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18524091 No.18524091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys help me out? I'm having an existential and identity crisis here. I want to move gracefully like a girl. Talk and sound like a girl. Be delicate, fragile. and precious. IN SHORT, BE GIRLY OR FEMININE!!!! Any recommendation related to my request is much appreciated!!!

>> No.18524093

What? Get dancing classes or something.

>> No.18524107

There are still COVID-19 restrictions here. HMM something like ballet or zumba?

>> No.18524141

Uh, are you a tranny?

>> No.18524145

Yes, forgot to mention it

>> No.18524146


If you rope you become a girl

>> No.18524149

Have you looked into voice training?
I'm trans so I like having a passing voice but I'm not really into being delicate, girly, feminine or whatever cause I'm naturally just masculine so I wouldn't know how to help you sorry :(

>> No.18524150

Youtube, anon. WTF? I started doing yoga using youtube, never stepped into a yoga class in my life.

>> No.18524154
File: 37 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine wanting to be a woman lmao

>> No.18524156

And if you are that self-conscious if you are doing a good job, you can always film your practices, send them to some fb group and get some feedback.

>> No.18524159

At least in my case it's because I have a mental illness so I can't really explain it

>> No.18524199

N-no... Just a person trying to be a pretty girl...

Already tried this because I can't be a girl. Are you making fun of me?

Not yet but will look it up. I'm trying to imitate the voices of anime girls. Have you tried HRT? Also thanks for the rec!

You're right! That makes sense...

>fb group
I don't have social media


>> No.18524207

I'm 4 years HRT so yeah, I have
Her technique is very good even though I don't really like her voice all that much
There's a book on this subject out there but it's nowhere near as good

>> No.18524208

Being a woman is about birthing children. Not behaving like a fag. Get a husband and pump out kids.

>> No.18524219
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>> No.18524242

Thank you for this!!!

Incel, shoo shoo

Huh? I thought you're one of us?

>> No.18524246

This is not the real butterfly. The real one left a long time ago. This is just someone impersonating her.

>> No.18524252

I am actually the same woman from before.
See now, I can plainly see you’re a troll

>> No.18524271

Butterfly has always been a TERF, any trans thing you saw is just a standard shitpost

>> No.18524272

How am I troll? Other anons always claim you're like us. I apologize...

Havent seem butterfly post for months

>> No.18524273
File: 420 KB, 1576x620, Exw_DIwW8AIVw1X (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you are trying to become is an inauthentic, sentimental, histrionic, and affected person. But you already are those things just in virtue of thinking that the way you behave can make you 'a real woman'. The rest (the pole-dancing, twerking, whatever) is just set-dressing.

Of course, many women are inauthentic, sentimental, histrionic, and affected. Especially women on the internet. But many other women are not. Being a real woman is not the same thing as being these things.

From Germaine Greer's 'The Female Eunuch':
"What happens to the Jewish boy who never manages to escape the tyranny of his mother is exactly what happens to every girl whose upbringing is ‘normal’.

She is a female faggot. Like the male faggots she lives her life in a pet about guest lists and sauce béarnaise, except when she is exercising by divine maternal right the same process that destroyed her lusts and desires upon the lusts and desires of her children.
Little boys can get out of their mother’s way,
eventually want to and are encouraged to. Little girls are not. It is agreed that ‘girls take more bringing up’ than boys: what that really means is that girls must be more relentlessly supervised and repressed if the desired result is to ensue."

Many women think the way Greer does and I do, but they just don't tell anyone (what good could it do, they ask themselves.) And if you go about acting faggoty and calling yourself women, they will be nice to you, but they will be mentally off-put. They will not want to spend time with you, because you show them the things they dislike about other women and about themselves and have the gall to call it good and to say that this is essential to being a woman.

Take hormones, wear a dress, change your name, if you need to. These things can be compatible with dignity and honour. But not fucking 'being girly' as a grown ass male.

I'm a grown woman and I seriously hope someone would have the courage to knock some sense and dignity into me if I started wanting to be 'girly'.

Take back your dignity, human up, and get the hell away from your mother.

>> No.18524282
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Have children, spinsters.

>> No.18524283

You will never be a woman. Why run from reality? Your parents should have taught you this from a young age. No form of escapism is strong enough to avoid confronting nature.

>> No.18524285
File: 610 KB, 800x1203, CD41A716-1A90-4FE3-84D6-A379E072EA05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay toots.
Just be yourself.

...there should be a great drag-queen pushback on this whole crazed “trans” thing. I see stickers with RuPaul with the words “Just be yourself”

>> No.18524306

“Being a real woman” actually means “fulfilling the many typical expectations of people around you”. You don't get any identity doing that.

Watch Kare Kano.

>> No.18524307

It seems that OP just wants to be graceful. Not all girls are graceful, but like the one who are. What is wrong with that? I got into yoga because I thought I'm a 'stiff' person and started it to be more flexible. It is more about self-image and priorities than anything else.

>> No.18524311

God i read that manga years ago and i barely remember any of the plot lol

>> No.18524312

>Being graceful
No, there is nothing undignified or dishonourable about being graceful, or about things like dancing and singing, or yoga.

But OP said 'be delicate, fragile'.

>> No.18524342



>> No.18524347



>> No.18524352

Why do you have to be like this anon?

>> No.18524356


>> No.18524358



>> No.18524359

based self reflection, i hope you can be happy one day

>> No.18524361



>> No.18524362

Butterfly, you will never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18524365



>> No.18524366



>> No.18524375

Do you have a discord? I can treat you like a real woman.

>> No.18524381

Hmm, it's not self reflection
If I used self reflection I'd think I had a woman's soul or that I was a woman trapped in a man's body or something cause that's what it feels like
I only know that it's mental illness because I've read the science and I trust the science

>> No.18524390
File: 373 KB, 1200x1200, 1622055550937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thou shalt nev'r beest a true maiden. Hast thou neither womb nor ovary, nor eggs. Art thou a catamite fiend twist'd by foul perversion of chigureon's art to crude fleer'ry of God's p'rfection.

Allsuch validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer. Art thy good father and kind mother in troth disguste'd and in shame of thee. Thy friends doth make sport of thy hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.

By thee art all of Adam's sons utt'rly repuls'd. Our God didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous efficiency. If by trickery, thou pas't 'pon occasion, all gentle folk would 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Creator's arrangement, thy very bones doth betray thee. And 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion to thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as smelt thy diseas'd, fest'ring wound thou cherish in mockery of true woman.

Joy shall likewise escape thee. 'Pon waking, thou paint 'pon thy face insincere frippery, but inside thy heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee und'r the unbearable weight.

'Twill in the end be too much to bear - willst thou procure firm rope, mock the hangman's noble art, and plunge into the bitter abyss of death, to spend thy days better cavorting with thy devilish masters. Thy parent shall occasion upon thy empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou bringst them has, anon, abated. Thy headstone shall reflect thy given name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man. As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thy unholy corpse, thy bones will betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it.

>> No.18524392

butterfly is either a self hating tranny or pretending to be terf so people don't think she's a tranny. anyways OP you have a weird understanding of femininity, sounds like you're another anime girl fetishist. first of all ask yourself if you want to be a "fragile delicate cute anime girl" or a woman. also hang out with real girls more often to see how they act like in real life.

>> No.18524397



>> No.18524398

geth helpth

>> No.18524406

'twix thy seed shalt thou ne'er feed

>> No.18524411

it doesn't matter what it is and what it isnt, at the end of the day its your personal well-being that should matter

>> No.18524414

Damn, are you the nice anon again?

>> No.18524417


>> No.18524466

I think the idea that you must be either mentally ill or actually be a woman is a false dichotomy.

I think neither of these frameworks adequately describe what you are.

Maybe in the future people will understand what is going on better.

Good luck OP

>> No.18524475

I didn't try to present it as a dichotomy or in the way that you're saying I did
My own personal experiences and feelings are obviously not trustworthy or scientific so there is no question of me 'actually being a woman', it's just the way it feels

>> No.18524488

You will xylophone now before an ass whooping

>> No.18524501


>> No.18524505

Get into therapy or something. Deal with everything that makes you feel bad before commiting to this.

>> No.18524513


Fucking retard, you'll never be a woman now matter how much you learn how to behave like a girl. A real girl doesn't use a guide to act as a girl, she acts like a girl naturally and you'll never be able to act like a girl without a guy noticing it. And even if you do fool someone, you'll never be able to get a normal person to have a relationship with you.

>> No.18524515

I've always thought this copypasta (the original one) was written by a self-hating tranny. Because there's no way a normal man would know this much detail about trannies and their fears. Hell, I don't even think your average tranny thinks about what happens to him/her after death that much. This must be work of an over-thinking self-hating tr00n

>> No.18524522

Has anyone here read Whipping Girl btw?
Committing to what?
I've been transitioning for four years, the male line of my family is gone forever, my testicles are long gone
Why would you assume that?
I have a masculine personality and I'd feel like a fraud if I tried to change my behaviour to be more 'feminine' or 'girly', why bother transitioning if I'm just going to put on another mask?
Voice training to make my voice passable is ok though, that has nothing to do with my behaviour
>A real girl doesn't use a guide to act as a girl
I'm not so sure about that lol

>> No.18524523


You know the science also says you can't be a woman if you're born male, right ?

>> No.18524525


So you will look like a man but raise you will "pass" because people will say you're a female for having high voice despite looking like a man ?

>> No.18524531

Well I'm not sure if the science has much to say about that, if you're saying I can't be a female if I was born male then yeah, the science says that
Voice training isn't about raising the pitch of your voice, it's about changing the resonance

>> No.18524554


>> No.18524653
