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/lit/ - Literature

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18478425 No.18478425 [Reply] [Original]

so how "translated" is this version going to be?

>> No.18478429

They're inserting trannies and non-whites in there aren't they

>> No.18478454

Christopher should have published absolutely everything his father ever wrote and leave not a single drop for the leeches that were just waiting for him to drop dead to suck Tolkien dry,

>> No.18478476

Didn't Tolkien steal from the Finns?

Why does the Tolkien Society not even mention Kalevala and the Finnish influence when huge amounts of scholars basically tell that whole Middle-Earth mythos was built on Kalevala

This is not even up to debate, but academically recognized historical fact. The first Book that Tolkien ever wrote was the "Story of Kullervo", Kullervo itself is a character from the Kalevala.

Tolkien Society never mentions Finns, Finland or The Kalevala. They probably do not know enough of Tolkien and are just some sort of emptyheaded fanbase based around persona-worship

>> No.18478480

>Why does the Tolkien Society not even mention Kalevala and the Finnish influence when huge amounts of scholars basically tell that whole Middle-Earth mythos was built on Kalevala

This is the main problem with the "diversity" approach. Those championing it refuse to reckon with white diversity across time and space. Expect the Anglo Saxons to stop being mentioned as well.

>> No.18478488

Any articles or reference on this? Interesting take, didn't know that.

>> No.18478492

The point is that we would not have Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion without the Finnish nation and their epic, Kalevala

Same cannot be said of the Bible, Eddas, Beowulf and other books/myths. The Finnish myth was the main source of inspiration for Tolkien

This is from this letters:
>Tolkien said Kalevala to be “the germ of Silmarillion” (Letters, 87)

Not any other book played so important role to Tolkien as the Finnish nation's Kalevala.

>> No.18478494

Anything of significance from "Finland" was done by a Fennoswede.

>> No.18478497

Bachelor’s Seminar and Thesis
English Philology

Researching J.R.R. Tolkien:
How Kalevala influenced his legendarium

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Land of Heroes–
Fëanor, a tragic hero of Middle-Earth in
comparison to Seppo Ilmarinen from the Kalevala

University of Jyväskylä
Department of Languages

What J.R.R. Tolkien Really Did with the Sampo?
Jonathan B. Himes

+50 other numerous academic studies.

/lit/ is anglo-obsessed board and most of 4chan has little to none understanding of contemporary mythology. They have weird ideas of Tolkien's worldbuilding, and having never read The Kalevala, they think Tolkien was channeling The Eddas or Beowulf (despite Lotr and Silmarillion having little to none similarities with the Germanic and Scandinavian myths)

Of course the academia is right.

>> No.18478504

Finland? You mean Mongolia 2.0?

>> No.18478532
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How much Tolkien exactly did steal from the Finns and the Kalevala?

>Tolkien wrote that The Story of Kullervo was ‘the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own’, and was ‘a major matter in the legends of the First Age’; his Kullervo was the ancestor of Túrin Turambar, tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. In addition to being a powerful story in its own right, The Story of Kullervo – published here for the first time with the author’s drafts, notes and lecture-essays on its source-work, The Kalevala, is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien’s invented world.

Verlyn Flieger, who wrote that above quotation, is the Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland.

Why does /lit/ say that the influence of Kalevala was rather minor, when university professors and academia say contrary things and tell us that the Finnish myths and national epics of Finland formed the very backbone of Tolkien's mythological world?

I see lots of people underestimating the Finnish influence here and most of the academics who have studied Tolkien for +50 years agree with the unobvious and major Finnish influence that penetrates the works of Tolkien.

Who is right? Some neckbeards on 4chan or actual professors who study linguistics, mythology and literature?

>> No.18478537

The primary influence was obviously the Niebelungenlied. Only an illiterate would characterize the influence of Europe's classic sagas on Tolkien as "stealing". Tolkien made no attempt to conceal or take credit for his sources.

As for the Tolkien Society, they are obviously a subversive organization executing the Jewish agenda to destroy the European race. Expect nothing else from them than promoting transgenderism and non-European immigration.

>> No.18478553

Based finntard

>> No.18478582

Academia disagrees with you. Thank-you for your opinion, but it is not scientifically valid. It is based on "how you feel" things are, but people who study literature and mythology disagree with you. Even Tolkien disagrees with you, as is apparent in his diaries and letter exchange.

I suppose you know better, than Tolkien himself?

>> No.18478593

Gay, David Elton (2004). Chance, Jane (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien and the Kalevala. Tolkien and the invention of myth : a reader. University Press of Kentucky. pp. 295–304. ISBN 978-0-8131-2301-1.

The importance of Kalevala isn't really debatable. It's the most important book Tolkien ever read.

>> No.18478616

>Finnish man can't accept his country is irrelevant
Many such cases, sad!

>> No.18478648

Have you even read the Niebelungenlied? It's obviously the source of the central plot of The Lord of the Rings. I haven't read the Silmarillion because I'm not autistic, but what I've seen of it is more background mythos than plot.

>> No.18478660

>Have you even read the Niebelungenlied? It's obviously the source of the central plot of The Lord of the Rings.

Academic and literature experts disagree with you.

>I haven't read the Silmarillion because I'm not autistic, but what I've seen of it is more background mythos than plot.

Uninformed opinion

>> No.18478682

>Academic and literature experts disagree with you.
They also agree, do you think Academia has a monolithic opinion? Are you a brainlet?
>Reddit spacing
It all makes sense now

>> No.18478710
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>> No.18478731

Come now, I'm impressed that a Mongoloid race like the Finns were able to muster the sufficient literacy to compose an extended work of literature.

>> No.18478791

Don't be too hard on Finnbro. His Russian offshoot of a country doesn't have anything else.

>> No.18478811

All the people currently involved in Tolkien's legacy are cash hungry rats and they deserve to burn in hell.
Anyone who consumes anything related to LOTR released after Christopher Tolkien relinquished control is an idiot.

>> No.18479203
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>> No.18479295

I am not an Anglo myself. I really appreciate this, by the way.

Super insightful.

>> No.18479333

This makes me so angry.

>> No.18479673
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RIP tolkien, they're going to assrape it. Gays will leave nothing untouched.

>> No.18479708


>> No.18479732

Whats the point of even creating something good if in the end, jews will desecrate it for every penny they can

>> No.18479738
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this is straight up satanic.

>> No.18479750
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This is honestly disturbing.

>> No.18479774

Why do I care what this mentally ill tranny dreams about

>> No.18479794

seriously who gives a fuck?
The original texts already exist and if this "society" wants to woke itself into irrelevancy I am all for that

>> No.18479808

This mentally ill tranny is infilitrating everything with a 100k followers

>> No.18480521

This is the competence of "Tolkien Estate", which is the legal copyright holder.
"The Tolkien Society" is generally a fan club, I didn't even really think about their existence and what they did useful (I guess they did something).
Then the "Elvish Linguistic Fellowship" is a more important organization, they published the linguistic texts of the Professor.
Of course, without Christopher, the management of Tolkien Estate will rot, too. There may (!) There are some rather important texts, but I think they are small, not yet published:
This is a rough list of course.


>> No.18480544

That person is clearly just shitposting, post-ironically maybe but still clearly intending to provoke. Are you guys really letting random fags troll you in this manner like you're delicate old women

>> No.18480573

Unfortunately, it won't be the end of that. Amazon is working on a series set in the LOTR universe. You think that they won't bring in these woke Tolkien Society fags and trannies as "diversity consultants"? Going forward, anytime that someone wants to use a Tolkien property, these cucks will screech to the skies if they aren't brought in to give their opinions on how it ought to be. I don't see any production company having the spine to tell them to fuck off and thus, their SJW bullshit will infect everything they touch, just like a cancer.

>> No.18480650
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>That person is clearly just shitposting, post-ironically maybe but still clearly intending to provoke
no I think it genuinely believes the bullshit it fabricates.

>> No.18480782

lord of the pozz

>> No.18480795

that's the first step

>> No.18480911

I have The Silmarillion, Fellowship, Two Towers, Return of the Kings, and The Great Tales of Middle Earth. Anything else I should get before they tranny the fuck out of this series

>> No.18481035

Pratchett knew what he was doing when he made sure his hard drive was crushed by a steamroller.

>> No.18481328

no way... i thought this was a joke

>> No.18481372

you've been around too many sane people. ideologues like to use "it's just provocation, haha" as a cover story, but they don't actually have the right mentality for an absurdist/ironic/detached sense of humor. they're constantly clenching their ass cheeks as hard as they can trying to 'win' the 'culturewar'.

>> No.18481391

when the onion becomes reality

>> No.18481401
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there are more see >>18481328

>> No.18481405

There definitely are not queer Catholics, because going against church doctrine excludes you from being a genuine part of that group. It'd be like me registering as a democrat while voting Republican in every election

>> No.18481483
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>it won't be the end of that
Yes, this is only the start. Things are going to get worse than you can imagine. Christopher Tolkien was the only thing keeping his father's estate largely unmolested until recently.

For those whose reaction is "well it's just Tolkien, who cares?", the point is that they always begin infiltrating at these seemingly insignificant points of culture which nevertheless have some social purchase since there will be less resistance. Tolkien and his lotr project, while hardly being high literature in my opinion, nevertheless has an influential presence in society. It has a degree of formative power which is precisely what these spiteful mutants are looking to tap.

At this point you can even map the not so subtle subversion of Tolkien's estate. Beginning with the Hobbit movies definitely but no less important was that banal 2019 biographical drama of him that nobody watched. The whole point of that movie which no one asked for was just to frame things and familiarize audiences to the flood of commercialization that the LOTR brand is about to undergo. They completely removed any mention or element of Catholicism from Tolkien's life in that film and began the reduction of Tolkien down to a more malleable caricature that will be the reference point for further ideological narration going forward. It's about setting the stage and building up *their* version of Tolkien which the masses will then latch onto and perpetuate.

The Amazon show will be the first major and flagrant push in their corruption of Tolkien now that a lot of the groundwork has been laid. Make no mistake, the executives and investors and writers involved all HATE Tolkien with a passion. It is going to be one of the most demoralizing displays of unapologetic resentment ever exhibited

Their implacable acrimony against Tolkien is due to the fact that his work stands as a decidedly European node of culture and numerous archetypes that the ruling regime would prefer to have liquidated can exert an influence via his works. There are specific images and ideas which find expression in Tolkien which are anathema to the ethos that this internationalist mercantile elite want to lead us towards. Again, as trivial as Tolkien may appear against canonical literature, the point is his literature nevertheless functions as a terminal for particular values and attributes which are antithetical to global-homogenization and must therefore be not only destroyed but deconstructed, desecrated, reshaped according to the values of the ruling regime, and sold back to the consoomercuck peasants that will cheer the downfall of their own cultural heritage and identity as every instantiation of it is defiled.

You can't let this sort of deliberate degeneracy proliferate unchecked. It will attach itself to everything you hold dear until you are nothing but the reflexively capitulating husk of some corporate HR staff's hall monitoring protocol.

>> No.18481500

>that pic
why are pale white women in white dresses in the forest so kino?? I feel like many fantasy stories utilize that imagery but I don't know why it's so perfect

>> No.18481507

The most beautiful kind of woman in the most beautiful kind of terrain.

>> No.18481523

>most beautiful kind of terrain.
that is objectively grassland followed by desert

>> No.18481528

>ignores the point of the post he is replying to entirely to go off on a tangent about a fetish symbol
what are you doing on /lit/

>> No.18481548

very true.
im not reading a 5 paragraph essay about tolkein blah blah blah i dont care. I see pretty ladies = I comment. Simple as.

>> No.18481553

Pale white people evolved in northern forests and fields I'm pretty sure so that's why, it's their natural habitat. Same way an African tribe looks correct in the Savannah or Jungle or the Australians in the outback, the Mongols on their plains.

>> No.18481557

to answer your question: you like symbol of feminine purity in a setting that evokes an ancestral grove, a sacred ground - a symbolic representation of the natural order. it's basic bitch paganism.
now go back to /tv/

>> No.18481588

Ive got a collection of big rocks to through the my citys amazon hq if they ruin lotr.

>> No.18481610
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Explain to me RIGHT NOW how transsexuals projecting their ideas onto Tolkien's work is any more cringe than, say, the Romantics deciding Satan was actually the good guy.

>> No.18481618

How do we stop this? They're going to hold a seminar, but I've been scooping on Twitter and so far they are:
>claiming Tolkien was a progressive because he fought against nazis
>claiming Tolkien was antifa
>claiming sam and frodo were bisexual
>claiming LOTR is a story made possible by Tolkien's left wing views
>when confronted with his catholic, conservative past, they claim queers have always been catholic
these people are vile, they literally fabricate their own narrative and repeat it until they believe it themselves.

>> No.18481640

we don't.
we can make fun of them and criticize their ludicrous claims, but they won't allow those kinds of voices a space in literary criticism (that'd be 'discrimination' hhhhmm). they'll keep citing each other and hide behind the reputation of their institutions to exert influence until it's all used up.

>> No.18483598

It's funny how you portray Christopher as some sort of Saint, when in reality he published Silmarillion - against the wishes of his father

Silmarillion was not an original work, but attempt of Tolkien to infantilize Kalevala to his own designs. Tolkien even himself did not want to see it published - most likely because of the huge amount of material it straight up borrowed/stole from the Kalevala mythos

Ironic how you ignore that the world "Ilmen" of Arda derives from the word Ilma https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Ilmen

It's a tribute to the Finnish word Ilma
>From Proto-Finnic *ilma (“air, sky, weather”),

And also a tribute to Ilmarinen, the Smith of Air

So while little cuck Jesus would be a little star in the firmament as Earendel, the whole stratosphere of Middle-Earth/Arda is literally Finnish framework, where a star (Jesus) is just a twinkle

You will never admit this though, because you hate Finland are dishonest about the Finnish influence

Should have read Kalevala.

But then again, most of Tolkien readers like that. They disregard actual myth and timeless wisdom in exchange for infantile elements (dwarves, goblins, tam bambadillo etc.) and probably eat some cheap carbohydrate trash and candy while reading some dumbed down "epic sword fights"

Tolkien had little to none originality and he lacked in imagination. Melkor was a self-insert of Tolkien himself. Man who could not create something original, but rather debase and defile the Finnish myths to his own designs, his son inheriting the throne of Tolkien estate and assumed a new role as Sauron the Dark Lord (Christopher Tolkien) who continued in the line of Melkor

>> No.18483633

No you dumbass Finnish cunt.

>> No.18483645

This is completely made up by you a Finnish supremacist idiot.
Tolkien was Anglo.
He explicitly said it was an English fantasy.
The Elves are based on Welsh people.

Academics in Finland can write whatever the fuck they like doesn’t mean it is true.
> The Eddas or Beowulf (despite Lotr and Silmarillion having little to none similarities with the Germanic and Scandinavian myths)
Tolkien wrote extensively about these myths.

Academia is not right.

>> No.18483647

Point out, with reference to specific lines from specific poems, where the Romantics decided Satan was the good guy. From every Romantic poet: IMMEDIATELY!

>> No.18483648

Why scholars disagree with you? Why academic professor who study Tolkien disagree with you?

Why some neckboards on 4chan think they know better than literature experts?

See these posts/studies:

Isn't it fucking pathetic to think that "you know better", while you are some pathetic neckbeard on 4chan?

>> No.18483650

We're going to raid their little Critical Theory deoconstructionist bullshit meeting in a couple of weeks. Hope to see you lads there.

>> No.18483658

Academics of Finland?

>Tolkien wrote that The Story of Kullervo was ‘the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own’, and was ‘a major matter in the legends of the First Age’; his Kullervo was the ancestor of Túrin Turambar, tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. In addition to being a powerful story in its own right, The Story of Kullervo – published here for the first time with the author’s drafts, notes and lecture-essays on its source-work, The Kalevala, is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien’s invented world.

Verlyn Flieger, who wrote that above quotation, is the Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland.

And what about this book?

>Gay, David Elton (2004). Chance, Jane (ed.). J.R.R. Tolkien and the Kalevala. Tolkien and the invention of myth : a reader. University Press of Kentucky. pp. 295–304. ISBN 978-0-8131-2301-1.

These have nothing to do with Finland you dumb idiot

Why do you try to minimalize and downplay the Finnish influence?

What about Tolkiens own letters?

This is from this letters:
>Tolkien said Kalevala to be “the germ of Silmarillion” (Letters, 87)

Has your hubris reached a point that you think you know better than Tolkien himself?

>> No.18483662

You are ignorant and don’t know anything about British mythology.
You are trying to we wuz Anglosaxons literacy. You are a retard.

LotR is not Finnish. Fullstop.

>> No.18483669
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>every single Tolkien thread winds up being about this one Finnish weirdo and his insanity

How long has it been since we had a dedicated schizo on /lit/? Feels like it's been a while.

>> No.18483673

>Researching J.R.R. Tolkien:
>How Kalevala influenced his legendarium

You are a LIAR. Not every academic is correct just for being an academic.
You Finns need to learn to be QUIET

>> No.18483674

>Academics of Finland?
Oh the Finnish Academics! That's on the level of Mexican Intellectuals. Please stop embarrassing yourself Finnbro, just fade off into irrelevancy like your Russian tumor of a nation

>> No.18483677
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It's funny how you make fun of things which are not ironic and outright deny the anglo obsession that many English people have with Finland

Let us take the actor of Saruman for example in the Peter Jackson adaption of Lotr:
>When the Second World War broke out in 1939, Lee had enrolled in a military academy and volunteered to fight for the Finnish Army against the Soviet Union during the Winter War.[38] He and other British volunteers were kept away from the actual fighting, but they were issued winter gear and were posted on guard duty a safe distance from the border. After two weeks in Finland, they returned home.[39] In a later interview, Lee stated that he knew how to shoot but not how to ski and that he probably would not be alive if he had been allowed to go to the front line.[40]

This young anglo, obsessed with the mythological land of rune singers, was willing to sacrifice his young life for the independence of the Finnish nation

Most anglos are not even ready to die for their own country, but they are literally obsessed with the land of Suomi, where many actual royal lineages of Europe (including England) actually derive from (according to Sagas)

Pic related.

>> No.18483682

The elves in Finland are not based on Finns this is a myth spread by Finns.
They are based on Wales, the Lang of song and the Silmarillion is related to welsh-Celtic myth.
The rest of LotR is inspired by stuff like Beowulf and English folklore.

>> No.18483684
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Even the languages invented by Tolkien were not original, Quenya is literally a dialect of Finnish language

Pic related for proof

Tolkien did not even invent his own words for his "made up" languages. He literally just opened Finnish dictionary


These anglos were literally obsessed fennomaniacs

>. I never learned Finnish well enough to do more than plod through a bit of the original, like a schoolboy with Ovid; being mostly taken up with its effect on 'my language'. But the beginning of the legendarium, of which the Trilogy is pan (the conclusion), was in an attempt to reorganize some of the Kalevala, especially the tale of Kullervo the hapless, into a form of my own. That began, as I say, in the Honour Mods period; nearly disastrously as I came very near having my exhibition taken off me if not being sent down. Say 1912 to 1913.

-Tolkien Letters

>> No.18483686
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>Born: Sweden
>Died: Russia
Kalevala is Russian literature mongloid.

>> No.18483687

>ranting about Anglos while trying to appropriate Anglo culture
This is utterly pathetic.

>> No.18483692

Why do you spread lies? Even the Elven language of Quenya is based on the Finnish language? The elves spoke same language as Finns

>> No.18483699

Nobody is this autistic. I'm putting my money on you being a bunkerchan shill who wants to derail all Tolkien discussion with this bullshit

>> No.18483702

Seek help plz

>> No.18483703

Welsh is part of the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages. It is spoken in Wales, a country in the western United Kingdom, known for the invention of the longbow and its coal industry, and in Y Wladfa, Argentina. It is the Welsh language that J.R.R. Tolkien took inspiration for the language Sindarin (particularly its phonology, consonant mutations, and word-order), the common language of the Elves of Middle-earth.

The Welsh language also provided Professor Tolkien with another major inspiration: the 13th Century king of Gwynedd, Llywelyn Fawr (Llywelyn the Great) had a ring made for his wife-to-be – Joan, Lady of Wales, the illegitimate daughter of King John of England. The ring had an inscription which read:

Un fodrwy i ddangos ein cariad; Un fodrwy i’n clymu.

This inscription translates as:

One ring to show our love; One ring to bind us.

Llywelyn and Joan were married in 1206, the famous inscription has been a popular choice for Welsh wedding rings ever since the discovery of Joan's ring.

>> No.18483705


>Tolkien's original inspiration to create Quenya, the High-elven language, came from his encounter with Finnish. How similar, then, are these two languages?

>> No.18483709



>While Tolkien did struggle with Finnish, he still appreciated it enough to use it as a basis for some of his made-up languages, especially the Elvish language Quenya. Linguistically, it is very close to Finnish, particularly through its use of suffixes to change the meaning of words, and the lack of gendered pronouns. Furthermore, Tolkien also directly incorporated Finnish words into Quenya. For example, the Quenya words ‘tul’ (come), ‘anta’ (give), and ‘pitya’ (small) are almost the same as they are in Finnish. The Ainur, a near immortal race similar to demigods, also appear to derive their name from the Finnish word ‘aina,’ meaning ‘always’.

>> No.18483710

You are a retarded racist, you see what you want to see.

>> No.18483712

I nailed it huh. Can you go back, nobody is going to become a communist just because they can't talk about Tolkien without your sperging.

>> No.18483716

Another Finnish academic source? Kek lying spastic

>> No.18483721


You are basically the same sort of tard as Varg.

>> No.18483724


You're the retard here you idiot shit

>> No.18483728

Lotr and Silmarillion would not exist without the Kalevala.

Same cannot be said of any other book. It's the truth, even Tolkien admits himself in his letters.

>> No.18483730

Indeed we should thank the Russians, they always write amazing literature.

>> No.18483734

Don't you neckbeard feel any decency/shame for your stupid arguments?

Tolkien himself says in his letters that Kalevala was the very foundantional document that inspired him to write Silmarillion, LOTR

Yet you disagree with Tolkien himself? You little neckbeards think you know better than the author himself?

Isn't that some sort of hubris and pathetic denial of reality?

>> No.18483736

>Tolkien was also familiar with Latin, Greek, Welsh, and ancient Germanic languages when he began constructing Quenya.

>> No.18483737

Based Tolkien, borrowing from Russia.

>> No.18483739

The Kalevala was invented by a Finnish monk in recent times.
It’s even more fictional than LotR and has nothing to do with LotR. It’s just Finnish made up culture.

>> No.18483741

The Kalevala is one of my favorite Russian myths so I don't think its surprising that Tolkien took inspiration from it

>> No.18483744

Kalevala was written before Finland existed. Saying that it's Finnish makes as much sense as saying that Constantinople was the capital of Turkey when it was built

>> No.18483746


Are you the faggot that added to the wiki without any source that it is inspired by the Kalevala?

>> No.18483750

No it wasn’t. You stupid Finnish nazi.

>> No.18483751

Pretty much, it's Swedish, or Russian. Finns keep trying to appropriate the culture of others.

>> No.18483753

What? It's like you are complaining that history books are wrong

Why you ignore Tolkien's own letters/own words about the Kalevala? You hate Finland it is clear from your posts

>> No.18483757

Stop trying to take credit for Swedish literature Finngloid.

>> No.18483758

You sound schizophrenic. The primary historical influences on Tolkien's writing were Germanic and Classical history and philology. Finnish influence on Tolkien exists and is significant, but it is far from being a dominant aspect of his work, being limited to language aesthetics, word stems and certain motifs and characters like Túrin. Tolkien knew only limited Finnish, read the Kalevala in translation, and it is evident from his papers that he was interested in but mostly ignorant of Finnish history and folklore. There is no academic conspiracy to downplay Finnish influence on Tolkien, but rather the opposite, in which academics exaggerate the Finnishness of Tolkien's work. (Ja huomautettakoon, että tämän sanon suomalaisena, joka on lukenut sekä Kalevalaa että Tolkienia kumpaakin.)

>> No.18483760

Is this bait?

>> No.18483762

Post em. I can’t find anything on the wiki with a citation.

>> No.18483763


Kalevala runes are of immeasurable antiquity, even the word Kala Vale is a proto-Sanskrit word for "Timeless Wisdom"

The Kalevala oral traditions predate the Vedas and even the most ancient written religious texts. In proto-sanskrit Kalevala as Kala Vala literally means Timeless Wisdom

>> No.18483764


>> No.18483766

Yes at this point in time I hate you because you are trying to appropriate MY culture.
Made by Tolkien for me.

>> No.18483767

It's about ethnic finns, not what state controlled the territory

>> No.18483768

>muh finland
fuck off finno-mongoloid subhuman. you ruin every tolkien thread with your whiny autism. nobody cares about your whimsical shithole

>> No.18483769

>Ethnic Finns
You mean Mongols? I mean I can say that the Kalevala is Mongol literature if you want

>> No.18483770


Indeed, it was Tolkien’s reading of Lonnrot’s masterpiece, the Finnish Kalevala, sometime around 1913 that inspired him to begin his mythology for the English. Though the following is long and probably the most often quoted part of Tolkien’s letters, it’s worth reposting here in detail:

Also—and here I hope I shall not sound absurd—I was from early days grieved by the poverty of my own beloved country: it had no stories of its own (bound up with its tongue and soil), not of the quality that I sought, and found (as an ingredient) in legends of other lands. There was Greek, and Celtic, and Romance, Germanic, Scandinavian, and Finnish (which greatly affected me); but nothing English, save impoverished chap-book stuff. … Do not laugh! But once upon a time (my crest has long since fallen) I had a mind to make a body of more or less connected legend, ranging from the large and cosmogonic, to the level of romantic fairy-story—the larger founded on the lesser in contact with the earth, the lesser drawing splendour from the vast backcloths—which I could dedicate simply to: to England; to my country. It should possess the tone and quality that I desired, somewhat cool and clear, be redolent of our “air” (the clime and soil of the North West, meaning Britain and the hither parts of Europe: not Italy or the Aegean, still less the East), and, while possessing (if I could achieve it) the fair elusive beauty that some call Celtic (though it is rarely found in genuine ancient Celtic things), it should be “high,” purged of the gross, and fit for the more adult mind of a land long now steeped in poetry. I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama. Absurd. (Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 144-145)

Kalevala is mentioned numerous times in his letters. This is from his book "Letters of Tolkien" page 144-145

It would take hours to post all the quotes you idiot. Do your own research you dumb idiot child

>> No.18483779

Just filter the word "Kalevala"

>> No.18483783

You are fucking retarded. Tolkien was a scholar of myth so of course he read various myths from around the world and commented on them.
> which I could dedicate simply to: to England; to my country
There you go he wanted to write an English story. Not a Finnish one. You retard.

>> No.18483787


We're raiding the meeting in July, hope to see you lads there.

>> No.18483792
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A single Finnish Chad routing the entire board of trannies, Muslims, and Westoids.

>> No.18483800

>a retarded inbred Finn tries to we wuz an English book because they have no culture.

>> No.18483851
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Please note the Trannies of Tolkien Society are hosting a critical theory deconstructionist "elrond was transgender"on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July. It is totally free and open to all. I hope to see you there.

>> No.18483895

Kalevala? Isn’t that a Jewish salad?

>> No.18483897

Good post. Sadly this infection is all over the institutions of 'culture'.

>> No.18483905

The Romantics were indeed very HOMOSEXUAL and their ethos was a mistake. They were good writers, but don't get confused about their values. They were a prefiguration of the latter decadentism.

>> No.18483906

It’s because Tolkien essentially invented the fantasy genre.

>> No.18483929

I might attend just for the entertainment value, but why interfere with their conference when we can instead watch them embarrass themselves?
I expect some of you faggots will try shouting something autistic from the audience, and they'll use it to claim free victim status points and double-down on their totalitarian attitudes.

>> No.18483936

If people genuinely care about Tolkien’s work they should be making copies and keeping them safe. You can’t do much if an organisation wants to self destruct.

>> No.18483946

Riddle me this finns

Jews say oy vey.
Finns say voy ei

>> No.18483951

My salutes to zugzugmyballs. You're a good lad doing a good work.

>> No.18483954

Wtf did finns stole from jews? Why can't they be more original? Maybe something from they culture?

>> No.18483961

I’m not joking but the Church in the middle of Helsinki is covered in Hebrew.
Finns claim they are the long lost tribe of Israel.

>> No.18483964

the hobbit is great

>> No.18483967

Shut up kalma

>> No.18483970

Junior should've found a competent writer to continue the work based on the materials, since he didn't have the talent himself. Publishing notes with minimal editing was a dick move, really. No author wants their unfinished, unrefined drafts out there for all the world to see. I pity the old man

>> No.18483972

Literally nobody claims that

>> No.18483976


>> No.18483986

I'm slowly losing my sanity fighting against these harlots. The sheer arrogancy they radiate, it hurts my soul.

>> No.18483987

> ...But one of the most convincing details comes from the Finnish word for Father, which is, Isä - almost confirming ancient Finnish ties with the Israelite tribe of Issachar. Only Finnish has such a unique word for Father.[14]

>> No.18483989

>click on the source link
>page not found

>> No.18483990

What can we do to stop this? Not just this particular case but the general perversion of culture. It seems everything is being turned into a political tool.
I feel so powerless sometimes

>> No.18483993

Homosexuality was often looked down upon in Roman culture. Especially if you were the submissive receivor. Not until their empire was at it's end stage of decay did the Romans accept Homosexuality. Perhaps a metaphor for the West.
Jews are responsible for every bit of misery in this world.

>> No.18483994

Theres something very insidious about Finnish lying. Like how they claimed to be the happiest nation on earth despite having high levels of suicide and depression.

>> No.18483998
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I don't know. They're claiming Tolkien was "antifa" now and that he always was a progressive, that his work omis full with leftist ideology.

>> No.18484000
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>> No.18484002

Did you somehow forget christianity as a whole is based on jewish culture?

>> No.18484003
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Another one

>> No.18484005

This is all because of tards like the Finn schizo. Same with Varg and other Europeans that try to latch onto LoTR as “their” culture.
This attracts the leftists who obsess about pagan nazis.

>> No.18484006
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Finns are very insecure because they barely have any culture to speak of and the kalevala is pretty much the only thing they have left. Modern Finnish culture consist of drinking cheap alcohol, watching tv, consuming American products happily and working yourself to death or becoming a spurgu and drinking yourself to death. They worship WWII, but only so they can jerk of about how "badass" they where during the war despite the wartime generation portraying the war as an unavoidable tragedy that they had to suffer through for the future of their children and not some cool heroic war. Anytime Finland is mentioned internationally or vaguely referenced Fibns go crazy because it gives theyr culture legitimacy, even though their culture is essentially just one if blind consumption, very similar to American culture but with more socialism.

>> No.18484010
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It's clear these people secretly hate and loathe Tolkien.

>> No.18484015

That would be R*ssians

>> No.18484017
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>> No.18484020

As disturbing as these are they're just massive midwits being allowed to publicly display their stupidity due to social media. Its a sad sight but quite harmless.
The selling out of the Tolkien society, the Amazon LOTR production, stuff like that though. That's the real issue. These are forces with influence to change society's perception. In fact its those that cause ignorant twitter posts. How do we resolve the issue that public mores are dictated by insane ideologues?

>> No.18484025

Yeah, they are like fucking hyenas waiting until the author and his heirs are dead and unable to defend the books against their vulgar exegesis. Truly disgusting

>> No.18484056

>Beselling author
>writes sentences like "there are like.... famously a lot of queer Catholics haha"
I know the NY Times bestseller is a fucking meme, but come on

>> No.18484061
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The same people who call traditional Catholics who oppose homosexuality fascist want to claim Tolkien as a progressive because he opposed Hitler. How quaint. Tolkien supported the Rex Party.

>> No.18484067

Twitter was a mistake. The narcissism of these people are insane. It brings me joy that they will fall and suffer even more when they time comes.

>> No.18484076
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This is exactly how things like Achilles being a fag start isn't it?
More than 2k years ago some ultra fags during the Athenian decline role playing and shipping traditional heroes while fucking and masturbating furiously.

>> No.18484081

this guy posting his twitter argument here

>> No.18484084

>It brings me joy that they will fall and suffer even more when they time comes.
Massive cope and wishful thinking. They have indirect support from all major institutions including governments and non-profit organizations. They will not cease the destruction of your culture until you stop them (in Minecraft of course)

>> No.18484087

>stop highlighting faggotry

>> No.18484119

>Finns claim they are the long lost tribe of Israel.
Everybody claims that.
The English say they are the lost tribe and so do Anglo-Americans; black Americans claim the same; the French do as well; even the Japanese claim it.

>> No.18484164

The canon closed with Christopher's death. Fuck the modern world.

>> No.18484171
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>> No.18484207

>This attracts the leftists who obsess about pagan nazis.
>their culture
It kind of is, at least in a sense that it is European.

>> No.18484221

It isn’t their culture. Tolkien wrote Middle earth for the English, he explicitly says this. How many fucking times does it have to be said?
It’s not an analogy to Europe.

>> No.18484238

Shire is rural britbongistan of the older days, sure, other parts of Middle Earth not so much. He might dislike allegory but he ''drank from the same well'', so to speak. Hell, he even himself says in the interview that dwarves have some Jewish influence.
Also, that's why I mentioned European, as in pan European, birtbongs might not like it but they are still part of it.

>> No.18484242

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.18484264

>Also, that's why I mentioned European, as in pan European, birtbongs might not like it but they are still part of it.
kek, still stalty about brexit?

>> No.18484269

Not really, it's more that brits are salty about themselves and it. It's their obsession to see themselves as separate, not mine.

>> No.18484297
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I thought people would be talking about how the tolkien society is destroying LOTR with tranny bullshit but it's just some faggot finn and his enablers sperging AGAIN.

>> No.18484304

Europe isn't a fait accompli you just have to accept, it's a choice. Is that really so hard to understand for you?

>> No.18484352

LotR isn’t a pan-European book you dipshit. It’s a British book.
Like my point earlier, LotR us latched onto by pagan nationalists that use it as a pan-European identity.

>> No.18484375

absolute brainlet

>> No.18484548

Children of Hurin is always worth reading in full, genuinely amazing

>> No.18484637

Because a bunch of frogs and other autists brigading them is called sweet revenge.

>> No.18484676

I wish we could dress like this. the Americanization of clothing with underwear and jeans and other cartoonish and uncomfortable attire has ruined the Western aesthetic maybe even forever.

>> No.18484684

I don't really go in for that sort of thing. Provocation should be controlled and deliberate, not just an outburst of resentment.
They're happy to claim the victim status first chance they get and use it as an excuse for doing more horrible shit, so you'd just be doing them a favor by giving them a plausible excuse.

>> No.18484697

There is nothing funnier than brigading these psychopaths and watching them all pat each other on the back. I'm gonna go and I'm gonna fart over the mic, play John Cena music, talk in a nasal voice and ask shill questions, etc. Absurdity is the only way to destroy these fanatics, we must not hesitate!

>> No.18484712

>Absurdity is the only way to destroy these fanatics, we must not hesitate!
The year was 2014 when people would laugh at Tumblr culture and now these people seeped into HR departments and are gatekeeping hard.

>> No.18484717

Then let us throw the proverbial chicken into their "schools".

>> No.18484731

>talk in a nasal voice and ask shill questions
That's what I had in mind as well.
As >>18484712 is saying though, they've gotten a lot better at keeping up the facade since the 'it's just kids on college campuses' days. There's a good chance the presenters won't take questions from anyone they don't recognize.

>> No.18484753

We will see. I know a lot of guys are planning on going so probably they will do as you're saying. But there's always ways to troll these psychos.

>> No.18484937


>> No.18484979

What the fuck is the Tolkien Society?

>> No.18485270

tl;dr: Jews did this.

>> No.18485277

We need another Hitler.

>> No.18485307

I'm an atheist, but I understand why we need religion after reading this

>> No.18485332

>we must become socialist to fight socialism

>> No.18485343

about the 'pardoning Saruman' title - am I taking crazy pills or do these fuckers think he's "queer coded" because he calls himself Saruman the many-colored?

>> No.18485349

Its exactly that probably.

>> No.18485359

How did things get to this point

>> No.18485369

Turns out Frodo was genderqueer the WHOLE TIME.

>> No.18485386

Political ideologies are just a weapon of the Jew in their effort to destroy our race.

>> No.18485393

i think it is about virtue signaling. as if they were good people capable of forgiving traitors. the fault lies in forgiving people who are not open to forgiveness

>> No.18485413
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>Gondor in Transition: A brief introduction to transgender realities

>> No.18485418

Double retard

>> No.18485431


>> No.18485432

my sides

>> No.18485442

How do these people cope with the fact the Haradrim, the evil hordes of the East are supposed to be the Ottomans?

>> No.18485446

>I'm no man

>> No.18485915

They did, though? They just let him go and then he enacted petty revenge against the midgets who were only involved by chance/fate

>> No.18486007

Having a Twitter account should be punishable by flaying.

>> No.18486018

sometimes I think the platform HAS to be designed to drive people insane on purpose. you don't get this kind of outcome randomly.

>> No.18486084

They are the first of the last men and soon the rest of mankind will become like them.

>> No.18487021

right now on Twatter:
>Tolkien never stated his characters were heterosexual so it's perfectly plausible they are bisexual
I wish I could say that no one takes these retards seriously but Twitter gave them a platform to manifest their retarded ideas, how does one actually refute this shit?

>> No.18487146

the counter argument is that absence of evidence is weak evidence of absence, so by default one should assume that everyone is straight unless there is some amount of evidence to the contrary.

but these people wouldn't even process those words. they're primed to respond with "so you hate bi people?!?", feel a brief surge of moral outrage, and then move on to the next spectacle.

>> No.18487270
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filthy subhuman slav(e) hands typed this post

>> No.18487305
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This post reeks of filthy subhuman
imagine being below even poland in PISA scores
oh no no no

>> No.18487349

how is the gap between Germany and Austria this large?