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File: 30 KB, 326x499, confessionsofamask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18498166 No.18498166 [Reply] [Original]

self hating fag here, I read confessions of a mask recently and I related to it on a very deep level. what are some other books with similar themes. if they're about gay or bi men, even better.

>> No.18498180

Forbidden colors by mishima
If you talk like the typical fag i hope you survive a horrible car crash

If you're a fag like mishima, carry on

>> No.18498200
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Sun and Steel is basically part 2 except written in philosophical musings. Its the same character who has shed the concerns of sexuality and instead dedicated himself to the beauty of nature and a sort of aesthetic Nietzschean adherence to creating a perfect physical form sort of like the subtext of conan the barbarian depalma movie. He doesnt reject the intellect, but he suggests that the effeminate fag from the first book learn the way of steel. Try not to view what he says from the endpoint of mishimas life, as he was a really weird dude.

>> No.18498213
File: 161 KB, 893x1360, 71BDqpe7VvL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this dude Donovan. He is a homosexual, but really really really hates gay culture and the affect of femininity (lisps and stuff) and wants Gay culture to be more greek and manly. So he examines what exactly masculine virtue is, and concludes that sexuality has nothing to do with the primary male virtues of honor, courage, and mastery. His previous work was a scathing critique of 'fire island' queers.

>> No.18498226

Thank you, I mean I plan on reading more Mishima, but I wonder is there anything else as good? When I try to find good relatable books, I find all these shitty YA romances for teen girls. I hate this clown world, I want to go back to when being gay was shameful and a problem to deal with, not a product to sell.

>> No.18498230

>Also this dude Donovan

>> No.18498237
File: 43 KB, 408x630, 9780804172707_p0_v1_s1200x630[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been called the great gay novel, but I think it is an exercise in suffering and torturing the main character. Also, Mary Renault's Last of the Wine and the Persian Boy are fucking awesome, and probably the first mainstream gay-lit


>> No.18498239

why would a woman understand?

>> No.18498247
File: 438 KB, 1175x1584, pre-modern homoerotic books 1 - antiquity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.18498248

Jane Austen understood the basis of Aristotelian virtue was constancy, Sigrid Undset understood the same.

Yanigahara was a hack but is exquisite in torturing gay characters. The St. Sebastian stuff from Confessions is mirrored over and over.

>> No.18498249

No problem anon. I hope to read Forbidden Colors too sometime in the future but I will read the tetralogy first.

What about Song of Achilles? It's quite recent though.

>> No.18498252

Which of Platos works in the symposium have socrates luring a young boy to kiss wine off his lips?

>> No.18498254

Are you thinking of Sophocles? There is an anecdote about Sophocles that is similar to what you're saying

>> No.18498255

And to add more on >>18498249, it's quite the "yaoi doujin" stuff you see in comiket like I'd imagine Miller as a fujoshit writing about patroclos and akhilleus

>> No.18498257

It may be, I am badly informed on the matter.

>> No.18498279

Lucky for you anon you don't have to worry about YA shit at all. Don't bother with that Song of Achilles nonsense. Don't read any of the shit the low IQs on /lgbt/ or /cm/ recommend. There is enough gay crap in the classics to keep you filled for years. You probably can't even read everything in one lifetime. I don't even know where to start with recommendations. Antiquity is good obviously. Plato, Theognis, Theocritus, Catullus, Virgil's odes, PETRONIUS, are classic starting points. Muslims like Abu Nuwas. Christopher Marlowe, Shakespeare, Richard Barnfield. Practically anything anyone in Renaissance Italy ever wrote. Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, Walt Whitman, Hart Crane, AE Housman, Stefan George, Jean Genet, EM Forster, Evelyn Waugh, William Burroughs. The eye is not filled with seeing, nor the ear with hearing.

>> No.18498280

Post part 2 please

>> No.18498281
File: 746 KB, 1780x2400, basic pre-modern gay texts middle ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely neglected to mention Rimbaud and Verlaine too. And Montherlant. And so on.
work in progress

>> No.18498328

I really liked Andre Gide's The Counterfeiters, you have to read it. What else should I pick up by him?

>> No.18498332

Immoralist, Pastoral Symphony

>> No.18498340

Do you have more of these?
Are there other diagrams from other time periods?

>> No.18498347

>Song of Achilles
I've read it. It's a fun book, but it's not what I'm looking for. (critical reflections on homosexuality that are aesthetically pleasing)

>> No.18498352
File: 2.89 MB, 3131x5600, gaybooks4.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, not yet. Here's an earlier draft which was a lot less disciplined. Most of these books only have marginal relevance to homosexuality. however there are some good ones that are missing from the more specific charts.

>> No.18498353

No Longer Human

>> No.18498366

>No Longer Human
google says this, but the character isn't gay, are they?

>> No.18498375

I think he went with the 'Self Hating' part. The two books have similar themes of alienation and a similar writing style.

>> No.18498388
File: 483 KB, 1276x2102, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aracoeli by Elsa Morante.
Believe me, OP. It's not a literally who, it's exactly whay you're looking for. Believe me.

>> No.18498398

Yes sorry for not elaborating further

>> No.18498413

Why don't you just immigrate to Saudi Arabia moron ?

>> No.18498423

What I mean is there is nothing interesting in and nothing helpful for my personal struggle with homosexuality in these ya romance books for and by fujos.

>> No.18498464

Why don't you write an interesting and helpful one ?

>> No.18498548

I'm still trying to figure this all out for myself. How can I be what I need? If I was, I wouldn't need.

>> No.18498569
File: 25 KB, 338x499, 514tRQ5ITOL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult

>> No.18498574
File: 221 KB, 756x772, 5IlKEA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My diary desu

>> No.18498743


>> No.18498768


>> No.18498792

anyone here want to be my /lit/ bf?

>> No.18498829

yes but you have to top me :3

>> No.18498964

he didn't answer your point lol, definitely a fagspeak pozz

>> No.18498973

I’m down. Discord?

>> No.18499014
File: 148 KB, 640x882, da6apvt-75bd1cdf-e0b7-415f-82f3-61d2acb311b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self hating fag here
Stop hating yourself, no ones opinion including the /pol/ and religion niggers here really matters just like the NPCs. Just have your own code and pursue your objective.
>if they're about gay or bi men, even better.
I dunno Picture of Dorian Gray I like pretty boys

>> No.18499091

nice my discord’s installation144#4998

>> No.18499228
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, 532010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I write gay stuff too, wanna read?

>> No.18499564

Post eet

>> No.18499570

I saw someone post about oscar wilde books being for fags so read oscar wilde books...The picture of dorian gray

>> No.18499620


>> No.18499762

Lol yeah maybe i hope he doesn't have the mannerisms too like moot in that one gif of his talk in google or something

>> No.18500889
File: 92 KB, 640x870, HandsomeAngelAnimeBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have posted it sporadically here a few times in the past though often advertised it's other qualities however it is homoerotic in that it revolves around a stoic, mysterious masculine character who realizes they are bisexual and achieves his goal

>> No.18501135

the picture of dorian gray is extremely fucking gay

>> No.18501167
File: 63 KB, 900x569, DorianGrayChibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Wilde pilled.

>> No.18501512

jesus, whats with all the gay threads lately?

>> No.18501887

Kinda gay desu, why not just own it?

>> No.18501979
File: 156 KB, 500x588, last-straight-man-desperately-fends-off-mob-trying-to-inject-9377882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the absence of Mike "Shock the Monkey" Pence, The Gay is spreading like wildfire.

>> No.18501994

Pence literally tweeted a pride blm first on "Juneteenth"

>> No.18502003

Not to mention the fact he is a modern day Judas

>> No.18502565

Mishima and Dazai made me realise I was a bisexual freak desu
where can I get shock therapy?

>> No.18502593

what's all u mishima dudes take on that mishima boipic currently on criterion channel? worth a watch or nah?


>> No.18502620

Normal gay
gay nigger

>> No.18502970

>extremely fucking gay
no lol, it's barely hinted at.

>> No.18502978

not enough faggotry, goood movie though

>> No.18503006

I read one of his interviews and I have to say he is quite spot on in a lot of things.
>Joseph Sciambra: Porn is an addiction, and it is progressive. It is comparable to being addicted to drugs. When you begin taking drugs, you don’t start with heroin, but alcohol or marijuana. You become desensitized to what you are doing, and then move onto harder drugs. When you start with porn, you don’t start with S&M, bestiality, or homosexuality.
>And beyond the physical symptoms, there are the emotional problems. Boys who involve themselves in the gay lifestyle are emotionally wounded; they’re searching for something. Many have been abused or neglected. They join the gay community with an earnest desire for love. That’s why I did. But they get used up pretty quick. There are older people waiting for young people to come because they want to have sex with them. The young people then become scarred, bitter, and hostile.

>> No.18503881
File: 63 KB, 285x475, 1620720983693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Charioteer. Great book, written in the 1950s.

>> No.18504805

Joseph Conrad has buck breaking

>> No.18504842

>Evelyn Waugh
Did you even read Brideshead?

>> No.18506426

I hear people usually say that its a rare case when the actual story is far more interesting than the movie

>> No.18506473
File: 111 KB, 700x1072, demian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like Demian by Hermann Hesse. I read this translation of it and it was very good.
I've always gotten the feeling that Hesse was bisexual. Hermine in Steppenwolf even dresses as a man and that's when Harry truly falls in love with her.