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/lit/ - Literature

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18494059 No.18494059 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature that made you cry

For me it’s the Iliad. The final scene between Priam and Achilles brings floods of tears.

>> No.18494752

OP's diary

>> No.18494764

The last stanza of Tennyson's Ulysses always gets me.

>> No.18494849

That is not how I would imagine Achilles

>> No.18495034
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Book of Daniel, Death in Venice and Moby Dick

>> No.18495048

Achilles had golden hair, this is Roman whitewash

>> No.18495116
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>> No.18495332
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>The final scene between Priam and Achilles brings floods of tears
Same anon, my tears were running down from my eyes when that good and sad father supplicates to Achiles for the corpse of his son.

>> No.18495458
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Also the Martín Fierro by José Hernández. The scene when the best friend of Fierro, the gaucho Cruz dies, because of an epidemic.

>> No.18496319

Frieza killing Krillin.