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18477482 No.18477482 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really struggling with myself, I know it's stupid, I know it's something a proper man shouldn't care about, I know that I'm really just indulging in harmful consumerism when I do it, that I'm trying to create and project a personality where there is none, that it's a futile attempt at filling a void in my heart, that I should be buying paperbacks as a man, the cheapest editions that I can get, etc etc etc.

I love nice books, I love beautiful books, I love handsome books, I love pretty books.

I love buying hardbacks like those by everyman's library, I love the way they look on my bookshelf, I love the way they feel, I love the experience of reading them, I love the texture of the covers and the feel of the paper.
I'm pathetic I know but I'm running out of reasons why I shouldn't just do it, I have a bookshelf of about 80 used paperbacks in various stages of disintegration and they don't make me happy, meanwhile I see those hardbacks on my shelf and they do make me happy.

What's wrong with me /lit/?

>> No.18477740

PeePee PooPoo

>> No.18477746

You WILL buy the paperbacks

>> No.18477751

Big black dubs

>> No.18477755

Could you please take my post seriously?
I'm about to cry at this point.

>> No.18477865

Maybe, just maybe... have sex?

>> No.18477874

Aesthetics are something that real men appreciate. However, wasting all your time, money, and effort into vanity is just an endless abyss in which you will never find contentment.

>> No.18477883

Buy an e reader and go cold turkey, anon. You know they don't make you happy in the long run so stop lying to yourself.

>> No.18477890

Some people collect whiskey. Others collect paintings. You collect books. Nothing wrong with that as long as you're not burning your cash like a junkie whore.

>> No.18479033

>I know that I'm really just indulging in harmful consumerism when I do it, that I'm trying to create and project a personality where there is none, that it's a futile attempt at filling a void in my heart, that I should be buying paperbacks as a man, the cheapest editions that I can get, etc etc etc.
thats not the case at all anon. your experience will last forever as those moments. enjoy what you find beautiful. its the only worthwhile thing
all is vanity

>> No.18479443

>I love buying hardbacks like those by everyman's library, I love the way they look on my bookshelf, I love the way they feel, I love the experience of reading them, I love the texture of the covers and the feel of the paper.
so then get them? Just know to budget yourself. it's an earthly pleasure that you clearly enjoy. Don't overthink shit, dude.

>> No.18479450

just b ursel;f

>> No.18479464

>What's wrong with me /lit/?
Life is too good with you.

>> No.18479524

What's caused you to think of books as merely vessels for words as opposed to objects of beauty or art? They can serve both roles.
I honestly wouldn't even classify it as consumerism - if you're buying something you genuinely love and appreciate and you intend to keep / display and appreciate it for the rest of your life then I don't think thats 'problematic' in any way. Wanting to possess beautiful things isn't tied to capitalism nor is it a sign of unmasculinity.
You shouldn't feel bad for pursuing something that makes you happy (with the usual "don't harm others caveat), I don't think you should be so hard on yourself. Godspeed anon.

>> No.18479567

Nice GET, but now you’re just making it harder for me to not mess with you

>> No.18479573

Does that really solve all of a man’s problems?

>> No.18479588

Books are for old people, put your efforts into living your life fully, as in go outside