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18487117 No.18487117 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Gnosticism? Where do I start? I'm thinking of reading pic related first, is that a good book to start with?

Also, what's the deal with Gnosticism? Is it a bunch of bullshit or what? Seems like all my favorite movies, I've been told, have gnostic themes and ideas.

>> No.18487130

>Is it a bunch of bullshit or what?

>> No.18487137

Start with Hans Jonas. Stay away from the autist scholars unless you're just that interested.

>> No.18487140

Nag Hammadis. Unfucks the immorality of the OT.

>> No.18487151

I like Pagels' and Ehrman's books on the gnostics too.

>> No.18487161

they're ok but they're not visionaries, OP would be better off with starting with the closest thing you'll get in the scholarly tradition, Jonas and maybe Lacarriere, and end with Sloterdijk, better that pipeline then the Pagels -> New Age -> Healing Aeon Crystal Therapy alphabet nigger pipeline which just exists to sedate a real gnosticism anyways

>> No.18487162

How related is Gnosticism and Hermetics?

>> No.18487164

That book is pretty good. It is merely a taster, however. I recommend reading Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed in order to situate gnosticism in its broader context.

I also recommend reading 3 of the Gospels in the following sequence: Luke, John, and Thomas. Recognize that gnostic and esoteric PRACTICE (as opposed to teachings preserved in written texts or criticisms of gnosticism) are largely lost to time, and practice was an important part of these groups. Finally, come to terms with the fact that gnosticism and other esoteric systems are fundamentally unverifiable and simply appeal to the learner's intuition--you either get it, or you don't. This is why gnosticism strikes most people today, who are largely skeptical rationalists regardless of their religiosity, as bullshit.

>> No.18487170

Not enough that every faggot youtube bro who opens with this one is smart or correct. Hermeticism is pro-cosmic, "gnosticism" acosmic. I just updated your pseud alarm for free my man.

>> No.18487178

Hoeller is kind of a midwit and tries to Catholicize gnosticism of all things

>> No.18487252

This is not something I tell everyone but the atomic number of carbon is 666.

I can't say anymore.

>> No.18487290

Google says it's just 6

>> No.18487336

Yes but it has 6 neutrons, 6 electrons and 6 protons.

>> No.18487340
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>> No.18487343

>everything is about trannies because I said so
americans are a disease

>> No.18487381
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>> No.18487402


>> No.18487411

Transgenderism is Gnosticism in a modern context

>> No.18487419


>> No.18487424

Anglos must be genocided. No exceptions.

>> No.18487429


>> No.18487490

Yes, actually, it literally is

>> No.18487493

I've only read The hermetic tradition by Evola and the corpus hermeticum, The corpus in particular does talk about Gnosis a lot.
So from what you say Hermetics accept that it goes God>Cosmos>Man
and Gnostisism is God>Man which is not much difference really.

>> No.18487504

You understand very little about anything; I recommend reading Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed before you harm yourself.

>> No.18487533
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I wont deny I know anything, more I read the less I know at this stage.
Ok I'll get into that book thanks anon.
Any other choices in pic related?

>> No.18487537

>So from what you say Hermetics accept that it goes God>Cosmos>Man
and Gnostisism is God>Man which is not much difference really.

No, if anything I said Man > God.

Show me.

>> No.18487541
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Or this

>> No.18487556
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>Tier 4: The Kybalion

>> No.18487563

>No, if anything I said Man > God
I understand man is the mortal God, I am phone posting and rushing my thoughts.
Gnostisism then is a more focused and refined version of hermetism in a way?

>> No.18487571

All it does is lay out the 7 principles and leave basic explanations for each, why does this have such hate directed to it?

>> No.18487572

The Neoplatonism-Plato-Marsilio Ficino route is probably the most helpful path to understanding Hermeticism. Don't waste your time dawdling in different world traditions like Islam, Hinduism, etc. You won't learn anything from a "cursory overview" of any religion. Commit to one (my suggestion is neo-platonic Christian hermeticism) and stick with it. Read an overview like I suggested and perhaps someone like Guenon to establish basic background links to other cultures.

>> No.18488103

Oh, if you actually want to be a Gnostic then there's no need to read objective scholarship. Just read the Typhonian Trilogies.

>> No.18488112
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Imagine believing anything this spiteful mutant has to say.

>> No.18488119

Hans Jonas
Henri-Charles Puech

>> No.18488148

>neo-platonic Christian Hermeticism
where can I find more of this? I'm reading Christian Meditations on the Tarot rn

>> No.18488187

It is a spiritualist thing to think one was born in the wrong body.

>> No.18488268

Potentially, but it still focuses upon the flesh. If it was truly 'spiritualiast', it would see gender from a more bird's-eye view, instead of resorting to physical multilation. Most transcendent thought, on some level, accepts the immanent (in vastly different ways of course).

>> No.18488357

>Michael Allen - Marilio Ficino: His Theology, His Philosophy, His Legacy
>Fran O'Rourke - Pseudo Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas
>Eric D. Perl - Theophany
>Eric D. Perl - Methexis

>> No.18488900

Stop recommending Jonas as the definitive authority on Gnosticism. Sure, he's good, but his work was done before the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls lmao.

>> No.18488931

Plato's Timaeus
Plotinus' Enneads II IX

>> No.18488939


>> No.18489012

He isn't a definitive authority, but he's a far better introduction than the six gorillionth book on what we mean when we say "gnosticism"

>> No.18489068


>> No.18490498

It's new age

>> No.18490742

Tree of Gnosis by Couliano

>> No.18490786
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there are only like primary sources for gnositicism

the nag hammadi library and against heresies by st irenaeus. before the nag hammadi library was discovered the primary source for gnosticism was against heresies by st irenaeus

>> No.18490792

two primary*

>> No.18490819

>Commit to one (my suggestion is neo-platonic Christian hermeticism)
This is also the conclusion I've come to, but I have trouble actually believing in Christianity.

>> No.18491691

>but I have trouble actually believing in Christianity.
this is a struggle that we will all suffer with for a long time, for the word of christ has been instilled into our being. his nature is inescapable to us. Including for me, even though i consider myself agnostic.

>> No.18492502

great attitude, anon, you are definitely coming closer. I hope to meet someone with your attitude in the real life, friend

>> No.18494231
