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18482082 No.18482082 [Reply] [Original]

how can i grow my attention span so that i can read more than two pages in one sitting?

>> No.18482114

Put your phone in a completely different room
If you need to stop after a page and sit there and think about what you read, that's ok. no rush
and obviously


>> No.18482117

Practice, practice, practice.

>> No.18482119

Unironically try three pages. Gradual steps. Also choose reading material that draws your attention more immediately.

>> No.18482146

Do you have an attention disorder? There are probably more specific things for that, but generally, try to eliminate any sources of distraction when you're reading.

>> No.18482167

Force yourself to read 3 pages today, 4 tomorrow, and 5 the next day. Baby steps.

>> No.18482174

Throw your phone in your toilet and take a hammer to your router

>> No.18482189

by reading a book you actually enjoy?

>> No.18482984

it's not my phone. sometimes it's my computer, but i don't think that's really the problem. recently, i'll sit on my bed to read, i'll read about a page, start thinking about something else, that leads into a thought-tangent, which leads into another one, and them i'm like, oh right, van helsing was explaining dracula's escape from england.
my parents had me see multiple therapists when i grew up. not one of them diagnosed me with an attention disorder

>> No.18483158

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18483240

I empathize. However I think >>18482117
said it best. Keep at it no matter what. If you need to take it slow, that's fine, just stay on course.

>> No.18483276

Get the fuck of the interwebs

>> No.18483393

practice meditation

>> No.18483505

Read a whole chapter, reward with cummies.

>> No.18483510

I relieve the carnal impulse, a demon in its ability to consume focus, prior to reading.

>> No.18483511

read something good, the only reason the internet steals your attention is because it's more interesting than what you're reading.

>> No.18483542

Learn to love to read. No I'm not able to elaborate, you must find your own way.

>> No.18483602

This is the only correct answer

>> No.18483832

This, many old books were written first as serials or paid by the word count, so there is a lot of filler information. Read something interesting

>> No.18484034

Unironically, just read. I find myself in the same situation as you beforehand, or even while I start to read. Complaining and bickering about the act of reading itself, how tired I am, etc. But just keep at it and don't think about it. Slowly it will subside and you will read longer as you immerse yourself in your book.

Think of reading like learning to run a 4k race. It's hard and grueling at first, especially if you are like most people who get burned from reading shit books at school and now are trying to pick it up as a hobby. But then you slowly get good at it (ESPECIALLY if you read books YOU want.).

>> No.18484062

You just force yourself to keep reading, set an amount of pages you want to read and don't stop. If your self-discipline is so bad you can't just read more than 2 pages it's something you have to work on. Also you want to read something that interests you.

>> No.18484097

>by reading a book you actually enjoy?

If you actually enjoy reading what you’re reading, you can usually sit and read the book for much longer periods of time.
Once you get used to this, it makes it easier to read crap you don’t like for longer periods of time.

The pharmacist at a 24 hour pharmacy near a Ivy League University, said that a large percentage of the students were on ADHD meds like Ritalin, to help them study, so that might help if you can get a prescription.

>> No.18484106

My favorite chair for reading in was a butterfly chair.
I think the folding ones by Algoma is basically what I have( mine is older, but I think Algoma inherited the design)

>> No.18484108

Get some XR or another attention deficit med. Also download a timed lock program for your computer that prevents you from logging in

>> No.18484266

akchually no.

>> No.18484272

it will never be enough. you need to let your brain enjoy boredom otherwise why not do drugs or something even more enjoyable than browsing net? OP need a HARD REST of his pleasure receptors.

>> No.18484278

read guenon you will be captivated by his wisdom and relevancy in our time and eventually you will reach enlightenment

>> No.18484595
File: 25 KB, 301x278, hahaha monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can I grow my attention span so that I can read more than two pages in one sitting?
Listen to some nice music to get you in the mood. Sometimes its easy to get distracted when we're not fully invested in a story or in a mood to read and I've found that chill BGM helps a lot with calming me down and stopping me from getting distracted.

>> No.18485629

Read more

>> No.18485645

Stop pretending you can actually get some reading done when all you do otherwise is to browse social media, 4chan, and watch pointless brain numbing YouTube videos.

Get off the internet for a week.

>> No.18485663

Every day we have multiple versions of this thread. They need to add something to the sticky

>> No.18485732

>browsing social media isn't reading
OK, boomer.

>> No.18486441

Well, by recognizing what you attention to during reading and work on Not paying attention to those, I Suppose???

>> No.18487221

This. A week without screens do wonders.

>> No.18487231

Get offline.

>> No.18487266

It's not natural to be able to sit down and have unbroken laser focus on material that doesn't interest you. It goes against everything your body was made to do. Public school is not reality, and their expectations are not sane.

>i'll sit on my bed to read, i'll read about a page, start thinking about something else

That's totally normal and usually starts with thoughts like, "what would I do in this situation?" or, "how could this information fix a problem I had before?"
If you _don't_ do this, you're missing the entire point of reading.

>> No.18487272

>muh screens
Don't you have some bombs to mail, you sanctimonious, ignorant luddites?

>> No.18487302

idiotic non-sequitor.
pseudoscientific nonsense
listening to music isn't reading.
>inb4 the idiot pretends the music isn't a distracting second processing task that takes away from reading/thinking