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18495703 No.18495703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do you guys keep yourselves entertained?

>> No.18495741

personally, i really enjoy sucking cock

>> No.18495758

How does it feel? Is it just like skin or does the texture make any sense, given that cock is an unnatural part to be held the oral orifice

>> No.18495770

Can't really say that I really enjoy anything anymore. Philosophy, knowledge etc. I don't know if it really works for the rest of you folks, but it's really just left me hollow, complacent, jaded, hopeless and indifferent in a lot of ways.

Once all the illusions of love, hopes, asperations etc. Have been reduced, catagorized, scrutinized and stripped to their barest essentials I tend to just end up dejected.

Just go through the motions I guess. I do stuff I used to enjoy, try to find new things to enjoy but I'm not really sure I can truly say to you that genuine enjoyment is found anymore.

Everyone harps on about the absolute flawed nature of everything and it tends to rob everything of any initial intrinsic value.

Maybe I'm just depressed. But this seems to be the genuine basis of reality to me.

I'm convinced my only purpose for my existence on this earth is to suffer. Of course, I can only speak for myself.

>> No.18495788

picking the skin off my thumbs and eating it.

>> No.18495808


You know, I think people can be separated into two factions: those that entertain themselves with their own creations, and those that want to be passively entertained by others.

>> No.18495809
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Keeping detailed excel sheets of things I want to read/watch/listen/do. I never have an excuse to be bored anymore. Heres a brain dump of somewhat interesting things to do anyway:
>play an instrument
>go on a Wikipedia adventure
>go to google maps and explore some random spot you will never be able to go to IRL
>cook something amazing just for the hell of it
>make a really fancy cocktail
>learn to skateboard/rollerblade/bicycle
>learn local flora and try to ID as many as possible while walking around
>tie knots
It's not that hard, if you really can't force yourself to do anything because you hate doing anything you have depression and I want you to see a doctor.

>> No.18495821


Can you post the header or whatever you call it for one of your excel sheets? I always see people who take insane notes on themselves on reddit (how much porn did I watch last year) or something relevant (how many jobs I applied to and got accepted to). I think it's called the quantitative self? Anyway, I CANNOT get myself to do that. How do you even get motivated enough to care about yourself enough to take notes like that?

>> No.18495856

It's like smooth skin, but really warm and you can feel it pulsating.

>> No.18495876

I never understood how anyone gets pleasure out of being the cocksucker

>> No.18495878

This. I feel the more I know the less I actually care. I still have this desire to change things but change is determinate nowadays, so plebs won't even be let it because they're actually willing and not accidental.

I really just want to live alone in a house somewhere and do whatever I find enjoyable, live from day to day and then just die some day of natural causes or boredom, just as long as I don't suffer or choose the end; I wouldn't want something like a stroke or heart attack or cancer where people pity you.
And I used to think I needed people, that family was so precious, but corona showed me how little people actually care when left to their own affairs, and the older you get the less people give a damn anyways; shouldn't solitude and depression like this be a punishment, rather than a kind of peace and happiness?

Worse still, this is all by no means just a consequence of modern society or modern people; you can't even be unique in your suffering, you're robbed of a name in fame and infamity; what could be worse for a man? I would by no means call myself a bigot, but a woman could never understand this.

>> No.18495881

it feels good to make someone else feel good, especially if you have an emotional connection

>> No.18495890

Yeah, I get that. I used to be a big drawfag when I was younger. My mistake was taking art classes and all the rules and confinement and realization that no matter I followed instruction, my finished product always looked warped, distorted, childish in comparison to so many others.

The mere fact that I often couldn't draw a straight line without some sort of edge for guidance (which teachers often forbade) it really robbed it of all the joy it once brought me and so, I lost interest, dropped it and never really returned to it.

It got to the point where I didn't even care or think about it anymore. As a young man I once enjoyed the persuit of creativity for it's own sake and somehow I just lost that.

Ever since I've never felt I've had the slightest creative bone in my body and I no longer attempt it. I once tried whittling because the idea appealed to me, I whittled a little Moai for an art exchange for a friend I hadn't seen in years and I needed my father to help me finish the fucking thing because I never know what I'm really doing, no matter how I read a guide etc.

And eventually I lose interest, and drop it all for good. For a while I even started purchasing "adult" Lego kits to assemble for leisure and those so often came missing many important pieces and I got tired of sending and waiting for replacement parts all the time.

Nowadays I just play video games, jerk off, sleep, work... I never would have imagined that attempting to be creative would leave me so... Dejected.

>> No.18495911
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I didn't know it was a thing on reddit lol I thought I was just autistic
I started doing detailed sheets for a new years resolution. The idea was to maximize consciously doing things I like and minimize doing thing that are mindless or make me unhappy. I fell upon google drive and using sheets.
Anyway I have a master "recreation" folder for tracking media and hobbies. Since this is /lit/ I will use books. My document has 2 sheets: Reviews / Watchlist.

Name : Rating : Comments

Name : Priority : Comments

I use conditional formatting and a sort filter so I can tell what I liked and what is up next to read. My comments are usually a short blurb about what it is, what was good/bad, where I found it recommended, and whatever else I feel like.
I like to find content by looking at college reading lists, /lit/, /lit/ wiki, reddit, friends, and general googling.

>> No.18495941

I've also tried to off-handedly learn German over the years and these last two years or so I started hitting it hard, doing it daily for a long time.

I have this thing where I feel like even when I clearly am making progress in something, that I'm not in actuality making any real progress at all, and I dropped it too.

Been months since I even gave a shit about it. Maybe I should just kill myself? I don't know.

>> No.18495949

You are depressed. It seems like reality and like it couldnt be any other way, but in reality it is a sickness. Get help.

>> No.18495956

Just pick it up again, you'll still have the progress in your head somewhere. You have to consider it as like a long term process and enjoy it as you go. If you dont like it then there is really no reason to force yourself

>> No.18495983

Yep. Pretty much this. I'm coming up on 30 and so of course thinking about my life. Should I marry my gf? Should I have kids? Should I just fuck off and move far away just to try something new out?

When I first found Philosophy I thought it was single-handedly the greatest, noblest pursuit. I studied it in college and just got super into it. I'm not into is as much anymore, and when I revisit it, it just tends to harm me more, as it always opens up more and more questions. So anyway. Now I just try to live. I'm fortunate to have a career that i for the most part enjoy. To answer OPs question.. I focus on work, on the small amount of relationships I have (HOLD ONTO THESE AND FOCUS ON THEM! THEY WILL NATURALLY SLIP AWAY!), read history and sci fi and fantasy, go on hikes, drink vodka sodas, listen to music, play bass ... I do tend to agree that suffering seems to be at the core of things. So now I'm combing through Buddhism like every other center-left white dude ..

>> No.18496015


I've been there. I was around 30 when the Empire of Japan involved itself in my life. Sometimes life throws you curveballs.

>> No.18496187

Eh, I know I'm worthless and inspire nothing but disgust and pity.

I've seen and heard enough of it to know it's the truth. My depression comes from the knowledge of this fact.

>> No.18496243

Maybe meditate, exercise, or improve your diet?Give a good look at your emotions; ask why this and why that till you get to the root of your problems. For me at least, thinking how melancholic I felt was the self fulfilling placebo that made me so numb for three years. Knowledge of things does kill the magic of them, but if it's any consolation, The most erudite person on Earth is unaware of >99.99% of all knowledge—not just trivia, but valuable information and minutiae. The moments I feel authentic, untainted joy are so few and so fleeting, but I know it's not too late to live a life I can happily call my own—that still leaves me in awe.

>> No.18496257

Pulsating? I was curious now I really want to try sucking cock

>> No.18496285

Do you live near Los Angeles

>> No.18496297

no :(
but feel free to imagine me sucking your dick the next time you jack off :)

>> No.18496310

What do you look like

>> No.18496321

scratching the bottom of my sweaty testicles and taking a sniff

>> No.18496322

I thought I was the only one

>> No.18496325

I'm op. Nah, I'm asian and live seas away from you. I'm not gay, in a faggot manner but I have some sort of repressed inclinations, if you can call it that.

>> No.18496327

Brown, physically fit, adult male in the 20s. Will happily wear cute clothes if you desire.

>> No.18496331

Very based, I do this often.

>> No.18496332

I'm not gay either I just want my dick sucked

>> No.18496335

Based. I'm doing that right now.

>> No.18496337
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Reading, working out, and bullshitting online.

>> No.18496373

Yea that's a lot of people, if you think about it. I have lots of questions that are unanswerable without direct experience, like what does it feel when it turn flaccid while in your mouth lmao. Honestly, at this point I think I am conflating curiosity with boredness and horniness but whatever.

>> No.18496467

this thread is very gay and Japan

>> No.18496551

So's your Engrish

>> No.18496559

Do you get called fruit for that?

(Only Ted bros will understand)

>> No.18496599


>> No.18496615


>> No.18496634

Will I get put on a watchlist if I click that link anon?

>> No.18496730

Being watched is good, it's free attention