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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 845x900, 1200px-princeton_university_press_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18518940 No.18518940 [Reply] [Original]

Today, exactly one year ago, was the summer sale of Princeton University Press, the greatest book sale I've ever seen coming from a good publisher like Princeton. 50% off and free shipping worldwide on every single book of their catalogue.
I've been continually checking to see if it will be repeated this year and I could not find any info on it.
Anyone got any news?
I picked 5 books last year and if it's repeated I will proably pick another 5-10. I'm assuming it won't be repeated, but I'm still hopeful.

>> No.18519022

>I just bought my latest stack of books

>> No.18519932

bump for this. any news please make a new thread immediately anon.

>> No.18519939

Was it really that long ago? I thought it was during the winter.

>> No.18519947
File: 404 KB, 544x363, 5a8d98db49f052f5cf93f1a536793ed0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a year, slipped from my fingers

>> No.18519978

I only just got to reading the last of my Princeton haul a couple of months ago so I thought it was more recent. Aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.18519995

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what did you buy lad? I missed it sadly

>> No.18520022
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The most interesting were a pair of books by Caroline Walker Bynum, Christian Materiality, and Metamorphosis and Identity. Underappreciated elements of medieval culture (people are too fixated on feudalism and warfare and cathedrals).

>> No.18520064

Have they mentioned anything in their twitter or whatever? I had the impression the sale was a success, but maybe it didn't profit them as much as expected. Hopefully they will repeat it this year, I've got a few books I'd like to pick up from them.

>> No.18520222

THere was definitely a winter sale already. I don't know if that matters. I hope it doesnt.

>> No.18520266

>tfw bought the complete works of plato for half off
was hoping they'd do it again so I can get aristotle

>> No.18520281
File: 98 KB, 680x871, THERE IS HOPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just found this online.
They are implying there will be a worldwide sale in Summer.
Last year it was only 4 days and it was announced with a very short time. I only found out because some anon posted it here and didn't have time to properly check the catalogue, so there are some great books I missed.
Make sure to stay tuned and if it gets announced post it on here.

>> No.18520282


>> No.18520289

That was a based sale too

>> No.18520324

Hopefully it will not be restricted to US and Canada. The life of being sudaca...

>> No.18520354

Read the post desu, you're sorted.

>> No.18520368

Fuck now I'll have to check their website every day this month to make sure I don't miss it lmao they really don't like advertising their sales too widely.

>> No.18520377

I'm not giving them money if they're going to use the fag logo.

>> No.18520380

chud check

>> No.18520382

based anon now you're giving me something to think about

>> No.18520393

Buy an ebook and get any book you want from libgen for free. Why bother with sales unless it's limited editions of hardcovers from publishers like Folio

>> No.18520419

The people that make the logo are not the people publishing the books

>> No.18520421
File: 3.75 MB, 2700x3600, 9780691191164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start posting here (or make a dedicated thread) some juicy books from their catalogue, so that we are ready for the sale. They have over 20,000.
Picrel looks kino as fuck

>> No.18520429

holy BASED

>> No.18520431
File: 2.80 MB, 2400x3000, 9780691202594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I'm gonna waste hundreds of euros on this.

>> No.18520461
File: 211 KB, 730x783, 1574680381300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to have a /sale/ general until the sale happens.

>> No.18520477

This, second hand is the way to go anyway

>> No.18520598

Nice try, big publishing, I am not wasting money on what I can download for free.

>> No.18520612

seems like they're closing down, just like Oxford UP

>> No.18520619

Oxford is not closing down.

>> No.18520621

Winter sale was shite, though. It didn't offer free international shipping.

>> No.18520623

te entiendo hermano

>> No.18520630

not the whole university like, but the printin

>> No.18520650
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checked and agreed

>> No.18520663

Holy shit, I thought they were like the second biggest paperback printing out there

>> No.18520668

They are closing down printing by the universtity but not the press.

>> No.18520672

I feel maximum mogged

>> No.18520788

They are outsourcing the actual printing. OUP will still publish. Just some bongs losing their jobs.

>> No.18520852

anyone know any good texts they have on christian mysticism, occultism or esotericism etc

>> No.18520945

Caroline Walker Bynum. Sort of.

>> No.18520984

This, all those books can be bought cheap second hand or downloaded for free as an ebook, imagine giving a kike money for the writings of a man who has been dead for a thousand years.
Literature is just a more sophisticated form of consumerism.

>> No.18521016


>> No.18521035
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, polwhiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant use a racial slur as a metaphor for economically unpleasant institutions and scams
Go back you shitter.

>> No.18521043

keeping old books in print, what an economically unpleasant proposition

>> No.18521066

Thats not what they are doing and thats why they charge premium specifically for something old like Aristotle or Popper or whatever.
Its a racket and I wont support it financially when I can just get the same book in a library or online.

>> No.18521076


>> No.18522221


>> No.18522257

Based, remember books are always 100% off if you sail the seas

>> No.18522260

Princeton too often uses shit-tier fonts.

>> No.18522266

They do it yearly to clear out excess stock, need to make room for next years curriculum. I buy something during the sale most years.

The winter sale is not the entire stock and does not have as large of a discount.