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/lit/ - Literature

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18523288 No.18523288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is lawyer a /lit/ career? I took the LSAT a couple years ago but never pulled the trigger on going and I've been working a comfy but boring office job. Every lawyer I've talked to says not to do it but at the same time history is filled with great thinkers who started as lawyers. Is there something particularly bad about practicing law in 2021 America?

Also general "what does /lit/ do for a living?" thread.

>> No.18523303

>Is lawyer a /lit/ career?
bugmen /lit/, but yes.

>Also general "what does /lit/ do for a living?"
NEET who is going to start computer science this semester, but I'm seriously considering dropping out and doing something else. Maybe psychology, medicine, accounting, mathematics, veterinary medicine or agronomic sciences.

>> No.18523343

>Every lawyer I've talked to says not to do it
>But no... I'LL be one of the great thinkers! I'm special!

>> No.18523345

useless unless you do grad school
have fun with 10 more years of school, only do it if you're completely sure
very boring but you will get a job
this can be leveraged into some nice jobs if you sell yourself correctly
>veterinary medicine
most of your job will be putting down dogs

>> No.18523369

I didn't say I'd become a great thinker. Clearly if there are great thinkers who became lawyers then it is generally a job that is conducive to it. The problem though is that pretty much everyone you talk to tells you not to do what they do. Doctors tell you not to become a doctor, lawyers tell you not to become a lawyer, academics tell you not to go into academia, military officers tell you not to join the military, etc. My job is fine for now but if I have absolutely 0 passion for selling pharmaceuticals and I would be very disappointed with myself if I ended up doing this for 40 more years.

>> No.18523475

Every job is shit. That's what that should tell you. Sell drugs.

>> No.18523501
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I started studying it because Balzac, Proust, Kafka, Mishima and Flaubert did.

>> No.18523511

I've worked as an electrical engineer at various factories for the past ten or so years. It's certainly not /lit/-approved but I enjoy it. I did also get a BA in philosophy while in college so maybe I can join the club?

Re: OP's post...I think being a lawyer COULD be /lit/ (whatever that means). Overworked public defenders, immigration lawyers, that sort stuff all would count. Corporate lawyers, divorce lawyers, etc would not count. But what do I know. I STILL don't understand what Heidegger was getting at.

>> No.18523518

I'm a law student and the reason why law seems to lead to great thinkers is because these people would've been even greater if they went deeper into the social sciences. Instead, their social capital necessitated them picking up a job in law, which most of them avoid their entire lives because it's boring work.

>> No.18523549

not a real science. talk therapy and symbolism with de-spiritualised eastern mysticism
panopticism's chief torturers after psychiatrists. might as well become a hisba officer. rote learn bones and cells and fibres until you have nothing else in your head. uberpseuds
computers do this, useless pursuit
>veterinary medicine
trick pet owners into expensive and useless surgeries so they can prolong the suffering. kill beloved pets on a tuesday. psycho >agronomic sciences

>> No.18523561

>Also general "what does /lit/ do for a living?" thread.
studying education and language

>> No.18523657


Atty here. Don't do it. It is not a /lit/ career at all and they will beat the creativity out of you in law school on purpose.

You don't get creative when people's money/freedom is at stake. You get paid to win with tried and true methods.

It's a terrible life. I just got lucky where I landed, every other atty I know just wants to neck.

>> No.18523821

i want to be a vet now

>> No.18523831


>> No.18523837

I second this

>> No.18523843

law is not /lit/ every law student I've met, I've unironically wished death upon.

>> No.18523851

lawyers are actors/orators