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File: 96 KB, 1200x900, 0C186491-E861-4CE6-ABC4-7CA56128B4A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18482396 No.18482396 [Reply] [Original]

>The sick man is a parasite of society. In certain cases it is indecent to go on living. To continue to vegetate in a state of cowardly dependence upon doctors and special treatments, once the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost, ought to be regarded with the greatest contempt by society. The doctors, for their part, should be the agents for imparting this contempt, -- they should no longer prepare prescriptions, but should every day administer a fresh dose of disgust to their patients. A new responsibility should be created, that of the doctor -- the responsibility of ruthlessly suppressing and eliminating degenerate life, of ascending life, demand such a course -- for instance in favour of the right of procreation, in favour of the right of being born, in favour of the right to live.

How can anybody say this nigga wasn’t a proto-nazi

>> No.18482409

Because the Jews wanted in on that shit

>> No.18482432

The Jews are an incredibly sick and unhealthy race though biologically speaking

>> No.18482433

The irony, considering that he became one of those sickly people at the end of his life LOL

>> No.18482459

He is unironically much edgier than the Nazis. The main Nietzschean critique of Nazis is that they were resentful, sentimental/moralistic, and populist lel.

>> No.18482465

Not ironic really. If he had his senses he probably would have told them to pull the plug long ago. Him staying alive was really his sister's doing.

>> No.18482485

>at the end of his life LOL
He was very weakish for a large period of his life. Apparently just changing his meals was enough to send him back to his room for the day.

>> No.18482535

Eugenics didn't start or end with national socialists. When Canadians pump inuits full of alcohol and state-sponsored boredom, South American tribes to this very day kill crippled newborns or Argentina magically makes its black population disappear over the course of a few decades, what exactly was/is at play? Kevorkian was Turkish-Armenian. Hutu Power. Etc

>> No.18482937

Very few people (I've heard of none) decide they should be eliminated for the greater good when it's their turn to get old or sick. Social-Darwinism is always prescribed for the other.

>> No.18482963

Eugenics was a kind of specific project, it's not just any instance of gene shift in a population. It was paired with the concept of dysgenics to refer to opposite effects. In nature the concept doesn't make sense because populations just adapt to their environment, but if you're a human and you care about eg. IQ then you can have eugenic or dysgenic trends with respect to IQ. If you characterize any shift in genes as eugenics if it seems forced by state or other powers then you are contradicting the original sense of the term since the state could promote pressures which are dysgenic for various measures(and this might even affect the elite themselves).

>> No.18482973

He lifted that from plato. Was N a hack?

>> No.18482981

>reading books with Pavlovian stops like 'omg this is disagreeable and Nazi-like!'

>> No.18483002

Yes, very few people, and those few people are usually the very proud and harsh ones, like Nietzsche.

>> No.18483006

You often see people on 4chan joking about attending euthanasia clinics and suicide booths if they existed.

>> No.18483012

Every day I work at a long term care facility my belief in this grows

>> No.18483017

But those examples were specific national/tribal projects as well, they were simply tacit or less conceptualized. BTW it occurs in nature as well, runts etc

>> No.18483027

>Apparently just changing his meals was enough to send him back to his room for the day.
I often feel like this after eating mc donalds, was he a maccas fan?

>> No.18483036

The Rwandan genocide was clearly dysgenic though for example. And in nature there are no absolute values, if conditions change then runts can prosper and the species shrink.

>> No.18483048

How can he say this when he spent his entire life in pain because he was constantly sick

>> No.18483059

According to the perpetrators it was just the opposite. The observed criteria vary.
>nature there are no absolute values, if conditions change then runts can prosper and the species shrink.
That's a theoretical cop-out. Realistically, in any given group in nature, mammals particularly, the weaker perish.

>> No.18483070

He went into isolation on account of being sick rather than leech off doctors and society.

>> No.18483071

>if conditions change then runts can prosper and the species shrink.

like what happend to wypipo

>> No.18483077
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Why was Neetch like this? It's obvious that he was projecting because no one in the prime of their health thinks this way. Couldn't he see that even sick people can bring value to the world? Think of all of the sickly writers, poets, artists, and inventors that have contributed so much, if it were up to him they would have been suffocated in infancy

>> No.18483085

The sickly people who were strong in spirit.

Nietzsche was talking about the sickly of the soul.

>> No.18483086

As mentioned before Nietzsche himself was very sickly and much of his writing can be inherently contradictory (which I think is part of his appeal).

What book is OPs quote from btw?

>> No.18483098

It's a real phenomenon that species shrink

>> No.18483099
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God has a fine humor sense.

>> No.18483109

I-i-it was just famous Nietzschean irony, r-right bros? Nietzsche is only ever unironic about the stuff we agree with, r-right?

>> No.18483117

This board has no serious argument against Nietzsche, just a lot of teenposting like this.

>> No.18483127

>What book is OPs quote from btw?
Twilight of the Idols

It's not contradictory or ironic though, as stated here >>18483070 Nietzsche did what someone with physical ills should do, go into isolation rather than whine at daddy government for handouts, and not without first contributing to society and earning financial security.

>> No.18483130

Nietzsche has no serious argument in the first place
>ur ideas are actually just like motivated reasoning bro u are just trying to exert your will
Bravo freddy.

>> No.18483133

This board has no serious argument pro Nietzsche, just a lot of teenposting like this.

>> No.18483140

It is but it's peripheral. Strenght is an inherently universal value.

>> No.18483147

That wasn't an argument against Nietzsche, it was an argument against the retards who interpret Nietzsche as an egalitarian atheist democrat

>> No.18483157

It's not though, strength requires energy consumption and some strategies/pressures will prioritize requiring less energy. Evolution has no absolute values except reproduction of genes.

>> No.18483165

You've never read Nietzsche in your life, have you? Admit it. Go find that sentiment you just greentexted in Genealogy of Morals. I'll wait.

His work speaks for itself.

>> No.18483168

Or look at us, our muscles are weak so that we have fine motor control.

>> No.18483206

All apex predators are strong. Likewise pack leaders. The roundabouts of evolution are often random, but the rule is power, both physical and mental.
Our muscles are weak? Compared to grizzly bears perhaps.

>> No.18483226

Alex predators are really not the winners of evolution, they frequently go extinct and are very few in number. Bacteria are still the winners, then plants, then fungi and herbivores.

Yes our muscles are pound for pound much weaker than our chimpanzee cousins, it's to allow precise movements.

>> No.18483249

is easier for lions to go extinct than the zebras.
Actually I wonder how many zebras you need for a single Lion to survive.

hey ants before herbivores.

>> No.18483260
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>> No.18483279

Some ants are mainly herbivorous but you're right, after plants it's more complicated.

>> No.18483288

Survival as a roach, an ant or a zebra for its own sake has exactly one advantage: passing genes along. It's still not inherently valuable in terms of assertiveness or dominance--now, with human intelligence overviewing the entire variety of biological nuances, less than ever. We, unlike other species, understand and alter evolution quite deliberately, and eugenics is predicated on the idea that the human race is cognitively superior.

>> No.18483312

I agree m8, that was my initial point here>>18482963
Eugenics is predicated on specific values/metrics being promoted by the cultural flux interacting with genetic evolution.

>> No.18483326

Within the frame of evolution itself, from which we are by no means excluded simply because we understand it. Eugenics is a constant throughout history wherever we look.

>> No.18483352

It's a meta-genetic frame though, culture and technology alter the paradigm, they add a new process on top. In biological evolution it's just genetic reproduction, but with culture, technology, civilization, you get a new breed of system with which bio evolution interacts. The environment is no longer reducible to phenotypic expression + abiotic flux(weather, geology, etc), a particular type of phenotypic expression in the human has bootstrapped a new form of creative expansion and evolution. This is the context within which eugenics can exist, the dynamics of human civilization. It all follows the implacable law of survival, but there has been a sea change in the details.

>> No.18483372
File: 514 KB, 1200x1628, 1200px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trouble with Nietzsche's physical unfitness is that it makes all his philosophizing seem like it comes from a personal position of yearning. All his valorization of strength, of beauty, of vigor, of forcefulness being the dominant paradigm of the greatest men, when you learn what he was like as a human being it all starts to seem less like some objective philosophical notion he conceived of and more like him projecting his own greatest desires onto a philosophical framework. He craved after something he didn't have and it shaped how he philosophized.

It makes you think Chesterton kind of has a point when he talks about Nietzsche's philosophy being the "philosophy of weak nerves." Nieztsche saying the things he does hits a bit differently when you learn what his own physical condition was like.

>> No.18483375

Genealogy of Morality:

>"If I am in any way a reader of riddles, then I will be one with this sentence: for sometime past there have been no free spirits, for they still believe in truth. When the Christian Crusaders in the east came into contact with that order of Assassins, that order of free spirits par excellence, whose lowest grade lives in a state of discipline such as no order of monks has ever attained, then in some way or other they managed to get an inkling of that symbol and tally-word, that was reserved for the highest grade alone as their secretum, "nothing is true, everything is allowed," - in sooth, that was freedom of thought, thereby was taking leave of the very belief in truth." p.114

>Nothing is more really alien to these mono-fanatics, these so-called "free spirits" [scientists], than freedom and unfettering in that sense; in no respect are they more closely tied, the absolute fanaticism of their belief in truth is unparalleled. I know all this perhaps too much from experience at close quarters." p.114

>"This renunciation of interpretation generally (that is, of forcing, doctoring, misrepresenting, etc.) - all this, considered broadly, expresses the asceticism of virtue, quite as efficiently as does any repudiation of the senses." p. 115

>"A philosophy, a faith, must always exist first to enable science to gain thereby a direction, a meaning, a limit, and a method, a right to existence." p. 115

>"These philosophers, you see, are by no means uncorrupted witnesses and judges of the value of the ascetic ideal. They think of themselves - what is the "saint" to them? They think of that which to them is personally most indispensable ... Not for a minute, as is self-evident, as though, per-chance, they were part of their virtues - what has this type of man to do with virtues? But as the most essential and natural conditions of their best existence, their finest fruitfulness." p. 77

>> No.18483402

>in a state of discipline such as no order of monks has ever attained
>ur ideas are actually just like motivated reasoning bro u are just trying to exert your will

>> No.18483413

All you have to do is read Ecce Homo to dispel all of this.

>> No.18483414

Discipline and freedom (note: Freedom - not "truth") are two sides of the same coin for Nietzsche, which you'd know if you actually bothered to read him.

>> No.18483460
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based Jockomensch

>> No.18483594

it's ironic because later on he was dependent as a result of going insane

>> No.18483612

this is not ironic at all. at no point does he say it can't apply to him.

>> No.18483628

He was.

>> No.18483639


Nazis are completely hypocriitcs on the issues of euthanasia and eugenics

Sterlize or euthanize anyone but me(even though i am a dysgenic mutant)
they want to apply their standards to other people but not to themselves

>> No.18483644


complete hypocrites*

>> No.18483660

also why didn't nietzsche's sister have her brother euthanized? he was a worthless parasite taking up society's resources

>> No.18485440

Neesha openly talks about how his viewpoints are endowed with the perspective of being strong and healthy sometimes, while at other times being weak and miserable

>> No.18485481

America has an obesity problem, Israelis are healthy.

>> No.18485496

I generally like Nietzsche, but this take seems to lack nuance. Sure, one can point to a typological rank of man as a determinant of the "ill" but as I'm sure most of us know in our personal lives, illness often has complex social and physiological conditions, often outside of the power of any singular person to control. Unfortunately, many great men are debilitated by illness, but in no way does this mean they are of any less value; Nietzsche himself is a shining example of this. Optimistically I would read this passage as hinting at an illness of the soul or mind rather than of the body, but the language used makes is fairly obvious that isn't the case. It's quite ironic that most of the great Nietzscheans of the 20th century (Foucault/Deleuze in particular) take such radically different stances in relation to the question of the maladie.

>> No.18485517
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FYI, this is the full passage. Nietzsche was not really talking about physical illness.

>> No.18485771

Sounds like an argument for euthanasia rather than eugenics.

>> No.18485877

nope, he was a fruitarian

>> No.18486208

i have ulcerative colitis and know this feel

>> No.18486222

Reddit is that way.

>> No.18486228

>posts a paedophile as his example

>> No.18487374
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Neetch was right. My cousin has been a NEET for 10 years. He is obese, evil, mentally ill and refuses to be treated. He was an alcoholic before that, he was forced into mental hospital twice but nothing improved. He spends his day lying outside or driving around with electric scooter. He lives with his father and bedbound mother, eats their food and contributes nothing to the household despite getting a autismbux and welfare. He drove his depressed brother to suicide bullying and telling him not to eat take meds. Nice words dont help, only violence would push him to reality but none of his family member has heart to do it.

Retards like him should die.

>> No.18487528

Not even wrong here. Think about all the fags who are given a diagnoses of 6 months to live with certain illnesses. They would rather pour tremendous resources into what would be barely extending someones terminal sentence, when those resources could be allocated for something far greater. But I doubt that will ever change, since a man has the right to do seek self preservation and use his assets to strive towards that goal. Selfish, yes; but most people would do it all the same.

>> No.18487622

>refuses to be (((treated)))
>spends his days lying outside
>encourages others not to take (((meds)))

Is he doing something wrong, bugman?

>> No.18487633
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>if only I had spent more time resenting socrates

>> No.18487667

You're obviously talking about yourself, NEET.

>> No.18487737

The team lift for ants is off. If there is 88 billion pounds of ants and they lift 10 times their body weight. They it should be 0.88 trillion pounds for team lift.

>> No.18487794

you are right.
shitty infograph , gonna delete it from my hd.

>> No.18487825
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>> No.18487838

>implying Nietzsche and Tocqueville aren't two sides of the same coin

>> No.18487843

Not sure how's that relevant in any way. Nietzsche predates Nazis by decades.

>> No.18487921


>> No.18488009

>both concerned with nihilism (for Tocqueville it is pantheism)
>both concerned with herd morality (for Tocqueville it is the tyranny of the majority)
>both concerned with the last man (for Tocqueville it is democratic despotism)
>both interested in the inevitability of democracy (for Tocqueville it is providential fact)
>both interested in countering the extremes of democracy and protecting nobility

They offered different solutions but had the same priorities.

>> No.18488084
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Already refuted by Minaj.

>> No.18488296


>> No.18489797

how does one say all this while wearing prescription glasses

>> No.18489866

>if you wear glasses you're the same as a nihilistic decadent who visits the doctor for every little scrape on the knee pleading for disability leave

>> No.18489901

I hear Minaj is very Wagnerian in her approach to Nietzsche

>> No.18489912

Why does /lit/ and the fucking annoying kids in my English classes think it's so fucking hilarious to mix pop culture references of black people with shit like this

>> No.18489917
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>Argentina magically makes its black population disappear over the course of a few decades

>> No.18489926

You should quit then, retard.

>> No.18489935

nah dude, jews have all sorts of genetic issues

they gotta harvest blood and organs from palestinian children just to stay on their feet

>> No.18490029

Now you sound like you're interpreting the Bible!

>> No.18490039

Unironically, these sound like the words of a weak society.

>> No.18490494

All Nietzsche does is contradict himself because he had bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, caused by his suffering.

“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”

>> No.18490504

Blindness is not a illness or affliction

It’s simply a symptom of modern life, being inside all day and not getting enough sunlight

>> No.18490520

because hip hop is connected with philosophy and literature its impossible to read the iliad in 2021 without being reminded of drill music

>> No.18490529

>All Nietzsche does is contradict himself
midwit take

>> No.18490550

no i just think bookish kids think it's cool to relate to normies so they try and say shit like this to have hyper woke takes on everything

>> No.18490589

Does getting out of bed and writing aphorisms and reading for hours on end while your body becomes crippled and your mental faculties fade due to syphillis not require great strength and fortitude? I think you sound like a faggot

>> No.18490602

This unironically. Young Pappy is a great folk poet

>> No.18490843

I used to think that I'm worthless because of my bad genes and that I would allow the people to kill me, when I was a kid.
But now I do think that maybe I have bad genes genetically but at least I'm quite smart, so I am worth the survival genetically speaking. Before I thought that most people are smarter than me because I was a kid and inexperienced.

>> No.18490871

because its funny to be absurd, as if a retard degenerate like nicki minaj could ever understand nietzsche

>> No.18491179

Because he hated anti-Semitism and ideology with a passion

>> No.18491239


>> No.18491355

Ghastily based.

>> No.18491378

Plato said something similar for his pretend republic.

>> No.18491397

>t. normalfag

>> No.18491418

>Saying things that everyone knows are true but are not very nice makes you a Nazi
Why do leftoids insist on lying just to preserve an delusion of a world where everyone is totally equal in all aspects?

>> No.18491470

All superficial things. This is just a way to recuperate the critique. A herd instinct.

>> No.18491491
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t. neets carefuly cherrpicking what i wrote to suit ther anti-work antisocial /pol/ worldviews. If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.18491566

Americans worship niggers.

>> No.18491583

>The sick man is a parasite of society
he writes from the comfort of a sanitarium

>> No.18491780


why do 19th/early 20th century thinkers always over-estimate their knowledge when it comes to nature. Like, did everyone just assume they knew everything about biology and the universe? I've heard it said they thought physics was over, I assume biology was pretty much just an ideological justification for race realism back then.

Absolutely fucking cringe.

>> No.18491810
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He literally became a Brony in the latter part of his existence. Though for real, the "horse incident" is pretty moving to me. All it took was to witness that one "normal" act of cruelty and the straw broke the camel's back. Not too knowledgable about why he never recovered.

>> No.18491820

That (alleged) pedophile is pretty attractive, aesthetically.

>> No.18491962

>NOOOO my precious French aristocrat couldn't possibly have any similarities to that secular German brute!

>> No.18492028


>> No.18492980
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Though the argument is idiotic, the conclusion is mostly sound. A "right to life" is a Morally dubious idea. The same people allegedly happy to be alive could be happy to be enslaved or tortured, should they have a "right to be enslaved or tortured"?

>> No.18493053

You haven't read him.

>> No.18493083
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>> No.18494014


>> No.18494051
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>should they have a "right to be enslaved or tortured"?

>> No.18494091

Not every American is an overweight lardass, Europoor.

>> No.18494100
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>dude we should keep severely physically and mentally ill people alive and preserve their genes because hitler was bad

>> No.18495495

Didn't this nigger laungish in syphilitic misery before dying? Talk about a hypocrite.

>> No.18495505


>> No.18495515

I'm sure you're all for killing the infirmed and helpless as long as it's done far from your eyes and not by your hand you based internet badass you!

>> No.18495694

>isolates himself and continues writing in the service of healthy specimens
>kept alive against his will by his sister after becoming an invalid
Where's the hypocrisy, bugman?

>> No.18495699

They sterilized and killed plenty of their own sickly people (Aktion T4 )

>> No.18495855

Then why did he live in a state of dependence on doctors and special treatments for the last like 20 years of his life.

>> No.18495868

>If he had his senses he probably would have told them to pull the plug long ago.
He was living a dependent and sickly life long before the breakdown unfortunately. The breakdown was only the culmination.

Shame that a gifted man like him had to go through, especially as he would have been more susceptible than the average man to feelings of shame and mental distress, and no less because in that part of his life he did not have much companionship to rely on.

>> No.18495882

>The main Nietzschean critique of Nazis is that they were resentful, sentimental/moralistic, and populist lel.
This always struck me as nonsense since the real views of the Nazis aren't too far from Nietzche. Hitler wasn't a moralist and if the people of Germany had known his real thoughts and plans the government could not have survived a week. The only resentful thing was really his insane obsession with Jews.

>> No.18495908

Listen to Hitler's speeches about the suffering and despair of the poor, it is definitely socialist style moralizing that Nietzsche would consider weakness.

>> No.18495917

>Listen to Hitler's speeches
missed the point of my post. And you don't understand Nietzsche if you think he was against sympathy for the poor.

>> No.18495935

What is your point? He talks about it in MK too. Doesn't Nietzsche literally have a line about how the emotion of pity is sickness

>> No.18496009

Nietzsche himself was full of sympathy and his ideal man also has sympathy, in addition to hardness and self mastery needed spread his inner meanings over the world in the form of a manifest Will. His point is mainly that pity can be abused as a tool of the sick, who use it dishonestly to bring down the strong, and also that it is often inaccurate in its assessment of another's suffering. But I don't think, despite his characteristic forecful style of writing, that he wished to get rid of it altogether. He did have some contempt for it yes.

>> No.18496035

Do you not think Hitler eulogizing suicides of oppressed proles is basically anti-Nietzschean? Idk it doesn't seem aligned with him.

>> No.18496103

It was 11 years. It's not like he had a choice in that matter.

>> No.18496246

The point is that this was nothing more than a political maneuver. Hitler's private views really had very little to do with sympathy or Christianity. He saw these things as practical tools and not as ideas on which to build a lasting state.
He lived in that state long before he lost his mind unfortunately. Some of his best books were composed when he was almost an invalid.

>> No.18496253

Hitler's public views were the mainstream Nazi ideology so my point stands.

>> No.18496281

>He lived in that state long before he lost his mind unfortunately.
He was ill most of the time, but he wasn't a literal invalid like he became in 1889. Also, he did the most responsible thing one could do, which was to isolate himself and try not to be a burden to anyone, while continuing to write philosophy for the future's sake.

>> No.18496330

>Hitler's public views were the mainstream Nazi ideology so my point stands.
Those views weren't what the leadership of Germany believed, they were not the doctrines of the men running the show. The average German was a Christian worker who wanted a better life, believed the rest of Europe had abused his people at the end of the last war, and had a vague prejudice against people of Jewish descent. The men in charge were brilliant criminals who had no real religious belief, a desire to dominate the continent of Europe and to enslave and eradicate various races. Do you deny that the holocaust characterizes the Nazis because the average man did not know that Jews were being slaughtered.

>> No.18496344

I dont think there is any point in further discussion for us, we have different priors here. Suffice to say that I see them in a milder light than you, and I find Nietzsche on the other hand an extremely harsh perspective.