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18481105 No.18481105 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Michael Malice? He constantly talks about 4chan in different interviews and podcasts more recently the one with Jordan Peterson and pic related is his new book. If I had to guess I would say that he has previously browsed /lit/ but who knows....He seems really based to be honest

>> No.18481118

He's edgy Ben Shapiro

>> No.18481123

how so?

>> No.18481198


>> No.18481204

>under any circumstances "based"
time to stop posting

>> No.18481227

He's a tourist, by his own admission. Doesn't really seem to know much about 4chan beyond /pol/ and a few /r9k/ memes within the context of the 2016 election. Probably tangentially aware of /lit/ and perhaps a few of its post 2016 memes but nothing more.

>> No.18481232

Stop shilling this shit, fuck twitterfags

>> No.18481234


He knows about 4chan from MSM

>> No.18481243

Isn’t he like 4’10”?

>> No.18481263

Men who have sex with men?

>> No.18481477

>Michael Malice

>> No.18481728

I read his book "The New Right." At first it seemed like it would \dive into HBD, neoreaction, maybe accfags and esoteric racism. Instead there were like 5 pages on Jared Taylor and that's about it. The rest was blabbering about Buchanan, and several transcribed Murray Rothbard memes. My overall impressio is he's a quick-witted Jew but he uses his wit to dazzle the goys. He probably accepts all the HBD shit but just pretends he doesn't.

I'll nitpick a few things I remember. He uses North Korea as evidence that good governance can determine the wealth of a country, but this doesn't prove biology doesn't matter. You can make a smart kid retarded by hitting him hard enough. He also says something like "high rents in cities show some people like racial diversity" but you can't know whether diversity drives rents up or down from just a correlation. And he said something (might have been quoting Rothbard) like "interfering in a voluntary transaction can only make people worse off." But that's not true unless you stretch the meaning of voluntary to mean something like "voluntary transactions under perfect information and with no externalities."

>> No.18481750

I just realized /pol/'s blatant use of anti-Semitism in every single post they make is the far-right equivalent of the far-left's danger hair phenomenon.

Just an instant, useful way to completely disregard another human being and correctly denote them as worthless trash. I'm glad it's a thing.

>> No.18481768

A great way to disregard people without having to consider their arguments, I agree!

>> No.18481787

People that talk about 4chan in public have nothing worthwhile to say about 4chan.
Rules 1 and 2.

>> No.18481798

>"high rents in cities show some people like racial diversity"
Everyone with half a brain knows cities have higher rent because of a shortage of housing compared to people looking for houses. And that average wages are higher so everything costs more.
Is he actually that stupid?

>> No.18481799

>he thinks he's entitled to a conversation with me

>> No.18481856

Don't take it personally Michael, antisemitism is just the inevitable result of a fundamentally unequal society and the jewish tendency to cozy up to power while maintaining a unique identity. Both the far right and the far left are symptoms of a greater disease, which is the moral decadence of our civilization.

>> No.18481862

I don't want shit from you, I wouldn't feel anything if you died right in front of my eyes.

>> No.18481870

Anyone who constantly talks about 4chan is someone I'm going to avoid listening to.

>> No.18481880

Are you a Tinder girl or something?

>> No.18481884

How hard were your hands trembling with impotent rage when you wrote this?

>> No.18481891

We're not talking about an author who just happens to be Jewish. His Jewish heritage is a pretty large part of his identity and it definitely influences his takes on far-right politics. There's no reason not to mention it. Besides, he should really be flattered to be described as a dazzling quick witted jew.

>> No.18481895

They weren't.

>> No.18481900


>> No.18481903

Jesus this post just exhudes an aura of pure fucking loser.

The absolute state of /pol/turds. Just steeped in slave morality. Go whine about DA JOOZ to your buttbuddies again. That'll soothe over your depression.

>> No.18481925

>criticizes Christians and slave morality while defending the Jews, a people with a longer history of enslavement than any other group

>> No.18481966
File: 459 KB, 1482x2100, 1622005175090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, sweaty, I've already cummed three times today and it's only 2pm.

>> No.18482086

and yet they persevered through it all and now run your countries and make you seethe in impotence about it

get fucked

>> No.18482094

It is amusing how absolutely assblasted you guys get whenever anyone insults you, thinnest skin in the world

>> No.18482110


>> No.18482111
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>> No.18482129

That's an antisemitic claim.

>> No.18482152

that doesn't mean its not true.

>> No.18482184

you caught my attention. post more from this artist

>> No.18482200

So the antisemites are actually right?

>> No.18482252

>If diversity were the nightmare that Taylor makes it out to be, it would factor into how rent is structured in different places. New York and San Francisco are both very diverse, yet their rents—an economic expression of a desire to live there—are both very high. To some extent, of course, rents are artificially increased due to government manipulation. But no politician could make rents high in rural areas even if they wanted to. People would simply move elsewhere. Clearly, for some people, diversity is a strength.

>> No.18482260

>But no politician could make rents high in rural areas even if they wanted to
Lel hes clearly never heard of a mining town.

>> No.18482277

He can't be this fucking stupid, can he?

>> No.18482291
File: 102 KB, 1080x1265, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people so readily inclined to categorically equivocate zionist elites with their jewish grocer across the street? The level of absolute currency you people place in someone's ethnicity is beyond mindfucked. Preliminary profiling is one thing, but holy fuck incorporate a modicum of nuance into your world view.

>> No.18482298

That mostly doesn't happen though, when people talk about da jooz it's obviously about the zionist and marxist elites. The thing with basically all jews though is that whatever they do, they will always put their own people first. And they tend to live in socities (or create them) in which the original population does not have such great in-group preference as jews, which leads to inevitable tensions.

>> No.18482334

He's right that the high demand for housing in diverse cities shows that many people are willing to live in diverse cities. But that doesn't mean that these people want to live in those cities BECAUSE they are diverse.

>> No.18482338

>completely retarded and delusional
checks out

>> No.18482341

some people are stupid. i used to visit a cafe called 'jews for jesus' and they would give me free upsize on drinks.

>> No.18482344

He's text definition grifter. Fuck this piece of shit.

>> No.18482376

I found him to be an entertaining guest on the Rogan show.

>> No.18482440

He isn’t an anarchist though. He’s a liberal.

>> No.18482853

Can I ask where you found this? He refers to himself as an anarcho-capitalist on his podcast.

This is a great example of absolutely terrible reasoning. Alternate hypotheses for the same set of facts: (1) cities draw diversity in since they have the good jobs, especially high tech for H1B1 visas, etc., (2) since they have more money, they can withstand more diversity than areas with less, (3) people need to pay more living in the cities to live somewhere safe since diverse areas are often less safe.

>> No.18482873

To be fair you are probably entertained quite easily.

>> No.18482887

Stop overusing that fucking word, it's so cringy.

>> No.18482894

>Can I ask where you found this? He refers to himself as an anarcho-capitalist on his podcast.

Butterfly doesn't believe that anarchists can participate in free markets.

>> No.18482907

Found what? Ancaps are liberals who believe in the power of free market capitalism magically decoupling itself from the state that upholds it.
They’re either empty headed ideologues or knowing grifters with an eye on becoming a little lord of his own fiefdom

>> No.18482912

I would probably be friends with him if I knew him, but he gets a lot of slack as a personality for basically knowing 5 or 6 things about the internet. It's cringy when Lex Fridman and him talk about "trolling."

He's a good critic of the present systems, though, and he's more knowledgable about US history than most people in his lane so I can't hate him.

>> No.18483035

>neoreaction, maybe accfags
actual books on this?
>people are writing books about my shitposts

>> No.18483050

the funniest thing is that the highest rents in any city are in the lily-white areas because no one likes living in the midst of "diversity"

>> No.18483075

This. 4chan is like a gayer fight club. You don't talk about it.

>> No.18484123

Congratulations on being so fucking retarded that you entirely missed the point of Anarchism this badly.

The absolute state of Ancoms.

>> No.18484185


>> No.18484192

>constantly talks about 4chan in different interviews and podcasts more recently the one with Jordan Peterson
He mentioned in an interview that visits 4chan mainly for furry porn and he is behind all of Peterson's daughter is a whore posting. I bet when he was talking with Peterson he was having the visions of that traditional porn producer gentleman fucking Peterson's daughter who left her husband and kid for that trad gentleman.

>> No.18484198


>> No.18484236

The guy collects the first edition of Ayn Rands works. I mean his dedication might be admirable but the guy as a total Randroid. His only interesting work is his book on North Korea.

>> No.18485254

Stupid liberal