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/lit/ - Literature

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18496517 No.18496517 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18496522
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>> No.18496598


>> No.18496619
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>> No.18496703

The Henry James also contains Daisy Miller, Washington Square,The Beast in the Jungle, and The Jolly Corner

>> No.18496707
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ah fuck

>> No.18497031
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Hello frens/fellow spastics. Here's my current bedside stack. In Storms of Steel & the Mishima are new, and I'm reading Napoleon's biography by Andrew Roberts on Kindle. I would have bought/pirated the Jünger digitally but unfortunately it hasn't been digitized yet. This copy of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea is simply gorgeous tho so that's why I bought it, plus it was actually cheaper to order from AbeBooks than buy at Indigo, plus Indigo doesn't have this edition. And the Robert Service is simply delightful.
V. nice. I haven't read any of those but they all look very cool. How is Storm Over Chile?
Too modernist for me. I've read In Watermelon Sugar and I really didn't like it, gave me eerie vibes. I'll probably never touch Brautigan again.

>> No.18497102
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I’m a tranny btw

>> No.18497144
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This is from the previous stack thread. These are all the books I bought in June so far. I hope to read, most if not all, by the end of the year. I knocked out White Noise, am pretty far into The Bell Jar, and about 25% done with GR.

>> No.18497159
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>> No.18497235

Storm over Chile is very good.

>> No.18497318

>Books from the Nazis perspective

That's a big YIKES.

>> No.18497321

Retard, it's from the perspective of German civilians.

>> No.18497355


Reading Swann's Way right now and it's great. Take your time with it and enjoy the book.
Inherent Vice is up next for me.

>> No.18497474

They were ALL complicit in the Holocaust, Hans.

>> No.18497510

I don't get it, why not just be racist and read Henry James or Thomas Hardy. Why do you need to read such crap?

>> No.18497803

Where do i start with hardy

>> No.18497828


Where did you get "for my legionaires" ? I'm romanian and I can't even find it in my city at any library, either in romanian or english.

>> No.18497832


Why did you unironically buy Finnegan's wake ? It's mostly gibberish or takes inhumane amount of time or effort to understand it.

>> No.18497909

I don't get it, if you want to be racist and fascist why not just read Jordan Peterson you bigot?

>> No.18498429
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>> No.18498662
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>> No.18498676


>> No.18498730

>It's mostly gibberish or takes inhumane amount of time or effort to understand it

you sound like a woman

>> No.18498936

Good for you anon, hope you find acceptance and happiness

>> No.18499657

I just read the pdf, I don't know if you can find physical copies here in Romania. Maybe at an antiquarian.

>> No.18499668

You could also try olx and any used things site, but all you'll find is some shitty edition from the 90s, might as well just print it out. There's websites where it costs like 10 euros to get a 200 page book printed and shipped to you I think.

>> No.18499698

Havent got them yet but got three big bois lined up for the summer
Albions Seed
The Glorious Cause
The Power Broker

>> No.18499720

Holy cringe.

>> No.18499847


No, but you can spend your time reading more useful things than trying to decipher Finnegan's wake.


Yeah, I've seen some at the antiquarian but only 1st volume (~500 pages) and the second nowhere. I'll keep looking though.

>> No.18500322


>> No.18500603

>Implying that people who serve under fascists aren't fascist

>> No.18500660


>> No.18500695

I probably won't be reading today, but tomorrow I have nothing going on besides a trip to FedEx Office/Target so I'll be reading Jacob Marschak's Vol. III Economic Decision, Information, and Prediction, Kepler's Astronomia Nova, Bentham's Economic Writings Vol. III, and Aristotle's Politics.

I sometimes lament I posted that I would be reading Thomas Bradwardine's Speculative Geometry so much on here, because I think someone bought the last copy online :3

>> No.18502151

>smoking AND being a leaf
why do you hate yourself so?

>> No.18502213


>> No.18502490
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really good stuff here, aside from Plath

>> No.18502499

Fake and very gay.

>> No.18503106

Again, hope you find happiness

>> No.18503134

You can't even spell its title, mate. I don't trust your opinion.

>> No.18503227
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Anyone who has tried reading Finnegans Wake and hasn't enjoyed it has no value in my eyes. Even if we concede your point about the difficulty, it's still a blast to read through. Say you understand nothing of the overarching themes, you can still have a laugh at the dick jokes, or have a moment of catharsis by reading a few pages out loud in a funny Irish accent. It's one of the funnest books you can read despite also being one of the most profound.

>> No.18503385

Unspeakably based

>> No.18503418
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getting lucky with boomer books lately

>> No.18505092

>martin Gardner

>> No.18506061
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The Genesis commentary is also Calvin.

>> No.18506974
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>> No.18507161
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no one gives a shit Christcuck.

>> No.18507446
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new purchases

those old Pelicans are cozy, enjoy anon.
Barthelme is great. the collections kinda confuse me though: there's no overlap between Sixty and Forty right?
never seen that edition of Debord before, the Zone edition is what I see most often.

>> No.18507643

gothic violence is the only effay thing there

>> No.18507653

It's Bonhoeffer or nothing when it comes to Eden. Barr is also excellent.

>> No.18507717
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Top three I'm already reading to some capacity.
The rest should be doable in three weeks Tetouan, Morocco. I'll just go drink cheap mint tea and read books and maybe chat with cute, brown nymphettes.

P.S. don't mind the cumstains

>> No.18507724

Why read if you're going to read this shit? Might as well watch movies then.

>> No.18507736


>> No.18507738
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Summer reading
Culture of Narcissism, The War That Ended Peace, World Order
>in progress
The Habsburg Monarchy 1815-1918, Revolt of the Elites
>to read
The True and Only Heaven, Paris 1919

>> No.18507749

Are geopolitics really THAT interesting?

>> No.18507765

translate titles

>> No.18507784


>> No.18507830

>>18507738 here
How are you liking the Heidegger introduction so far? How accessible is it? The Republic is seminal, and the Mishima was his most difficult that I read, to this day I'm not entirely sure I "got" it. Personally I liked The Sound of Waves more, it's better for a knuckledragger like me.

The Death of Tragedy looks interesting. Hemingway is good but I like my Faulkner.

>> No.18507844

>Kafka - The Trial/The Castle
>Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>Örkény István - One Minute Stories
The last one is a bunch of short stories by Csáth, but only a few have been translated I think. I've finished the Kafka novels, I was surprised how hard to read they were at some parts, but really enjoyed them.

>> No.18507853

The Heidegger introduction is very accessible and the author makes no effort at being dispassionate and scientific, but instead guides you into the man's philosophy. I only read Mishima's Sailor and I really liked it. I want to read more of his violent stuff as I'm not that interested in his homoerotic stuff. The Republic is pretty good, but it gets pretty boring fairly quick after the conversation with Thrasymachos and Glaucon.

>> No.18507866

>Örkény István - One Minute Stories
Sounds interesting. What's it about?

>> No.18507914

they are, and I heavily recommend the Kissinger regardless of your ideological leanings. It's a very easy/accessible broad stroke of geopolitical history that plainly elucidates the importance of foreign policy and realpolitik today, and Kissinger has the obvious benefit of influencing and taking part in a large part of it himself. If nothing else it's a view of why burger foreign policy is the way it is on grounds that are very different from what you typically hear. And it has good topical coverage on the major problems today (EU, Middle East, China)

>> No.18507946

Haven't started it yet but based on what I know it's a bunch of absurdist/grotesque short stories that take a few minutes to read each. They are also laugh out loud funny and experimental I hear.

>> No.18508075

are they dependent on language e;g lost in translation?

>> No.18508144

The duality of man.

>> No.18508729
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Is Mike Ma actually good? He seems to get criticised for being too edgy.

>> No.18508880

Find out for yourself. I liked it

>> No.18509170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18509202

nice stack. how're you liking Marcus? I don't know if I should give him another try

>> No.18509244

yes as america is losing more and more power as days go by

>> No.18509386
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>> No.18509816


>> No.18509831
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>> No.18509953

there was a project (a browser addon) that implemented exactly what the middle paragraph proposes (ad click fraud). didn't seem to go anywhere though.

>> No.18509998

im reading Don Quixote. damn this Cervantes guy had a really good sense of humor. Is he /our guy/ /lit ?

>> No.18510018

not the person you're responding to, but how are you this gay?

>> No.18510041

Uberunbasedly cringenomical cringe.

>> No.18510058
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>Any religion, much less Christian

Literally pick one.
Fascism is based on the rejection of morality in favor of judging actions/decisions/ect based on the weak vs the strong.

>> No.18510059
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After reading that copy of Waiting for Godot that I stole from the library, I'm gonna read faust again in preparation for reading The Recognitions, because it helps, apparently

Any other prerequisites for the Gaddis novel? Specific art history?

>> No.18510068
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>> No.18510119

I started it recently, I think the same

>> No.18510264

do you know any books like this ?

>> No.18511085
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the stack

>> No.18511111

No, sorry. I've only recently started reading again, and I'm not even done with part 1 of the Quijote

>> No.18511122

OP's post tee bee aytch

>> No.18511134
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>> No.18511380

>implying there's something wrong with fascism
Straight to the Gulags for you

>> No.18512280

War and Peace. About a quarter of the way through. It's basically We Were Soldiers meets Degrassi High. Still good tho.

>> No.18512284

No, you'll be fine, you probably don't need to reread Faust either

>> No.18512287

Pride and Prejudice
Study Quran
Idk how I'm ever going to finish this study quran, I'm really slipping...

>> No.18512288

If any system of government restricts my freedoms in greater amount than it protects them, it is a failed state.

>> No.18512293

Based. Why does Doctrine of Fascism have Hitler on the cover though and why do you bother getting physical copies when most are available free online or at the library?

>> No.18512403

>We Were Soldiers meets Degrassi High

>> No.18512731

Thanks anon

>> No.18512760

You can get the English version at B&N

>> No.18512765

> why do you bother getting physical copies when most are available free online or at the library?
So you actually own the books?

>> No.18512778

These are whole new levels of cringe.

>> No.18514264

I personally like seeing the books when I have read them. When I see them again I am immediately reminded of all the important things in it that stayed with me. Helps me remember it longer and gives me the oppertunity to think further about it later.

Plus, online books can be removed, I am not going to ask in the library for books about national socialism and collecting them is also somewhat fun. Better than collecting stamps at least

>> No.18514442
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Current stack, hoping to finish it by the end of July
I'd also appreciate some recommendations for books written in English

>> No.18514966

I like to fantasize about the day when mass censorship significantly limits the availability of information online and even in physical circulation. In this fantasy even public libraries, subject to some ridiculous political action removes important works, small bookstores go out of bussiness or themselves are overtly political, and major distributors like Amazon pulls titles. The education system as a whole will have been reformed and any mention of these works or authors will be totally stricken from the curriculum and verboten to mention. In this fantasy, my personal library, with all the western canon, related secondary literature, and works critiquing modernity will be used to educate younger dissidents.
I saw recently that Amazon just purged several dissident books that I purchased in anticipation of censorship. The day approaches.