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/lit/ - Literature

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18509189 No.18509189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're not good enough at life you shouldn't ever even touch intellectual matters.

>> No.18509213

Is there anything more disgusting than the modern American "wealthy but not rich," upper middle class, pill-popping, jet-setting faggot scion of a midwit coastal elite dad who owns a development company or in some anonymous second-rank position in finance? Is there anything more spiritually grating than a doe-eyed fluoridated nouveau riche kid who flies out to visit his parents for every holiday from the second choice university he got into and still feels sore about? Is there anything more sickening than the twitter feed of an SSRI-taking zoomer who ironically or unironically identifies as a socialist while studying "policy," drawing on their trust fund, and waiting for that inheritance from the rich grandparents side of the family? Is there any class in history more deserving of complete liquidation once this bizarre interregnum comes to end?

>> No.18509234

I'm a NEET currently, over 30 and living with parents, haven't managed to live outside their house for a contiguous period of more than 3 years, and have a networth of just over 6 figures. Do I get to read?

>> No.18509242
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>6 figures

>> No.18509247

Jews should be deported to Africa with an branding who says: "I stole your money"

>> No.18509280

No, not really. I went to school with lots of that sort (but not american), totally naïve kids that drop the fact they have 60k in pocket money at the age of 16 as if it's normal, the ones that aren't so naïve to their wealth (ie: the arabs) are much more interesting since they don't even pretend to work hard for a decent job. Spot on that they study things like "policy", 99% of the people I've met that studied international relations etc were insufferable commies that think the students that aren't on the board of daddys company just aren't hustling as hard as them

>> No.18509305

Obviously bait. You realize some of the greatest authors ever (Dostoyevsky, Cormac, Hemmingway, most of the Beats) were flat broke or working a day job when they wrote some of their best works? Go back to pol you imbecile

>> No.18509316

I guess we need to break some people to get good literature. Boredom is exhausting.

>> No.18509371
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>I won the birth lottery therefor I'm more smart
Maybe if I was 35 and still not a millionaire this could even be an argument, but honestly rich fucks crash and burn on the daily.

>> No.18509384


>> No.18509417

Most people with 6 figure salary are so burnt out from wagecucking overtime and mental exhaustion that they don’t have time to read at all.
Two of my buddys who are engineers are making great money now but both of them told me aside from mandatory reading in college they haven’t cracked a book since High school.

>> No.18509483

Based elitist

>> No.18509498

I am richer than you therefore I am better than you, that’s how life works

>> No.18509504

6 figures is not a lot of money. I made that much gambling shitcoins. The bar should be raised to at least 7, preferably 8

>> No.18509514
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Well by that metric I am better than 99% of people on earth already lol, I'll be sure to give you a high five when I pass you

>> No.18509526

>t. Code monkey 130k a year faggot thinning he's anything but a peasant

>> No.18509536

Funny because the writers of 99% of books weren't wealthy

>> No.18509538

My metric for standard "rich" is usually whatever counted for a million dollars in the early 20th century. So somewhere between 5 and 15 million is the new "million" I suppose. But really if you are looking for the filthy rich number I don't even know since everyone are peons compared to actual multi billionaires

>> No.18509542
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>the ones that aren't so naïve to their wealth (ie: the arabs)
I wish I was an oil arab
t. olive arab

>> No.18509545

STFU, OP. This >>18509536. And honestly, OP. Have you ever read a book written by those rich guys? I've read Graham with Buffet commentaries, and ffs, Buffet isn't that bad (not great either, but writing isn't exactly his trade), but Graham is fucking terrible.

>> No.18509552

It should be the opposite. No one who never had to struggle wrote anything worth reading because if you're too comfortable you're detached from life. The dumbest people should be rich while the poor should be educated so that they're actually driven to make great literature about their suffering and breadth of life. Only those who became rich through violent crime should still be allowed to read because mafia bosses will probably have more experiences that are worth writing about than hedge fund managers

>> No.18509554

Kek what is an olive Arab
Do you have a vineyard

>> No.18509558

Levant arab

>> No.18509567

This. I live in a place where these people and upper class people mix quite readily and it’s just disgusting to hear them brag about such things.

>> No.18509571

What do we mean by “investor”? Throughout this book the
term will be used in contradistinction to “speculator.” As far back
as 1934, in our textbook Security Analysis,1 we attempted a precise
formulation of the difference between the two, as follows: “An
investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis prom-
ises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not
meeting these requirements are speculative.”
While we have clung tenaciously to this definition over the
ensuing 38 years, it is worthwhile noting the radical changes that
have occurred in the use of the term “investor” during this period.
After the great market decline of 1929–1932 all common stocks
were widely regarded as speculative by nature. (A leading author-
ity stated flatly that only bonds could be bought for investment.2)
Thus we had then to defend our definition against the charge that
it gave too wide scope to the concept of investment.
Now our concern is of the opposite sort. We must prevent our
readers from accepting the common jargon which applies the term
“investor” to anybody and everybody in the stock market.

Just read this. FFS.

Nah, not really. But being rich/poor doesn't mean anything. And his ideas are great, but his writing is fucking terrible.

>> No.18509577

I'm guessing olive arabs are Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians while oil arabs are Saudis and the rich gulf states

>> No.18509583


>> No.18509588

How can you be so retarded that you can't manage on your own and still accumulate that much?

>> No.18509615

STFU, get back to teenager comic books. Underages shouldn't post here.

>> No.18509649

The real bar between elites and plebs is financial independence and self-direction. If you are in a salaried position, no matter how wealthy, you're an Aristotelian slave. I've got more respects for NEETs who steal and abuse welfare than I do for a wagemonkey.

As someone who comes from that class of people, I agree wholeheartedly. The worst are the ones who get involved in some sort of paternalistic activism where they can get a middle class job babysitting junky degenerates while pushing for socially destructive policies (like free injection sites and "community housing) that will inevitably result in more morally corroded dependents for them to take care of.

My dad still despises me for dropping out of school to focus on becoming financially independent but he doesn't understand that being able to impress random strangers on the internet will literally mean the difference between life and death once we hit peak oil.

>> No.18509669

It's because I don't want to. As soon as someone finds out you are absolutely dependent on an income due to rent/savings targets/etc, you will be fucking squeezed by anyone who can, generally your boss.

>> No.18509682

>being able to impress random strangers on the internet will literally mean the difference between life and death once we hit peak oil

>> No.18509704

>The worst are the ones who get involved in some sort of paternalistic activism where they can get a middle class job babysitting junky degenerates while pushing for socially destructive policies (like free injection sites and "community housing) that will inevitably result in more morally corroded dependents for them to take care of.

Fuck thank you for saying this, this was my old roommates to a T, but I've never been able to articulate what bothered me about them. My girlfriend at the time was mighty impressed the dumb cunt, I believe she works at a charity now days.

>> No.18509717

If you hate those people try looking into Francis' writings on the managerial class. The worst aspect of them is that they really think they are some kind of paternalist aristocracy. The more they destroy traditional pillars of society to create open air toilets for schizophrenic bums and recently released multiple offenders, the better people they feel they are.

The best aspect of them is that they're such bumbling incompetent retards that they are accelerating their own demise.

>> No.18509805

>open air toilets for schizophrenic bums
This is not something that exists anywhere

>> No.18509838

it's called new york

>> No.18509844

Listen man, maybe if there were more free toilets bums wouldn't shit in the street. There's no pleasing you people

>> No.18509846

>maybe if there were more free toilets
weren't you listening? i just said it's called "new york"

>> No.18509877

have fun with communism

>> No.18509887
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>have fun with communism

>> No.18509908

No, there is not

>> No.18509933

Is this true all kinds of careers or just STEM careers specifically?

>> No.18509986

Op is retard.

>> No.18509997

You know that we live in democracies in most countries right? I doubt that that would do well. Regardless, people read books that re-enforce their worldviews, not really to learn. I've been through a lot of non-fiction, it's mostly rehashed useless garbage after a certain point. For my needs anyway. Imagine reading for "fun," enjoy wasting your time like I did all week reading this dumb site.

>> No.18510007

Nobless obligee. The upper class today likes to hide behind "the rules" and default to "thats just how things are lol" to justify wealth inequality and their privileged position, but I'm a Stirnerian, and I think that the only reason that anyone is able to get away with owning property is from the tacit consent of the lower class, who could just as easily move in and take it by force if they chose to.

Its this obliviousness that is leading the ruling class in western countries to ruin, and they'll even actively promote BLM activists and the like who will go around proselytizing to anybody who will listen the illegitimacy of the whole system. This is dangerous, and as someone who's studied history I can guess what it will eventually lead to.

Instead of trying to prove that they deserve to be wealthy, most "elites" today LARP as poor by getting into crust punk and gay shit like that, its a shameful display. Thats why I try to distance myself from the whole scene, to the chagrin of my family.

It's a real problem. I know many such people and they always inevitably end up making life miserable for everyone around them but they're so convinced of their own superiority that any productive criticism is impossible.

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote an essay on how systemic charity enables poverty, Memoirs On Pauperism, which is very perceptive and interesting. If you're interested in the topic I highly recommend it.

>> No.18510085

hideously based

>> No.18510090

achtung - juden!

>> No.18510105

I genuinely unironically hope you get sent to the gulag

>> No.18510136

Bait, but your pockets are deeper than your thoughts because you've never had to struggle. I feel sorry for you. Stop reading and get a yacht or something you fucking philistine

>> No.18510143

we should just decide who gets to survive to reproductive maturity in sponsored gladiatoral matches

>> No.18510145


>> No.18510147
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>tfw middle class corporate wagie born to middle class parents with no trust fund inheritance
I'm doomed aren't I

>> No.18510148

>Reading should be illegal

>> No.18510152
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>> No.18510156

At least youre not full on poor, like me

>> No.18510167

you might be a field nigger and I might be a house nigger but we're still both niggers, anon

>> No.18510173


>> No.18510184

>Reading should be illegal to people with a networth under 6 figures

>I make over 6 figures do I get to read?

Apparently you can't anyway

>> No.18510198

No wonder I'm NEET.

>> No.18510206

If you spent your youth acquiring currency you aren’t good at life

>> No.18510224

What do you actually achieve pressing the gas on the n word like that? Do you get a sense of power that you're devoid of in real life?

>> No.18510247

I feel this way. I have an analytics job at a local company that makes me the upper end of 5 digits which is nice but nothing to really brag about. But the attitude is very relaxed and personal, I can take off whenever I want and even then I hardly work like 30 hours a week. With my background and degree I could definitely get a job in the financial industry making over 6 figures but then I'd have to work like 60-80 hours per week. Seems like a waste of your 20s.

>> No.18510260
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>> No.18510269

>tfw born dirt poor
>was always the top of my class at school and never struggled to do anything people find 'hard'
>drop out for reasons to this day I can't explain, in a word anxiety more or less
>30 year old failure carrying the stillborn hopes of my immigrant parents
I honestly do think the rich are better people, that raw animalistic drive to do and participate in the meaningless is staggeringly impressive to me. I don't find the worship of wealth even slightly ironic, it is the best expression of personhood there is.

>> No.18510280

I don't even understand what your post is asking
>What do you actually achieve pressing the gas on the n word like that?
What do you mean "achieve"? Nobody is achieving anything here, we're wasting time.
>Do you get a sense of power that you're devoid of in real life?
Power over who? You? Is nigger like some kind of power word that gives me power over you? DANCE NIGGER DANCE! Are you dancing?

>> No.18510285

At which age are you supposed to focus on acquiring coins then? When you're about to die soon?

>> No.18510296

What did you do after dropping out?

>> No.18510305


>> No.18510408

>I'm middle class
>"Eat the rich"
>University degrees are the great leveler anon
>I just want to take this moment to acknowledge my privilege as a white woman
>My caddy is black and he's actually a great person, you shouldn't be so problematic anon
>We should just, like, raise the minimum wage and give poor people houses. The only reason for wealth inequality is the 1% super billionaires like Jeff Bezos

>> No.18510422

Making 5 digits with 30 hours a week is so vastly superior to making 6 digits at 60 hours a week. What would you even spend the money on to make the time worth it.

>> No.18510434

When you around 33 if you plan to start a family, I’d you don’t plan to do this then never and kys whenever you feel like life after that point isn’t worth it

>> No.18510465

How do you pay rent, go out, meet people, own a car, go on vacation, or do literally anything enjoyable without earning money in the meantime?

>> No.18510466

Yes that's my point, I already don't spend nearly any of the money I end up saving and I'd rather have free time now than more money. I'm going to ride out this chill job getting promoted every couple of years until I'm managing people and working more hours anyway. By then I'll probably be in my 30s and I guess I'll get an MBA or something from a top school and go become some sort of top-tier wagie banker or consultant or something.

>> No.18510514

are you autistic? it's not an either-or, you can do all of those things without absolutely selling your soul making money. there are people working for tech companies and investment banking in their 20s who are working literally every waking hour save for the 9 hours they get to eat, sleep, and shit each day. they're getting $150k/year out of college of course but your entire life at that point is the company. you can just as easily get some easy operations job or take up a trade and you'll probably make half as much as they are if you're lucky but you'll likewise only be working half as long as they are. half of $150lk is more than enough to do any of the things you listed

>> No.18510531

Either way you end up devoting most of your waking time to earning coins. Arguably people working in tech companies have much more stimulating jobs as well.

>> No.18510552

most corporate jobs don't require you to actually work most of the time you're on the clock for. with work from home this means most of your actual work is just making sure your computer doesn't say you're afk and being able to deal with anyone who sends any random requests your way throughout the day

>> No.18510576

Not true. I've worked in tech before and I'd take a half hour break every couple hours just because, plus I'd always have a documentary running in the background of my computer display.
It seems like its obviously better to have a job that makes a lot of money over one that makes little money, unless your job is extremely low effort or something you love. Somebody working in a factory or construction probably isn't doing either of these things though.

>> No.18510585

become an exotic species, one of the rare parasitic mammals

>> No.18510698

>he doesn't take half hour breaks from doing nothing every couple of hours in order to get work done
there are like 5 people in the country still working in factories. most office jobs that aren't something work-intensive like accounting or high value like finance basically amount to sending out a couple reports per day and as long as you do the bare minimum on time you're praised as a wunderkind

>> No.18510708

Lol come stop me elitist cunt, must rich people I know are normies or borderline NPCs who probably don't read anything other than Obungas biography,

>> No.18510713

Somewhat sad, but true. It is the case with broke people too, but it is not like rich people are an exception.