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/lit/ - Literature

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18486724 No.18486724 [Reply] [Original]

Why is one of the GOATs never discussed here.

>> No.18486755

Too good for this board

>> No.18486778


every page of Conrads is just great

>> No.18487686
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>injects russian sensibilities into english literature

>> No.18487783


>> No.18488440

Because there's a thousand better authors than him.

>> No.18488468

Not really. I could name a hundred better authors but not "thousands." There are /lit/ threads about that delusional youtube chink and about Mike Ma, ffs.

>> No.18488484

I went to an obviously heavily progressive leaning bookstore today and they had lots of Conrad's books. But one was conspicuously absent. You know which one.

>> No.18488540

He's Polish.

>> No.18488565

literal drooling retard, read Lord Jim

>> No.18488787

>Years ago I looked into Typee and Omoo, but as I didn't find there what I am looking for when I open a book I did go no further. Lately I had in my hand Moby Dick. It struck me as a rather strained rhapsody with whaling for a subject and not a single sincere line in the 3 vols of it.


>> No.18489158

Reading nostromo right now, about 100 pages left. He's a good writer but boring book