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/lit/ - Literature

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1848789 No.1848789 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that would not remotely be considered classic literature, and most /lit/ snobs would sneer at, but you really fucking love.

The Artemis Fowl and Adrian Mole series for me.

>> No.1848801

Like causal video games.

I liked Harry Potter. And I like Neil Gayman.

>> No.1848807


'zactly, or thriller films. I love Gaiman, and Pratchett (though I guess you guys like him). Read all the Harry Potters and now look at me, doing a lit degree at a top uni.

>> No.1848822

josh kornbluth's Red Diaper Baby

>> No.1848828

Gaiman wrote that book 'neverwhere', didn't he?

He came off as a very depressing read; It was the subject I guess, but he was writing it well enough that I was really put out by the miserable situation the protagonist came into.

>> No.1848833

What uni out of interest?

>> No.1848840

captalism a new ideal by ayn rand

>> No.1848849


York. They were 5th in the UK when I started my 1st year (some put them it first but in the interests of balance I'm ignoring them) and they're top 75 in the world or something.

>> No.1848862

'London Blues' by Anthony Frewin.

>> No.1848871


Very good Uni- got rejected from there without interview for English lit. with straight A's and very good GCSE's (if that matters). Just finished second year at Birmingham- it's unbelievable how many absolute dunces there are here no wonder it's so poor for English but sadly it's about my level. Hope York's treating you well?

>> No.1848920


It's awesome, lots of posh people though. Didn't care before, but it's just turned me into a massive class warrior. Met so many future politicians and newspaper editors and hated every last one of them. City's gorgeous, not a chav in site. Welcome change from Nottingham.

>> No.1848999

life of pi
anything nikos kazantzakis
the silmarillion
16-bit rpgs

>> No.1849077

Chris Ryan's stuff. I've read a handful, ranging from un-put-down-able to "I can't be bothered finishing this tripe".

The Watchman was my favourite. Great dumbed down book with spies and the Irish and guns and action scenes out the ass.

>> No.1849085

Jerry Spinelli
The Warriors

>> No.1849116

dracula is basically a slow-paced victorian-ethos version of dan brown but is undeniably a classic based on influence alone.

and kazantzakis, though no one here reads him, is certainly a classic. zorba and odyssey: a sequel not classics? get it together fucker.

>> No.1849159
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>> No.1849333

The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel

She's so fucking well-informed/researched. It's like reading my anthropology notes, but instead of having to do all the work myself and make up sex scenes in my mind while I fap to them, she puts cheesy sex scenes in there for me so I can periodically relieve myself after being blown away by a bunch of cool anthropology facts and speculations. Jean Auel, you ai'ight

>> No.1849642

Do /lit/fags sneer at Neil Gaiman? Never noticed that.

>> No.1849723

John Green books. Gogo Nerdfighter cult

>> No.1849730

Jasper Ffordes work, excepting The Last Dragon Slayer which I thought was weak.