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18480403 No.18480403 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Christian books to help a young writer be more enlightened about the gospel?

>> No.18480445

attack on christendom by Kierkegaard

>> No.18480448


>> No.18480459

I always feel bad for the chaps who were crucified along Jesus. Hopefully our guy sent them to Heaven or something

>> No.18480467

the tank engine?

>> No.18480621

That's the Good Thief and the Bad Thief

>> No.18480638

Read the Church Fathers, become Orthodox.

>> No.18480681

Sayings gospel.

>> No.18480690

How would lit refute the claim that it is not Jesus who died on the cross, but someone else that looked like him?
Think of it: God is merciful. Why would he punish his prophet?

What changed after the death of Jesus?

>> No.18480778

>Why would he punish his prophet?
It was The One and only Son of God and God in the flesh.

>> No.18480837

Desu, if you're really asking such a rediculous question, then you don't even understand a lick of what Christianity is about

>> No.18480851

literally who claims this?

>> No.18480855
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Unironically pic related.
No troll.

>> No.18480875

Why would he punish his son/himself???

>> No.18480883

Heretics by G.K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy by ditto
The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity by ditto
The Protestant angle:
On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

>> No.18480888

Jesus did allow them to enter heaven.

"Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:42-43

>> No.18480890

God sent Jesus to die for the sins of mankind because he is merciful.
There is a Quran verse that says this. The Quran literally says that God tricked Jesus's followers into thinking he died, but he actually is still alive in heaven and never died.

>> No.18480904

Okay. I get that a perfect man can take all sins on him and die. I don't get how that changes the world in any way.

>> No.18480910

Would add The Screwtape Letters and the first two books of the space trilogy by Lewis

>> No.18480913

It doesn’t change the world, it redeems the humanity. The world still sucks

>> No.18480931

He's not a prophet. It's literally God's Son and simultaneously God himself incarnate. God chose to experience mortality and death to achieve through the hardships resurrection and show us that this is exactly the way to achieve life eternal by his side. Christ's journey is the quintessential Christian example that leads to salvation. Not a prophet but God himself. Three aspects,Father Son and holy sprit, one unified undividable God.

>> No.18480964


>> No.18480978

Good pick.

>> No.18480984
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Based and also Father Seraphim Rose!

>> No.18480991
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>> No.18480998

Besides The Bible, The Golden Legend and Tale of a Pilgrim, both luminous and amazing as well.

>> No.18481003

>he doesn't know that God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
Why try to refute a religion that you don't even understand?

>> No.18481063

What is Christ's journey?

>> No.18481103

You lads know any Christian infused fiction like a Graham Greene or a something like a Father Brown story?

>> No.18481422
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Why are you like this?

>> No.18481689

This is dumb, Jesus was God himself. He was free from the temptations of Satan.

>> No.18481741

Hegel's understanding of christianity is very persuasive to me, though it seems like christians don't want to consider that the kingdom of heaven isn't some magical afterlife. If you just want to be part of a community that isn't based in politics, then you shouldn't go looking for real spirituality - it'll just alienate you from your tribe.

>> No.18481821

Christianity's Criminal History by Karlheinz Deschner

>> No.18482240
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J.C. Ryle's Expository Thoughts on the Gospels.

>> No.18482285

>Think of it: God is merciful. Why would he punish his prophet?
No way, there's no possible way someone is dumb enough to actually write this. I'm done. No more /lit/ for today.

>> No.18483195

Lewis writes very well. I was reading excerpts from God in the Dock earlier and the section on "what are we to make of Jesus Christ?" was really compelling, goes into the balance of how megalomaniacal what he says can seem, and the actual truth of it.

>> No.18483359
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>> No.18483773

Which other prophets did he punish?

>> No.18484444

Simone Weil

>> No.18484452

No answer as expected.

>> No.18484545

Jeremiah. He was known as the weeping prophet.

>> No.18484769

By death?

>> No.18484774

Which of the Prophets was a pedophile like Muhammad?

>> No.18484782

Nice nonsequitor.

>> No.18484799

There's no real point in continuing because you have deep and fundamental misunderstandings of Christianity.

1. Jesus wasn't "punished". He willingly took on the sins of the world and served as the perfect expiation for them. Jesus sacrificed himself for the world, this is very different from Jesus being punished for something he did personally. This is like saying if I push a person out of the way of an oncoming car I was "punished" by getting flattened myself.

2. Jesus is not just a mere prophet. He is the incarnation of the Logos and as such is fully man and fully God in the one person of Jesus Christ with human nature and divine nature perfectly united. What Jesus did as God for humanity is hardly relevant for what he did in his capacity as prophet.

>> No.18484808

There is no reason to kill him if he did all of that.

>> No.18484812

He was also man. capable of great evil in the world yet did not do it. Resisted all temptation

>> No.18484816

God's not real grow up faggot