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/lit/ - Literature

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18478834 No.18478834 [Reply] [Original]

How does one prepare oneself to become a deep reader and rebuild one's brain when it has been twisted by years of internet addiction?

>> No.18478838

And plz don't delete this thread janny i seriously need some comfy recommendations for my coom brain

>> No.18478846

Work your way up to Schopenhauer through the long road of Plato, Hume, Kant, Homeric Epics, Vedic Poems, and finally Ze Vurld As Vill and Eidia

>> No.18478859
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>> No.18478860

you could try turning off all your electronics when theyre not needed and start reading something easy and eventually work your way up to philosophy

>> No.18478861

Whats the best and short intro philosophy beginner book
Honestly I have a massive adhd brain now and can't read a few pages without reaching out for my phone

>> No.18478863

you can't prepare, you just do it. just start reading and don't stop. reading homer isn't hard. reading virgil isn't hard. You can only read 5 pages at a time before you start being unable to pay attention? then take a break. as long as you're reading everyday and building the habit you'll be fine. Change your environment when you read. If you're always in bed or on your computer then go read in your kitchen or living room or something. just don't set yourself up to fail

>> No.18478869

when you get out of bed in the morning each day, pour yourself a large glass of water and read a book for at least 30m. do not touch an electronic device of any kind until you have done this.
in the first few days you will probably find yourself bombarded with mental distractions. identify them, recognize they are just your coombrain in action, and learn that they have no power over you

>> No.18478884

check out ‘Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics: Why and How Deep Learning Still Matters’ by Francis Clooney, SJ

>> No.18478887

How do you fight daydreams and random thoughts that flash into your mind?
Sometimes I actually manage to finish a book in a few days because if it's engaging I can read pretty long but the problem is after establishing a reading habit I always come back to my shitty old ones like lying in bed and shitpositing on my phone for hours (instead of reading)

>> No.18478892

>shitposting on my phone
found the problem

>> No.18478893

The Dialogues by Plato if you're going to read.
>Comfy for the coom brain
Don't push yourself too soon because you'll hate reading if you do. Try a Homeric epic: The Odyssey or Beowulf audiobook to heal your attention span and investment in imagined sustained thought. Achilles was basically the Spiderman of old because he had Ajax the Avengers age of Oedipussy extended universe BC

>> No.18478904

Turn off wifi. Go to room. Alone. No phone or laptop. Force yourself with an actual clock and alarm.

>> No.18478911

Better to bait yourself with bed time aphorisms by Nietzche, professor of classics, or by Schopenhauer THE professor of philosophy before you get an overview on the major philosophers and how their texts hyperlink into each other's and shaped history. You will hear a taste of the refreshing clarity and power of mind that is the result of a lifetime well spent in nourishment of classics and only the finest of Philosophical primary source treatises. Beware the "dude just read it" types who want you anchored to a worthless tome like Infinite Jest

>> No.18478934
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Don't read this book but watch a video about Harold Bloom and then read a book that is mentioned by Harold Bloom. This Bloom guy is your only advocate and no one on /lit/ has the empathy to see that beyond "hurrr he's not even the best literary critic professor durrr"
He's the only one reaching out to you in your specific pedagogical disaster and from your new vantage point thereafter will thank him greatly

>> No.18478935

>Delete social media if you're stupid enough to have it
>Uninstall Steam because you're probably a gaymer
>Start reading
It's pretty straight-forward tbqhwyfam

>> No.18478949
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>> No.18478970

what happened to the Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS) / Personal Wiki (PW) threads?

i haven't seen one up in a few weeks since the last one, are they being deleted?

>> No.18478994

Just play civ v until you want to read

>> No.18479036

What's the point of those? How many layers of nuance are there to the idea of a personal wiki lol?

>> No.18479047

Western Philosophy: An Anthology by John Cottingham. Short little excerpts from very important works from all over the timeline of philosophy. Each passage comes with a primer and some sample discussion questions. You'll get a few savory nibbles here and there that might inspire you to delve further into what you like.

I think that sounds exactly like what you want, and you can find it on libgen. You will still have to learn to be focused, read deeply, and struggle through hard concepts, but you can look at it as many varied sprints instead of one long marathon.

>> No.18479060


>> No.18479185

yeah, i dunno
i thought they were neat tho

>> No.18479231

I feel the same, I use multiple technologies in my day-to-day studying (Zettelkasten, Anki, etc)

>> No.18479269

Take walks and actively think about what you read. Do this with something that isn’t even too heavy. If you just jump straight into the deep end with a passive screen mentality you are wasting your time.
There was a thread yesterday about reading the introductions of books, that might be good, too, for seeing how someone else unpacks a book.
You can do it!

>> No.18480213

I started with Children's fiction and moved to Young Adult and progressed that way. Listen to Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz while reading along. It's pretty fun man. Pretend you're at a campfire being told a story. Find a time of day where you are in the mood for that.

>> No.18480222

stick adderall up your bum

>> No.18480255

I measure the time read and how many pages each session on my phone; therefore I block all the unnecessary apps
(since I need my phone) untill 20:00 and again after 22:00. I use the app appblock, it's pretty good. If you don't need your phone, I'd literally lock it in a safe with a timelock (a lock that doesn't open until a certain time has elapsed)

>> No.18480656


>> No.18480666

Discuss your analysis of simple texts with direct stories
Practice your analysis: can you discover the evidence for Holden raping Phoebe. Tip you need to get the mental asylum. Realise when his dad rapes him. Know what repression is in psychiatric studies. And learn what deliberate elision is.

>> No.18481020

>internet addiction
do people mean just porn when they say this

>> No.18481044 [SPOILER] 
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>implying that feelings of orgasm can even hold a candle to the dopamine rush that comes with (you)'s from your fellow anons
Now check out this funny cat anon!

>> No.18481068

You don't need to prepare. Go to the sticky and check out the "/lit/ starter pack" under recommended reading. Pick something that seems interesting to you and read it. Try to read every day, even if it's only a few pages. If you can't read for long stretches at first, that's fine. You will get there eventually. If you find your phone/computer/whatever too distracting, turn them off completely and stay far away from them. Good luck and hope this helps.

>> No.18481163

First organize your time and daily schedule consistently. Read one hour per day, every day, alternating among no more than 3 books, preferably from different genres: say one fiction, one non-fiction and a graphic novel.

>> No.18481173

Everyone saying "turn off your phone" is wrong. Like telling a coomer to stop watching porn or a heroin addict to stop shooting up. Play games on your phone until your battery dies. And then don't charge it.

Leave your phone and charger in separate rooms. Read book. Walk. Do anything

>> No.18481206

Also, all the kind anons giving advice involving scheduling your time will probably not help someone in your situation OP; although many of them give good advice, it is the second step. if you've got the ADHD phoon brain, the structures in your brain that allow you to effectively manage your time and control your impulses will be weakened after years of non-use. First, wean yourself off of your dependence on your phone to distract you from boredom.

>> No.18481319

Your phone isn't heroin or even porn. Just leave it in a different room you weak-willed bitch.

>> No.18483344

ok, now that is true
please my friend, have a (you)

>> No.18483377

As someone who suffers from the same thing you do, I will say that the constant "preparing" is itself a symptom of the illness.

The answer is incrementalism. Doing the thing you want to do for short periods, then gradually building up to your goal. As a rule, doing the thing is always the thing to do when it comes to self-development. Not preparing, doing. Maybe start small with only certain days of the week, then build up to more days. You can go by page number or time, it's up to you. Read slowly if you have to. The goal is to actually comprehend and think while you read.

You must know that your mind is brilliant at making excuses to not do the things that take effort. And the things that take effort are always worth it.

>> No.18483384

practice meditating, start doing 10 minutes a day sitting there with your eyes closed and ignoring your thoughts. You are going to fuck up but just keep letting the thoughts go.

>> No.18483404

Start by reading. Read every day. Continue by reading. Spend time reading books instead of screens. Avoid things that are instant POP BOOM WOW dopamine triggers for short attention spans. Gradually increase reading time vs computer time. Continue reading. Get a library card. Check out a book. Read it every day until you come to the end. Take it back and get another one. Continue in this fashion until death.

>> No.18483613

By not frogposting.

>> No.18483649

i been reading for a while now and i literally cant keep focus for 5 seconds when i am reading, it takes me 10 minutes to read 2 pages because i am day dreaming half the time and literally not processing anything i am reading.

when i was a kid i remember i used to be able to focus so easily, i never had this problem. i could literally just pick up a book and if it was interesting i could finish in an entire sitting. long term internet addiction has destroyed me.

>> No.18483659
