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18515408 No.18515408 [Reply] [Original]

Here me out!

*The Wise Man's Fear* is a good book in general, but I know a lot people have complained about the slightly unrealistic and mary-suedness of the MC when it comes to the parts of being in the fae and fucking a literally insatiable sex goddess for an indeterminate amount of time, then somehow overcoming her lusty sex spell (which eventually fucking kills you because you fuck so much, and nobody has ever overcome before) only for her to give him a priceless magical artifact; and the parts where he gets trained by a matriarchal society of martial arts masters (even though hes an outsider, and they never train outsiders) and which, yes, also is a free-use society and literally everyone is fucking everyone all the time, despite nobody knowing how pregnancy works, and the MC can fuck his dominating amazonian master literally any time he wants doggy style in public, and she even demands it so he can focus; and also when he fucks the hardbody paragon of youthful energy in said society after using arcane magic and mastering their <extremely fucking dangerous> trials

Ok, so you can see why people complain. Except, not really because its a FANTASY BOOK series and if you are a man then this is extremely fuckin n i c e to read and will definitely cause you to fantasize let me tell you what. Like, yes, I want to have an amazonian warrior 'the hammer' beat the fucking shit out of me with a cane then force me to raw dog her in the woods before she turns around and continues beating the shit out of me again. Yes I want that, and I want to read about it. I can't even tell you how much I want an ageless nudist fuckmachine to attempt to murder me by sucking my soul of out of my dick over the course of thousands of years in a timeless dreamland before escaping that land to continue on my quest to kill invincible demons and getting waylaid by young lusty barmaids who want to fuck all night and are impressed by my 100s - 1000s of years of sexual experience, with the only thought in my head being a longing for my literally perfect prostitute gf

It sucks though because you can be absolutely sure that *The Doors of Stone* won't have any of that kind of stuff in it. Shit sucks mane. But at least it'll probably be a good book when it comes out in 2199

Are there any other books with gratuitous male fantasies in them? Especially ones about fucking shit up, fucking, getting fucked, and getting beaten the fuck up?

>> No.18515684
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>*The Wise Man's Fear* is a good book in general

>> No.18515707

My supervisor at work loves this series, drives me mad. His taste in books in general is absolutely bottom of the barrel tier. Nice guy but kind of an NPC if I'm being honest.
>this book
not enough kink in it to be smut, not enough adventure to be fantasy it's like an OC universe Naruto/Harry Potter crossover that evolved from a fanfiction to a novella to a novel to a trilogy, no surprise at all the author is an obese neckbeard who wears fedoras.

>> No.18515834

imo It has just enough kink, and it doesn't push it by describing things too graphically. Its like strategically kinky rather than tactically. Kink on a meta-level rather than concrete level. I like it. If you know of another coom-tier book like that but that you consider a better book then please do tell

>> No.18515872

i think you've mistaken a male fantasy for a teenager's fantasy. most men grow out of this around the time that they have their first child or experience their first major grievance (death in the family usually). anyway you might enjoy the flashman series of novels. also the journals of don juan. and maybe homer.

>> No.18515966
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There's a really interesting phenomenon on 4chan that I've consistently noticed over the like 13 years I've been coming here. It's probably best illustrated with music:
> someone makes a thread about classical baroque orchestral music, and ask about similar music they might be interested in
> another anon unironically recommends progressive hardstyle
> nobody mentions it and everyone essentially does the same thing
It's very strange

There's actually a psychological disorder that involves children never growing out of the parallel play stage of childhood development

>> No.18516416

I liked pre-coomer fantasy, like Robert e Howard. Now it seems like most western fantasy and particularly sci Fi is sometimes an interesting concept with an odious nod to the writers pet sexual perversion. Only women and gay men can write coomer lit in any interesting or unapologetic way and I say this with the full knowledge that they are generally worse at everything.

>> No.18516439


If I want to self-insert into the role of "rube lusted after by Goddess", there's plenty of Hestia porn out there to jack it to, thank you.

>> No.18518084

That shit appeals to gamma males

>> No.18518088

>here me out

Stopped reading

>> No.18519004

nonreader detected