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/lit/ - Literature

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18501321 No.18501321 [Reply] [Original]

How has reading books affect your life? Did it help you at least once?

>> No.18501346

I spend less time on youtube which is nice.

>> No.18501353

I become a depressed nihilist waste of oxygen if I don't read. dunno what it is. but if I sucked into posting on bullshit websites like 4chan instead of actually reading, I feel like I get further and further away from myself. I lose interest in the artistic beauty of things, start thinking an easy life of consuming media might not be so bad after all... etc. It's pretty fucking terrible, OP.

>> No.18501360

asians are something else mann

>> No.18501550

1. Positively, by enriching it.
2. Yes.

>> No.18502043

qt asian girls >>>

>> No.18502059

Libgen has unironically saved my life.

>> No.18502068

Multiple times.

>> No.18502073

No never. It’s only helped me become more and more alienated from those around me, while I spiraled deeper and deeper into an imaginary world of escapism and detached narratives. I’ve never been as depressed in my life as I am writing this right now and I’ve never read more than I do right now.

>> No.18502079
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Quite based.

>> No.18502144
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I like how books are one of the few mediums that gives the consumer a feeling of accomplishment. No-one brags about the time they wasted on movies or video games. But reading a novel? It's hard work, or so they say.

>> No.18502158

What a kind india

>> No.18502160
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It may have saved my life by giving something to do for free that I enjoyed. Now I use it to keep the blade sharp in downtime. I believe my steady reading over my whole life had made me better than the average human, and it's reflected in my pay grade, wife, etc


>> No.18502168

Unironically, browsing /lit/ got me into reading and it has overall been really positive for me. As examples, reading has helped put "current events" in perspective (in that, most things aren't novel, someone probably wrote about it a few centuries ago). It's also helped structure some thoughts and opinions I have in a way that is palatable to strangers at a bar (as in, people approach me and want to hear what I have to say on random things...it's honestly a bit bizarre). This even landed me a girl that I dated for a short while (she overheard me talking about Jung at a bar lol). I would say the main negative of reading is that it can potentially put you out of touch relative to your peers, but as long as you're a relaxed person it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.18502171

yeah, its helped me verbalize ideas and thoughts that i'm not bombarded with via constant propaganda media, which helps me stand out and generally win more in life.

>> No.18502174

The former, yes, the latter are just mental issues. That has nothing to do with reading. You'd think the glowies are onto you even just working at Micky D's my dude.

>> No.18502192

Well, we can debate about what came first here but either way the reading no doubt provides a space to spiral into. I have no schizophrenic delusions either. Don’t project that nonsense on to me.

>> No.18502229

reading and real life are not as neatly divided as you'd like to imagine. your non-reading self is not isolated from your reading self in such a way that you can "spiral into" it as a separate space. you intermingle with it and are changed afterwards.

>> No.18502234
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Made me believe in God.

>> No.18502311

I think you misunderstand me. It’s not a matter of reading or not reading. It’s a matter of immersing in a totally imagined, or more aptly, fictional, world or not. It’s fundamentally not real. Where I am in that novel I’m reading, is just not where I am when I’m waking up to get ready for work.

>> No.18502422

Why the fuck do they take pictures of themselves in mirrors with a fucking mask on. Swipe up you idiotic multi orificed wastes of skin.

>> No.18502618

Plenty of people feel accomplished after finishing a videogame, some even feel the same about watching a marathon of movies.
Societal norms just find it more pathetic when compared to completing a book and im ok with that.

>> No.18502961

I downloaded Tinder and tried passport for free. Most girls on tokyo and shibuya had their faces covered. And the ones that showed were kind of ugly.
HOWEVER, koreans. Boi, those girls are fine.

>> No.18503141

Made me believe in dog.

>> No.18503211

Definitely. Reading has given me confidence and incentive in my professional and personal life.

>> No.18503568
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Yes, it has helped me to better understand my surroundings, my people and definitely made me a better listener. My dad used to say that the benefits of reading might come when you least expect, maybe you are on an important conversation, date, class or whatever and the topic of a book comes up, if you've read it, it will make you look good if you don't you'll look disappointing.

>> No.18503655

It’s made my life much happier and helped me understand myself and what I want out of life. My views on love, religion, and beauty have all been changed by literature :)

>> No.18503740

dating apps in Japan are very stigmatized so don't expect women to show their face or not be weird freaks that will stab you. tinder especially has a bad reputation.

>> No.18503745

It's like eating your vegetables anon.

>> No.18503796

Many times. RA Wilson's 'Prometheus Rising' opened up my mind when I was a teenager. Finding David DeAngelo through Strauss' 'The Game' helped me get laid. 'The Invisible Cities' mad me more romantic. Ovid's 'The Art of Love' helped me through heartbreak.

>> No.18505450

>Ovid's 'The Art of Love'
ive read this now, its really good. thank you for recommending

>> No.18505491

The Merchant of Venice gave me interpersonal, personal, transactional epiphanies. Hume's Treatise of Human is giving my brain big gains in perception and just makes me feel clarity and confidence in processing any thoughts.

>> No.18505504

You're in deep but you went down with a cause that should have been a purpose but clearly wasn't or wasn't clearly. Keep reading but drop whatever escapism you're running away with and face the music. Analyze your normies and what forces act on them so your study itself is your interface with them. That way you're like a whale not a drowner.

>> No.18505509

I like butts and don't mind little boobs but she has the chest of a 12 year old

>> No.18505675

many such cases in modern age