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File: 2.10 MB, 5000x3333, reading list natsoc reading list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18488261 No.18488261 [Reply] [Original]

Anything to add to that?

>> No.18488313

What a cringe list. You only need to read a few books to wrap youind around national socialism. You should just a good handful to get a grasp then be able to apply it to actually good works of history and literature instead of obsessively sperging out over a hundred books about the same subjects. Any good nazi should be acquainted w Foucault and houllebecq and the Russians. Most of your list is dogshit. That March of titans book is an instant yikes from me.

>> No.18488317

Will just breed the standard ineffective arguments of the natsoc and their ilk. Won't convert or enlighten anyone, just make them feel justified in their beliefs and isolate them from all but the minority who agrees with them. Nothing but a long winded approach to standard gang initiation practices. Reduce it's size drastically and add books which provide other views and everything needed to build an effective counter argument. If the movement, you can not effectively argue against others unless you can argue against yourself. But the movement would never survive that, it depends on feeding anger and indoctrination.

On the positive side if you get anyone to read all that you will probably have some epic circle jerks.

>> No.18488325

You have to take 90% of the shit of that list.
I have no fucking clue what Rockwell is doing on a NatSoc reading list lmao.

>> No.18488337

There was a much better chart than this posted on pol (surprising) a while back. It had tiers of understanding and gauged the importance of each correctly. Also had stuff like Marx, Locke, Alinsky etc for the purpose of understanding opposing viewpoints

>> No.18488352

Natsoc arguments are cutting and effective, that's why it has to be censored and suppressed
>But the movement would never survive that, it depends on feeding anger
all dissident politics depend on people upset with the current system
>and indoctrination
Well that's not saying much compared to the brainwashing trash all over the modern media.

>> No.18488359

Yeah, you pretty much have to first understand marxism to actually understand fascism and national socialism.
I could shoot myself when some american "libertarian nazis" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean) start vomiting up how gommunism is gibs for blacks.

>> No.18488365

You happen to have that list somewhere?

>> No.18488364

It's on the /lit/ wiki somewhere. I remember seeing it.

>> No.18488407

Still shit.
>Well that's not saying much compared to the brainwashing trash all over the modern media.
So fight stupid with stupid? Doesn't really matter, an ideology which goes against the vast majority of the world just for being born has no chance. Just delusion feed by indoctrination and anger.

>> No.18488420

>Doesn't really matter, an ideology which goes against the vast majority of the world just for being born has no chance. Just delusion feed by indoctrination and anger.
That's just a jewish strawman you idiot, Nazism doesn't "go against" all non-white people. That's lunacy. You have a child's understanding of the subject you're talking about.

>> No.18488430

>, an ideology which goes against the vast majority of the world just for being born
So you don't even know what the ideology you're criticizing actually is lol.

>> No.18488435

Just read Mein Kampf, the Young Hitler I knew, Triumph of Reason, and Hitler's Table Talk

>> No.18488439

Spear of Destiny is the only book you need

>> No.18488444
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>> No.18488459
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That's just not true.
I think Idi Amin tried to bring something close to NatSoc to Africa ...

>> No.18488515

I know perfectly well what it preaches, problem is it's history, most of the world is not going to just forget because you told them so and the fact that you still harp on about 'the jew' just further reminds everyone of that history. Your arguments have no connection to reality, you just assume to be the keepers of true knowledge and that anyone who disagrees in the slightest is stupid. As I said, indoctrination.
>no, honest, I am a different kind of jew hating nazi, you can trust me bro!

>> No.18488543
File: 1.87 MB, 2200x1600, jews and biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no connection to reality

>> No.18488547
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>> No.18488555
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>> No.18488560

>I know perfectly well what it preaches
You actually don't or you wouldn't be attacking on these false premises. Maybe try reading Culture of Critique so that you have some understanding of what nazis are talking about when referring to jews and jewish power.

>> No.18488588

You don't seem aware that eg. Muslims and Indians don't view Hitler and the Nazis the way the West does, he is actually kind of popular in those places.

>> No.18488637

Based Wagnerian. His "Modern" is another good essay and a continuation of Judaism in Music.

His "German Art and German Policy," and Regeneration writings are also essential.

>> No.18488675

You are just proving my point. Your arguments are all jew based which just reminds people of WWII and the Nazis, on top of which you compulsively use Nazi symbology and terminology which just furthers it. Most of the world is not going to trust a Nazi again.
And more proving of my point, can't see that I am pointing out the general public view. You are so dependent upon indoctrination that you can not see past it. You can not make any actual points or arguments just assume you are right and say "read the book." If you had any legs to stand on you would use this great knowledge you supposedly have to provide an actual argument
>he is actually kind of popular in those places.
Muslims largely support him because of the Jew thing, the enemy of my enemy, they are not about to get on board for the 4th Reich. Only muslims in India seem to care about him in the slightest, for the previously mentioned reason. India has a distrust of Europe in general for the most part. I studied music in India have spent a fair amount of time there, Hitler has no viable following in India.

Anyways, I will let you get on with your circle jerk.

>> No.18488696

It takes a literal constant barrage of propaganda and threats to make sure people don't stray anywhere near nazism or fasicsm. You also don't seem to get that the Nazis collaborated with people outside Europe, the ideology doesn't somehow imply hating everyone.

>> No.18488697

Guy, all that happened is that you were suggested an introductory text on a topic you don't seem very knowledgeable of. Get off your high horse you absolute fag lmao

>> No.18488710

Jews being in positions of powers is due to superior intellect, not some conspiracy. Capitalism allows anyone to rise above their current circumstance. You're just salty that you can't achieve what others have.

And if jews are so inferior, why can't the master race easily defeat them and rise to the same levels? The master race is stronger, smarter, and destined to rule the world right? Why haven't they yet?

Jews can't be both the undefeatable specters of the world and sub-human rat people. Simultaneous incredible powerful and incredible weak. Someone like to explain?

>> No.18488719

Are you really not aware of what the explanation is? It's that they're ethnocentric or nepotistic, they conspire.

>> No.18488720
File: 209 KB, 1024x891, jews and russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguments are all jew based
As you can evidently see, for being 2% of the population in the US, hold a disproportional amount positions of power.
They are a serious problem.
Despite that no, many of our arguments exist separate from the jews.
>get on board for the 4th Reich
Do you believe it's a 'world Reich'?
It's the 'German Reich', why would muslims have to be on board with it?

>> No.18488731
File: 1.56 MB, 2623x2159, jewish intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and intelligent?
Israel gets billions from countries all around the world and the greatest invention they have to show for it is the invention of the USB flash drive, which a Japanese man actually came up with.
They get ahead by reaping the fruits of usury, this only takes a lack of morals, not superior intelligence.

>> No.18488740

I accept all of this information, but how do you account for the fact that most people in charge aren't Jews and happily go along with this subversion?

>> No.18488742

Jews being wealthy powerbrokers that cause problems for the people around them is a much older phenomenon than capitalism friend. Can you explain that?
Nazism in the modern context is ultimately about sovereignty for Europeans peoples, being able to decide their own destinies without the overbearing input of jews and stream of foreigners entering their countries.
>destined to rule the world
That already happened remember? And actually it didn't work out so well for us.

>> No.18488749
File: 682 KB, 1024x697, jewish_generals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the evidence for your claim?

>> No.18488810

So why can't the master race do the same thing? If they're subhuman and have lower intelligence, why are they so successful and the aryans are not?

>> No.18488816

why did nazis invade sovereign european nations and excluded slavic people from the master race?

>> No.18488818

I don't think they are subhuman or have lower intelligence. Anyway the 'aryans' are extremely successful. The best countries in the world are white or east asian.

>> No.18488824

IQ correlates to income, but not to wealth at all.

>> No.18488827

if you only knew the breadth of invention that came out of israel. Although its usually from local offices of multi-national corporations, which begs the questions, why did they need to open up in israel if Germanic and Nordic peopel are so superior? All you're showing is your ignorance of what israel contributes to the world.

>> No.18488830

I for one have no dislike of Jews. If anything, I respect and admire them. I see three things in their culture which I feel that if everyone adopted, all cultures in the world would be better off.
1. Heavy tradition of intellectualism.
2. Extreme in-group preference.
3. Emphasis on the study of their religious texts.

>> No.18488832

Aryans are extremely successful.
Israel literally relies on them to survive.
The problem is that Aryans have a sense of morals, so they don't engage in usury, which is what allows the jews to accumulate extreme amounts of money.

>> No.18488835

Define "white." because lots of italians, greeks, and pretty much all Mediterranean europeans are exactly pale looking. is slavic white? nazi's didnt think so.

>> No.18488856 [DELETED] 

>why did nazis invade sovereign european nations
because they chose to align themselves with the hostile western powers or communists
>excluded slavic people from the master race
stop with this retarded fucking master race red herring. Slovenes and czechs had independence. Ukrainians greet Germans as liberators. Thousands upon thousands of slavs and balts fought on the side of the Germans. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18488858

Look Moshe, israel is an absolute joke of a country.
The only thing that ever comes out of is white phosphorus aimed at Palestinian civilians.
As to your question, as you can clearly see jews are in extremely high positions in the US government.
It is no secret that the US practices crony capitalism these days. Of course israel wants these companies to (re)locate to their country and it's very easy to get them to do it, else the subsidies won't be given out anymore and taxes will be raised.

>> No.18488861

However you define white it's obvious that they have been highly successful, idk what point you are trying to make. I am not a nazi and don't think there is a master race, which is a rather dumb concept.

>> No.18488863
File: 1.51 MB, 4000x2700, aryans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're like a child that repeats thinks it heard on the TV.

>> No.18488869

1. You're implying that europeans don't. which is a hilarious self own
2. In-group prefence was due to every other nation rejecting them and using them as scapegoats. Also, jews don't do missionary work and actually require some effort to convert for the few that do. You're also describing how any community works. Irishman are cops and firefighers. Indians know other indians in the tech industry. Again implying that the master has no community, another self-own.
3. You're describing any religious people, not exclusively jews. The vast majority of jews don't give a shit about the torah or talmud and love bacon. I'll start calling all Catholics child-rapists because of all those priests.

>> No.18488876

Lol, Im so happy you could finally dig into your "epic nazi meme" folder.

If you spent less time on 4chan, you could actually meet a girl and start that trad-family you so desperately want

>> No.18488888

Sources are all given.
Maybe you should just stop talking about things you don't know anything about?

>> No.18488890

So you hate capitalism? And you know some jews did banking because society wouldn't let them do anything else?

its so ironic, because if you stop ostracizing jews from society they'll start to assimilate and move away from jewish practices and you would see the rate of practicing jews go down.

>> No.18488891

You retards are as bad as the trannies

>> No.18488905

Find me an academic paper from a peer-reviewed journal. random quotes on a 4chan pic isn't a scholarly source. Im totally sure that you've read your so called soruces.

>> No.18488913

Next they'll say Nietzsche was a Nazi and loved nationalism.

>> No.18488919
File: 377 KB, 600x592, oh vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you hate capitalism
I hate the side of capitalism that focuses on banking schemes, on stocks and all of that.
The productive side of it is something I very much like.
>jews did banking because muh discrimination
Actually Christians were the ones that couldn't do banking because their religion forbade it, same with muslims.
You can't even criticize jews in most countries without going to jail or losing your job. They are not an oppressed group at all. They just have a very strong dislike of anyone who isn't jewish, like the Palestinians who they openly regard as animals.

>> No.18488922

Sorry goys, I gotta enjoy my subsidized healthcare that the USA funds with their tax $$$. Gonna grab a falafel and make more BBC Porn. Good talk, can't wait to see the next 1000 year reich, maybe the next time it will last more than like 7 years

>> No.18488923

Are you an actual retard?
The sources are given right there and you need some academic who thinks Diesel exhaust is lethal to tell you so?

>> No.18488928

They could do loans without interest, which is essential socialism. Jews understood that capitalism is better. No profit, no motivation, no progress.

>> No.18488934

Honest question, do you believe Jews are inherently corrupt? Like, from birth? How would you feel about some random Jew?

>> No.18488935

Give me a peer-reviewed source from a respected historical journal. Its the bare minimum. Would you cite this screenshot for a thesis paper? didnt think so. Its reasons like this that jews and asians are more sucessful. How old are you? Did you get your parents permission to use this 18+ site?

>> No.18488944

I'm not here to fight you or "own" anyone. I'm just saying why I think Jews have been so successful.

>You're implying that europeans don't. which is a hilarious self own
There's no harm in admitting one's own flaws. I'm not a European btw, but I don't think anyone has quite the focus on learning and education that Jews have. It's something we should all emulate, because it's immensely valuable.

>In-group prefence was due to every other nation rejecting them and using them as scapegoats. Also, jews don't do missionary work and actually require some effort to convert for the few that do. You're also describing how any community works. Irishman are cops and firefighers. Indians know other indians in the tech industry. Again implying that the master has no community, another self-own.
And no group is as loyal to itself as Jews are. This is by no means a critique btw. To be clear, I am praising Jewish culture.

>You're describing any religious people, not exclusively jews.
Yep. But I do think it's somethin present in Jewish culture which has led to their success. Secularized Jews are not important, the core is what matters, and that core is what has led to the current success of the Jewish people.

You seem to take an antagonistic position here, and I don't understand why. Perhaps this post cleared things up. Again, I am very much praising the Jewish people here.

>> No.18488947

Marxism is inherently jewish.
(((Moses Hess))), (((Moses Mordechai Marx Levy))), (((Lenin))), (((Trotzky))) ...
Fuck off and stop talking about thinks you evidently don't know anything about.
You are on a mongolian basket weaving forum, if I had to write a thesis paper I would properly quote the sources that are given in the image.

>> No.18488951

Was Lenin Jewish?

>> No.18488958

Had a jewish grandparent, so 1/4 jewish and this is just what the archives admit.
He might have been a full jew for all I know.
Same goes for Stalin, who grew up in a Georgian village which conveniently had a jewish majority.

>> No.18488961


>> No.18488963

Not the 1/4 jewish part, officially Stalin was not jewish.

>> No.18488983

Wasn't Stalin fairly hostile to Jews though, later on? His family were commited Orthodox peasants as far as I knew.

>> No.18489000

Sure and that makes sense when you see it in the historical context.
Israel needed immigrants and why would jews leave the USSR, a country in which they were the elite already?
A Russian would get 15 years in prison up to the death penality if he tried to leave the country, for a jew it was a non-issue.

>> No.18489024

>Barbara spectre
>refuted infographic about bolsheviks being 95% Jews
Antisemites got their shit pushed in on the last thread then just act like no argument was even had the very next day. Was Hitler projecting when he claimed Jews do this?

>> No.18489045

>refuted infographic
Then let's see your refutation.
Daily reminder that 'semitism' preceeds 'anti-semitism', kikebro.

>> No.18489122

Why don't you post the original source. You did check it, didn't you? The highest point was at the beginning, 20% of the central committee and it went way down from there. There's no credible evidence 95% of the rest of the government was Jewish.

>> No.18489146

Even Putin famously admitted as much.
Again, it's no secret that marxism is jewish to the core.
Anyways you said you had an actual refutation?

>> No.18489160

>Jews can't be both the undefeatable specters of the world and sub-human rat people.
have you tried defeating all of the rats of the world?
pro-tip: you can't

>> No.18489186

>dictator talking shit is a credible historical source
Suppose we must take all Drumpf's 30,000 false statements at face value too. BY A LOT!

And of course you didn't check the source, you just pass around epic JPEG's in your little circle jerk of an online slacktivist "movement".

>> No.18489189
File: 138 KB, 1500x1400, angry npc einstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus they are the ones who can't get their story right.
Supposedly they are the most gifted people who excel at everything they touch but at the same time they are an oppressed minority that need billions from the American tax payer to fend off freedom fighters armed with rusty AKs?

>> No.18489197

Why don't you post the passage of the source then that proves me wrong? The one were it says that the central committee was 20% at its highest point?
Definitively not as much as Lenin or Stalin were haha.

>> No.18489260

>maghreb is blue
>therefore assimilable

>> No.18489313

You'll just go oh it's a Jewish source, but in any case your infographic is fake. I checked Bloodlands and it said no such thing. It does say this:
>about a third of the high-ranking NKVD officers were Jewish by nationality. By the time Stalin brought it to an end on 17 November 1938, about twenty percent of the high-ranking officers were. A year later that figure was less than four percent. The Great Terror could be, and by many would be, blamed on the Jews. To reason this way was to fall into a Stalinist trap: Stalin certainly understood that Jewish NKVD officers would be a convenient scapegoat for national killing actions, especially after both the Jewish secret policemen and the national elites were dead. In any event, the institutional beneficiaries of the Terror were not Jews or members of other national minorities but Russians who moved up in the ranks.
But nowhere does it say the 95% figure. Why do you think it's okay to parrot lies?

>> No.18489354
File: 48 KB, 358x515, the goyim know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll just go oh it's a Jewish source
Guess what. Your superior intellect just predicted the future! I'm impressed.
Anyone is free the check the source themselves and reminder that Putin admitted it on camera.
The infographic starts in the 10's goes up to the 30's, you picked a quote that refers to the very end of that time period. That doesn't make the infographic wrong, it's just the usual fallacious bullshit. Keep kvetching.
>kike telling someone he propagates lies
Now this is gold. Someone cap this.

>> No.18489359

>weasling out of providing the relevant passage from bloodlands
>accuses others of pilpul

>> No.18489368

The confidence that Hitler enjoys is unparalleled. But no act has yet proven he deserves it. The confidence that we accord to him is blind. He is an unequaled master in the art of making believe before having to respond to the question of his capacities and power.

The German is credulous by nature. The greatest historical event of his life was the Reformation, the transformation of his religion. In political affairs, he is equally believing. Even the incarnation of his political existence, that is to say the Reich, was a more a home for the object of transcendent faith than a tangible reality. Certainly, it is necessary live daily in Reich in all its pitiable powerlessness, but we do that because nothing prevents the belief in its coming perfection. Belief in something signifies in Germany – in political affairs equally – being sure of the object of his faith and to have it, to thus say, in his pocket. As always, we sell volunteers bear skins before having killed it. When we refuse to look the truth in the face, we always invoke with vehemence the confidence in an unbreakable faith.

>> No.18489372

German credulity creates a state of affairs that benefits all the false prophets. This credulity incites a shameless exploitation. Those who know how to excite the imagination thirsting for faith can always find a good public. The more difficult the times, the more the faith persists. That is what must help to surmount difficulties. It suffices that someone knows to speak well of a new development so that we take it to the skies.

After the fall of Bismarck, in 1890, the decline of Germany began. It was in the nature of things. From this epoch came the doctrines of salvation. William II himself was full of them. He was the one who made the promise of “better days.” Bülow opened the way to enemies, permitting them to thus encircle Germany. No one had hoped for a grander future for Germany. If he had not thrown off the mask since his fall, Germany would still honor him today as one of the most remarkable statesmen “after Bismarck.”

In this unshakable confidence in victory, which reigned during the war, he had a wild ardor. Despite a mountain of contradictory facts, he did not allow himself to be won over by doubt. It is true that in these years, no one dared to take advantage of the German credulity by presenting himself like a political messiah. Such a messiah could fear that we wouldn’t immediately take him at his word. The thunder of cannons did not shake the credulity of the Germans, but it dissipated the drunkenness of public prophets.

However, after the debacle, the public prophets emerged from their pits. Scheidemann promised “peace, bread, and liberty.” Erzberger preached “forgiveness for enemies.” Stresemann attracted the young people with the sweetness of Locarno and the magic of Dawes and Young. He was such a grand wonder worker that, under the influence of Genevan incantations, the German people considered their dishonored lives as the new existence of such a great power.

>> No.18489378

The writings of Hitler were always a bit confused, they lack precision. His thought is not clear. He does not have a clear vision of things. But the best that he published are the passages on propaganda that we find in two volumes. That is his favorite subject, that is the domain where he is most at ease. He then draws from his own experiences and reveals his most intimate secrets. In nearly all that he has written, there are un-assimilated elements, but when he acts on propaganda, he is an expert who knows his work deeply. “Propaganda”, he writes, “is this art of seizing the imaginary and sentimental world of the masses and finding the psychological means to capture their attention and move them.” Hitler invented an extremely effective method of propaganda that proved itself.

>> No.18489386

He passed the point where he must demand credit. We were pressed to offer it to him. He keeps very sure values: the faculty for the enthusiasm and the warm heart of the youth, the noble essence of the peasantry, the right of the bourgeoisie to keep to themselves. He had responsibility for millions of lives. The lenders, the creditors at no point doubted the solidity of Hitler’s enterprise. The claim made its effect. Everywhere we believe that we must “bet on” Hitler and this will pay off later to each part of the happiness and liberty of Germany. We approve all the measures taken by Hitler. We have forgotten the little failure of 1923. We consider it as an amusing incident. “Has there ever been a great man who never made a faux pas? Is there anything more touching than the sins of young geniuses?” This little incident brings no prejudice to the credibility of Hitler. Certainly, Hitler has occasionally remained indebted to the actions that he risked. He let it mature on the 14 of the September 1930. At this moment, all the perturbed democrats feared that he would start marching the same night. They knew what was given by general and public opinion, the Republic was easy prey for him. He did not start to march, but waded into the mire of parliamentarianism. Then came “the exodus.” We waited for something grandiose, for a brilliant political performance. The time passed and nothing happened. The “exodus” was a promise of payment that was not kept. Without having realized the least political profit, the group returned to the Reichstag. Already in 1931, Hitler believed he was strong enough to reverse the government and take power. No creditor moved to give the Führer all the serene and necessary latitude. The year ended and Hitler had only advanced to the Kaiserhof. The chancellery of the Reich was more inaccessible than ever. Even the day of Harzburg did not provide to the German nationalists political advantages which it had been given in advance of his reception. Brüning humiliated the SA and the SS by the interdiction on the wearing of the uniform. The prestige and the reputation of the entire National Socialist movement was at stake – thus the foreigners well understood. The situation required Hitler to throw all his political power into the balance. He must make it understood that under his protection, we were in perfect security and that the authority of the government could only expand beyond the limits he imposed. But Hitler comported himself like a “political” beggar who lacked means and dressed himself for the pleasure of his benefactor.

>> No.18489390

Each day for which a decision had been announced bore a new deception. Each effect presented by Hitler had to protected. The National Socialist movement became an enormous operation of credit, but until the present he had no relations with the big deal. Borrowing was very elevated, but he had yet to give birth to any creative act. We made a dalliance with those who claimed the hard cash and stumbled into a true political enterprise.

The future appeared as a terribly isolated Germany, submerged by forces of breakdown and decadence. France dreamed of butchering it, Russia consulted with Versailles. In this situation, it could have no politics of national success. It is impossible to escape to relapses, losses, and bad treatments. At the timely moment, Hitler neglected to watch for a global conjuncture that could have been very favorable to him. He wasted it by his primary anti-Bolshevism. He acted without circumspection, without prudence. He dreamed and he did not reflect enough on global politics. He dreamed of victory without having prepared strategic plans. They could have fell on him from the sky. He was not, like Bismarck, tormented by the “nightmare of coalitions.” Ever the adventurer, he rushed into the dangerous spheres of international politics. At the moment where the political credit, which flowed without cease, could bear their fruits, he had realized that they melted in his hands, that they were wasted and fled away.

>> No.18489397

Again, anyone interested can just read it themselves and find out who is spreading misinformation.
Is it the one who states the same as Putin or the one who as a jewish ethnic activist feels the need to play down the role of jews in the hellish state that was the USSR?
The interested reader will know for themselves.
So long.

>> No.18489401

The years passed, Germany lives on foreign credit. It wasted the future of its children to ease the present. Imposture rules in the economy and politics. The credit swindlers live easily. Their rating shows in the spirit of everything. They are admired and celebrated – and suddenly that was the fall into the void.

National Socialism inscribed itself among this cadre. It is the establishment of the most audacious credit fraud that had ever been erected on the political terrain. The “Brown House” resembles those pretentious palaces of businessmen in which fraudulent groups think about planning their flowering. The way and the fate of Stinnes, Lahusen, Dumcke, Katzenellenbogen, and Goldschmidt will be sooner or later that of Hitler.

>> No.18489406

I cant believe anyone has actually read all those books.

>> No.18489416

Your grandfathers generation died fighting the Nazis. How sickening. Zero respect for your ancestors, nation or tradition.

>> No.18489424

They were a bunch of deluded retards and their countries are imploding

>> No.18489428

And yet everything was fine in allied nations before the nazis come along.
Funny that, isnt it?

>> No.18489430

No everything was not fine. It hasn't been fine since at the very least the 18th century.

>> No.18489443

If you want to return to a pre-industrial era, nazi theory really isnt what you should be focusing in. In fact it is antithetical to your desires.

>> No.18489446

>you're an ethnic activist
More projection. Of course anyone interested should check for themselves, the fact you clearly haven't shows you're just an incurious ideologue with no interest in the truth.

By the way, the Solzhenitsyn quote, can you source that either? I find no record of him saying this and apparently it's unsourced in a David Duke book. But I see you're scurrying away now, so you'll probably post the same shit tomorrow.

>> No.18489451
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I'm fairly certain this is the chart you're talking about, but I could be wrong since I don't see any Alinsky.

>> No.18489457

I am not really a fan of the nazis, I just dont think they were particularly worse than the other 20th century regimes. Anyway there is no returning and it doesn't matter whatsoever what I think.

>> No.18489468

Fascist thought is so easy to refute that you need to ban all their books to prevent people from reading it first hand. Makes sense

>> No.18489472

Fascist thought being attractive doesn't mean it's right. Liberalism and communism are also clearly very attractive to people, and all 3 of these ideologies can't simultaneously be correct.

>> No.18489475

>And yet everything was fine in allied nations before the nazis come along.
Are you trying to say globohomo is a result of the Nazis and not the globalist liberalism that became the dominant political ideology after WW2? Uhhhhhh

>> No.18489482
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Fascism is right. Liberalism and Communism are wrong.

>> No.18489489

Hitler was financed by Jew bankers. Without the atrocities of WW2 the 'globohomo' would have no reason of support for their goals.
The UN wouldn't have been established.
Israel wouldn't exist.

>> No.18489496

Fascism is just a costume for grown men who want to stick it to the SJW's by becoming their worst nightmare. It's a LARP.

>> No.18489505

Just like how without 9/11 the Patriot Act could never have come to be.
Mass shootings, gun control.
Covid, forced curfews/lockdowns and restriction of freedom of movement.

>> No.18489507

I don't think this argument holds up. Hitler was fighting against Jewish influence and you're basically saying that him fighting against Jewish influence led to the Jews rallying other nations against him and him succumbing allowed them to proceed with what they had planned. So what was the right move then? Just submitting and succumbing from a slow program of internal subversion like the current society is doing?

>> No.18489509

Reminder that they actually caught a Rothschild then let him go for a ransom.

>> No.18489522

>you're basically saying that him fighting against Jewish influence led to the Jews rallying other nations against him and him succumbing allowed them to proceed with what they had planned
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying.

>So what was the right move then?
Not invading other nations to begin with.

>> No.18489533

Thats why many fascist states exists, and why all communist nations falied (except for China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela...) Fascism crumbled under the most minor of economic crisis. Communism is able to survive despite economic sanctions and economic downturn. The US couldn't even coup venezuela when its in the shithole, only shows that the weakest socialism is still stronger than Capitalist Imperialism.

>> No.18489539

Fascists and Nazis should be like their brave leader hitler and kill themselves. Suicide is very /lit/

>> No.18489540

>Not invading other nations to begin with.
That wouldn't have worked out so well. Remember that they were already trying to push the tranny agenda back then, we'd just be even further along the path of degeneracy than we already are. Your argument doesn't work.

>> No.18489546

its because hitler was a greedy art school drop out. Give him money or attention and he was your best friend. Even kept his own personal jewish doctor because aryans couldn't compete with jewish intellect.

>> No.18489549
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Don't be like that anon. Join us. Fascism is very aesthetic.

>> No.18489558

This is a rather inaccurate assessment lol. Fascist countries didn't crumble, they were destroyed by external forces, apart from Spain. Whether Fascism would have worked long term is another question but it was working fine for the time being. Communist countries have had a very spotty track record, the USSR did manage to plug along but then it collapsed eventually. China is really not communist at all anymore, literally the majority of its economy is private. Venezuela is a disaster, as is NK. Cuba is alright I guess.

>> No.18489562

So jews could orchestrate WW2, murder ~6million of their own, but they couldn't find other ways to get control of israel? That doesn't hold up anon. Have you considered reading a history book rather than /pol/ memes?

>> No.18489564

>Even kept his own personal jewish doctor because aryans couldn't compete with jewish intellect.
how petty are you lel, maybe he just liked his doctor. As if he couldn't have found a German one

>> No.18489565

Nah, I'm not suicidal and i like winners (which was the USSR and USA).

>> No.18489570

>breadth of invention that came out of israel.
Like what?

>> No.18489575
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Open to any recommendations.

>> No.18489577

You dont seem to actually understand the history of WW2.

Can you propose any other methods they could have used?
And 6 million jews didnt die, we both know the holocaust was a purposeful exaggeration.

>> No.18489584

cope, goy. Der Furher couldnt. If there weren't jews he wouldve need to do things like actually develop the german economy and provide for the young germans rather than just sending them to die.

>> No.18489592

They could've continued to immigrate and settle israel as they were doing since 1880s. You do know that jews didn't just teleport there in 1948 right? I'm sure you already knew that with that big smart logical brain of yours.

>> No.18489597

He did develop the German economy, the Americans even copied him during their first New Deal. You guys are just like polfags, it's funny you can't see it, the same absolute sureness that your people are so superior and everyone is out to get you.

>> No.18489608

it was more like 10 million when you count gypsies, democrats, socialists, communist, anarchists, trade unionists, and other undesirable europeans (mostly eastern european.

Love how you've move on the stages of grief from denial to bargaining. Keep putting in the work and eventually you can get to the acceptance stage and be a true zionist like GEOTUS Trump and the Republicans.

I used to be a democrat but the right wing of America's enthusiastic support of Israel and Zionism won me over. Love being conservative.

>> No.18489611

>i like winners (which was the USSR and USA).
One doesn't exist anymore because it literally broke the people under it's system and the other is the process of destroying itself from the very same people you "saved" during the Second World War.
Stay winning though

>> No.18489616

a few thousand years of winning makes you pretty confident.

Israel has won every war and conflict. All of the arab league couldn't defeat a bunch of skinny war refugees. Literally 4 vs 1 and they still lost.

>> No.18489620
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>Cuba is alright I guess.
Are American this fucking stupid? Seriously.
I have been to Cuba. Do you want to know a fun fact out Cuba? Tour Guides get paid more then doctors, because doctor's can't charge tips.
The fact that it hasn't collapsed yet is fucking astonishing

>> No.18489628

>won every war and conflict

>> No.18489629
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>which was the USSR

>> No.18489631

Everybody loses eventually. Also it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park for you guys lol, you didnt even have a country for thousands of years and were constantly getting ejected from places.

>> No.18489644
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Wow. Reading these responses reminds me of why I left /pol/ for /lit/.
/lit/ is still an ocean of piss, though.

>> No.18489645

How much do teachers make in the US? Im sure they're super rich! And anyone in capitalistic nations can do whatever they want right? No one works shitty jobs they don't like? When socialist critique capitalism, you get a long and valid list. When capitalists critique socialism they just describe capitalism.

Cuba is poor because of 50 years of a US embargo. Despite that, they still provide stability and healthcare for all their citizens. They haven't collapsed (unlike fascistic nations). Why doesn't the US just let the invisible hand of the free market decide Cuba's fate?

>> No.18489648

Teachers in the US are certainly richer than teachers in Cuba m8

>> No.18489652

Jews are still around despite every effort to erase them. Arabs can't, Germans can't, Spanish can't. Jews win so much, they actually give back land they conquered because they feel bad.

>> No.18489655

lol, you haven't been to a rust belt public school. Cubans don't have to pay premiums and copays for their healthcare. Its all provided for.

30k + shit insurance + paying for your supplies = poooooooooorrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.18489659

Some US teachers are poor, all of Cuba is poorer, their per capita gdp is 8k ffs

>> No.18489670

People mostly just expelled you, not tried to erase you. Do you not realize how unattractive it is that you are this arrogant? I mean you aren't even one of the impressive Jews, you're like some white trash racist thinking he's Napoleon.

>> No.18489674
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Nigger, when an cornerstone position in society, like for example doctors, are overshadowed in terms of actual pay to a fucking tour guide, you have an extreme problem in your society. You want to know how I know this? Because my tour guide in Cuba dropped out of Med School because he wanted to support his family.
You are an actual retard suffering from cognitive dissonance. For you to rationalize that "oh all of Cuba's problems are the US's fault" despite me providing a direct critique to a core system in it's government and economic philosophy? Consider therapy. Or Suicide

>> No.18489675

>Because my tour guide in Cuba dropped out of Med School because he wanted to support his family.
You have to hand it to commies, this level of comedy should theoretically only exist in fiction

>> No.18489688

If people got paid justly under any system I'd be rich off my informative and insightful posting career and Belle Delphine would be the NEET

>> No.18489691
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Even in the fucking hotels, the only food that was available was all shipped in via cans. Some of the only fresh food you could get was what was available, which was next to nothing.
I'm pissed that I didn't go when I was older, because I would have bought a shit ton of Cigars. Feels bad man

>> No.18489694
File: 90 KB, 500x458, whatamIreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is a troll.
No one man could be this fucking dense. This has to be parody in the name of a bait and switch comedy routine

>> No.18489782

I hate how somebody added in LE EBIC MEME MAGIC BOOK in the middle of the last tier. The original version didn't have that book.
You have a chart that's a great foundation for political philosophy, and somebody adds a meme book in a place it doesn't even make sense to.

>> No.18489796

Your opinion isn't really relevant, especially considering it's obvious you haven't read the books in question

>> No.18489833

Ok, how does new-age teachings like the meme book relate to right wing political theory?