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/lit/ - Literature

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18487751 No.18487751 [Reply] [Original]

Why is literature so much more beautiful than life? I have started reading a lot lately and it's making me so depressed to think about how bleak my life is compared to my books

>> No.18487762

I want the courage to live a life worth writing about.

>> No.18487779

My life really isn't worth writing about though, I am just some IT guy who is a whiny bitch

>> No.18487780

Then get off this website immediately

>> No.18487791

My life while be worth writing a book about. Death is part of life, the only thing I can control is how I spend the time betwen birth and death. I will live an epic life even at the cost of dozen of years of my life.

>> No.18487803

this dude is gay

>> No.18487808

He was also a beautiful writer and an extremely interesting person

>> No.18487817


>> No.18487870

My life will be*

>> No.18488020

Just like you

>> No.18488029

What motivates you to live an epic life, anon?

>> No.18488111
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I lived all my childhood the most boring way. I was never allowed to do anything deemed dangerous by my mom and I spent my time playing video games. After a while, I just realized that I had limited time on Earth. There was a lot of stuff happening at the time. I was crushed under all the boredom and deadlines with school and my personal life. One day, I snapped and understood that I wasn't made for that kind of life. It also gave me some other stuff like identity crisis. I began daring to live. I did some dangerous stuff. Now, I'm 18 and I want to hear my heart beat and to feel stuff. I'm tired of being a robot. Other people also told me that I act and react like a emotionless robot. Sorry for the small rant. It's also helpful to rant a bit here because I'm lost. And sorry for my english, it's 1am and I'm not a native speaker.

>> No.18488945

Take shrooms

>> No.18489031

Write about this and make up some moonlighting and doing gay stuff with black people

Buck breaking

>> No.18489055

Why are you complimenting him?

>> No.18489484


>> No.18489499

Not worth the schizophrenia

>> No.18489815

You want glory. I wanted and to some degree still want glory. Not really sure what it is whether it’s a higher calling or a cult like organization. I joined the military thinking I’d find it there but that was a mistake. In the modern Army there is no glory. Maybe it can still be found in PMC groups.

>> No.18489854

How often do you go outside? Today, while the sun was out, I saw a huge mass of dark clouds taking up half of the sky, with muted orange and grey clouds sitting on the horizon by the city’s skyline. The sublimity of nature isn’t easy to even capture in writing, much less improve upon.

>> No.18490269

I prefer to stay the master of my mind as much of the time as I can so I won't take drugs, shrooms or alcool
I thought the same. Most soldiers from my country don't even go out of the country. I can maybe become a war photograph. It would make me have to travel to warzones and dangerous areas.

>> No.18490320
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Try to take an objective look at humanity. We spent the vast majority of our lives as being hunters and gatherers. Then, somewhat recently, we decided to have civilizations, and then, the industrial revolution happened, and now we're here. What the fuck even is any of this? We're not used to this, none of us are---but we're still stuck with it. Some people have theories that this is all an evil plot by the elites, and maybe they're right. Maybe the elites are just taking advantage of the situation of things. Maybe the elites are enacting evil without caring about the unnatural state humans are living in. Maybe the elites are just victims of circumstance. I don't know. All I know, is that humans aren't supposed to live like this, and fiction offers a relaxing escape.

>> No.18490386

Here's a video I watched recently. The whole video is about GoT, but at the end, Thorin (the content creator) talks about how fiction can be truer than real life. You may also want to look into the work of John D'Agata. His work and the genre he created explore truth. Robert Anton Wilson is also an author to look into.


>> No.18490524

>misses the point of literature entirely

>> No.18490891

Books, video games, movies, music and any modern entertainment feels so pointless. Even science feels pointless. I mean yes, I can learn about computers or mathematics or physics and be able to be "powerful" and change to universe because of the equations I discovered or memorized, but so what? It only furthers the system that I ultimately don't agree with. Is it moral to "improve" oneself culturally or scientifically in this corrupted state? Or is it better to make a point and set oneself on fire? You might say that living for your own pleasure is good, because you won't change anything by yourself anyway, so just enjoy the process, but that is the sign of weakness.

>> No.18490945

>posts a picture of Mishima, who became disillusioned with Literature for never being able to match the beauty of life and reality

>> No.18491402


>> No.18491416

I have many of the same thoughts but in the end setting yourself on fire would be pointless too.
You won’t be able to change the world by yourself but you can try and maybe incite something.
It’s just about trying and in the end not rejecting ones own humanity which includes wanting to feel good.

>> No.18491586

Duality of man

>> No.18491621

Schopenhauer rightly says:

>And it is an obvious fact, which cannot be called in question, that the principal element in a man's well-being,—indeed, in the whole tenor of his existence,—is what he is made of, his inner constitution. For this is the immediate source of that inward satisfaction or dissatisfaction resulting from the sum total of his sensations, desires and thoughts; whilst his surroundings, on the other hand, exert only a mediate or indirect influence upon him. This is why the same external events or circumstances affect no two people alike; even with perfectly similar surroundings every one lives in a world of his own. For a man has immediate apprehension only of his own ideas, feelings and volitions; the outer world can influence him only in so far as it brings these to life. The world in which a man lives shapes itself chiefly by the way in which he looks at it, and so it proves different to different men; to one it is barren, dull, and superficial; to another rich, interesting, and full of meaning. On hearing of the interesting events which have happened in the course of a man's experience, many people will wish that similar things had happened in their lives too, completely forgetting that they should be envious rather of the mental aptitude which lent those events the significance they possess when he describes them; to a man of genius they were interesting adventures; but to the dull perceptions of an ordinary individual they would have been stale, everyday occurrences. This is in the highest degree the case with many of Goethe's and Byron's poems, which are obviously founded upon actual facts; where it is open to a foolish reader to envy the poet because so many delightful things happened to him, instead of envying that mighty power of phantasy which was capable of turning a fairly common experience into something so great and beautiful.

>> No.18491653

Your life will stop being bleak when you internalise the value of books. You will find, you too, have creativity, and that you can see great things on your own.

But we must be educated by better men than ourselves first, everyone must first have a teacher. We must also continually refresh our human finitude by referring back to these greats.


>> No.18491661

If life was good there'd be no need for art.

>> No.18491664

>art is only for pleasure

>> No.18491679

This is interesting, and I agree that it's ironic that OP uses that image. Mishima's prose never struck me as beautiful, rather as evocative or emotive.
Literature is art. You can live a life as art, and you can fill your life with art. Remember that you still live when you read these books, and be thankful that your life is not so dissociated from art as you make think it to be. But also strive to live beautifully, to love and create and attempt. That too will give you a beautiful life.

>> No.18492195

Literally just go outside, you find literature beautiful because literature tends to describe worlds, universes and great stories. You find literature great for the great number of amazing characters or sceneries. You obviously can't compare your day to day life to that, only when you consider your life as a whole you will understand the beauty of this world, only when you understand to be part of something greater you get why eastern sages always suggest meditation, while meditating (and not only that) you are reading the whole book, you are looking at the whole painting. Even the most well written character would be boring if taken by himself, and while you may read a book for two months tops your life goes on for tens of years. Go outside, touch the grass, talk with animals, you're free, this world is you. READ THE WHOLE BOOK.

>> No.18492465
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Shrooms are just a quick and easy way to change your perspective, life changing events and trauma can also do this but you cant really account for them. The best thing to do would be to join the army/get a job that takes you far away from your hometown, you've gotten a taste of how you should be truly living but your ego/persona will not change overnight without life experiences.

>> No.18493711

Yeah, I'm planning on getting a job that would make me go in other places and live close to danger

>> No.18493732

painfully based

>> No.18494396

I personally think that a healthy, attractive male body is the pinnacle of natural beauty and given that was something he wrote about a lot I could just be associating that with beauty in his writing

>> No.18494452

>it's making me so depressed to think about how bleak my life is compared to my books
I’ve been feeling this for years. Fiction is better than real life and that’s why I like fiction.

>> No.18494470

>Now, I'm 18
Thought you were going to say yor in your late 20's or 30's. You're very young and you now where you want to be, that's good.
Genuinely I wish you luck in your enterprise of adventure. Maybe I can catch you there some day.

>> No.18494583

I’ve felt this way since I’m young. I’m 28 now. I started writing for this reason.

>> No.18494695

All the tedposters are retarded. The nuclear bomb was actually the worst possible thing to happen to mankind, all other technology is fine. Nuclear bomb made everything peacefully boring and mindnumbingly stagnant where nobody gives a shit about doing anything and also we're still not in space for some reason. I blame niggers for that one really
This is why the world is boring. I mean you can read accounts of people's shit and the stuff they did during the most exciting times in history (literally anything before the second world wars) and it's just astonishing and you wish you were a part of that. Leon Degrelle's memoirs in Campaign in Russia are a good example. Just imagine going through some of the shit he did, with the ending of flying a plane almost 3k kilometers through allied airspace to crash land in Spain. Then you think to yourself, there are people that didn't have to imagine shit like this. I don't know I'm drunk and I am rambling but thats my two cents.
World probably wont be worth a shit for like another 100-200 years then it might start getting exciting. Or we might just be a mixed race nigger hellscape at that point. None of us are seeing it, that's for sure. Just go visit nature until you get run over by a retard or die aged 80 in some gay fucking hospital

>> No.18494933
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>> No.18495939

Yeah. So disillusioned that he lives out the rest of his days playing the role of a character in a play…

>> No.18496240


>> No.18496397

That sounds incredible, were you able to get a photo?

>> No.18497041

Thanks, man. I'm lucky I know what I want to do while being this young. I hope you guys live happy lives too