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/lit/ - Literature

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18508378 No.18508378 [Reply] [Original]

>the first (and is still the only) graphic novel to win a Pulitzer Prize
Can comic books be lit?

>> No.18508392

Comics are another medium, not literature. They are of course great comics within that medium.

>> No.18508571
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>> No.18508623

>a book won a prize
Don't fall for the prize bait it's what the establishment wants you to read, so essentially advertising.
As for can graphic novels be lit? Well, it depends on what you mean. If it means "having deep meaning" than you can go watch a film and call it /lit/. So my answer is no. Anything that's not like a normal book can't be lit.

>> No.18508687

A pic says more as 1000 words this guys should go into the gas first.

>> No.18508715

They can but unfortunately the medium was born out of pulpy superhero garbage so it'll probably never reach it's potential. Maus sold me tho. Beautifully told story and book 2's self referential aspects were based

>> No.18508741

This is what the people earn.
If people are to scared to stand up for each other, they earn chore

>> No.18508750


>> No.18508982

>Book about how bad the camps were
>Main char manages to literally accumulate 6+ months worth of food in less than 1 month due to connections and special treatment due to the guards making use of his education
>The entire book is the main char avoiding anything bad due to aforementioned privilege
>"Feel bad for me"

>> No.18508993

It's a book about how jews think.

>> No.18509713

only if it's about how tough the poor jews had it

>> No.18509716

I like The Sandman

>> No.18509731

>cat nazi, mouse jews so smart

This (>>18508571) is unironically the greatest graphic novel in the history of the medium :3

Simply because there are certain sections that literally ARE a book. It reads exactly like a book in some parts, some pages are just words, but the parts with comic strips are very wordy as well. Quite an interesting read indeed.

>> No.18509929

If you rely heavily on illustration and images to tell a story then it is not /lit/.

>> No.18510154

Yeah and the main character is revealed to be racist towards black people at the end of the book. It’s a little more nuanced than youre letting on

>> No.18510482

Great lit prof:

>> No.18510499

Did anyone see the glitch at 0:40?
Is he a machine elf?

>> No.18510590

The lectures available on YouTube are all cut down from 2.5 hours and restructured for a general audience (unfortunately, his actual class lectures aren't available online). They're still good though.

https://youtu.be/uTXorZx9kO8 (this one is on Seth).

Lectures on Ariel, To the Lighthouse, Lolita, The Wasteland and quite a few more are up on his channel. (As I said though, I have to handicap them by saying they aren't the full class lectures...you can still get good shit out of them though (he's the Peterson of the English department).

>> No.18510653

Literal retard

>> No.18510657

Jet where we have finally drones who are blind to gender i think we need more woman at the military.

>> No.18510690


>> No.18510707

No really why Zyclon B is a much to easy death.

>> No.18510716
File: 189 KB, 619x640, Fujioka.Haruhi.full.485007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the establishment only give awards to books about suffering and death, especially muh holocaust stuff. I rather give that award to a beautiful shojo manga like Host Club or something.

>> No.18510725

The establishment likes to stay by and say we did nothing wrong. They went frontline vs Afrika.

>> No.18510745

Ugly woman and rich faggs first row.

>> No.18510749

Only if it's about the sempiternal suffering of the kikes.

>> No.18510771

>Its use of the unique qualities that only the graphic novel medium has was profound
>the super human heroes in it felt more real then most people you read.
>choice of color was marvelous and gave the world a unnatural quality
>even the use of font was carefully designed to send a message to the reader

Yeah, much better the Mauz by far if you ask me

>> No.18510773
File: 80 KB, 655x652, Ouran.High.School.Host.Club.full.459622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ugly woman
Haruhi is beautiful
>rich fagg
Cute rich fags

>> No.18510775

If a childrens picture book can be lit so can a graphic novel

>> No.18510778

We will find out what his parents told him and judge later.

>> No.18510781

>We will find out what his parents told him and judge later.

>> No.18510784

Rorschach is literally a parody of a right wing conspiracy theorist btw. Why can't right wingers do art?

>> No.18510800

Hes just a moral absolutist. Plenty of the alt-right would not go far enough to stand by what they know is right and wrong.

>> No.18510813
File: 321 KB, 1031x1600, Mr. A. No. 21 2017 #[nn].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a parody of the objectivist superheroes of Steve Ditko (especially Mr.A).

>> No.18510831
File: 1.11 MB, 686x1242, watchmen-groupphoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Jew. This is a Watchmen thread now.
Manhattan is the Superman as the Superman. Power beyond that of mortal man. But his phenomenal power divorces him from common man, to the point where he's entirely trapped within his own fate. Thus, he fails, even on his own metrics.

The Comedian is superhero as government agent, a man who just takes orders and thus becomes a monster. But even a monster has his limits, and when faced with Armageddon, he can't follow through and he dies without understanding, unable to laugh at the final punchline.

Dan's the superhero as everyman, the spidey style Superhero Who Could Be You. And since he's a regular schlub with erectile dysfunction, when the stakes get big enough, he has no idea what to do with himself. Thus he and Laurie just drop out.

And Ozy? The superhero as the overman, the one who has reached the limitations of humanity, and therefore, a man cut off from his peers and the common rules, driven only by the ends. Which means, of course, that if the ends fail (which they might), he has nothing. The smartest man on the cinder.

Rorschach, though, is different. He's the uncompromising hero, the one with a strict moral code that others may not understand (Like approving of Hiroshima while disdaining Ozy's similar solution), but that he can't ever step away from. There's no wavering on that point. It's fixed like the stars.

And in the end, when following his code means his own death or the end of the world? Well. That's just how it has to be. He's an unpleasant, smelly, miserable human being with no understanding of mercy, but he was at least able to stand by his beliefs to the end. The biggest failure as a human being was the only one who didn't fail in following his beliefs to their conclusion.

Their grim, horrifying, tragic, and probably futile conclusion

>> No.18510873

A. He only gets more food cause hes smart idk how that's privilege.
wdym only 2 of his family survive? He almost dies multiple times(being shot at while peeing, typhus,etc.)
He is a grubby racist asshole who played a major role in his wife's suicide. The narrator has a difficult relationship with him.

>> No.18510880

Did anyone else's book smell weird but good?

>> No.18510978

>on a literature board
>doesn't understand what privilege is
read a book.

>> No.18510993

Because people you don't like are bad at things you do like

>> No.18511013
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>when your phony genocide is so ridiculous you have to make it into a cute animal cartoon to get schoolchilden to believe it

>> No.18511033
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>Rorschach is literally a parody of a right wing conspiracy theorist btw.
Yet in the end he's entirely vindicated and is the only character with moral clarity.

Sometimes liberal writers hit upon the truth in spite of themselves.

>> No.18511037
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As this is a stealth /co/ thread I'll post the rest of this.

>> No.18511057
File: 1.13 MB, 1176x1586, rcjoa3b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this triptych we see R. Crumb falling into the same pattern as Alan more. In his attempt to parody the insane reactionaries that live in his head he actually gives voice to his suppressed understanding. Art is greater than the artist, and allows his unconscious to bypass his ideological conditioning.

If you look at the first panel you see everything that's actually happening. From the depredations of jewish financiers like Paul Singer to the abuses of gentile women by moguls like Harvey Weinstien, his parody has come to mirror unvarnished reality.

>> No.18511074

>Pulitzer Prize
Another shitty prize named after some noname nobody who spent money to get famous.

Book is just another WWII propaganda piece made by daj -oos to make sure we remember remember Germany 1941-1945 while forgetting forgetting Palestine 1948-Current day

Moral of the story: Be racist --> get cool shit

>> No.18511148

But I don't think a child's book can be lit if it's made like comics

>> No.18511166


>> No.18511176

The definition of literature is
>written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
By that definition Watchmen is clearly /lit/ since the entire definition applies to it.

>> No.18511177

I like how the americans were dogs.

>> No.18511182

Nah, Crumb is hardcore like that. Retards just masturbate to him without having ever read the guy, if you actually stop to read his shit it's just blatant ephebophilia and calling people niggers to no end, sometimes just for fun. Any rationalizations of parody are just damage control

>> No.18511188

idk, Rorschach was one of the ones I respected the most for sticking to his guns on all of it.

>> No.18511199

The jews know who the real antisemities are and they've given him nothing but amplification over the years.

The last panel I posted is an dead-obvious parody of reactionaries.

Cool if true though.

>blatant ephebophilia
Where do you get that? Literally all of his coom material is about amazon women in their mid to late twenties with enormous asses and tits.

>> No.18511202

>Moore has minced no words about how he never intended Rorschach to be a laudable hero. And over the years, he’s also talked about his opinion of Ditko’s openly Randian leanings.

>The writer respected Ditko’s commitment to putting his politics in his art, telling Comic Book Artist magazine that “that in some ways set him above most of his contemporaries.” But he felt pretty differently about the content of those politics.

>“I have to say I found Ayn Rand’s philosophy laughable,” Moore continued. “It was a ‘white supremacist dreams of the master race,’ burnt in an early-20th century form. Her ideas didn’t really appeal to me, but they seemed to be the kind of ideas that people would espouse, people who might secretly believe themselves to be part of the elite, and not part of the excluded majority.”

>Moore and Gibbons’ Rorschach isn’t the shining example of the philosophy that Mr. A represents. Rather than exhibiting objective moral beliefs about every person’s right to pursue their own happiness, he is a casual misogynist and homophobe. His closest allies find him, at best, off-putting and hard to get along with — contrary to Randian reasoning, his commitment to his ideals has not brought him personal success or happiness.
Holy shit Ayn Rand just got btfo'd so fucking hard.

>> No.18511205

>Did anyone see the glitch at 0:40?
you're just seeing part of the inlaid background disappear.
have you never been on a Zoom call where someone is using those stupid backgrounds to cover up their real life abode because they were too lazy to clean up, or they are afraid people will think they're poor or unfashionable or have bad taste in furniture, etc?

>> No.18511206


Should have been eagles, and the russians, bears. It was one survivor's testimony that the two were placed in cages with jews to rip them apart. I'd like to see a cartoon depiction of that.

>> No.18511207

>Why can't right wingers do art?
>Fernando Pessoa
>Thomas Mann
>Andrei Tarkovski
>HP Lovecraft

>> No.18511214

you need to define "establishment".
then analyze who comprises it.
then you'll have your answer.

>> No.18511215

It's one of those cultural mysteries, that we just can't figure out. Crumb is surely no conservative or right-winger, and as a label, his branding is that he is the crazy sexual comics from the hippie era (who hated hippies, interestingly). If you read his shit, he gets just on the verge of reasonable doubt where he can still backpedal and call his material satire.

Regarding ephebohilia, I can't remember the exact book, but many of his books of random drawings and such feature, among the iconic amazons, girls drawn and described by text as being teenagers and young teenagers, nude, in sexual contexts.

>> No.18511216

I don't care for it. For me the watchmen is drawn more than it's written. Just like how a book is criticized for it's prose and style, the comics are and should be criticized for the style and the quality the art has. And yes watchmen was written but it didn't stay written, similar to how movie are written but later shot.
I don't hate comics but it's not literature for me.

>> No.18511219

Here's what happened: you read a parody of your views and had an emotional reaction because "wow that's what I believe, so true!" then you had to rationalise agreeing with a parody that makes your views look insane.

Protip: that first panel is about the italian mafia, not jews, you have comprehension issues

>> No.18511220

This fucking pretenders.
I still believe sth. is wrong with him.

>> No.18511222

>Thomas Mann
Thought communism was better then fascism therefore he isn’t right wing.

>> No.18511229

>thought that a piece of shit was better than a piece of turd
At this rate it's a marginal difference.

>> No.18511239
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My god a brainlet ...

>> No.18511248

>During World War I, Mann supported Kaiser Wilhelm II's conservatism, attacked liberalism and supported the war effort, calling the Great War "a purification, a liberation, an enormous hope". Yet in Von Deutscher Republik (1923) as a semi-official spokesman for parliamentary democracy, Mann called upon German intellectuals to support the new Weimar Republic. He also gave a lecture at the Beethovensaal in Berlin on 13 October 1922, which appeared in Die neue Rundschau in November 1922 in which he developed his eccentric defence of the Republic, based on extensive close readings of Novalis and Walt Whitman. Thereafter, his political views gradually shifted toward liberal left and democratic principles.[38][39]

>He initially gave his support to the left-liberal German Democratic Party before shifting further left and urging unity behind the Social Democrats.[40][41]

>In 1930, Mann gave a public address in Berlin titled "An Appeal to Reason" in which he strongly denounced Nazism and encouraged resistance by the working class. This was followed by numerous essays and lectures in which he attacked the Nazis. At the same time, he expressed increasing sympathy for socialist ideas. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, Mann and his wife were on holiday in Switzerland. Due to his strident denunciations of Nazi policies, his son Klaus advised him not to return. In contrast to those of his brother Heinrich and his son Klaus, Mann's books were not among those burnt publicly by Hitler's regime in May 1933, possibly since he had been the Nobel laureate in literature for 1929. In 1936, the Nazi government officially revoked his German citizenship.

>During the war, Mann made a series of anti-Nazi radio-speeches, published as Listen, Germany!. They were recorded on tape in the United States and then sent to the United Kingdom, where the BBC transmitted them, hoping to reach German listeners.

>Mann expressed his belief in the collection of letters written in exile, Listen, Germany! (Deutsche Hörer!), that equating Russian communism with Nazi-fascism on the basis that both are totalitarian systems was either superficial or insincere in showing a preference for fascism.[42] He clarified this view during a German press interview in July 1949, declaring that he was not a communist, but that communism at least had some relation to ideals of humanity and of a better future. He said that the transition of the communist revolution into an autocratic regime was a tragedy while Nazism was only "devilish nihilism".[43][44]

>> No.18511252

>Why cant right wingers do art?
>Why cant left wingers do humor?

Guess thats it, huh?

>> No.18511259

I wonder why...

>> No.18511269
File: 12 KB, 235x218, d2f5c33924d849334d502b39dee4b07e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Stewart, George Carlin, Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Louis C.K., Bill Burr and Lenny Bruce can't do humor

>> No.18511294

Plenty of these dudes are washed up though and seem to complain how fucking bad comedy is though which if you admit is also a leftist game then is largely leftists fault

>> No.18511300

Here's what happened: you're coping.

Protip: By "first panel" I meant the first page. You have comprehension issues and don't know what the word "triptych" means.

>> No.18511301
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How does /lit/ rate this?

>> No.18511314

>Why can't right wingers do art?
Right Wingers have created nearly every single art piece in existence.

>> No.18511317

The only one of those who was actually funny was Eddie Murphy, whose humor was entirely apolitical. He made fun of FAGGOTS constantly though.

Richard Pryor too I guess, before he went to Africa and started delivering woke sermons about the beauty of his race.

>> No.18511335
File: 43 KB, 470x573, get a load of this fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks the Weimar Republic is representative of right or left or conservative or liberal beliefs exclusively

>Thinks Nazism is representative of the right-wing or conservative in any capacity, being the very embodiment of huge government systems that destroy previous institutions to obtain enormous centralized autocratic despotic power that controls the private property, economic enterprising capacity, micromanages the lives of its citizens and takes their civil and economic liberties

>declaring that he was not a communist,

>> No.18511340
File: 91 KB, 500x333, smilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding any of these faggots sans Chappelle funny

>> No.18511525
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>>John Stewart
Do they really?

>> No.18512727

They're basically degenerate libertarians who only give a fuck about left-wing social issues because they don't directly affect their lives. Metropolitian liberals who think immigration means more takeout options within walking distance from their downtown luxury condo.

>> No.18512782

>finding chappelle funny
haha yeah yt bad amirite

>> No.18512800

Gee. I wonder why…

>> No.18512805

I’ve read manga which I maintain are /lit/. They’re no Moby Dick or Don Quixote but they’re not just low brow commercial pop art schlock either.

>> No.18512823

Lovecraft became a moderate socialist at the end of his life.

>> No.18512853

>force jews to do manual labor
>get accused of genocide
Really jogs the noggin, doesn't it?

>> No.18512893

What kind of retarded logic is this? He was still extremely right wing when writing the books and the whole idea is that right wingers can't create art. It doesn't matter if he decided to become left wing at the end of their life.

>> No.18513065

comics are a great medium but it got stuck with superheroes to the point where people think all comics are about superheroes and stigma about anything drawn is for kids

>> No.18513141
File: 36 KB, 512x238, josh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna write my magnum opus and im gonna win the man booker prize and im gonna shake lena dunhams hand

>> No.18513194

Because that shit is kitsch trash.

>> No.18513204

Soviet joke time:

> Two Jewish rabbis are sitting in a public toilet and having a real hard time making number two.
> At last one of them says:
> "Hey Chaim, what do you think - what we're doing now, is it mental labor or physical?"
> The other ponders for a while and finally answers:
> "Must the mental. If it was physical we'd pay some goy to do it for us."

>> No.18513213
File: 1.46 MB, 1800x1291, A Bride's Story - c010 (v02) - p148-149 [dig] [Yen Press] [danke-Empire].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any examples? I really love YKK and Otoyomegatari, but I'm not sure I would call them /lit/. So much of what makes them great comes through the artwork rather than just the writing, as would be expected of the medium.

>> No.18513236

Astro City, right? The first issue was really good but when the original writers left it went downhill

>> No.18513239
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>> No.18513242

What are some good graphic novels (not manga)?

>> No.18513251

It is both /art/ and /lit/

>> No.18513259

Well what makes something /lit/ or not /lit/ in your view? I now suspect that you’d find them not /lit/ regardless of which ones I’d mentioned.

>> No.18513274

>implying this is parody
Do you also think Pynchon is parody?

>> No.18513358
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typical lefty rhetoric is to fuck with the boundaries and lines they draw. bad lefties are actually right wing and not true communists, good right wingers are actually socialists at heart and are misled.
it's the same thing fundamentalist religious folk do with good people who are irreligious being deemed "faithful at heart" and bad people being "religious only in name, using god's name in vain"

>> No.18513416
File: 2.47 MB, 1114x1500, 027 Reverse cover illustration for YKK vol.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just curious what manga in particular you considered to be /lit/ because I might be interested in reading them. I'm not the guy you originally replied to and I wasn't planning on trying to BTFO you and tell you your picks aren't /lit/ or anything like that. In consideration of the question, I just think that manga artists have a greater passion for drawing than for writing. They are generally more focused on telling a story through artwork than through writing, which creates a distinction from /lit/. An exceptionally well written manga could maybe change my perspective, though.

>> No.18513571

I agree with what you said. I guess I have a tendency to blend drawing and writing in so far as they tell a story because I see both of them as a sort of “writing” if you know what I mean. But if I had to answer I would say Oyasumi Pun Pun, 20th Century Boys, The Summit of the Gods, and possibly Death Note and Attack on Titan. I know people disagree with that last one but I still think it’s true. Possible Tokyo Ghoul but I’m not convinced. There’s others but I’m having trouble recalling them off the top of my head right now.

>> No.18513599

Most writers prior to the 1950s are right wing

>> No.18513978

This art style is repulsive.

>> No.18514003

no wonder it fucking sucks.

>> No.18514067

You have to go back

>> No.18514922

You should read Calvin & Hobbes.

>> No.18514980
File: 213 KB, 387x663, 4452742283388024c4a5c3fd5cd31681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I haven't actually read it yet but it looks pretty fun.

>> No.18515043
File: 60 KB, 644x307, fromhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hell is great.

I used to love JTHM, once upon a time. I'm afraid I may not like it if I go back to it, though.

Not a bad take, aside from the Jew thing.

>> No.18515070

Akira is definitely /lit/.

>> No.18515074

Earlier Chapelle wasn’t as bad with that shit. I don’t care for the guy at all really, but he certainly had some good bits.

>> No.18515090

muh hall of cost

>> No.18516364

Youve never read leftist theory in your life

>> No.18516394

What does "leftist theory" even mean?

>> No.18516449

I just figured it out, your talking about books. I was confused because that has pretty much nothing to do with what he was talking about. He was clearly referring to people who talk about other people. Not people who write books on theories.

>> No.18516459

Why was this comic book mandatory reading for me in elementary achool as well as at least two more holocaust books? There arent that many jews in america, why is this required reading

>> No.18516659
File: 29 KB, 253x392, INeverLikedYouCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18516667

That's the only good literature.

>> No.18516669

/co/ here

You can talk about comics there.

Meh, you could do better.

>> No.18516673
File: 217 KB, 660x991, cover-its-a-good-life-if-you-dont-weaken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lecture on this one: >>18510590

>> No.18516677

Me too anon, I also like it

>> No.18516693 [DELETED] 

This is /lit. This discussion belongs on this board.

>> No.18516699
File: 191 KB, 1800x2663, 1621363940291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this lit?

>> No.18516707
File: 189 KB, 909x599, co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch cartoons. This is /lit.

>> No.18516710

that's /co/

>> No.18516712
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>> No.18516721

Your point? You're still talking about a comic in the literature area.

>> No.18516738

>In 2019, the graphic novel was ranked 47th on The Guardian's list of the 100 best books of the 21st century.
Let me know when your spiderman does this.

>> No.18516746

it's a piece of shit

>> No.18516754

A condensed lecture from a course titled "Literature for Our Time" being taught at one of the best universities in the world. Specifically discussing the Graphic Novel's place in literature: https://youtu.be/uTXorZx9kO8?t=650 (time stamped)

If you want people to applaud you for reading Wallace and Pynchon go start a thread; with any luck you'll start up a nice masturbatory circlejerk. Otherwise, come up with something better than "Dey LoWbroW cArToONz FoR bABiEs!"


>> No.18516780

boy those Jewish awards sure do love art about nazis.

>> No.18516800

>approve of Hiroshima
>disdaining Ozy's similar solution
But the atom bomb was dropped by the president, an elected official. Ozy was just some guy. While the actions themselves are similar, there's still a difference.

>> No.18516824


Ok, kid. You're as deep as the ocean, which is 80% nothing and 10% trash with only 10% of anything meaningful, but here's the interesting part. That last 10% are smarts from another person's mouth. You got nothing in you that's original, and you follow trends because you think it makes you look better in the eyes of others, not because you want to better yourself as a person. You're shallow. Plus, it doesn't change the fact that it's a comic.

>> No.18516901

If you consider your personal tastes so discerning (as pseuds often do), you should probably look up "mixed metaphors" and learn why they're to be avoided.

Do you have any other midwit takes or are we done here?

>> No.18516942

It looks like we're at an impass, but please do go on about how a graphic novel isn't just a comic but something more.


>> No.18517035

>It looks like we're at an impass(sic), but please do go on about how a graphic novel isn't just a comic but something more.
Sorry, but pretentious pseuds shouldn't be directed towards nuance--it's funnier for everyone when they write multisentence mixed metaphors and incorrectly use/spell words ("impass" LOL).

>> No.18517060
File: 20 KB, 432x264, 1598118800665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I am right and smart while you are dumb and stupid. I have mindlessly consumed more books. Read more theory chud, You'll see I'm right. You only disagree because you're a fascist pig.

>> No.18517578

Bad take. Watchmen is great on its own merits, not because it's "like a book".

>> No.18517588

What do you guys think about Lone Sloane?

>> No.18517597
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Skypiea is pretty lit if you know what I'm saying

>> No.18517655

>Can comic books be lit?
Comic books rely on both written, information( like literature) and visual information( like art) to convey the books message.
As such they are a mixture of both lit and art, but not really one or the other.
Comic books with no written dialogue do exist, and those would just fall under art.
Comic books with no art would just be /lit/ and therefore wouldn’t be comic books.

>> No.18517669

>Rorschach is literally a parody of a right wing conspiracy theorist btw. Why can't right wingers do art?
They can, most viewers and readers just don’t fucking see the meaning, and accept some bullshit explanation handed to them by the author if they get curious.

>> No.18517680

>Simply because there are certain sections that literally ARE a book. It reads exactly like a book in some parts, some pages are just words, but the parts with comic strips are very wordy as well. Quite an interesting read indeed.
The artwork, and colorization, and layout, and possibly the lettering, all have meaning.
Without these, the dialogue would be meaningless.

>> No.18517691

>If a childrens picture book can be lit so can a graphic novel
Children’s illustrated books are mostly /co/, with some that are a hybrid of /co/ and /lit/.
If the dialogue can stand on its own without the artwork, then it’s /lit/,
If it looses the meaning without the artwork, it’s /co/.

>> No.18517703
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Ignorant Anon.

>> No.18517718

>I like The Sandman
Hasn’t Neil Gaiman written as many novels as he has Graphic Novels?

>> No.18517762

Based Onepiece chad.

>> No.18517971

None of those are wingers
Hating the modern world doesn't suddenly make you jack off to men in tights, turdbrain
Nor does a dawning sense of empathy make you a socialist
>Muh left-wing right-wing - EVERYONE GOTTA THINK LIKE ME
You are all the same

>> No.18518010

Alan Moore's Swamp Thing and From Hell say they can, YES.

>> No.18518020

Funny you mock Spider-Man when Kirby is one of Moore's main influence.

>> No.18518028

From Hell, Promethea, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Hellboy, Preacher, The Sandman and V for Vendetta.

>> No.18518038

By /lit/, they obviously mean having literary merit and being of exceptionally high quality that can compare to those of the great novels.

>> No.18518067

Mann is not right, nor is he left. He is above that, but obviously people like Tolkien or Joseph Conrad would be great examples.

>> No.18518151

This sort of blatant racism is irreconcilable with Christianity.

>> No.18518255

Someone didn't get the ending.

>> No.18518315
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Best comic mentioned in this yet.

>> No.18518379

>but the parts with comic strips are very wordy as well
There are entire pages without any written word.

>> No.18518399

How I see it, it’s funnier that you trying so hard to avoid talking about comics on /co/. Say whatever you want. Still not going to change the fact that you’re wrong.

>> No.18518453

This comic fucking sucks. It's the representation of Moore's disillusionment with his childhood dream of making comics. It's more sad than anything else. Like a lonely woman who gets angry when she sees a little kid enjoying a Disney movie.

>> No.18518624


>> No.18518921

Interesting topic. Interesting thread. I’m not sure graphic novels will ever supplant novels or even rival them in their perceived literary merit but there’s something to the idea that it’s an appropriate storytelling medium for our age.

>> No.18519003

Wrong, it's indicative of his disappointment with strips, so he stepped in and said that they can be so much more and proved it.

>> No.18519274
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more like "rats"

>> No.18519746

an apple was Newton's main influence but I don't beat off to it.

>> No.18519826

False equivalency, dummy.

>> No.18519936

Stated influences have no relevancy, retard.

>> No.18519970
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The art is mediocre, it won because if it didn't win, they would have called the P. Prize people Nazis... It was made a winner through fear, not merit.

>> No.18520033

>Why can't right wingers do art?
Cause we have real jobs that contribute to society.

>> No.18520424
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>"graphic novel" thread
>no mention of visual novel lit
I've yet to read a book with a better metanarrative than Umineko.

>> No.18520436
File: 40 KB, 960x783, 01327EEE-170F-41A5-9CF7-CBCB7F703ECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocaust bait wins an award
I’m shocked

>> No.18520669

>Jew writes a comic about the holocaust and wins an award named after another jew
Comics are their own medium as other posters have said. They don't need to be /lit/. If a comic is great by the standards of literature then it is probably average as a comic.

>> No.18520819

>nothing can ever transcend a medium
No wonder pol chuds can't into art.

>> No.18520837
File: 252 KB, 983x1280, chudspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol chuds can't into art.
Opinion discarded

>> No.18520881

That's a lot of work to discard an opinion. Why do chuds lack self awareness?

>> No.18520963

lol rat jews

>> No.18520968

worst Haruhi.

>> No.18520985
File: 126 KB, 644x1024, Paided Trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do chuds lack self awareness?
>Ignores post in were Chud spammer was exposed as an Israeli troll
Is this real life? Are we in hell?

>> No.18521037
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>worst Haruhi.

>> No.18521230

Carebus is an interesting topic, on one hand, it's pretty damn good. On the other, the author fucking drop acid each day for one whole month and had a stroke. When he awoke he was a totally different man, a broken make with a comic to write. Style for it was amazing but story-wise it's batshit crazy because Dave went fucking crazy, and as soon as he started having women problems he forced that shit into the comic.

So I say sure check it out but you don't need to read all of it.

>> No.18522199

Shitloads of manga are /lit/ tier but westoids in charge will never read them