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/lit/ - Literature

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18473433 No.18473433 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post authors that you consider them to be the closest thing to a mentor. Try to be honest.

>Jordan B. Peterson
I used to listen to his lectures all of the time. He introduced me to Jung's ideas.
>Manly P. Hall
His lectures are honestly something else, full of esoteric wisdom and fanstastic knowledge, philosophy and fascinating ideas.
>Will Durant
Currently reading the story of civilization. Reading this wonderful 11 volume set made me more interested in history and philosophy than anything else I have ever encountered.
>Rene Guenon
I consider it a blessing to know about Guenon's books (pbuh).

>> No.18473530

>Alan Watts
>Richard Dawkins
>Eckhart Tolle
>Sam Harris

>> No.18473553

-Stephen King
-KJ Parker
-Neil Gaiman
-Garth Nix

>> No.18473567


>> No.18473570

These are authors I read growing up. They were formative, and pointed me to better works.

>> No.18473634

>guenonfag is a pseud

>> No.18473834

Rene Guenon
Le Sphinx
Abd al-Wahid Yahya

>> No.18473853


>> No.18473885
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William James, Bergson, Bataille, Deleuze

>> No.18473900

You fell for the memes, embarrassing but cleaned-penispilled

>> No.18473905
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>Post authors that you consider them to be the closest thing to a mentor
fucking kek


>> No.18473938
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What it's like to live knowing your whole worldview was retroactively refuted?

>> No.18473961
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You'll have to tell me

>> No.18474035

>globohomo puppet
>free Mason
>I don't even know
>if you read guenon drop the other three

>> No.18474043

Guenon was also a freemason, retard.

>> No.18474055

jesus what a takedown

>> No.18474061

Early in his life until he realized it was a dead end.

>> No.18474077

What did Guenon say to cause so much seething?

>> No.18474178
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>Valentin Tomberg

>> No.18474206

insanely cringe collection of midwit hacks

>> No.18474222
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>insanely cringe collection of midwit hacks
Why is /lit/ full of pseud fedora tipping redditors?

>> No.18474462

Platos complete works is like my great^ Grandpa speaking to me indirectly

>> No.18474469

your dad should have beaten you more

>> No.18474496

Why does Peterson make all the discord trannies seethe so much?

>> No.18476455


Because 4chan is one of the most visited websites on the Internet and a lot closer to reddit than most 4channers seem comfortable admitting to themselves

>> No.18476490

4chan's Alexa rank is 1042, Reddits is 19
Reddit gets around 1.7 billion unique visitors a month, 4chan 20 million

This is a factor of 100 between the two, reddit is an internet giant, one of the single most important sites, 4chan is just a popular imageboard

>> No.18476511


With 20 million visitors a month. Many of whom also visit reddit. 4chan is not
>muh secret meme club
and acting like it's anything other than a cul-de-sac for the mentally unwell and edgelord high schoolers is just laughable

>> No.18476526

20 million visitors is about 0.26% of the worlds population
1.7 billion is 22%, surely you get the difference here?

>> No.18476528

Calling atheists "reddit" is just an attack on [pseudo]rationalism because they are obnoxious and ask for sources, evidence, and proofs etc. But these same asshats are all "read guenon/shankara/aquinas oh yeah im proooooving metaphysics," which is also a [pseudo]rationalism.

>> No.18476534

Ernest Becker

>> No.18476544
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This chad.

>> No.18476573


I'm not arguing that more people don't visit reddit, I'm saying that 4chan's constant feigned indignation about being overrun by redditors is stupid, considering this website is visited by more unique individuals per month than the entire population of the Netherlands

>> No.18476898

>Bertrand Russell
Read History of Western Philosophy in 6th grade. Of course, I didn't understand much at the time but it really kindled my interest in philosophy and I kept on going back to it.
>Arthur Schopenhauer
I love the metaphysics of the World as Will and Representation (even if I don't think his arguments are that strong) and he introduced me to the Upanishads.
>Camille Paglia
Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders saved me from Foucault and all kinds of poststructuralism, which I was dabbling in at the time. She also introduced me to McLuhan, O. Brown, Fielder, and Neumann (plus Sexual Personae is an amazing book).
>Marcel Proust
Words cannot describe how much I love this man. He was my gateway into really loving literature and most things just seem like massive disappointments now.

>> No.18476923

>James Joyce
>Toni Morrison
>Leslie Marmon Silko

>> No.18476943


Pseud if real


Almost there but not quite based

>> No.18476952

Rene Guenon (pbuh)
Julius Evola (pbuh)
Frithjof Schuon (pbuh)
Martin Lings (pbuh)

>> No.18477010


>> No.18477021

None. There are authors i respect, but none i would consider a mentor.

>> No.18477023


>> No.18477083


>> No.18477147


>> No.18477155


>> No.18477168

>no u
>Thinking the atheist Bataille can refute anything

>> No.18477254

Guénon (pbuh)
Saint Isaac the Syrian (pbuh)

Saints are mentors because their writings are blessings. I have a lot of sweet love for both of them. I love others but in a different way, maybe not on this level.

>> No.18477270

I forgot Plato

I like Shankara but I fear him, the fact he could maybe not accept me

>> No.18477275


>> No.18477294

Pure pseudery I’m afraid

>> No.18477310
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>F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.18477323
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Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Payne
Ayn Rand
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
David Humme
Baruch Spinoza
Hans Herman Hoppe
Murray Rothbard
Ludwig Von Mises

>> No.18477371

Gabor Mate

>> No.18477374
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>> No.18477406

>Ayn Rand
>Aristotle and not Plato

>> No.18477413

That's the point, sue me.

>> No.18478007

1. Jordan Peterson
2. Hamza Yusuf
3. Aristotle
4. Will durant

>> No.18478246

Ahmad Fardid
Carl Schmitt
Jacques Lacan
Bertolt Brecht

>> No.18478619

He nailed human nature.
He nailed the imaginations nature
He tried to describe reality with words
He proved you can't describe reality with words

>> No.18478650

>Lao Tzu

>> No.18478729


>> No.18478765


>> No.18479262
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J.G. Hamann
Blaise Pascal
Lev Shestov
Sextus Empiricus

>> No.18480799


>> No.18480809

Oh God why am I trapped here. This board is shit but I always end up coming back.

>> No.18480906

You're not trapped, you're bored and afraid.

>> No.18480925


nice bait have a (you)

>> No.18480934
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>> No.18480938

>manly pee hole

>> No.18480944

2016 called they want their cringe back

>> No.18480947

Why do discord trannies make you seethe so much?

>> No.18480971

>C.S Lewis
Probably influenced my thinking more than any other other. Makes me sad I’m not Protestant anymore
>G.K Chesterton
Love this man. Feminist eternally BTFO
>Jordan Peterson
I fell for the meme, but he did teach me to clean my room and wash my penis. OP said be honest, and there is no denying to myself he had a massive influence on how I think
>Booker T Washington
Based black man. A reminder to us all that if you can do something people need and do it well, you will be respected

>> No.18481030

literally who?

>> No.18481128

>your political ideology expired bro
>we all larping fascists who suck Guenon's gay cock now

>> No.18481210

lurk more

>> No.18481224

>Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.18481262

Never said Guenon was a fascist, he's too busy being a grown man who calls himself a witch for that, but the larping fascist 15 year olds here love to ride his dick

>> No.18481465
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Whats funny about this is, imho, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger barely hold a candle next to Guenon. The Germans are by comparison sophists who simply repackage the ideas of others and rebrand them as their own as I see it. At least Guenon acknowledges the past and doesn't seem to think he can simply convince people what he thinks is the truth is so as the Germans do.

>> No.18481473

terrible list, OP.

>> No.18481481


>> No.18481564
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Basically that the entire "progress of history" is a myth and in fact there is only degeneration as time goes on until the end. He also shows this is basically common knowledge premodernity. He also pretty clearly communicates subtle esoteric truths that probably anger people who want to use such knowledge to keep others in the dark and manipulate them.
Bhikkhu Bodhi for a while. Guenon. And the rest of the authentic monotheists. I.e. the Bible and the Quran. Everything is an emanation after all. Dosto and Tolstoy for fiction.

>> No.18481654

William L Pierce
Andrew Anglin

Not joking

>> No.18481753

I mean, kinda based.

>> No.18481759

You mean Fernando Pessoa? Didn't knew he was relevant in other countries.

>> No.18481944
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Behold the reading comprehension of guenonfags
>The Germans are by comparison sophists who simply repackage the ideas of others and rebrand them as their own as I see it.
Oh and guenon's theosophist hodgepodge of Islam and Hinduism into "tradition" is what, exactly?
>At least Guenon acknowledges the past and doesn't seem to think he can simply convince people what he thinks is the truth
Literally what does this even mean? Guy read some old books and wrote his own book. That's every philosopher. Oh he's not trying to convince anyone of anything? Really?

>> No.18481971

>Basically that the entire "progress of history" is a myth and in fact there is only degeneration as time goes on until the end. He also shows this is basically common knowledge premodernity. He also pretty clearly communicates subtle esoteric truths that probably anger people who want to use such knowledge to keep others in the dark and manipulate them
You sound like you've skimmed Guenon and were unaware of Bataille, who also wrote substantially on mysticism, and didn't approach it by claiming things were better three gorillion yugas ago as if that seething perspective was some profound and enlightening eternal truth.

>> No.18481979

The Book is Disquiet is fairly popular internationally. I also think that Bloom mentions him in The Western Canon.

>> No.18482057

>Oh and guenon's theosophist hodgepodge of Islam and Hinduism into "tradition" is what, exactly?
t. didn't read guenon

>> No.18482238

Walt Whitman
Lao Tzu

>> No.18483499
