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18517532 No.18517532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So you consider yourself an aspiring writer?
Describe this woman eating pizza in your best prose.

>> No.18517536

The woman eats pizza.

>> No.18517539

She ate pizza with and had huge fucking tits.

>> No.18517544

I couldn't stop staring at her tits. She was eating a slice of pizza, I think.

>> No.18517551


>> No.18517557

Her big breasts moved freely beneath a painted Walmart vest as she ate a slice of pizza.

>> No.18517559

Scantily clad whore poses with a slice of floppy pizza. She won't even eat it. Disgraceful.

>> No.18517560


>> No.18517563

It was the great challenge of my life not staring. I wished to be in the shoes of whatever man suffers of those conditions that require you to wear sunglasses at all times, because I had to, I THIRSTED to stare.

Shew as brunette, dark brown hair, a healthy tan to her skin, the natural olive color proper of mediterranean women, italians and the likes, holding a slice of the pepperoni pizza. but what really mattered were the BOJANGLES. The gigantic BAJONGOS in front of me. Bursting at the buttons of the white shirt working overtime in fighting a loosing battle against the sheer volume of those entities that seemed to possess each a life of its own. They were as if sculpted, personally by Aphrodite herself, by the nymphs of worship of fertility. By the very spiritual manifestation of the smooth touch and hormonal libidinal desire and long hair and feminine scent of Estrogen itself, the spirit of the hormone. It was just skin with fat underneath it, but the monkey brain does not know that. And as of now, all the monkey wants is to Ooh--oOOH---OH-AH-OH OH- AH AHA AH- OH OH!

Twas thee, Melponene, muse of tragedy, who placed this tortuous challenge in front of me, for me to suffer, for me to fail. Twas Satan who tempted me to sacrifice my piety and my common decency in this manner. Twas God! Who personally composed the perfection of this female form, this platonic ideal of a woman, who acted as if indifferent to her own celestial unnatainable beauty.

I find myself jumping over the table tot eh other side, pizza and rectangular bottle of olive oil be damned, thrown to the side, as I pull her tits out of the shirt, ripping the last button holding them, and suck on them. I suck on those tits expecting the elixir of life, Huxley's Soma, maybe the blood of the vampire, the water of the fish, "hummmm MAMA?" I ask with a child's voice, full of innocent wonder "MAMA!" I repeat "MAMA?" I suck on the tit.

She looks at me in a motherly way after a brief moment of slight, almost imperceptible surprise. This has happened before. She merely pats my head as I suck.

>> No.18517575

I bet her milk would make great cheese.

>> No.18517579

The pizza looks like shit, and her breasts are just too large.

>> No.18517589

So enamoured with her delicate features and ample bosom, I, sitting across the table from her had forgotten the subject of our conversation. I waited a moment to see if she would say something to clue me in, but from the expression playing across her brow I got the impression she had asked me a question. Knowing not what question or caring very much at all I posed a query of my own. "You think anyone's ever made breast milk cheese? And if they did, you think it'd be good on pizza?"

>> No.18517601
File: 453 KB, 800x1073, Sophia_Chua-Rubenfeld_Harvard_graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is lame. Why wouldn't you choose a picture of a bookish, literary, smart, shy girl

>> No.18517636

It is not real pizza, must be some sort of prop

>> No.18517639

I know it's a meme post but I found this to be honestly bad.

>> No.18517643

I like tits.

>> No.18517653
File: 1.86 MB, 480x480, Jap Devs release a new titty game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad they don't have my powers of prose

Also if you paste it on that I Write Like site it says that it's most similar to HP Lovecraft. HP always seemed like a closeted BOJANGLES lover

>> No.18517663

Cheese, mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, and parmesan, homogenously mixed and liquified, liquid gold, splooged on first contact, like a rain drop condensed on a window, bleeding onto her pneumatic frontpiece. Her body was a temple, her chin a fitting pediment. Molten hot pizza sauce, the lava of Vesuvius, petrifies her beauty in Pompeian immortality. A second volcanic eruption boils inside in tempo to the string cheese disappearing in her bra awoooga huff huff huff "So this is American pizza?" The greasy-mouthed Venus is intrigued. Her brown breasts are massive.

>> No.18517664


>> No.18517673

I like tits and pizza. I'm going to jerk off now.

>> No.18517693

She looked up at me as though expecting me to do something. Her expression had a practiced kind of vacancy. My eyes were drawn down to slice of pizza dripping grease down onto the plate. Then a little bit further down to her undone top button.

"Hurry up and take the picture," she said.

>> No.18517796


>> No.18517799




>> No.18517821

She was like a picture sitting in front of me. She had long brown hair, almost a bit too long but it framed her face in a pleasant way, she had a cute nose and eyes that didn't quite match each other. She was bursting with vitality, and the vibrations between us were real, real good. She had great tits. The pizza place she picked was awful, the pizza was that shitty hipster pizza that all the rubes go to cuz it pretends to be authentic. I didn't care all that much though, because I didn't feel the need to look at the pizza or eat it very much at all.

>> No.18517829

Muchas bazongas, ah-oooooga!

>> No.18517862

First thing I saw were her massive tits. I felt a brief flash of joy from observing such beauty, but then I saw the sagging slice of pizza she was holding, and my joy was complemented with displeasure and self-loathing. The pizza on its own looked delicious, but she held in such an uncaring way, gazing at the camera instead. It was as if the pizza was a limp dick, a metaphor for my inadequacy and shitty prose.

>> No.18517865

For sale: big tits. Never honka-honka'd.

>> No.18517874

I would love to wear a diaper and booba from those boobas while she caresses me in soft boobas.

>> No.18517894

I wanted to eat it so badly, and then I saw the pizza.

>> No.18517903
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Generic human female (intelligence: slightly below average. Emotional stability: volatile. Perceived sense of attractiveness: severally inflated), a child stuck in a defective biological prison. While refueling her energy tank she attempted to converse about the superiority of organic life for its capability of naturally reproducing. Her argument, however, was interrupted when her uterus demanded its monthly extinguishment of an unused, stagnating larva-container.

>> No.18517911


>> No.18517926
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>> No.18517931

There was booba and pizza.

>> No.18517955

That was great anon, i laughed my ass off.

>> No.18517961

A woman sits before a plate of pepperoni pizza, holding a slice in her right hand. Her left hand rests on the table offering a glimpse of her fingernails, pink and overlong. She wears a sleeveless button-up blouse, white in color over her tanned skin, top button undone to accommodate her cleavage. The healthful mass of her breast contrasts with her petite skull adorned with brown eyes and brown hair to down her mid-chest. Teeth show from behind her smiling lips. Looking at the camera, she wears a knowing expression of lustful anticipation.

>> No.18517964

thanks anon, this means a lot

>> No.18517990


>> No.18518003

A rising erection girthed a mighty feeling from seeing her effeminate and beautiful. Mixed with the unhealthy pizza. Eating, ruining her body. I took another picture, devouring it.

>> No.18518079

Some kind of cruel abstraction, or so it appears. Pizza, drooping and flacid; her bosom ripe and presumably heaving; my breath haggard as I forcefully pump my penis through my gym shorts. I knew a girl like this once, a long time ago. She too had supple olive skin and enjoyed taking photographs of objects. I could have married her if I hadn't succumbed to crippling fatigue after voiding my bowels onstage at that dreadful open mic.

>> No.18518131

Did I close the car when I left it on the parking lot? I'm almost certain that I did but it would be a shame if I didn't. Should I leave and go check? She's looking at me weird. What did you say? I say, unconvincingly. I daze back out, not listening to the answer. Why do I let them pick the restaurants? The owner here apparently blew the loan on faux vintage oil bottles and had no money to buy decent tables or pay decent cooks. What a mess. The one in my trunk wanted a fucking pepperoni pizza too. Across the shitty table I hear something through the buzzing in my ears. Something about not being hungry. I smile. She's even younger, this one. She'll break quicker. I've done this enough to suppress any disgust as I slide a slice of greasy processed meats on soggy undercooked dough in my mouth. She could become my masterpiece, those breasts really are voluminous. I guess I'll have to give her enough time to grow her hair though. Gotta tighten my shit, I can't be daydreaming before the deal is sealed. You're right, that is so interesting. Tell me more. The glimmer of hesitation I'd perceived when we sat here is now gone. If she eats like that for a month or two these will be just ripe. I'll have to get lotion and flour on the way back. I really hope I closed the car.

>> No.18518145

imagine the poos

>> No.18518166

I want to pour that olive oil on her tits

>> No.18518171

She gazed right into my soul with her doe eyes, gripping the pizza in her right hand like it was a dripping, throbbing cock - her enormous breasts were bursting out of her top.

"I'm going to put it in my mouth" she whispered.

>> No.18518209

She was eating a chorizo pizza with a smile on her face, just like a children would look like if he ate a chorizo pizza. .

>> No.18518221

Pizza is one of the best foods. It's really embarrassing to eat basic foods, you're not allowed to enjoy them, people just suspect you're lazy or poor or retarded or something. Bread, for instance, is a basic food but it's also pretty good. Some bread it good enough to eat on its own. But bread is pretty dry, usually, you wanna have something with it. Cheese and bread is pretty good as a combo but it's still considered basic. You eat a cheese sandwich or a toasted cheese sandwich and people look down on you. When you see those instagram people with their big watches and tight suits they're not eating a cheese sandwich or a toasted cheese sandwich. Pizza is a trick you can play on those people, the people pretending to be who we were told we all want to be. It's basically cheese and bread but because it has italian vogue you're allowed to eat it without look like a chump. Cheese burgers are the same thing. I used to eat burgers but they're no where near as good as cheese burgers. It should really be called a burger cheese because the patty is the topping, a burger is just a mistake. A burger is like a pizza base with pepperoni and no cheese. Pepperoni is quite good on pizza. It adds something but it can't work on its own. Sometimes at a restaurant they have condiments. Depending on the style of cuisine it might be ketchup or salt or other things. At more modestly priced italian restaurants the condiments typically include parmezan cheese, or perhaps a geographically non-specific 'italian hard cheese', pre-grated in a little shaker alongside a similar shaker filled with some sort of red dried vegetation. However in more upmarket italian restaurants, sometimes they only serve pizza, no pasta, you get a bottle of olive oil with the metal snout. On TV the chefs always pour olive oil with their thumb over the spout. I tried this a few times as a kid, because I too once wanted to be like the people they told us we all wanted to be, but it didn't work. Now I just pour it slowly, although I often pour too much. Why would you want additional oil on pizza? Cheese is fatty and once you heat it the fat sweats out or something. Some people even blot their pizza before eating it to reduce the amount of fat they consume.

This brings me on to tits, big fat tits. You know I used to really like tits a lot. I used to think about tits a lot but also think about think about tits. I wondered 'what is it about tits which is so great?' There is something unique about them that is very pleasing. Bruce Lee said "Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water in a cup, it becomes the cup." Breasts are a bit like this, we even measure them in cups. But we can also measure sand in cups and we all know that you can't compare breasts to sand. But they're not only supple and receptive but they also spring back like a tiger or Bruce Lee. What's really weird is that I'm not that into boobs as much anymore, now I prefer bums...

>> No.18518230

mmmm yummy pizza she thinks to herself while boobly boobing her boobs about

>> No.18518243

Shwop----sh---shkshksh. The sound of my mouth wrapped around her soft supple nipples emanated within each bite she took of her pizza.

"What I would do to milk those." I thought to myself, my member pressed against my jeans.

Moments passed as fantasies of her flashed through my mind. I panic as I realize I'm drooling on myself and thinking out loud.

"You're a fucking faggot."

"What did you just say?" I replied, I must have misheard her.

"I hate you." She scowled.


>> No.18518323
File: 142 KB, 866x1390, stereotypical-italian-man-eating-pizza-and-gesturing-with-his-hand-B0X2RX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non si tiene la pizza così....

>> No.18518345

based ESL

>> No.18518348


>> No.18518369


Die Finger führen Römer-Fladenbrot
zu ihren zögernd aufgestellten Lippen,
da ihre Brüste aus den Stoffen kippen,
als bald der zweite Knopf zu platzen droht.

>> No.18518442


>> No.18518984

dear tits

>> No.18519029

fucking lost

>> No.18519033

That summer in the small town somewhere on the plain between Milan and Como it had been very hot and very dry. Well into the evening it was still too hot to sit anywhere, and even the little old women who I would sometimes watch play their card games in the dusty shade of an old fig tree would go inside and close up the shutters to wait for the night. Dogs crawled into holes or else died panting in the streets.

I spent most time during that hot summer drinking with the Commodore. He was a good drinking companion and liked to talk about the war and about the fishing he had done whilst stationed in Malaya and sometimes when he had drunk too much grappa he would get quiet and serious and then he would talk about his girl back in Baltimore who had left him for a negro airman. We would drink at the Hotel Francese where the dark wood and the slow and heavy fans would keep the hot and dry summer out. The barman there was a man by the name of Antonio I had known from Pamplona. He had fled after the civil war a few months after I had been wounded by the sniper in Madrid and we had not seen each other in over ten years until that summer. He did not speak of the civil war and neither did I.

One day in July I sat and drank with the Commodore and Antonio and we had talked a while about the revolt in Algiers. The Commodore was angry and said that the French were no good at fighting anymore and that if they lost to a bunch of negroes in the desert then they did not deserve to keep a single grain of sand in Africa. I was in a good mood because I had won some money over cards the previous night and now I had spent most of it on champagne. Antonio said little but stood there to listen and polished glasses. The commodore grew more and more angry the more we listened until his face was very red and his voice grew quiet and hoarse. He excused himself and left for a siesta. I tried to get him to stay but he would hear none of it. I was very hungry and asked Antonio where would be good to eat at this time. He told me of a small tavern that might be open not too far from the hotel.

I left the hotel and walked to the tavern. The road was hot and the air was also very hot and there was no shade along the road. When I entered the tavern the room was dark and there were no waiters and no barman in the room. I thought that the tavern must be closed for the summer and cursed Antonio. I would have to go back to the hotel and ask him to make me a sandwich.

I heard a cough to my right and turned. Sitting in the corner of the room was a woman. She was eating a pizza. Her bojangos were very ample and very plump like the bojangos of the whores that came out at night in Naples during the war and sold their bodies first to the Italians and then to the Germans and then to me.

"Awooga" I said.

>> No.18519225

I completely lost it at the monkey sounds. Thanks anon.

>> No.18519256

Eating pizza, 'nflating tits-a.

>> No.18519373


IT WAS JUST ANOTHER BAIT THREAD ON /lit/ | choosing to go the meta route, in a vainpseudeous attempt to transcend through predictable irony the resentment evoked by those sweater cows | SCROLLING THROUGH THE THREAD THE JUVENILES SATED ON THEIR TITTY BREAD | god damn, she has to be filtered, right? skin doesn't look like that. What would that even feel like? | AS HE CLACKED OUT HIS MIDWIT REPLY, HE LOOKED AT THE TIGHTNESS IN HIS PANTS AND ASKED WHY | oh shit he's right

>> No.18519387 [DELETED] 

Why post a nigger

>> No.18519401

Words can not describe my horror after I realized that in front of me is a sex monster with its ass placed right below its mouth. I trembled both because of how close the creature was, and because I knew that by that moment only death would be able to stop me from thrusting my cock into that meat.

Then I realized that my gun still had one bullet inside. Whether I could manage to pull the trigger just in time was now the ultimate and the only question concerning my life.

>> No.18519425

This person is unworthy of the pie. A New York style round is to be pinched at the crust so as to fold the slice, creating a spine through the middle to the tip. Give me the pizza, I will eat it right.

>> No.18519426

Unironically good

>> No.18519432

Hey man, I have gout, remember? BOTH of my ankles are gonna be screaming if I eat THOSE pepperonis!

>> No.18519437

Very Lovecraftian, well done. Have sex though.

>> No.18519448

My sides

>> No.18519456

Is there one that alludes to pepperoni nipples yet?

>> No.18519464

The face was fake, but her breasts were bodacious. She was the kind of woman to soak a slice of Nicorette Nick's pizza in olive oil, just for kicks. I knew I needed to let her knead my dough, or my Kaiser Roll would turn into Pane di Genzano. Maybe we could "bake" with her family, sample some pasta fasul, just like Mama used to make.

>> No.18519483

Honestly, her face is to small. NEXT.

>> No.18519575

Somewhere there is a woman who ate pizza. I cant tell you what she looks like or how big her breasts are, because all I have ever seen of her is a photoshoped picture of her on 4channel.

>> No.18519624

As she picked up a well-greased slice, droplets fell on her large tits as it was put to her lips.

>> No.18519757

This is honestly nice

>> No.18519803
File: 50 KB, 425x591, thesmophoriazusae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brunette sat there holding the pizza and staring like a doe in headlights - curiously observing fate hurling towards her at speeds incomprehensible. She knew what she was doing placing herself there, posing her body. She didn't dare bite - she wouldn't risk ruining this perfect image. She wanted to be captured - taken in by some forceful chasseur. Providence had brought her here to me, and I've never before been a man to deny her. My destiny looked into my eyes, squinted and spoke, "what is your fucking problem, creep?" I looked away, and she bit into her pizza, disgusted.

>> No.18519814

probably the most promising one here

>> No.18519835

She, the tit girl (her tits - like huge water balloons succumbing to the inevitable tragedy of gravity - remind me of tears), is preparing to eat the slice of pizza. Does she know that she created a sickly Pac-Man, all skin rashes? The excrete coming out of his mouth: a testament to the rupture that was his birth.

>> No.18519847

Either retarded or too smart for me

>> No.18519850

best ITT
kekd moderately hard
quite good

>> No.18519853

It is both.

>> No.18519872

well done, anon. I'd read it.