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/lit/ - Literature

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18503610 No.18503610 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into Stephen King but I don't know which one to read. Where should I start, /lit/?

>> No.18503615

Read Ray Bradbury because Stephen King just took his style and ideas and extended them into lengthy pulp monstrosities.

>> No.18503631

try The Ghost of Harold Bloom

>> No.18503674

>Stephen King just took his style
If that's what he was going for he's done a piss poor job during the last forty years.

>> No.18503709

Okay, thanks
Nothing is showing up

>> No.18503885

>Nothing is showing up
Now you're on the trolley!

>> No.18503916

>Nothing is showing up

>> No.18504577

The shining
Its the best book he has ever written.
IT is his worst book.
Tower shit is meh.

>> No.18504590

Don't, he's shit. Read Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz instead.

>> No.18504629

Cute Abby
And don’t read King, read the guys he stole his shit from like Lovecraft or Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.18504642

Start with his early short stories.

>> No.18504714

This. King sucks, but his short stories are the best of his shit output. If you're going to read him just read the short stories.

>> No.18505495

His Bachman books are good. I hate his other stuff, and I hate him.

>> No.18505516

I thought it was a book
Thanks, I got interested in reading him because of the Green Mile film which he wrote.

>> No.18506218
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Start with the Bachmans.

>> No.18506229

>IT is his worst book.
IT has the worst ending but it is one of his best books

>> No.18506276
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This was, legitimately, an excellent science fiction novel.

>> No.18506416

it's about a town of people who rape a child named Tommy

>> No.18506555
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>> No.18506570

>IT has the worst ending
Endings are King's weakness. He usually sets up with an interesting premise and characters. Then he has no idea how to wrap up, and it turns into a hot mess. Bachman Books and Tommyknockers were the only ones where he managed to pull it together.

>> No.18506748

Misery is also good.
>Endings are King's weakness
That, and bloat. Almost all of his novels would be significantly improved if ~400 pages of extraneous nonsense were removed.

>> No.18506865

>and bloat
True. I honestly have no idea how King achieved superstar popularity. Marketing I guess.

>> No.18507132

I second this motion. He's better at not fucking up the ending when the story is only 20 pages long.

>> No.18508462


>> No.18508863

I recommend "On Writing", which is his book on why he writes and how does he do it. I think everything else becomes more clear after that.

>> No.18510331

Tommyknockers was shut and about 400 pgs too long

>> No.18510838

He was making a joke

>> No.18510841


I'm a few chapters into The Shining and I'm enjoying it so far. Obviously, different from the film, but the differences are legible and make sense.

>> No.18511338

>was shut
Is this the hip new zoomer slang?

>> No.18511362

*shit you shut for brains

>> No.18511378


>> No.18511500
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>> No.18511654
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This is my favorite