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/lit/ - Literature

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18479169 No.18479169 [Reply] [Original]

Post recent purchases. Pic related is mine.

>> No.18479230

did that satisfy your insatiable desire, you pathetic consumer slave.

>> No.18479270
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>buys books
>this response

>> No.18479287
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>> No.18479289

>buy way too many books at one time
>mostly non-fiction that are basically just podcast transcripts
>carefully set them up on the table
>take a picture for your friends of 4channel
>seek praise
>dont actually read them
>suck a penis for sustenance
>stick anime figurines up ass
>go to the emergency room
>explain to the 23 year old nurse why there is an Asuka action figure logged in your anal cavity

>> No.18479296
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>> No.18479298
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>2 facts makes 8 assumptions true
They seem to be mostly used books, retard

>> No.18479310

its ok to buy a bunch of books that will just sit around if they're used?
i started finding myself doing the same thing, stopping at the thrift store or browsing ebay, buying a couple books here and there, ended up with 40 books i havent read yet.

>> No.18479316

I'm going to get to all of them in due time. I've read about 27 books this year so far, so it may take a long while, but I'll get to them eventually. All it takes is patience.

>> No.18479368

Then read them.
I've got a pile but I'm actually working through it. I keep the books after I read them to remind myself of them, or if I want to reread which does happen.

>> No.18479374
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>> No.18479566

ultra based
based and redpilled

>> No.18479589

undergrad crap but at least it's lit unlike the posts above, Dubliners is good

>> No.18479634
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Not exactly recent purchases, but here's what I'm reading this month.

>> No.18479716

I am an undergrad but why is it crap?

>> No.18479754
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>> No.18480058
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Reposting mine in an actual stack thread

>> No.18480087

How is the Heidegger book?

>> No.18480264

It's a collection of introductory essays and articles. I thought it was a good read, but I enjoy Johnson's work and own all of his books, so I might be a bit biased. It's a thoroughly un-PC take on Heidegger, so if that's what you're looking for I'd recommend it.

>> No.18480329

what if I got a bunch of used books that I didn't pay a single penny for? My grandma gave them to me.

>> No.18480357

>tempel ov blood
>Iron Gates
White power is an excellent entry level book for americans, highly recommend to the fellow lards.

>> No.18480974
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>> No.18481017
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>> No.18481085

Very nice stack would be your friend
Also very nice, will check those authors too.
Based southern gothic reader.

>> No.18481190

t. actually looked at the sticky.

>> No.18481669

Hail Wotan 1488
We would hit it off
you seem qt
english major type beat

>> No.18481721
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I looked through all the stacks posted so far. As usual, this place knows nothing of taste.

>> No.18481752
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Good stacks, maybe, I'm not into nonfiction.
I'm not going to post what I've bought for myself, this stack is a present for an acquaintance. I was on a budget so I only bought cheap books, all of them brand new. I spent 1379 yen, I love Amazon.
I'd love to read the camp of the saints and the Turner diaries, if they make the anglos seethe, they are good in my book.

>> No.18481810

The most I've read by a single author is Mary, Despair, and Lolita and William Gibson's three trilogies.

>> No.18481839

Can someone define what a "stack" is and how it differs from bookshelf threads?

>> No.18481858
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I've only read Revolutionary Suicide so far. I started The Iliad after that, I plan on The Odyssey and The Aeneid next, not sure when I'll get around to the other two pictured here.

>> No.18481859

A stack of books.

>> No.18481871
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These are all the books I bought in June.

>> No.18481988

nobooks fag detected.

>> No.18481993
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First half of summer reading

>> No.18482018
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first stack- thoughts?
what to add

>> No.18482035
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Which book do I read first? I've been building up a collection from garage sales and now I feel like a /v/ user after a steam sale.

>> No.18482038

Looks pretty solid.

>> No.18482047

Put them in a list randomizer, jumble it a few times, and read them in that order.

>> No.18482112
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There's no difference. It's all the same shit but in different positions.

>> No.18482175

Stack implies that you got them all in one go through some kind of deal which is why they are just stacked ontop of eachother instead of neatly organized.
Bookshelf threads imply that its been a collection that has been steadily growing for years.

>> No.18482205
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Spic Edition

>> No.18482220

The Odyssey and Marco Polo

>> No.18482625
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>> No.18482651

> Dugin: Russian War
> Turner Diaries
> Might Is Right

kek, this is /pol/ approved leading list chart

down the hall to the left is what you're looking for >>>/pol/

>> No.18482668


>> No.18482682

>ignoring the book written by George Lincoln Rockwell
>telling someone to go to /pol/ for posting books
you have to go back.

>> No.18482689

usually when someone posts books like these the discussions that follow is /pol/ tier nonsense

you can have book threads on /pol/, I used to frequent it all the time and then grew up

>> No.18482736

"Usually" is right considering that there was no discussion.
I can have a book thread on /his/ too, but that doesn't mean I should tell someone to go to /his/ when he posts Plato.

>> No.18482857
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> doesnt know difference between history and philosophy


>> No.18482930


>> No.18483593
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This is what i've read this year.

Some in English, some in Finnish.

>> No.18483668

How's revolutionary suicide? I've been wanting to read it for years now.

>> No.18485080
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Page 10 contribute.

>> No.18485148

I read The Prince recently, I don't get why this is a controversial book. Plebs are really insufferable.

>> No.18486651


>> No.18486660
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good (not him)

>> No.18487748
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I know this thread is on death's doorstep but I've got a doorstopping haul

>> No.18487801
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You didn't pay full price for those, did you?

>> No.18487822

Somebody has to, right? Nothing wrong with it. If someone didn't pay full price, then others wouldn't get them cheaper.

>> No.18487826

Nah, they're all used nonfiction books from a used book store. It was actually under two hundred, and that honestly surprised me; I was expecting to pay a lot more.

>> No.18487867


>> No.18487877

Nothing wrong with it, but if you don't have to, why would you?
Holy shit, what are prices like in you're region? When I first started my library, I dropped a little over $100 for some 30 books of classical fiction, sci fi, and philosophy.

>> No.18487890

Awesome stack. I hope you love them

>> No.18487926
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Some books are not meant to be read like books. Some of them are for reference.
>Contains an entry for Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the present tense.
Still looking for the first one after I picked up the other eleven for free.

>> No.18487954

I am the stupid

>> No.18487997

thanks anon :)

>> No.18488066

Kek nice anon

>> No.18488100

Most books at that store go for ten to fifteen bucks. I'm in north Florida if that provides some context concerning what part of the world I live in.

>> No.18488206

I am within 40 miles of DC and most books that I've gotten were between three and eight dollars. Do you not have a lot of bookstores or libraries in the area that they can go that high? Or are the prices the result of people in the area being book hoarders?
My shop has a B&N down the street, a couple college and faith bookstores sprinkled in the area, and a county library within a 5 mi radius.

>> No.18488225
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blue penguin gang rise up

>> No.18488290

>Parasite Eve
I wish I still had my two copies (hard and paper back)--it has skyrocketed in price ($800-900) and I am deeply wounded by the loss.

>> No.18488332

>blue penguin
they're called Pelicans

>> No.18488442

Not sure, but the two closest book stores to me are the one where I bought all those books in the OP and a B&N. I prefer the former over the latter because it's bigger, there is a bigger variety, and it is a LOT less expensive. There was another used book store in my town that was a lot smaller that closed its doors due to covid, so I'm going to the big store now when I want to buy books.

>> No.18488630

i finished reading infinite jest. wouldnt have realized what the fuck was actually going on without reading aaron swarts explanation. was an awesome book still

>> No.18489369
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Some /out/ lit.

>> No.18489389

Based; makes me want to look into the one on the bottom.

>> No.18489435
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>> No.18489471

I'm really tempted to sell it because I paid 500 yen (less than 5 USD) for my copy. I bought it in January or February of 2020.

>> No.18489878

I personally would sell it, but I would only spend the money on more books and some food. Another person should definitely hold on to it.