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/lit/ - Literature

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1849878 No.1849878 [Reply] [Original]

>overweight writer for celebrity rag
>nerdy boyfriend writes about how wonderful she was, and how he liked her figure
>she dumps him because he called her fat

Anyone else try to read Chick Lit and get turned off by the utterly unlikable protagonists? Every time I read the summary for the latest "Shopaholic and X" I keep thinking "who the fuck reads this shit?"

>> No.1849894

>who the fuck reads this shit?
apparently fags like you

men get bad fantasy and bad sci-fi, women get this stuff

>> No.1849895

why would you try reading chick lit? i've read a few when participating in a book club. I liked one but the rest I couldn't get through.

>> No.1849892

This might blow your mind, but women like to read it.

Did I just change your entire worldview?

>> No.1849899

The same reason a lot of women try their boyfriend's sci-fi collection: to get a sense of what the other side is reading.

>> No.1850223

I've tried reading "chick lit" books other women have suggested to me and I hated all of them. (well, except the Sara Douglas my mother pushed on me, but she writes romantic fantasy) Sometimes I feel bad that I can't seem to relate to other females but then I remember that I'm a nerd who works in a library and that I don't care.

>> No.1850236

I loved The Time Traveler's Wife, but my sexual deviancy might have played a role in that.

>> No.1850239

Yeah because the literature market for specifically-men is so much better. At least with contemporary writers. Misogyny ahoy, writers take your sides because there sure as hell isn't an asexual middle ground to writing.

Though to be entirely honest I haven't read either. I don't generally read popular fiction/pulp.

>> No.1850252



>> No.1850262

Chick Lit is funny.

It starts out with a selfish, materialistic, fickle, and insecure protagonist wrestling with topics like self identity.

And no matter how deeply rooted her psychological dilemmas are they're fixed when she gets a boyfriend at the end, or she just never solves her problems because her boyfriend fixes them for her.

I just spoiled every chick lit novel ever.

>> No.1850266

I figure you aren't getting many detailed responses, OP, because I doubt that the chicks frequenting 4chan are the same chicks who read "chick lit". Rather they're probably asking right along with you who the fuck reads this shit.

I do enjoy some stories that are targeted toward females, though. In particular I like stories written by and about oppressed black women, and all those amy tan books about divorcees and mahjong.

I avoided posting ITT a while ago because I feared encouraging a potential gender war thread, which i hate, but it looks like it's gonna happen whether I post or not.

>> No.1850281

The time will come
when, with great elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another. Who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

>> No.1850303


Here's what I learned from that first article: I would have sex with Jennifer Weiner and Jodi Picoult.

>> No.1850323
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i used to read quite a bit of chick lit because it was all that was available to me (books i picked up from my mother) but this was usually on holiday when i read my books quite quickly and then moved on to hers.

Jodi Piccoult - The 10th (maybe 9th? idk it was definately a Dante reference) circle was pretty good, it had a comic book theme going on throughout and although i never read comic books it was infinitely more readable for a boy, and it had cool little comic sections and an interwoven story about descending the circles on hell which i thought was fucking awesome when i was like 14 or w/e

Some more i enjoyed:
Toret Hayden - Someone Else's Kids
a story about a teacher wgo looks after a kid with autism, a kid with no family and emotional/behavioural issues and a kid who was raped aged 11 (by a 16 year old she said was her bf because he bought her mcdonalds) and is pregnant. It was surprisingly good if not a little mushy, but the characters felt very real and it was kinda touching at times, it also had a very _real_ ending and not some sloppy one to please women. Might not be as good going back to it but at the time i enjoyed it.


>> No.1850324
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For this next one i'm not sure of the author or the title but i know that the author was Welsh (some of the story takes place there and the bio thing says she's from there) and the title was something about a Garden of Wolves, or something like that, the name of the Garden of a cottage. The cover had daisy's on the front.

Basic plot, mother starts acting weird when she meets a young kid a few miles away or w/e and then the family are worriesd. The mother murders the kids parents and then the kid and then herself. Turns out the mother was in a Nazi camp (story takes place in the 60's) and took her child away from her, the child who looks creepily like this young kid, although now ofc the kid would be a lot older. It then talks about how the mother just wanted to go back to Wales in this little cottage and the daughter takes the trip and is disapointed when it turns out to just be a figment of her mothers imagination.

It was very touching and quite well put together, although the murders were obviously a big thing for the plot, it stayed away from the controversy and focused on the human element of her daughter being out of the loop which i thought was quite nice

I know a lot more if anyone is interested in recommendations, they're very quick and non-serious reads which can be quite touching at times

>> No.1850338

I'm a woman, and I don't read that trash.

It's the same reason why I set out more than one dinner setting at the table for every meal - I'm not alone.

>> No.1850339

fascinating. Do go on.

>> No.1850351


Well, it goes like this. I saw Weiner's and Picoult's photos and deemed them attractive enough that, given the opportunity, I would bury my engorged member in their ripe snatches. Repeatedly.

>> No.1850366

/lit/ : /v/ :: /chick lit/ : /casual/