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/lit/ - Literature

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18521012 No.18521012 [Reply] [Original]

My novel must be finished by the end of the year. I have to write at least 2000 words per day.

>> No.18521065

You don't need to do anything

>> No.18521123

nobody is reading a 300 k + novel desu

>> No.18521154

These wojacks just get more and more repulsive

>> No.18521177

they're hitting closer and closer to home

>> No.18521279
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As an author who has finished two 90k word books...
>Have you envisioned your first and last pages yet?
The easiest way to finish a book and keep your mind focused on the story, IMO, is to envision the first page, then the last page, then allow your brain to dream up how the character got from point A to point B.
>All those ideas come to me right when I wake up, right before I go to sleep, and when I'm in the shower, stoned, with the lights off, sitting cross-legged with warm water aimed at my head.

>> No.18521340

post novel excerpt or gtfo

>> No.18521427

If you look anything like this I feel very bad for you

>> No.18521453

I don't. But I'm only two or three Houellebecq novels away from that.

>> No.18521511
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>> No.18521516

Oops wrong cover! This one is a few days out of date...

>> No.18521518

>+- 10 pages/day
better move to a dry climate zone and pickup an alcohol habit, anon

>> No.18521525

stopped reading at "UwU", like half a page in and that's on you

>> No.18521539

Pretty sad that a character's text message with that is enough for you to dismiss the rest of the story...

>> No.18521549

pretty sad you can't stop using retarded ephemeral memes for one second

>> No.18521553

I’ll read this but not right now

>> No.18521587
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I feel that writing is an important vessel to capture the memes in... I'm actually somewhat glum that you completely wrote off my work due to 3 characters. Well, at least I have this mickey of Canadian Club and a couple cans of Faxe 10% to numb the pain.

>> No.18521594
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A good day to you, sir!

>> No.18521600

It's not worth reading. The UwU is the least of its problems. It's unengaging, contains zero points of interest, has adjective gore as a substitute for focus, and carelessly switches tenses. It's obviously written by a child or a graphomaniac.

>> No.18521610

I think it's really impressive you've written and published a book. I'm not writing it off, was just my low attention span and being rude because it's the internet. Don't be glum, I didn't actually see anything wrong with your writing from what I glanced at, I might check it out properly later when I got time

>> No.18521611

I've long thought about the tense-switching, but in the theatre of the mind the story hits you in different layers and at different speeds. That's the only way I can explain why I passively tense-switch.

>> No.18521617

Not the author but you’re trying way too hard to sound superior to a guy who’s done something you haven’t. Sounds like sour grapes to me, maybe you should relax

>> No.18521632
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Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar. This is my 2nd book in 8 years. I'm so fucking close now, the hot glue binding machine is in-route!

I appreciate your feedback and honesty. I just want to create an entertaining, slightly tongue-in-cheek, dystopian outlook for the future with some subtle "just what ifs" to spin people's heads around.
>I think I can do this better than the last job I had for $35 an hour, which was completely and absolutely soul-crushing and mindless

>> No.18521640

Is this another "250 word essay due tomorrow. i'm not gonna make it bros" threads? We just had one 2 days ago.

>> No.18521684
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Writing a book is far, far tougher than most people realize. There are so many layers of consideration, so many potential social issues, and writing itself has no real "scene" to support it. What are you going to do, go socialize and talk about something that exists only in your head? So you need to build up this intensity in you that forces you to sacrifice anything and everything to get in the zone to write and actually finish the work. It is a focus of several different types of energy at once, generally inside only one head.
>Other mediums of art often collaborate, can be done in public,-painting, -music, -statues
Books are something else, it is like telepathy of sorts, but to finish a coherent book, and polish it, while maintaining sanity in life with no team supporting them- writers are a certain type of schizo... most people who criticize others here are probably just not able to turn their own stories and own ideas into a packaged unit, aka, a book, a film, music, etc.
>In my own least creative periods, I have often expressed anger at those creating

>> No.18521692
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Can I make money selling my writing services? Fuck I could write 1000 word essays in like 20 minutes.

>> No.18521736

The first page is interesting. When you start self publishing ill definitely consider purchasing it. I just cant read shit on PDF's. Good luck! Also make sure to make threads, I have adblock.

>> No.18521750

good post

>> No.18521770

good luck and God speed

>> No.18521843
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Thank you, I'm in such a malaise right now of alcohol, sitting around in my underwear, heat-wave about to ROAST THE FUCK OUT OF ME for 3 days... and I'm going to be slightly short rent this month. Landlord is great, I can pay the other $500 I owe later, just need to sell 20 books in July and I'll be good. I still have my 2080 RTX to sell and a bunch of other shit if I get desperate, but I'm confident I can sell 20 books in July.

>> No.18521857

>most people who criticize others here are probably just not able to turn their own stories and own ideas into a packaged unit, aka, a book, a film, music, etc.
Just cause someone critiques a Micheal bay movie they want to be a film director. Pseuds on 4chan are one thing you are not immune to criticism.

>> No.18521859

Let /lit/ write the book for you.

>> No.18521862
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>> No.18521866

>present tense

>> No.18521924

My overly irritated delivery is a bespoke product of passively absorbing this corner of the internet. Definitely an ugly and detestable personal flaw. It does not discredit my criticisms. How far should the charity of acknowledgement stretch? Should we uplift mediocrity and ascribe to it value it does not possess by a proxy admiration for work ethic? If you agree then the degradation of meaning at the hands of graphomaniacs is on your conscience. You need not even reply, this board's fetishism for charlatans like Crocodile man and th e hapa half wit is damning evidence. In the company of those fools this new fellow might as well be a titan.

Where the fuck are your standards. I never want to hear you faggots criticise "women authors" or "women's lit" ever again if you react to banal shit like this with great interest.

>> No.18521926

the best way is to have vague ideas and just follow a narrative, envision how characters motives or situations play out naturally. just try to improvise and then perfect it

>> No.18521930

2000 words a day will take you approximately two or three hours a day. It’s totally possible.

>> No.18521969

Pretty fucking based. Good job on actually finishing a novel and ignore the pseuds who attack you, they'll never write, let alone, finish a novel.

>> No.18521998

Did you like it?
I think there is valid criticism that I switch tense often... however, I feel like that is how my storytelling works... It is like, do I force myself to stick to one tense, or do I allow the story to come out naturally the way it switches...

>> No.18522007

Yes! I agree... I just find the #1 thing that helps is to have a clear idea of the 1st and last pages. Once you have THAT... then you just fill in the rest.

>> No.18522028

Holy fuck, you sound like such a salty bitch. Post your own work or shut up.

>> No.18522047

Tense Switching, if done correctly, is a valid way to tell a story. Sometimes a shift in tense is necessary to indicate a change in the timeframe of the action. Pretty sure there are websites about writing and colleges that deal with that. I wouldn't take what people on 4chan said here as anything other than shitpost or jealousy.

>> No.18522076

Thank you friend!

I've never had any formal training, I've written millions of words of various shit every year since I was like...12?

It feels soooooo natural to tense switch. I don't know how to explain it, inside my head, the way the scene unfolds... it forces me to switch.. I don't know how to explain it

>> No.18522130

>Also make sure to make threads, I have adblock.
Fuck off

>> No.18522340
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There are 500,000 words in TLotR. your really gonna write a book in half a year 3/4 the size of the entire LotR ? And you say your only finishing it, Mother fucker how long is this fucking thing.

>> No.18524493

No it isn't.

>> No.18524722

nobody asked you, R.L. Stine!

>> No.18525910

It's a lovestory between OP and cocks, of course it's gonna be 2k pages long.

>> No.18526009

this wojak is nauseating to look at