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18484950 No.18484950 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest author of the 21st Century

>> No.18484951


>> No.18484955

He converted me to Orthodoxy so yes based modern day Guenon

>> No.18484961

lmao not this fag

>> No.18484970

Is that Secular Talk

>> No.18484974

>person in the YouTube audience pays five bucks to ask him question during his transcendental argument vid
>what is your favorite non Christian philosopher?
>uh uh Heidegger, Plato, Hegel, you know, the usual. Just don't get crazy with it. Next question
>thoughts on Kierkegaard?
>Kierkegaard? Yeah well he's Lutheran. Next question

Guy is such a pseud grifternhe makes BAP look like a massive intellectual by comparison. Looks good and has a good voice and he banks everything on that

>> No.18484985

>uh uh Heidegger, Plato, Hegel, you know, the usual. Just don't get crazy with it. Next question
>thoughts on Kierkegaard?
>Kierkegaard? Yeah well he's Lutheran. Next question

Chad response desu

>> No.18484990

i appreciate Jay more for his conspiracy theory stuff

>> No.18485005

Have you read his Hollywood Conspiracy theory books? Are they good?

>> No.18485036

That would be me bucko

>> No.18485066

I'm not that anon, but they're alright. If you've already gone down that particular rabbit hole extensively, you won't find many new observations or insights. I did find his ongoing analysis of transhumanism in Hollywood to be interesting.

>> No.18485084

>>Kierkegaard? Yeah well he's Lutheran. Next question
more like jay's based analysis

>> No.18485110

Who dis?

>> No.18485128
File: 186 KB, 667x1000, 1592606979461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay Dyer. Author of Esoteric Hollywood

>> No.18485145


>> No.18485153

Jay Dyer

>> No.18485160

A talking head on Infowars and writer of conspiracy books.

>> No.18485163


>> No.18485316

the muslim annihilator

>> No.18485326

Is he funny tho?

>> No.18485352

Jay go to bed

>> No.18485373 [DELETED] 

Is it me or is Jamie (whatever his gf is called) increasingly awkward in their joint appearances. In one episode she sometimes doesn’t laugh at his jokes and he looks at her every time he makes a joke to check if she’s laughing, and is bothered by it. Are they having relationship problems? Do you think he’s aggressive at hoje like he is towards his debate partners? Why aren’t they married, if he professes a orthodox Christianity? Aren’t they living in sin?

>> No.18485380 [DELETED] 

Is it me or is Jamie (whatever his gf is called) increasingly awkward in their joint appearances. In one episode she sometimes doesn’t laugh at his jokes and he looks at her every time he makes a joke to check if she’s laughing, and is bothered by it. Are they having relationship problems? Do you think he’s aggressive at home like he is towards his debate partners? Why aren’t they married, if he professes a orthodox Christianity? Aren’t they living in sin?

>> No.18485387

Is it me or is Jamie (whatever his gf is called) increasingly awkward in their joint appearances. In one episode she sometimes doesn’t laugh at his jokes and he looks at her every time he makes a joke to check if she’s laughing, and is bothered by it. Are they having relationship problems? Do you think he’s aggressive at home like he is towards his debate partners? Why aren’t they married, if he professes a orthodox Christianity? Aren’t they living in sin?

>> No.18485396

They are married

>> No.18485403

I've heard him on a few podcasts and wasn't impressed at all. All rhetoric, very little knowledge or wisdom.

>> No.18485452

>Creep posting
get a life dude

>> No.18485457

Hey Jay, whats up. Just so you know the essence energies distinction is bullshit

>> No.18485482

Gay Guyer

>> No.18485492

I know nothing about that but I know of Dyers boomer type jokes and it must be hell if he's constantly doing those off screen too.

>> No.18485735
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou - 14 (720p) [E6D7CCDE].mkv_snapshot_20.34_[2021.01.08_01.54.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucked up to watch im glad that im an incel now

>> No.18486021

Is he ever going to stop ducking the Dimond brothers?

>> No.18486032

dunking on*

>> No.18486061

You can't keep ignoring the documentary, Jay.

>> No.18486081

Probably not. The video was very comprehensive and has clips of Dyer refuting his own position, you can't really argue against that. Not that Dyer has any interest in keeping his theology consistent anyway.

>> No.18486367

Jay? More like gay

>> No.18486388


>> No.18486392

this nigger jay dyer owes me $30

>> No.18486405


>> No.18486433

>im glad that im an incel now
No you're not