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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 1023x683, stock-photo-beautiful-woman-holding-book-bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18517057 No.18517057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There was a thread earlier this week or last week about women seeing red flags in a guys bookshelf (reddit screencap). What kind of books are red flags for guys when they see them on a girls bookshelf?

>> No.18517068

When there is no Bible.

>> No.18517073

When there is a Bible.

>> No.18517076

When there is no Qu`ran.

>> No.18517087

I usually look for a kindle and an alexa.

>> No.18517092
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>> No.18517109

Any books at all. If a girl I meet has read a book there is a decent chance that she will be able to outwit me. If she is able to outwit me then I am doomed.

>> No.18517114

Jesus, grow a pair. Nothing better than a fucking rival. Or fucking a rival. KEK

>> No.18517139

Any book that I haven't heard of

>> No.18517141

A ripped off copy of Infinite Jest.

>> No.18517168

White Dead Male.

>> No.18517171


>> No.18517177
File: 770 KB, 1450x1638, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to our waifu, women should be reading Black Beauty, Jane Austen, and Dante

>> No.18517178

The God Delusion and/ or any other blatantly Protestant books. CS Lewis and Milton are ok obviously.

Anything signaling witchcraft/ spells or nature worship.

I’m not memeing. The former signals she’s spiritually dead and maybe worships some fringe political idea, and the latter (witchy stuff) signals she has borderline personality disorder.

>> No.18517187

>tfw you'll never meet a qt3.14 Muslim girl who has read the Quran, The Conference of the Birds, The Arabian Nights, Cities of Salt, Frankenstein in Baghdad, and Reading Lolita in Tehran
>tfw you'll never make both your families buttmad over your inter-faith romance

>> No.18517206


>> No.18517224

Yes, that is not going to happen.

>> No.18517230

>training with my new horse
>Black Beauty
You just know

>> No.18517240


>> No.18517253
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This one likes LOTR, the Hobbit, Art of War, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre

>> No.18517255

Sapiens or Homo Deus.

>> No.18517258
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This one likes LOTR, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Prid and Prejudice, Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Harry Potter

>> No.18517264
File: 1.26 MB, 1948x3112, deutschaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one likes Anna Karenina and Crime and Punishment

>> No.18517269

Are Jayne Eyre and Withering Heights chick books?

>> No.18517275
File: 1.25 MB, 2146x3458, painter_lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one likes LOTR, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the Wind, Hunger Games, and Ender's Game

>> No.18517276


>> No.18517281

yes, just like Prude and Pseudojice

>> No.18517290

This site reeks of millennial cum dumpsters.

>> No.18517293

fuck, they're in my stack, whatever, they're apparently classics, so I'm down to read em.

>> No.18517299

Stop posting fucking w*men on my board you pathetic thirsty simps

>> No.18517853
File: 962 KB, 1118x1806, red flag books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a long time making this instead of working on my novel so you'd better be fucking appreciative /lit/

>> No.18517854

Where is the Bible?

>> No.18517856

yeah yeah, black people bad and white soiboys bad, we get it

>> No.18517861
File: 455 KB, 1118x1806, red flag template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Template here for anyone that wants it

>> No.18517871

lol based, i wish you and your novel success for this.

>> No.18517906

Socialists. Social democrats. Some communists. Bolsheviks. Lib coms. Left coms. Marxists.

Basically those ones that aren’t black flags.

>> No.18517928

Robert Owen
Frederick Engels
Karl Marx
V I Lenin
J Posadas / E Hoxha

>> No.18517945

No such thing exists. If it's casual sex neither of us should care about the other's mentality. If it is not casual sex then we've already spent a good deal of quality time discussing ideas enough to hear the red flags in her own words.

>> No.18518052

>coping shitskin
I just know. Ywnbw btw, kek.

>> No.18518059

Chuckled. good work.

>> No.18518270


>> No.18518328

Anarchism is a black flag in a woman.

>> No.18518366
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>> No.18519049

Judging someone's entire character based on so singular a fact is something women do. A rational, levelheaded man recognizes that one or two books don't make a personality and you should actually get to know a girl before judging her too harshly.

>> No.18519314

>seems too good to be true
>single at 26
I dont trust it man, either fake profile or the lady has something really wrong with her. Probably mega racist too >:(

>> No.18519482

I think obsessively poring over your date's bookshelves is a bigger red flag than anything you would find on their shelves to be perfectly honest

>> No.18519492


>Christian horse girl


>> No.18519505

She likes the recent version of the Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.18519515

>Instagram poetry
>any sort of pop anti-racism book
>The Bell Jar
>anything related to astrology

>> No.18519796

Guys who read freud are fine, but it alwayd fucks up women for some reason or another

>> No.18519798

romance novels with Female MCs

>> No.18519953

you have never touched a woman

>> No.18519963

Unless she’s clearly obsessed with some sort of political ideas, or out there religious ones, or some sort of -ism, I don’t care at all what she reads.

>> No.18519979

When there is no Crisis of the Modern World

>> No.18519987

Books arranged by color

>> No.18520332
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I'd like to suggest a more /lit/ appropriate one

>> No.18520341

What's wrong with #1?

>> No.18520343

might be a /lit/ anon

>> No.18520392

Any sort of Marxist literature or those books like "the art of not giving a f*ck"

>> No.18520435

most women don't read and most of the ones that do only read YA

>> No.18520438


>> No.18520458

>What kind of books are red flags for guys when they see them on a girls bookshelf?
Literally none, for me.
The smartest girl I know once told me "I don't date guys smarter than me".

>> No.18520487
File: 460 KB, 1440x2006, 7d168086-7625-46de-aaa7-dfda454ba412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women even read to get new ideas or just to pretend to be smart?

It is worrying that it is only the most well-known books. I would have been more smitten if she said The Idiot or Tolstoy's The Devil.

>> No.18520493

These are green flags.

>> No.18520494

Probably if it was filled with weird books like those shitty romance novels or something. I don't really care much about what people read if they're at least reading something.

>> No.18520501

This. Literacy in women is a huge turn-off. Also not Lindy.

>> No.18520502


>> No.18520530

Most men don't read either.

>> No.18520542

She looks like she would be a good wife (not for me btw)

>> No.18520549

>i od on spaghetti
cos che coss

>> No.18520554

Imagine not reading Sun Tzu.

>> No.18520558

LMAO, who the fucks has Hoxha books? Is he even translated?

>> No.18520566

>I would have been more smitten if she said The Idiot or Tolstoy's The Devil.
Tolstoy's the Devil is not exactly a book a woman would suggest to present herself, don't you think? Lev was almost kicked out of the house for that.

>> No.18520748

I'm single atm, and I'm not a virgin, anon. And it does feel good to be with someone that is 'your equal'.

>> No.18520994

>eats duck and rabbit


>> No.18521026

What is wrong with you?

>> No.18521041

>the red flag girlfriend I am dangerously addicted to doesn’t read Albanian for the purposes of the study of the immortal science of dialectical materialism in this Hoxhaist-Maoist form

Really? How do you expect bunnies boiled in translation?

>> No.18521047

Also the CIA funded x-studies programmes in the Midwest so of course there’ll be translations you stupid cunt.

>> No.18521050

Tfw no posadist gf with isolationist albanian characteristics.

>> No.18521064

>bunnies boiled in translation?
I'm not sure what this means
? How is Hoxha connected to ufology? Never heard of such a thing

>> No.18521243

all people that wouldn't care an ounce about you unless you give them sex/money/food etc

>> No.18521255

>unless you give them sex/money/food etc
I remember reading some book in which it explained that female birds refuse to copulate if you don't bring them food and/or help build a nest

>> No.18521292

I would bet she's into anal stuffs

>> No.18521353

probably true

>> No.18521364


Anything YA.

>> No.18521473

Animals are not food

>> No.18521627

Any organic (in the chemical sense) can be food
Even some inorganic, btw

>> No.18521950

I believe human beings' primary role in the universe should be to guard the safety of other species and celebrate love and joy, not sociopathic rise to a made up apex.

>> No.18521985

>I believe human beings' primary role in the universe should be to guard the safety of other species and celebrate love and joy
Honestly this seems a very anthropocentric view to me.
Whether we like it or not, we are biological entities who need to absorb other living beings in order to further our homeostasis for as long as possible.
You could say that we could stick to just plants and fungi.
But are fungi and plants "less" than animals, when we consider the "primary role of human beings in the universe to be the guard of other species" ?

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just exposing my personal POV

>> No.18522088

Why are they so delicious? Is it God messing with our senses? Are animals beasts of Satan made to fool us?

>> No.18522092

I would agree that animals are not 'things'. They do deserve some respect.

>> No.18522103

Cooking books.

>> No.18522115

Read "consider the lobster"

>> No.18522129

Well you don't have to always "kill" plants to get food. The death of a plant is vastly more complex than the death of an animal.

>> No.18522141

My ex was a stripper and obsessed with The Secret.

>> No.18522155

>Well you don't have to always "kill" plants to get food
In religious books (I'm not religious), it's forbidden to tear a limb from an animal to eat it. Sure, plants can regrow it. But you think they don't "feel" it? I can see it with my trees in my yard, when you cut branch, they will start growing new branches in that place. This is not random, they "know" you cut them.
Also, I agree, that most plants you eat are still "alive" when you eat them.
But is this actually better?
Sure, you don't kill the whole plant, you kill a part of it that is in fact alive in its own way. If you take an apple from a tree, the tree still lives, but the apple is still "alive" (in the sense that it could grow to be another tree, in some conditions)

>> No.18522173

Math books.

>> No.18522181


>> No.18522185

A f*male (former) friend of mine once gifted me a book called "The man who knew how to count", a collection of short stories (such as the famous one about chess) because I helped her pass her math exam

kek, she was doing paid nude modeling and got shy when her nipple slipped in front of me

>> No.18522186


>> No.18522191

The Man Who Counted? Is it this one? I remember reading it a long time ago, it is a cool book.

>> No.18522193

Fanged Noumena

>> No.18522196

Any paperback is a tremendous red flag. Run like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.18522202

Books without notes or post its.

>> No.18522207

A (black) female (and cute) co-worker of mine once lent me "the myth of the oversized sex of the black man".
Sadly never got to see her nips.

>> No.18522210

Books with notes and post its.

>> No.18522224

Anything Kierkegaard.

>> No.18522231

Anything Nietzsche.

>> No.18522235

>The Man Who Counted?
Ah yes, that one. I barely read it to be honest. I have this thing that if a girl gives me a book and then ghosts me, I can't touch it anymore.
I have an Hesse Complete Works like that, haven't touched it in years, it's hidden behind other books on the lower shelf of my library

OOF, she gave you that book unsolicited? That was a message

>> No.18522237

>5' 2"
Hard pass.

>> No.18522249

You don't like tiny girls ? :( Feel sorry for you

>> No.18522251

More than 5 hobby related books and less than 4.

>> No.18522253

>OOF, she gave you that book unsolicited? That was a message
Yup. Literally during our first conversation, after telling her I'm into reading. Just whipped it out of her bag like she had it all ready.
It was, actually, a really good book. It's in French, tho, don't know if you can find it translated.

>> No.18522258

I'll be honest here. The only acceptable waifu for a /lit/ anon is a dead white male waifu. Anything else is a just a cope and definitely not /lit/.

>> No.18522261

Based dead white boipussy anon.

>> No.18522278

>It's in French, tho, don't know if you can find it translated.
I'm not that interested into reading it. Is it from Fanon? I think I saw parts of that posted on /his/ before.

I also hold French nationality btw

>> No.18522311

not finding stirner and noything else.

>> No.18522312

wish i had a book gf

>> No.18522317

This is a question of consciousness. Do plants really "feel" or "think"? At present, killing an animal seems more heinous than a plant. Plants shed fruits on their own too.

>> No.18522326
File: 20 KB, 160x260, 9782268056715_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Serge Bilé

>> No.18522327

No, they kind do mechanical responses to enviroments stimulli, but they definitely don't have anything else.

>> No.18522431

>This is a question of consciousness. Do plants really "feel" or "think"?
I have no idea. Probably on the "same" "level" of "me".

>at present, killing an animal seems more heinous than a plant
I agree
>Plants shed fruits on their own too.
Dogs and cats eat their dead/weak pups (recycling "wasted" proteins and nutrients for their brothers, so they could get them in the milk, instead of letting it rot on the ground)

>> No.18522452

>How is Hoxha connected to ufology?
>he still thinks all those bunkers where built by humans
wake up sheep!

>> No.18522465

>bunkers were built by aliens to defend against aliens

>> No.18522471 [DELETED] 

"Why are you in my house"

>> No.18522478

albanians are the chosen people that will cleanse this earth of revisionists and social imperialists

>> No.18522526

I wish it was true :( sadly they abandoned socialism, embrace a Ponzi scheme, and flowed to the coasts of my countries. I remember that an underage girl and her bf killed her mother and brother (who was about my age at the time), and then blamed it on "THE ALBANIANS". Local politicians, of course, called for the extermination of the FOREIGNERS, with death penalty for heinous crimes.
Turns out, it was literally an underage girl who killed her mother and brother. Suddenly, right wing politicians didn't want death penalty for her :(
As of today, Albanians are mostly well adjusted people in our society. I dearly miss Ambra, she was short, slim, had great tits and an attitude. I hope she's doing well.

>> No.18522908

>feminist book from 21st century
>complete psycho
>shit like The Second Sex
>coolest gf I've ever had
Anyone else relate?

>> No.18522925

Not him. But i get it. Tiny girls are amazing, nothing like being able to toss a girl from hand to hand, bending down to kiss them, seating them on your arm so they're eye level. But, I don't want tiny sons.

>> No.18523241

We don't know this

Yeah but I think humans are above animals in that we have virtue, compassion, a soul. We do things not solely to advance our species, which was the intent behind my original comment too you know.

>> No.18523268

They don't have a 'self' concept, anon. At least, they don't behave like they do.

>> No.18523316

Anaïs Nin
Margeurite Duras

>> No.18523324

Anything that isn't the Bible.

>> No.18523329

Ideally on audible format, because women aren't supposed to read. Those who do should have their eyes popped out.

>> No.18523372

Can't imagine caring whether something is a chick book or not. Either you enjoy a book or you don't.

>> No.18523456


>> No.18523464
File: 115 KB, 960x949, 1576630248044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon.
Cows are cute and we shouldn't eat them.

>> No.18523533

Cuteee, my gf loves cows too

>> No.18523552

Titus Andronicus.

>> No.18523570
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, 199F6DE4-5D24-469F-AE45-28AD6F339020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess which two books I got her

>> No.18523576


what the hell happened to the copy of outliers, did a dog chew through it?

>> No.18523585

knowing her dogs, that is quite possible

>> No.18523679
File: 202 KB, 768x574, AngloSaxons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our? I haven't seen this image before. Did you match with this girl? Is she a meme? She looks like such a sweet person based off what she's written and her photo. Very cute. I hope she finds a good husband and has many children. I want her to have a happy life.

>> No.18523687

Yes. Thanks, wish me luck.

>> No.18523712

What is it with mutts and animal cock

>> No.18523716
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>> No.18523719

Some loony stuff about how White people are bad is a red flag but can be fixed if you are attractive, intelligent, and charistmatic enough. Despite the claims of leftists that nationalists are all incels (some are, of course, but not all), if you are an attractive and smart guy you can usually convince a cute girl with your arguments regardless of what you believe. Honestly, it's not even necessary to convince them of most stuff. I really don't care if a girl believes in democracy or not. What matters most is whether or not she wants to live a healthy lifestyle and have children. The rest is unimportant or will fall into place as a result of the values she already has. Unless you are a thoroughly brainwashed anti-White religious zealot, I care about my children is only a small step away from I care about my race. Those progessive parents on twitter who post about educating their kids on white privilege are mentally ill.

>> No.18523721

Hopefully the non-bugmen books.

>> No.18523726

How To Be a Conscious Eater (because if she's dumb she shouldn't be fat as well).

>> No.18523732
File: 110 KB, 774x768, junger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, anon. I hope things turn out well for both of you even if you don't end up together. Love is not easy to find but it is so wonderful once you get there.

>> No.18523740

Everything women do is a redflag.

>> No.18523745

Yes, women are supposed to undo things. This whole deconstructionist feminist is right. You are right, anon.

>> No.18523765

Ever see a pad? Their bodies literally produce little red flags every month.

>> No.18523768

Did she read the Turgenev books? If so, what did she think of them?

>> No.18523777

Do atheist tradgirls exist? It seems like they're all Christians with the exception of a small pagan ethnonationalist minority that exists only online.

>> No.18523778

Jane Eyre is basically a Dickens book for women

>> No.18523882

What happened to Sparta's future?