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18492630 No.18492630 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Khomeini and the Iranian revolution? Currently reading Islamic Governance and it's pretty based.

>> No.18492834

>the longest war
>the reign of the ayatollahs
>the fall of heaven
>a history of modern Iran
If anyone suggests reading Lolita in Tehran beat them unconscious

>> No.18493231

>posing for a camera (which is haram)

>> No.18493244

Muslims do haram stuff all the time in Tehran without anybody beating them.
Muslims just don't care about the rules of Islam.

>> No.18493925

>green is the color of the prophet

>> No.18493944

Aren't Shias more permissive when it comes to depictions?

>> No.18493957

what is exactly 'based' about it, if i may ask?

>> No.18495060


>> No.18495070

MBS is front and center in any pic he can get into, what are you talking about

>> No.18496813

Looks like my grandfather but without the beard

>> No.18496840

You'll go to Hell, murtad.

>> No.18497434

It's very similar to and was influenced by Plato's republic and it's the current political system in Iran.

>> No.18497471

He said the state is a higher authority than even the Quran. Pretty stupid desu, what's the legitimacy of the state then?

Photos are not always haram. They're haram to hang generally but if they are just for communicating information and aren't intended to be a creation per se or to be esteemed or put in a place of honor, then they're typically considered okay because they don't fulfill the conditions that make images haram.

No one thinks MBS is a Muslim except Madkhalis lol. Even non Madkhali Wahhabis consider him an atheist and hate him

>> No.18497505
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I may have just found my political position.

>> No.18497508

>He said the state is a higher authority than even the Quran.
citation needed.

>> No.18497516

>The government or the absolute guardianship (al- Wilayat al-mutlaqa) that is delegated to the noblest messenger of Allah is the most important divine laws and has priority over all other ordinances of the law. If the powers of the government restricted to the framework of ordinances of the law then the delegation of the authority to the Prophet would be a senseless phenomenon. I have to say that government is a branch of the Prophet's absolute Wilayat and one of the primary (first order) rules of Islam that has priority over all ordinances of the law even praying, fasting and Hajj...The Islamic State could prevent implementation of everything - devotional and non- devotional - that so long as it seems against Islam's interests.

>Unlike conditional authority (Wilayat al-muqayada) that restricts the right of the faqih for issuing governmental orders solely in permissibility cases (mubahat), Wilayat al- mutlaqa, by definition, is a juridical view concerning the dominion of the just faqih to issue governmental orders even if it is in opposition with some obligatory Islamic laws.


>> No.18497534
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*blocks your path*

>> No.18497538

The author's name is Ahmed Vaezi, not Khomeini. You should know that there are many different formulations of Wilayat al-Faqih by different people. The only one that matters and is put to practice is Khomeini's.

>> No.18497548

The Virgin Qutb vs. The Chad Khomeini

>> No.18497551

It's a quote from a letter by Khomeini, used within the article....

>> No.18497554

Khomeini was heavily influenced by Qutb

>> No.18497580

I see, only the first paragraph you quoted is from the letter, the second paragraph is written by Vaezi. What Khomeini talks about originates from the Shi'i view of Wilayah (i.e., Vicegerency), where it is first granted by Allah to the Prophet, by the Prophet to the Imams, and by the Imams to the Jurists, and in this way, the Jurists have the divine right to rule. This doesn't say it has authority over the Qur'an though. Just as it is inconceivable for the Prophet or for an Imam to say anything against the words of Allah, it is also inconceivable for the Jurist Vicegerent to contradict the Qur'an. What you say is more like the Ismaili view; they believe their leaders can "interpret" the Qur'an in anyway they want, even if it goes against the sayings of Allah or the Prophet.

>> No.18497599

I was only joking, but honestly there is no reason for Sunnis to be anti-Shia. That just helps the Zionists and their allies to sow division within to Ummah. They fear the Islamic unity. Imagine what great force it would be against them if Muslims were united.

>> No.18497840

>Islamic governance is pretty based!
>Saudi Arabia has literal, real life "religion police"
>Officers whose job it is to make sure everyone is following religious law in public
>They beat the fuck out of people for perceived "infractions"

Uhhh... I'm thinking B-B-B-BASED!!

>> No.18497843

Instead of murdering a separate thread, I'll just ask here: What's a good introduction to Islamic thought? Believe, philosophy, science,..., anything at all, as long as it pertains to Islam and the Islamic world in some way.

>> No.18497846

This, minus the sarcasm.

>> No.18497850

Iran also has "Guidance Patrol". It's based indeed.

>> No.18497856

If you have no background in Islam, Nasr has two short books that serve as a fine introduction.
>Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization
>Muhammad: Man of God

>> No.18497868

I can't tell which of you faggots are being genuine or is just trolling anymore.. I cannot believe whitoids actually support this kind of shit.

>> No.18497877

This is your brain on liberalism. I implore you anon, rid your mind of this cancer. It has already caused enough suffering.

>> No.18497891

Ohhh... So you do this shit on purpose just to get back at the libbies... I see.

>> No.18497895

Liberalism in the general sense, not the American sense. "Conservative" Americans are also proponents of liberalism. Please study some basic political thought.

>> No.18497905
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Putting aside that Iran became Shia through genocide of Sunnis, or that even Saladin banned Shiaism in Egypt. Putting aside the idea that Sunnis have any principles and could just smile and sing kumbaya with people who curse the wives of Muhammad ﷺ and his best friends (this is a disgusting as demanding Shia sing kumbaya with people who ask Allah to damn Ali and Fatima), or sing kumbaya with people who foster transexualism (which Sunnis think brings Allah's wrath on a whole people) and tempt marriages that amount to prostitution in Sunni eyes, putting all that aside, the Shia of Iraq were the main supporters of the American invasion, the Sunnis were the primary fighters against America there. The Shia supported Russia turning Syria into the stone age (pic related) to keep Assad in power (whom Sunnis regard as Shia regard the shah--in fact just as the shah gave the west all the Iranian oil in exchange for control, Bashar gave Putin all the oil fields of Syria) and the Shia were fairly supportive of both the Russian and American invasions of Afghanistan and sometimes gave material support, despite vocally wagging their winger. So really this is a stupid point. If we look at who bombed more civilians, the Jews, or Russia and America, it's actually not the Jews. So pointing out the Shia oppose the Jews isn't really meaningful because if you support bombings of Sunnis even worse than Gaza then who cares?

>> No.18497927

Yeah.. I'm sorry, shit shitslam has butchered far too many people for trivial shit for me to think it's anywhere near "based" of course, I know that totalitarianistic forms of thought and governance are beloved here.

Why wouldn't you niggers support physical violence for failure to adhere to strict religious doctrine. I feel like I'm living in a fucking bizzaro-world time warp. /lit/ wasn't always this disgustingly dogmatic.

>> No.18497977

So many falsehoods and unjustified exaggerations. Not surprising though, since they have been trying hard this last few decades to divide Shias and Sunnis. At any rate, all praise to the All-Merciful Allah who has made the Shias of his Representatives needless and sufficient of those who believe falsehoods.

>> No.18497985

I am sorry anon but the way you write doesn't suggest that you've been on /lit/ for long. You sound clueless, so clueless that you don't realize you are supporting liberalism dogmatically.

>> No.18498416

>Haram pics aren't haram because bla bla bla.
Allah will crush you, murtad.

>> No.18498575

Quran. Preferably nothing else.

>> No.18498589

Westerns who read the Qur'an without preparation often just get filtered, especially so since they read translations. I don't think this is good advice.

>> No.18498615

Where did I imply he should read a translation ?

>> No.18498623

You didn't imply that, but that's what they usually do.

>> No.18498655
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In any case, the Quran isn't actually hard to understand, sure there are some topics that require further study but if you read the main rules they're fairly simple and easy to understand.

>> No.18498675

Qur'an has different layers. I assume you are talking about the surface layer, which is indeed easy to understand, but people who read it with prejudices misunderstand that as well.

>> No.18498698

I read the Quran with skepticism, because I wanted to sniff out any traces of Arab imperialism, and then I came across one or more passages where God basically says that arabs are retards, but they are tough, so they will serve Him well in spreading the message.

>> No.18498726

Kek that is true. Have you read any Hadith book as well?

>> No.18498729

I haven't, why?

>> No.18498759
File: 982 KB, 600x957, Ashiteanthology1_600x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are very helpful in further understanding the Qur'an. If I may, I suggest pic related as a starting point. This one is a short collection of narrations from Shia imams. It's partly philosophical and mystical - about the nature of God - some prayers and supplications from them, and a letter by Ali on how to rule justly. It would help you in particular with understanding Shia Islam.

>> No.18498780

lol 'shite'

>> No.18498782

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm not the same guy btw, I budged into the conversation to give some evidence that there are deep truths in the Quran.

>> No.18498786

Yeah, that's the fault of angloids. The word was "Shi'i" but they had to add some anglo letters in order to use it. I assume you know the word means partisans and advocates of Ali.

>> No.18498878
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>> No.18499009
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Nothing more based

>> No.18499020

>only arabs and blacks go to heaven
Sectarian bullshit.

>> No.18499059

Well if other races want representation maybe they should, idk, stop being kuffar?

>> No.18499108

Based pic

>> No.18499137

>muslim societies are shithole tier
>heaven will somehow be better

This is worse than early Christianity afterlife cope because at least Christians tried to make this world a better place.

>> No.18499144

>non-muslims = kuffar
Someone hasn't studied arabic deeply.

>> No.18499153

I’ve been fucking your mom’s ass deeply

>> No.18499232

Muslim countries were wealthy and doing well before imperialist dogs arrived from the west. Even so, many of them are doing great. That said, earthly life is merely a test from God and we should not expect comfort from it.

>> No.18499416

>Imperialist doges just invaded and made us their bitch for centuries to come

That doesn't "just" happen.
Also your le imperialism claim is laughable seeing as most of this board knows the history of islamic expansion quite well. You'll find no sympathy here, dawg.

>> No.18499567

Plenty of scholars use the word that way, and even apply it to the other sects of islam.
>Also your le imperialism claim is laughable seeing as most of this board knows the history of islamic expansion quite well.
This. Double standards whenever they can get away with it, lmao

>> No.18499577

Islam brought about a Golden Age in the Caliphate, which encompassed all territories under Islam. For centuries in a row, not just one half of a century that you westerners used to subjugate those with no interest in war.

>> No.18499583

The expansion of Islam was indeed in large part carried out by the sword, but it did not entail the impoverishment of the conquered territories, unlike modern imperialism as practiced by the Western powers. On the contrary, most (though not all) of the newly Islamized territories were actually improved overall.

>> No.18499599

Hell has a place for you.
Plenty of scholars think statues and dogs are haram even though they have positive roles in the Quran. Scholarly consensus is a buzzword.

>> No.18499603

I think something needs to be said about the difference in intentions. The Islamic expansion was motivated by pleasing God and saving the souls of those who accept Him. Western imperialism was done solely and purely for personal greed and financial gain. These two are not at all equal.

>> No.18499616 [DELETED] 

best thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.18499619

>it did not entail the impoverishment of the conquered territories

That is a blatant lie. Egypt used to be the breadbasket of the Eastern Roman empire but slowly withered away into irrelevancy after the Arabs took hold of it. Their governance system, and their penchant for bringing livestock that increases desertification, brought two heavy blows to Egypt, and to Northern Africa in general.

>unlike modern imperialism as practiced by the Western powers
I challenge you to find in which way impoverishment was present in a way that was not done by previous Islamic conquerors.
If you say oil, then I'll simply point to the fact that it was not sought after before the 1900s.

>> No.18499627
File: 2.60 MB, 320x564, 1604595720838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thread on /lit/ right now

Fuck ZOG

>> No.18499629

>we're taking your women and children as slaves
>you need to pay a tax too
>we will kill you if you resist
>sorry bro just doing what God told us

>> No.18499639

>Western imperialism was done solely and purely for personal greed and financial gain

What a reductionist and generalizing approach to something as subtle as geopolitics. You are dumb.

>> No.18499646

zog and muslims both believe the ends justify the means so they will resort to evil to get what they want; atm muslims play the helpless victim when it's convenient, but the moment they get power they show their real face and become exactly what they hate.

>> No.18499692

Unironically yes.
You are seething because it is the truth.

>> No.18499693

with one side of their mouth muslims cry about israeli oppression in gaza and chinese oppressing uygur, with the other side they praise the taliban when they kill innocent sufis praying in mosques and praise isis for beheading copts and blow up random kindergartens, hotels and churches around the world

>> No.18499708

>Unironically yes.
Do you not see how that is a contradiction to >>18499603

Or do you really believe that your god gave you a green light to loot and pillage?

>> No.18499714

Did you know "Muslim" is not synonymous with "salafi extremist"? No one except those people support these groups.

>> No.18499742

The Muslim world will start being based when it stops being inbred.

>> No.18499744

Before the arrival of Islam, the Arabs never invaded people outside Arabia. It was only after the Prophet emphasized the need to spread Islam globally that they started inviting (and if rejected, fighting with) people outside Arabia. If it were simply for money or power, why didn't they do it before Islam? Also, I see no contradiction there. There are laws and legislation for wars in Sharia. Taking taxes and slaves is done according to Sharia within the specified limits. If the limits are not transgressed, then it is still following the command of God.

>> No.18499754

>Taking taxes and slaves is done according to Sharia within the specified limits.
There's literally nothing in the Quran that legalizes taking slaves.

>> No.18499768

muslims follow the sunnah and hadiths, not just Quran. Whenever someone says ''but that's not in the Quran'' they are either confused apostates or liberals virtue signaling for minorities

>> No.18499772

Slaves are mentioned in the Qur'an, but the precise legislation comes from the narrations from the Prophet and the tradition that he set.

>> No.18499787

Or Quran-centric muslims. Those people that take the Quran seriously when it claims to be complete, and when it says the following:
"you who believe! If an iniquitous person comes to you with tidings, then be discerning, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become remorseful over that which you have done"

But spouting out buzzwords is your best argumentative tactic.

>> No.18499790

>If it were simply for money or power, why didn't they do it before Islam?
Because "islam" acted as a galvanizing agent to unite these scattered tribes. You don't raid the Byzantines of Persians with a few dozen men.
One might even make the claim that muhammad and islam were made up to adhoc justify the outward expansion of the Arabs. That notion fits much better into the governance styles of the early caliphates (conversion not allowed, heavy dhimmi taxes, non-muslims seen as second rate citizens).

I fail to see how asking that question disproves my point in any way. If anything, it means that your book justifies colonization as long as it's done under your own set of rules. What a dirty book it is: child marriage, rules on warfare, are you not ashamed?

>> No.18499796

>Or Quran-centric muslims.
No such thing. The Qur'an commands to follow the Sunnah. If you disregard the Sunnah, you are disregarding the Qur'an.

>> No.18499797

There's a verse 47:4 that tells you what you must do with prisoners of war. It doesn't mention turning people into slaves. But you're so enamored with slavery that you don't care and invent it anyway, putting words in the prophet's mouth.

>> No.18499808

The only Sunnah mentioned in the Quran is God's Sunnah. Try again.
Sure it does tell you to obey the Prophet, but that's not even remotely comparable to :"hey see this guy telling you stories about the prophet ? If he has credentials, believe every word he says!"

>> No.18499821

Qur'an only is an invention made by liberal murtads. it wasn't a thing before and it will not be a thing soon in the future once they don't need to cuck for the westerners they're trying to appease.

>> No.18499822

are you not ashamed?
I fail to see why I should be ashamed. There are many things people falsely consider wrong that God considers right, and many things that people falsely consider right that God considers wrong. Liberal morality, invented by Anglo-Americans - whose crimes are known by all - is of no importance to me. If God deems something right, then it is right irrespective of what liberalism might claim.

>> No.18499828

Not the guy you are quoting but
>rules on warefare
It is surely better than unregulated warfare.

>> No.18499829

>If he has credentials, believe every word he says!
No one says this; all hadiths have to be verified.

>> No.18499833

>There are many things people falsely consider wrong that God considers right

Kek, just tell us already: do you consider muhammad's marriage to a 6 year old right or not?

>> No.18499838

You know there are rulings on how to treat "slaves", too. They must be treated as well as, if not better, than the members of the family. Once they live with the family for a while and learn the Islamic way of life, they are freed. Slavery in Islam is in no way comparable to the slavery that was practiced by anglo americans. It is mandated by God for good reasons.

>> No.18499846

Mandatory reading for everyone in this thread:
>inb4 new york slimes
Just read it and ignore the shitty headline.

>> No.18499852

>more buzzword spouting
The same people that allow slavery will tell you that music and art that depicts living creatures are haram because the devil uses them to mislead people. And then they'll tell you the Mu'tazila were wrong for believing in free will because, wait for it...it limit's God's power.

>> No.18499854

Muhammad ﷺ did not marry Aisha when she was 6. Aisha had political interests and most of the narrations from her are highly dubious. He married her well after her puberty, and it is right for a girl to marry after puberty.

>> No.18499855
File: 169 KB, 1200x1655, 1200px-Portrait_of_Ruhollah_Khomeini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials.

>> No.18499863

is this shia cope? or quranist cope?

>> No.18499873

So you are a liberal muslim, then. That's very unfortunate, anon. I was hoping you'd have the courage to fully embrace your religion defend it against assertions made from a western liberal point of view, but it seems that you pussied out when aisha's age at consummation got mentioned.

>> No.18499875

He's probably a Shia, they dislike Aisha and reject the authenticity of Bukhari (which is the main source that says Muhammad married and had sex with Aisha before her puberty).

>> No.18499886

I am a Shia and this is not a cope. After the Prophet's death, her father falsely became the caliph and she made up many false narrations to justify his false position. It is obvious she had personal stakes so her narrations cannot be trusted.

>> No.18499890

Kek I am not liberal at all. I do indeed embrace my religion fully.

>> No.18499904

Why call it "slavery" then ?
We know how black slaves were castrated and how christian children were turned into janissaries. Your view is biased.
The funny part is that you actually believe the process of "verifying" hadiths is very serious and credible, when all it takes is picking-and-choosing and ignoring when it contradicts the Quran. Chinese whispers.
By the way, I didn't say Quran-only, but Quran-centric. And in history, a lot of muslims had serious doubts regarding hadiths. Even some scholars burning their hadith collections because they feared it would lead people astray.

>> No.18499917

>gets BTFO by God's word:
53:43 And that He it is who maketh laugh, and maketh weep

>> No.18499921

>Why call it "slavery" then ?
Because the "slave" has to follow the commands of the master, so it's still technically "slavery". But the master, if he is Muslim, must treat his slaves with dignity and respect.

>> No.18499922

Shia or sunni?
At any rate, you are deliberately spreading misinformation (or truly believe in it despite your narrative being weak and recent).

Like your >>18499821 sandfriend (or cousin, for that matter, it makes no difference) mentioned, you are changing your presentation of Islam on purpose to better fit the Western form of moralism. Which raises the question: if your religion is the divine truth, why try to appease those who stand against it? I thought muslims were supposed to be brave.

>> No.18499926

>astroturfed by CIA

>> No.18499928

>Because the "slave" has to follow the commands of the master, so it's still technically "slavery"
Why not simply call it servant or worker then ?

>> No.18499930

I am Shia. It has been believed by the Shia for centuries that Aisha's narrations must be disregarded. The only narration mentioning "6" and "9" are from Aisha. It is by no means a recent thing. I don't care what liberal morality might claim. Shi'i jurisprudence states that a girl can be married after puberty, irrespective of the "legal age".

>> No.18499937


>> No.18499950

It also translates to servant. Maybe it's better to use it that way, to avoid the connotations with anglo american practices.

>> No.18499956

>oh you see we weren't bad slave-owners, these guys totally were though

>> No.18499962

The Arab slave trade was magnitudes bigger in severity, longevity and amount of slaves traded.
In fact, it lasted well into the 20th century.

>> No.18499973

The "amount" is not important. How the slave is treated is the important thing, and Muslims never treated them like anglo americans did. As I said, the purpose of this "slavery" was chiefly for the "slave" to learn the Islamic way of life.

>> No.18499984

Does that include castration and forcibly removing kids from their parents ?

>> No.18499988


>> No.18499995

I am not aware of the details. Would that bother you if it did? Would it go against your liberal "human rights"?

>> No.18500005

This is why no one takes you seriously. You think talking like a cartoon villain on the internet makes you appear brave.

>> No.18500021

Kek so you imagine me as a cartoon villain? At any rate, I've always been curious about the foundation of this "human rights". What rights could humans ascribe to themselves and avoid it being arbitrary? Only God can grant rights to humans.

>> No.18500024

>How the slave is treated is the important thing, and Muslims never treated them like anglo americans did.
Never? Maybe you could argue that mistreatment of slaves by their Muslim owners was sinful or unislamic, but to say that it didn't happen on a large scale is just absurd.

>> No.18500035

You are right that "never" is the right word, as I've not been present to witness every single slave owner. But if you study the history, it is documented that the slaves generally were treated really well.

>> No.18500091

>Only God can grant rights to humans
Yeah, like only belonging to him and not being treated as worse than cattle by inbreds that claim to act in his holy name. Did you forget that one ?

>> No.18500370

>when arabs mistreat slaves it's unislamic
>when westerners did it (past tense, remember!) it was in line with liberalism

no wonder you fell for the goatpill

>> No.18500450

Please my post carefully. I did not say western slavery was in line with liberalism. Liberalism is opposed to different things for different reasons, and to give it some credit, it did oppose western slavery. That said, I claim it is illegitimate to criticize Islam on liberal grounds when liberalism itself is dogmatically accepted. Liberalism, after all, is a human invention and therefore fallible; Islam, if you believe (and there are good reasons to believe) is divine and infallible. Every liberal criticism of Islam that I read are all meaningless to me. After all, I fell for the God-pill.

>> No.18500457

>After all, I fell for the God-pill.
Out of curiosity, are you a convert/revert, or have you always been Muslim?

>> No.18500490

I was born a Muslim, but during my teenage years I was raised by an atheist relative which slowly weakened my faith. A few years after that, thank God, I rediscovered Islam, which I believe to be the most fortunate thing that happened to me.

>> No.18500922
File: 215 KB, 430x363, 654F6B28-5160-41DD-A9CF-0CB01B5EB38D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody read it even though it implicates both Ronald Reagan and a fucking Rockefeller as treasonous conspirators

>> No.18501035

Thank you very much for posting this anon.
>And [remember] when those who disbelieve plotted against thee, to capture thee, or to slay thee, or to expel thee. They plotted, and God plotted. And God is the best of plotters.

>> No.18501222

>Jimmy Carter was actually Jesus Christ all along

>> No.18501242

What does that have to do with Jesus? That's a verse from the Qur'an...

>> No.18501264

>the Shia of Iraq were the main supporters of the American invasion
Please stop the hypocrisy. Don't act like the Saudis didn't sic America on Iraq and don't act like the Gulf states are some paragon of Islamic morality. Iran and the shia are the only ones opposing the globohomo status quo. The tranny thing in Iran is a one-off freak law to relegate the freaks onto one side while Gulf arabs regularly have faggot sex in gay brothels in Bahrain.

>> No.18501282

Probably sold to you by a Mossad agent. Only reason Islam is reelevant is because its pumped up by international security services.

>> No.18501749

just wear a turban and you'll be fine

>> No.18501759

If you worship Ali you are kuffar, simple enough.


>> No.18502390

>If you worship Ali you are kuffar
Shias don't worship Ali, therefore they aren't kuffar. Indeed, very simple.

>> No.18502455

Every hadith is bidah and all "sahih" hadith writers commit shirk by adding mandatory "supplements" to Allah's religion.
Hadith writers are all in hell, be fearful of quoting their murtad sayings and hearsay.

>> No.18502493 [DELETED] 

>sahih hadiths writers are innovators
So they are like the rabbis and Pharisees who added their traditions to religion and claimed it came from prophets. The sunnah was never hadiths, that came hundreds year later after the prophet pbuh

>> No.18502731

>something about trannies
what more could you want?

>> No.18502796

This is why Islam will never move past the medieval era

>> No.18502833

It was already irrelevant in the Roman era, being a breadbasket is nothing. The Fatimids, Ayyubids and Mamluks were all major powers that brought Egypt back to importance. Colonialism was a process to extract resources and nothing more, Islamic rulers actually invested in the lands they conquered and didn't just move wealth back to their homes.

>> No.18502914

This is an israeli spammer not a muslim, I see him in /pol/ too with the same buzzword.

>> No.18504372


>> No.18504401


>> No.18504454

No, it's actually a french jew.
>starts shaking
>shut it down

>> No.18505424

>Oy Vey I have been found

>> No.18505924

Retarded subhuman. Death to Sunni shirks.

>> No.18506074

Shiism has no Quranic basis.

>> No.18506425

It does. It says follow the Prophet, who said Ali is his successor. Read the sermon of the Prophet on Ghadir Khumm.

>> No.18506532

It’s the name of a book