically came in to post this.
For how mainstream this book is, I was shocked at how unpozzed it was. Probably because it was published in 1970.

>> No.18529408

it's pretty biased while appearing neutral, and the journalist might even fabricate certain scenes to make fun of the nazis. But there is also a ton of journalistic details on the main events.

>> No.18529493

Read richard j evans.

>> No.18529500

This. Ignore the seething /pol/fags and the conspiracy theories (which is something you have to believe in if you doubt the Holocaust).

>> No.18529526
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>conspiracy theories
>agreeing with the pseud

>> No.18529555

Your not wring anon but don’t link rational wiki.

>> No.18529564

Your arguing that something is biased while using your own biases. It’s a fact that the Holocaust happened.

>> No.18529571
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>> No.18529578

You literally can’t be a Holocaust denier unless you think there is a conspiracy to fabricate evidence.

>> No.18529582

Nice gish gallop faggot. Pick one off the list to discuss.

>> No.18529597
File: 11 KB, 279x181, camps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I do. And it's quite simple: Soviet meddling. Picrel.
Where are the cremulation machines?

>> No.18529615

I got the audiobook narrated by Will Durant.Wouldnt read a book CLEARLY written by a journalist, "pulpy" and sensationalist which makes it oddly good and bad at the same time.

>> No.18529707
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They blew up the ones the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematoria but the remains remain and are in a museum. Pic is a former crematorium.

>> No.18529725

Ah ah.
I asked for the Cremulation machines.

>> No.18530201
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Sorry google corrected to cremation. From what I've been able to gather I think the bone crushing machines are at The National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

>> No.18530243
File: 453 KB, 1804x2160, holocaust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright that's one.
What about rest of them? In order to fulfill the required amounts of cremation that supposedly happened you would need dozens of Cremulation machines. Where did they end up? Where they included on the original plans for the camps?
And on the topic of cremation, how is it that modern crematoriums were having difficulties in keeping up with the Covid pandemic, and yet the ones from the 40's had no problem in burning 6,000,000 bodies in under 5 years?

>> No.18530272

David Irving is the only unbiased historian (he agrees with my (correct) opinions)

>> No.18530958
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy book
>Put book in bookshelf
>Now there's a giant swastika in my bookshelf
great fucking job, Shirer

>> No.18530964

>A bunch of idiots had the reactionary idea that they could rule by force and found out they could not
wow, sounds a lot like 21st century!

>> No.18531036

You may want to judge how biased a book is based on whether or not it advocates for racial extermination as a preventative means. The author of that book is a zionist by the way

>> No.18531892

I haven't finished it but the more I read the more I sympathize with Hitler. He really did want to fix the country. I'm convinced the only reason he is so harshly vilified is because he lost. He is not even close to being the most evil man in history which immediately makes me suspicious of everything else I read now. Stalin was far worse yet I see as much outrage of the atrocities he committed.

>> No.18531920

It's a litmus test to guage how faggy your guests are

>"I like WWII history, is this any good?"
>"if you like that book you should read x"
Based guests

>"haha are you like a nazi or something hahaha"
>"that's scary to put something like that in plain view!"
People who need to leave

>> No.18531954

I put it next to my copy of Mein Kampf, which is much less noticeable.

>> No.18531961

I don’t think there are any because people are incapable of recording the history of Nazi Germany without making sure everyone knows that Nazis were bad. It’s kind of sad that a major historical period gets warped bin such a way. It was bad enough without the need to say “Da nazis were gay teehee”

>> No.18531972

It's interesting to read about Germany before WW2.
Finnish author Olavi Paavolainen visited Germany as an author before the start of the war and wrote his observations. Book is called Guest In The Third Reich. Highly recommended.