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/lit/ - Literature

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18495732 No.18495732 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the books of all time

>> No.18495752

I had to read it for a fucking community college English class. Couldn't even finish the first chapter in olde english and had to read pretty much all of it from the translation.

So WHO decided that this is one of the greatest books of all time?

>> No.18495762
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>> No.18495763

He just said it's one of the books

>> No.18495772

at least put in a little effort next time, this is too obvious

>> No.18495782

Agreed. Milton is the author in the English language for sure

>> No.18495793

I know he just said it's one of the books of all time. But it's common knowledge that paradise lost is considered a historic piece of literature. My question is, WHY is it such a great piece of literature? And more importantly, why the actual fuck would anyone read this long as fuck olde english book today? It's literally like 1000 pages, just why???

>> No.18495822

>olde english
It's not even middle English. It's early modern English

>> No.18495826

This is lowtier garbage. /lit/ was never good but c'mon.
>this is one of the most boring books of all time

>> No.18495832

>Paradise Lost
>Old English

Charmingly /lit/. But Paradise Lost is relevant because it represents a point on the curve in the range of characters that could acceptable serve as protagonist. It is also an attempt at an epic in the English language.

While I'm not a fan of it particularly, it is a significant work of literature for those reasons. I enjoy the debate of the demons in Book II even if I agree with your point that it is overwrought.

>> No.18495842

Really? Well, if that's true I'm guessing actual olde english is literally impossible for a modern reader to understand. What books are in olde/middle english ???

>> No.18495866

Beowulf is old english. This is middle english: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/257/257-h/257-h.htm#link2H_4_0001
This is old:
Shakespeare and Milton are modern.

>> No.18495869

old English is basically a different language, more akin to Norwegian, or German. Beowulf is the classic of old English literature. Chaucer is the go to example of middle English. He is difficult but can be understood if you really pay attention to the text.

>> No.18495884

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