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File: 67 KB, 1807x948, PragerU_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18499505 No.18499505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i just found out that my son's 8th grade teacher has been feeding my son PregerU nonsense and lies and when i try brining it up with the school they take the side of the teacher

i need some books i can show my kid to undo the damage

any recommendations?

>> No.18499514

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.18499517


>> No.18499519

Mein Kampf

>> No.18499521

Remove your daughter's balls before it is too late.

>> No.18499522

Schools have a lot of power these days, but you're still the parent, get him on a steady diet of HRT and Contrapoints and she'll turn out fine.

>> No.18499523
File: 551 KB, 800x1238, 19200522_Dearborn_Independent-Intl_Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18499524

emigrate from israel

>> No.18499526

Your dumbass should start homeschooling your child. I can't fathom how responsible parents could leave their children's education in charge of institutions
>muh job have me outside of home 8 hours a day
that's why you have an intelligent and learned wife
>she also works or she is dumb
that's on you. pay for tutors, then
>i don't have money for tutors
stop being poor in the first place, then have children.

>> No.18499529

Show him Gravel Institute video's

>> No.18499653

that´s honestly kinda, dark if true.

It´s not just bad information.
It can break a person and stop them from sensing their environment.
the phrase
>thought terminating cliche
is not an metaphor, it´s literally making their brain to soup

>> No.18499660


>> No.18499699

Good. They teach truth not trash. Only a tranny beta cuck soi wouldn't want their child getting excellent analysis like PU, versus CRT garbage.

>> No.18499707
File: 550 KB, 978x1019, pepe costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bait thread
>full of cuckservatives defending ZionU

>> No.18499712

Get your daughter on HRT before her puberty is over
Teach her the importance of Critical Race Theory
Teach her about her white fragility, make her support BLM or disown her
Remove patriarchal propaganda from her life such as happy marriages, teach her that if she has less than 50 sexual partners by the age of 25 then she has succumbed to internalized misogyny

>> No.18499717
File: 254 KB, 595x900, E0pTyssXIAMhZZo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neolib ziocucking on my board?

>> No.18499723
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, Jewish lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people ITT who support prager u

>> No.18499760

massive tits on that palestine woman

>> No.18499776

What messages from Prager U that were taught to your child did you disagree with?

>> No.18499778

Definitely get your kid on HRT as soon as possible.

>> No.18499785
File: 72 KB, 750x710, B9C846BF-C856-4F62-8644-FB7A8A4AA6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18499792

>son, he, him
How dare you, you cisheteronormative patriarchal frail white male, how DARE you oppress your valid trans-daughter's identity like this? Get her out of that school NOW, and sue those BIGOTED teachers for their TRANSPHOBIA, you need to use that money to get your D A U G H T E R on HRT NOW

>> No.18499804

>prager jew

>> No.18499907


>> No.18499924

>hates the Jews
>never mentions specific people or institutions so it’s seems like crazy ranting

>> No.18500056

>Israel good
>obedient children happy and locking in room and spankings being good
>anti enlightenment
>climate change fake and big oil good
>critical race theory and blm bad
>defending slavery and the confederacy
>anything Ben "little bitch" Shaperio and Denis "I heart Israel" Preger says

i don't want my son getting sucked into the alt right by the koch brothers and their oil money

>> No.18500076

Do you live in the seep south or someshit?

>> No.18500086

i'm Canadian

>> No.18500089

Literally every single one of these things is based and correct except the first one.

>> No.18500098

Didnt even know it was possible to be BASED there. Damn you really are trying to turn your son into a prototypical groveling pussy like most canucks.

>> No.18500101

the koch brothers using their oil money the make white kids hate brown people is cringe as fuck

>> No.18500102

Teach him Russian, put him on Len.Ru and post epic banter between the two.

>> No.18500108

It’s less cringe that the entertainment industry using their money to make white lids hate themselves, history, and cultural traditions.

>> No.18500117

You dont have to hate them but liking people that fundamentally dont like you sounds even more cringe

>> No.18500128

But allowing them to use social media to act like society’s HR board and dominate every aspect of your social life is the only way you can be a good person or at least that’s what my sociology professor told me.

>> No.18500133

White kids should hate brown kids. Racism is the natural order of things. Stop being a fucking faggot.
Your son is probably going to turn into a tranny and OD when he is 17 and you'll still have the audacity to wonder where he went wrong.

>> No.18500135
File: 979 KB, 3924x2852, 575832536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I think you finally drove me to leave this site. I will now imagine everybody who replies here is as mentally retarded as you are.
This isn’t even an issue of left or right, this is just PragerU making no sense.
You cuck-servatives are exactly the kind of people they cater to. You want to feel smart, ergo better than others, but don’t want to actually question your beliefs so you go with the first person who tells you you are a smart boi and your opinion is valid.
It is only deserving that someone of your intellect is serving someone who has no interest in them.
How hard is it to just say „I don’t have an opinion on that“ when you haven’t read a single piece of political or social theory outside of the stuff your precious tech-titty dopamine machine practically force feeds you? A book. Written by someone with actual credentials.
There’s a reason why the groups who wanted to keep their power historically were against academia and I’ll write you off as a sad result of this.
Get an education or shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggots.