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18485712 No.18485712 [Reply] [Original]

What's his best book?

>> No.18485719

Reign of Quantity

>> No.18485758

King of the World
Reign Of Quantity
Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles

In this order. King of the World is his most important book, brainlets will never get it though and think it's about some midget/gnome inside the earth that rules in Shamballa.

>> No.18485763

The Art of Camel Piss Gurgling

>> No.18485775

>brainlets will never
Orientalism is for brainlets you brainlet orentalist degenerate.

>> No.18485776

Because that's literally what it is about. Are you embarrassed by your idol's retarded writings?

>> No.18485787
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>> No.18485797

>cultural essentialism

>> No.18485798

literally who?

>> No.18485805

>On October 11th 1991, Frithjof Schuon, the leader of an international religious order, was indicted on the felony charge of child molestation. committed under "cult pressure and influence". The indictment, passed down by a five member Grand Jury, headed by Lucy Cherbas, stated:

>"that Frithjof Schuon... did perform fondling or touching [on three girls] 15 years of age, 14 years of age and 13 years of age, respectively, with the intent to arouse or satisfy sexual desires of Frithjof Schuon, in violation of I.C. 35-42 43. [And that] said persons were compelled to submit to touching by force or imminent threat of force, to wit: by undue cult influences and cult pressures, in violation of 35-42-4-8."

>The case was mysteriously dropped, and the assistant prosecutor who handled the case, David Hunter, was fired. This despite the unanimous indictment of the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury tried to reconvene and investigate the head prosecutor, Robert Miller, because they suspected him of corruption on various grounds. Lucy Cherbas told me she hoped to reopen the case against Schuon: she was sure he was guilty. David Hunter claimed to me repeatedly that they case had been dropped for "political" reasons, and he said he suspected that the cult had engineered this behind the scenes, possibly through bribery. But let me make this clear. My effort was to expose Schuon as a fraud not to put him in jail. I was led to the child molestation charge by the prosecutor, the police Sargeant Richardson, Rama Coomaraswamy, Wolfgang Smith, Scott Whittaker, Mary Ann Danner, my mother among others. . Please notice that the Grand Jury thought there was enough to convict Schuon in 1991.

This guy's teacher

>> No.18485822

this will be the 13th when I ask you to quote where he said that

>> No.18485824

He was a diddler?

>> No.18486086

grow up

>> No.18486108

Stay mad, loser.

>> No.18486141

all charges dropped, the accuser was a devotee of Schuon who wanted Schuons' blessings/permission to engage in some sexual degeneracy with a woman other than his wife, Schuon declined so the guy went full sperg mode

>> No.18486146

>all charges dropped

They said the same of Michael Jackson, but it is clear that some diddling went on.

>> No.18486150

different circumstances and characters altogether.

>> No.18486156

Schuon's wife recently came out and started blogging about how he was an abusive narcissist egomaniac

The charges are real

>> No.18486168


It doesn't matter if the charges were real or not

When it comes to Perennialist writers Schuon is bottom of the barrel. His books are terrible compared to Guénon and he was not an original thinker - at all.

His flirting with the Native America myths was not even "traditionalist" in a sense how Guénon approached Sufism or Vedanta, he was literally comparable to those New Age "truth seekers" who go drink Ayahuasca under some Amazonian shamans and see visions of talking parrots

>> No.18486169

>im so obsessed with my online 'trad phase' that i must defend child molesters
when you know you're in too deep. not even nasr defends him.

>> No.18486183

>recently came out blogging
fake blog
she passed away already

>> No.18486194

real guenonchads know that King of the World is the most interesting.

>> No.18486236
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This 100%, he was by far the most new agey of the 'Perennialists', a term he himself is more closley associated with than others I feel. Although there is very little written on Native American Tradition outside of what he wrote, which is a shame imo

>> No.18486253

>he was not an original thinker - at all
Yeah, what about it? It's not like perennialists are aiming for novelty anyway.

>> No.18486366

Symbols of Sacred Science

>> No.18486464

>Mr. Fawzi Sqali (a Budshishi muqaddam in Maroc) explained23: “Traditionalism is one expression of spiritual truth but is not in any way a spiritual path.” In his view it is confused with a spiritual path “only by those who have insufficient spiritual experience, who have not properly encountered a real spiritual path.” Sqali argues that it is not only the works of Guénon that present the risk of being taken for the definitive spiritual doctrine, that even Ibn al-Arabi can (but should not) be taken in this way. In his view, to take any single corpus as a definitive doctrine is incompatible with Sunni Islam; “the definitive guide is the shaykh.[*]”
>[*] This means that the determining spiritual leader is the shaykh and in reality Prophet Muhammad Mhmd sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam.
Traditionalism is a philosophy of religion first and foremost, and should be never confused as a spiritual path. Guenonfag perennially BTFO. How will he and his cronies ever recover?

>> No.18486497

Traditionalists don't claim that Traditionalism is a spiritual path, they say that it's just a perspective on religion and they encourage people to join existing religious paths like Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and so on.
>Sqali argues that it is not only the works of Guénon that present the risk of being taken for the definitive spiritual doctrine,
Guenon makes it clear that this is not what he is doing, the guenonfag and guenon's other fans here don't see Guenon or Traditionalism this way

>> No.18486587

What did Guenon think about cigars?

>> No.18486609

I don't know, I read in Mark Sedgewicks book though that when he lived in Egypt he would break his Ramadan fasts at sundown with coffee and a cigarette

>> No.18486616
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>> No.18486793

he should have killed himself. he looks like shit. he smells like shit. he writes like shit.

>> No.18486801


>> No.18486899

I don't trust Sedgwick and I doubt that he consumed something during fasting, he wasn't Schuon. Maybe he drank coffee, idk what to say about cigarettes but for sure he didn't consumed this during Ramadan. He wrote for a few times in his books that everyone should follow shariah and he complained in his letters about Schuon and his followers because they drank alcohol and didn't fast.

>> No.18486933

Im pretty sure that when he means 'breaking' the fast he doesnt mean ending completely it during ramadan. He means that the appointed time to end the fast for that day has come, and Guenon chooses to have a cigarette (which most scholars say is forbidden during the fast) and coffee first, before he goes to pray maghreb. The coffee and cigarettes are Guenon's personal choice, but the practice is fully compliant with the shariah

>> No.18487033

It sounds like he ended the fasting earlier in order to smoke and drink coffee, because he couldn't resist anymore and start fasting again after that.

>> No.18487049

I'm the guy who mentioned Sedgewick's book, Sedgwick in the book says that Guenon followed Sharia in Egypt, and he implies from what I remember that Guenon ended his fasts only at the proper time, and then consumed coffee and tobacco

>> No.18487199


>> No.18487209

>following Sharia

>> No.18487212
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Retroactively refuted by Bataille.

>> No.18487216

>coffee and tobacco

>> No.18487289

What did Guenon think about homosexuality? Was he a fag?

>> No.18487298

by converting to Islam it implies hes not a fan of it

>> No.18487306
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I have actually come to enjoy these threads. Guenonfag is quite persistent, arguing against all claims. The hater's on the other side... not doing quite well in the department of stating their case.
All in all, guenonfag wins.

>> No.18487315

You clearly never interacted with Muslims.

>> No.18487320

Are you implying that muslims are homosexual in general, or what?

>> No.18487361
File: 14 KB, 488x161, Egypt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding?
Muslims countries are the most common destinations for gay sex tourism.

>> No.18487366

t. guenonfag

>> No.18487378
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>I have actually come to enjoy these threads. Guenonfag is quite persistent, arguing against all claims. The hater's on the other side... not doing quite well in the department of stating their case. All in all, guenonfag wins.

>> No.18487380

>Muslim counties
Do you really think that any devout Muslim would ever engage in homosexual encounters?
And how does your screen shot prove anything when it comes to homosexual tendencies in the general Muslim population?

>> No.18487383

Are you kidding?

>> No.18487386
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Thank you brother

>> No.18487390
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Nice arguments, lads. Guenonfag will win as long as you don't read Guenon and can refute him.
Stop posting one-liners and learn something instead.

>> No.18487396

Just open any gay magazine and look at the tourism ad pages: Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Qatar, ...

>> No.18487399

Stop shit posting, you are not on /b/ anymore. Raise your level.

>> No.18487403

Homosexuality is very common in muslim countries.

>> No.18487413

I do not read gay magazines, would you like to link any source?
It's common across the globe, what's your point?

>> No.18487421
File: 296 KB, 1500x2000, maghreb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maghreb is gay as fuck.
And there is nothing wrong about it.

>> No.18487441

>Posting Arabic gay porno
>Muslims are the gay
Ok, you really raised your level of shit posting right there!

>> No.18487447

Just google "morocco gay tour', "algeria gay travel" and so on...

>> No.18487466

Yeah, do the same thing but exchange Algeria to USA or Germany. Have fun!

>> No.18487477


>> No.18487727
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>Although there is very little written on Native American Tradition outside of what he wrote, which is a shame imo
Coomaraswamy has a very impressive article discussing some of the symbolism behind their myths here


>> No.18487735

wonderful thank you anon

>> No.18487765

Why was Coomaraswamy so smart? What is the secret to learn 30 languages?

>> No.18487799

>Why was Coomaraswamy so smart?
According to the Vedanta which Coomaraswamy accepted as true, such things are the fruit of karma from previous lives. To the extent to which his intellectual gifts were at all due to genetics, it was because his karmic load meant he deserved exactly whatever genetic predisposition for intelligence that he had, that this was the natural result of him being of a pure-heart etc in previous lives.
>What is the secret to learn 30 languages?
I myself think it's a combination of genetic endowment with the capacity for willpower/focus which people develop over the span of their life. One can help make up for a relative deficiency in the other, but you need some amount of both.

>> No.18487848

But Guenon and Coomaraswamy didn't believe in reincarnation, neither did the vedantic authorities of their time like Ramana Maharshi.

>> No.18487858

Correct, they believed in transmigration instead, which is different from reincarnation and which is taught and fully accepted by the very highest authorities of Vedanta like Shankaracharya.

Coomaraswamy wrote this article on transmigration


>> No.18487883

oh my god that's fucking hot...

>> No.18487886

You have no idea how much I searched for it, thank you anon.

>> No.18487916

thanks for the pdf anon. its not from Coomaraswamy, but do you have a pdf or epub of the book 'Prophet for a Dark Age: A Companion to the Works of René Guénon' by Graham Rooth. I know that such a pdf or epub exists but I find it hard to find anywhere

>> No.18487919

>they believed in transmigration instead
whats the practial difference?

>> No.18487922

What is the name of the book from which are this pages?

>> No.18487971

Not that anon but I am 2 pages in and I think I understand now. People who believe in reincarnation, imagine that you can remember actions from your past lives so it implies that your ego is the one which reincarnates, and that is wrong. When Plato says that the "soul" is immortal, he doesn't refer to the individual "soul" but to the only one which is real, what hindus would call Atman. And as Shankara said: "there is no other transmigrant but the LORD".

>> No.18487992

But the consciousness of the person does return to the same plane of existence, regardless of posessing personality or memories etc?

>> No.18488022

It's from "Perception of the Vedas", It's one of his lesser known books but its very good
I'm sorry but I don't know where
The subtle body transmigrates from life to life, while the Atman never transmigrates and it just instead remains unchanging and illuminates the subtle body as it passes from life to life.

Reincarnation proposes that certain individuals with their own individual essence are reconstituted anew in another life, like "Richard" becomes "Richard" again but in a new body. In Transmigration the subtle body which continues is no more "Richard" than it was any of the other bodies/lives that it passed through, "Richard" just being one set of transient conditions which it was associated with for a while before moving on, those conditions of Richard's life sometimes leaving subtle residues that continue for a while in trace amounts within the subtle body, but not constituting any sort of permanent essence of "Richard" that continues. The real identity of all living beings is the Atman that illumines the subtle body, not the subtle body or the conditions which it successively associates itself with.

>> No.18488062

>The subtle body transmigrates from life to life, while the Atman never transmigrates and it just instead remains unchanging and illuminates the subtle body as it passes from life to life.
may I ask to how such a position is compatiable with abrahamic Traditions, in which the concept of anything, sutble body or not, transmigrating, is expressly denied. It was my understanding that traditionalists argued that even the laity (who focus soley on the exoteric aspect of thier Tradition) could enter into some kind of permanent afterlife (even if this does not qualify as liberation), is this not correct?

>> No.18488088

>Shankara said: "there is no other transmigrant but the LORD".
Coomaraswamy doesn't point this out explicitly in the essay as far as I remember, but when Shankara says that he is figuratively attributing the actions (transmigrating) of the subtle body to the Lord who presides over the subtle body, although of course for Shankara the Lord/Atman never Himself transmigrates. Shankara sometimes speaks figuratively in ways that have to be read hermeneutically in relation to the rest of his writing, when he says that exact quote in the Brahma Sutra Bhasya it seems clear that he isnt saying that Brahman is subject to transmigration and bondage.

He is saying "us, as transmigrating souls" are the identical to the Lord, and so there is nobody else but the souls who are identical to the Lord who are transmigrating, but at a deeper level our identity as Jivas is due to the confluence of the illumining Atman with the illuminated subtle and gross (physical) bodies, and that when you strip away the subtle and gross bodies which are illuminated by the Atman, then there is just the Atman left, which doesn't Itself transmigrate.

>> No.18488134

>is this not correct?
For Guenon, 'Salvation' corresponds to gaining entry into the Brahmāloka. He explains his view of this in his book "Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta"

Brahmāloka is a heavenly-like state where souls acquire divine powers and their desires are easily manifested, this lasts until the end of the day of Brahmā that the universe is presently in (each day of Brahmā is 4.32 billion years). This is contrasted to moksha, or liberation, where one attains the end of ignorance and realizes one's own identity with Brahman, the Supreme Lord. Moksha is considered to be a higher achievement than the Brahmāloka (salvation) because it totally eliminates spiritual ignorance and forever severs the thread of continued transmigration.

Beings who gain entry into the Brahmāloka can attain moksha while they are there, but it's not assured that every soul in the Brahmāloka will attain moksha. At the end of the day of Brahmā all the non-liberated souls in the Brahmāloka along with the transmigrating souls on earth etc are withdrawn into an unmanifest state along with the universe, and then after a night of Brahmā is over they along with the universe emerge into manifestation and begin transmigrating into bodies all over again. So, you can attain 'salvation' via entry into the Brahmāloka but if you don't attain liberation while there then after billions of years you'll start transmigrating again.

So, Guenon didn't hold the view that people who don't participate in the esoteric aspect of religion are assured a truly "permanent" place in heaven, but rather it would be one that would last billions of years long, and during the billions of years there they would be able to focus on gaining permeant liberation or moksha while there at any time during their stay, but if they failed to attain that in billions of years they would start transmigrating again when a new universe was created. This concept has some parallels with the notion of the "Pure Land" in Chinese Buddhism, although the Hindu concept of Brahmāloka is much older.

>> No.18488182

How can a person consciously be in Brahmāloka, and be working towards moshka, if they are still transmigrating? In the Pure Land it is a refuage from transmigration, and they can stay there until the end of the cosmos and attempt to reach englightenment from there. So if they reach that, they will not leave except to go higher or trenasmigrate when the universe ends

>> No.18488197

*except to go higher or transmigrate

>> No.18488273

>How can a person consciously be in Brahmāloka, and be working towards moshka, if they are still transmigrating?
Because being inside the Brahmāloka is itself a temporary respite from transmigration, transmigration refers to the active moving of the subtle body from one physical body to another when the previous physical body dies, but beings inside the Brahmāloka are not subject to death for as long as they remain there and so their subtle body is not moving from one physical body to another while inside the Brahmāloka, I can't remember exactly but I believe that only the subtle bodies exist there and not physical bodies.

>> No.18488286

So, to clarify, once the subtle body has entered into Brahmāloka, they do not transmigrate again until the cosmos ends, or they reach moshka while in that state. Is that correct?

>> No.18488346

Yes, that's correct

>> No.18488366

Alright I think I understand now. One further question and then I will take up no more of your time. Can the suble body transmigrate to planes of existence other the material realm before it reaches Brahmāloka? So this would be similar to something like the Catholic concept of limbo, or the general concept of hell?

>> No.18488422

Is this any different from Evola's understanding of death and the afterlife that he stated in The Fall of Spirituality aka The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism? In it, he said the spirit disintegrates much like how a cadaver decomposes when the spirit leaves the body at death, and he also said there is no guarantee the soul lives on either, unless you lived a virtuous life.

>> No.18488464

based Schuon

>> No.18488471

Also, when you transmigrate into a new body, you don't necessarily live again in this world or universe, but can can be born in another.

>> No.18488495
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wait a minute...

>> No.18488594
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>> No.18488617

Both have much more forehead

>> No.18488717

>very highest authorities of Vedanta like Shankaracharya.
So street shitters and idol worshipers who identify their consciousness with God himself.

>> No.18488793
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>Let there be tens of changes on the natural level, hundreds of changes, thousands of changes. What is that to me, who am unattached consciousness? The clouds never touch the sky. I am that non-dual God, who like space is subtle and without beginning or end, and in whom all this from the unmanifest down to the material is displayed as no more than an appearance. I am that non-dual God who is eternal, pure, unmoving and imageless, the support of everything, the illuminator of all objects, manifest in all forms and all-pervading, and yet empty of everything. I am that non-dual God who is infinite Truth, Knowledge and Bliss, who transcends the endless modifications of Maya, who is one's own reality and to be experienced within. I am actionless, changeless, partless, formless, imageless, endless and supportless - one without a second. I am the reality in everything. I am everything and I am the non-dual beyond everything. I am perfect indivisible awareness and I am infinite bliss.

>> No.18488831

>I am that non-dual God who became retarded and confused by Samsara but that's not going to happen ever again because I discovered the teachings of a chain smoking street shitter
Sat Shit Ananda

>> No.18489022


>> No.18489033
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>> No.18489039

>self identifying ontologically with God
Cringe, satanic and ego pilled

>> No.18489952
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Do I really need to read a whole book for that?

>> No.18491336
