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File: 98 KB, 921x267, mishima manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18501076 No.18501076 [Reply] [Original]

Mishima bros...

>> No.18501118

Average height in 1925 in emperial Japan was like 5'3

>> No.18501147

Jesus Christ, the actual country of Liliput.

>> No.18501161

HahahahhahahahhahahahHHHa holy shit, so fucking sad

>> No.18501166

What the fuck?

>> No.18501187

and he was still below average lol

>> No.18501196

Malnourishment is a bitch

>> No.18501209

Not an excuse

>> No.18501215
File: 24 KB, 340x327, d_annunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, manlets are based

>> No.18501220

genuinely surprising
I could even buy something like 5'4 but wow that's small

>> No.18501226

Average height in Japan now probably isn’t that much taller. They’ve always been small.

>> No.18501236

Dazai was 5'10"

>> No.18501249

And he would’ve been abnormally tall. Explains how he was so successful with women despite being a misanthrope.

>> No.18501255
File: 19 KB, 571x537, 1559010144668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't choose to be born this way. Stop making fun of us.

>> No.18501272
File: 151 KB, 514x900, 2-napoleon-bonaparte-french-emperor-mary-evans-picture-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alexander - Little above 5 ft
>Julius Caesar - 5'7
>Napoleon - 5'6
>Hitler - 5'9
>Mussolini - 5'7
>Stalin - 5'5
>Lenin - 5'5
>Frederick the Great - 5'3
>Franco - 5'4
>Dollfuss - 5 ft
>Churchill - 5'6
>Mishima - 5'1
>D'Annunzio - 5'4
How can lanklets even compete?

>> No.18501283
File: 172 KB, 500x357, 20210621_141543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all responsible for the unnecessary deaths of millions
There would be no war if the manlets dissapeared

>> No.18501288

fun size :3

>> No.18501296

Not me :3

>> No.18501305

>tfw he’d be powerless to resist

>> No.18501307

Wow, wow it's so amazing that Communists followed the laws of nature and lubricated the wheels of history with blood.
Based and Romepilled

>> No.18501312


>> No.18501328

>Only 150 thousand

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18501336

Is that why Mishima hated him

>> No.18501340

Magapedes going mask off with that hitler death count

>> No.18501358

Kek probably.
He stalked Dazai in assassin clothing to a party and told Dazai that he hate him and Dazai replied yet you're here.
Imagine a tiny Mishima in assassin clothing trying to fuck with 9 inch taller Dazai, kek.

>> No.18501370
File: 28 KB, 290x340, 1623231710313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18501445

Convince me why I should read anyone under 5'10"

>> No.18501447

Because otherwise you would be left with no good writers

>> No.18501452

the smaller someone is, the smarter they are

>> No.18501455

where'd you read that? Lmao

>> No.18501526

John Nathan's biography of Mishima:

>Mishima's only meeting with Dazai, in January 1947, is now a famous incident in Japanese literary history. A circle of fledgling writers had persuaded Dazai to join them for an afternoon of talk and drinking... Mishima went along with a young playwright named Yashiro, an avid admirer of Dazai's. The bottles were passed from mouth to mouth, Dazai proceeded to get quite drunk at once, and the others followed. Mishima, who did not drink, sat stiffly apart watching in silence. Abruptly, during a drunken lull in the conversation, he moved forward to confront Dazai, looked him straight in the eye and said, smiling, "I don't like your writing." According to Mishima, describing the encounter sixteen years later, "Dazai peered at my face and then drew back slightly, looking as if he had been caught off his guard. But he recovered instantly and, turning halfway toward Kamei, said to no one in particular, 'But he's here, isn't he, so he must think I'm pretty good; he must like what I do or he wouldn't be here.'"

>The playwright Yashiro says that this exchange, or one very like it, did occur. He remembers that Mishima left shortly afterward and that a few days later he came to tell him that his association with "a man like that" could only do him harm. In Mishima's account he writes that he had gone to see Dazai expressly to tell him to his face that he disliked him, and describes himself arriving "with a dagger hidden in the folds of [his] robes, like a terrorist." Specifically he abhors Dazai's "shameless self-caricature," the "affected Christ-like face visible" behind every page, his "confident pride that he was representative of the malaise of the Age," in short, Dazai's "glorification of despair." But Mishima does not stop with listing the qualities in Dazai he cannot abide; he seeks to explain why they so repulsed him:

>"Naturally I recognize Dazai's rare talent; and yet I know of no other writer who from my very first contact with him filled me with so violent a physiological revulsion. Possibly . . . this was due to my immediate sense that Dazai was a writer at pains to expose precisely that which I most wanted to conceal in myself."

>> No.18501597

> Yulia Mishima is the same height as my ex

>> No.18501608

I mean, Dazai looked like an old depressed grandma. Mishima's visceral reaction is understandable.

>> No.18501613

Funny he admits it was just insecurity

>> No.18501624

>The playwright Yashiro says that this exchange, or one very like it, did occur.
So it's all hear-say? Lame!

>> No.18501627

This is a great story of a great man(let). I've only read The Sailor, which I didn't love, but I did love the idea that the stakes were so high for Noboru in every little interaction he had with Ryuji as it seemed to tie in with my wikipedia-tier biopic of him. And then this, it's so true. You can't live with that intensity in this world. F.

>> No.18501665
File: 204 KB, 1050x1370, Kurosawa-Tarkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurosawa was 6 foot

>> No.18501684

That's what happens when you must ration yourself on a diet exclusively consisting of rice in service of his majesty Tennō and Dai Nippon Teikoku .

>> No.18501695


>> No.18503100

he was supposedly closer to 5'8 and this is a rumor spread to undermine his memory in japan

>> No.18503416

I'm reading Sun and Steel. What is his magnum opus, fellas?

>> No.18503483
File: 160 KB, 648x900, Kant drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18503491

Why u subsist on white rice.

>> No.18503492
File: 86 KB, 450x677, Caricature of Johann Michael Vogl and Franz Schubert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18503499

The Truth is reveled.

>> No.18503501

Shorter people have bigger brains since their shriveled, malformed bodies don’t use up as many nutrients.

>> No.18503508

This undoes everything he wrote sadly

>> No.18503708

japs are also shorter than their mainland counterparts

>> No.18503718
File: 3.56 MB, 2400x2823, Nisos_Euryalos_Louvre_LL450_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find this oddly satisfying to look at?
It makes me want to seig heil and jack off

>> No.18503750

I've masturbated to this before

>> No.18503762

Satifying? Yeah that fucking beautiful. Jack off? No I'm not a fucking faggot.

>> No.18503765

Is this meant to make lanklets look better?

>> No.18503778

I would cave your head in with a hammer if i could and hitler would be watching on proudly from the great beyond

>> No.18503782
File: 1.36 MB, 342x316, 321CF3B6-5D39-42CA-8837-5773C470057F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, no.

>> No.18503785
File: 77 KB, 620x413, Charlemagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lanklets will rule eternal.

>> No.18503787

Dont disrespect the classics, poser. This was the artist's express intent

>> No.18503789

Yeah but you're doing what I asked right now, so I've got to tell you mine looks different. Especially since, as mentioned, it's... you know... not that way :3

>> No.18504203

Actually the opposite is the case in mles. Height correlates with health and IQ. Basically bautifull people have it all.

>> No.18504211
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 1621717882200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainland Japan

>> No.18504227

Based 7'6 Übermensch

>> No.18504233

haven't you heard? Recent /pol/ reseach confirmed that the holocaust never really happened.
Which is kinda funny when you think about it since many /pol/ tards would be for gassing untermensch given the chance. Really makes you wonder...

>> No.18504281
File: 60 KB, 1142x720, norm-macdonald-has-a-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150k, 6 million, either way it was a tragedy!

>> No.18504321

read it in his voice

>> No.18504358

more like Minishima

>> No.18504504

Cucks on the left, Chads on the right

>> No.18504733

He means mainland China obviously

>> No.18506486

cool photo.

>> No.18506566
File: 15 KB, 474x355, Sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the holohoax was a ww2 propaganda campaign that was never ended, but now it looks like they will make their own lies come true...
Talk about irony... But hey, larp as the ulthmate victims, become the ultimate victims.

>> No.18506624

That’s not true. It comes from a terrible translation that’s been mythologicized to oblivion. It’s all hearsay so no one actually knows what happened but the story goes that Dazai was invited to speak to a student group and Mishima begrudgingly attended with his friend, also an aspiring playwright. Mishima did not like Dazai and had written already about his “fake aristocracy”, which is something he gathered from Dazai’s vocabulary. At the meeting, he told Dazai to his face that he didn’t like his stories. Dazai responded to no one in particular that “he must like my stories somewhat because he’s here”. Mishima did not respond and only wrote later that he found Dazai to be a detestable and dangerous man.

>> No.18506631


t. 1.67

>> No.18506632

No that's mainland Japan. All of China belongs to Japan.

>> No.18506637

Wow what a bunch of spergs, are all Japanese men like this?

>> No.18506657

Imagine WW2 battles now lol
Banzai charges

>> No.18506686

It's a troll. If you disbelieve the holocaust myth you also know Trump did the opposite of those things. Magapedes love jews and talk about the holocaust almost as much as they do.

>> No.18506698

No. Just the former aristocrats steeped in feelings of inadequacy who had to come of age in a time of imperial ambition followed by embarrassing defeat. Japanese men in general are actually very laid back and down to earth despite what you might have heard.

>> No.18506727

I would go gay for Mishima

>> No.18506728
File: 392 KB, 1276x1920, Vietcong1968 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of the tunnel when?
t. 1.68

>> No.18506972

Is anything necessary, is anything not?

>> No.18507581

How do I grow bro’s? Sleep more? Drink more milk?

>> No.18507711

>Stalin: 40 million killed
>Mao: 50 million killed
Never happened