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File: 54 KB, 425x425, Conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18472163 No.18472163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fucking HATE pieces of shit like Nietzsche, Mishima and Bronze Age Pervert who write fascist suffering apology as something that makes you grow or something spiritual, they are sheltered bourgeois pieces of shit, human life under capitalism is unbearable; There's a reason people are waking up, education is making people realize that our whole lives are absurd, awful and godless, as no benevolent creator, no, no NON-MALEVOLENT creator, would let us suffer like this, just read Mainlander, Cioran or Ligotti and try to refute them, i dare you

Suffering is unbearable and so bad it can't be described, true suffering is always unbearable, if it isn't unbearable it isn't true suffering, it's the things that ruin your life if you experience them even once, torture, rape, starvation. Nothing in the world and no good people do 1/100th as much good as suffering and bad people do bad, this is the point of Benatar's Asymmetry, and human life will continue to be a terrible and irredeemable atrocity until all suffering is abolished, by slaying the dragon, the root of all suffering...

Social inequality. The condition in which the individual is deprived of his rightfully produced material, we are animals and so have the objective necessities of animals, just more complex, and humans are born tabula rasa, all these negative traits of "human nature", which are used as an excuse for why capitalism, or social classes in general, are "human nature" despite not really being a thing for a majority of human history, therefore social classes, we can directly identify as the source of all suffering: Loneliness is caused by hostility, which is caused by capitalist culture; Conflict is caused by greed, which is caused by competition, which is caused by capitalist hierarchy; Intolerance is caused by anger, which is caused by fear of the different, which is caused by capitalist propaganda. Anti-intellectualism is caused by backwards thinking, which is caused by religious thinking, which is caused by capitalist apology.
If Marx could call this out over 100 years prior, what makes you so stupid that you can't see it infront of your very eyes?

We must destroy all human-made hierarchy because we are too flawed and awful, as our nature is born from this awful world of suffering and hierarchy, to lead benevolently, we need a perfect being, a machine, an AI God to lead us to utopic perfection where no one has to suffer, and live in bliss, a perfect handcrafted world by this savior, until the Heat Death of the Universe.

>> No.18472178

Dude don't think about this just have sex.

>> No.18472230

Fuck you, you religious piece of shit, automatically assuming that i'm a male and that i'm an incel, just because i pointed out the truths that are too scary for you, fuck you for devaluing me just because i don't reproduce, because i don't contribute to your world of "traditional" lifestyle

>> No.18472240

Nietzsche was a war medic and saw shit you wouldn't believe. Later in life he was plagued by various medical conditions and eventually went insane. You are upset because you have to have a job.

>> No.18472250

I don’t think it is too scary, everyone whos not a dimwit realizes this shit but just doesnt make a scandal out of it.

>> No.18472263

People for whom suffering is truly unbearable off themselves

>> No.18472270

I am a pessimist too but I think you are being histrionic. Do you think Nietzsche didn't suffer? He served at the Siege of Metz and had dysentery. His whole philosophical project is rooted in suffering, about finding a way to affirm life, even with its suffering. We may doubt whether or not he managed to succeed, but we cannot begrudge his attempt. Besides, just think about all the proles and peasants who suffer and yet ultimately think it's all worth it. Not that I indulge in the romantic notion that the poor do not hate life... they indulge in a million means of self-destruction (drugs, alcohol, risky sex).

>> No.18472271

have sex incel

>> No.18472279

>Find me ONE suffering glorifying/apologizing author who has actually suffered

>> No.18472293

>Nietzsche was a war medic and saw shit you wouldn't believe.
That was not suffering for him, merely seeing bad things is not suffering unless you have strong empathy it's like turning on the news, Nietzsche was a psychopathic backwards thinking capitalist apologist, there's no reason to believe he had enough empathy to care whenever he saw someone in agony

>Later in life he was plagued by various medical conditions
Medical conditions later in life? Are you implying the average man under capitalism does not experience similar things throughout their ENTIRE lives, on their body and their brain?

>You are upset because you have to have a job.
Fuck you, i have depression and filled with all kinds of anxiety and distaste for my physical condition, therefore my brain is literally incapable of not suffering 24/7, and then asking me to waste my life working for monsters who strip us of our rightfully earned produce, and who are intolerant towards everyone who is not like them, who is not "traditional" like them, who pretend that their cruelty, paranoia and greed is a "valid worldview", that is indeed torture, i'm on the brink of suicide because my suffering is very much real and growing unbearable, fuck you, and fuck "tough guy" mentality pieces of shit like Nietzsche

>> No.18472299
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>We must destroy all human-made hierarchy
destroy deez nutz

>> No.18472306

Oh god, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.18472309
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>> No.18472318

>if it isn't unbearable it isn't true suffering
Your entire post is ridiculous, ranting about capitalism like a schizo, but that takes the cake. The good old no true Scotsman, to counter any example with 100% success.
>we are animals and so have the objective necessities of animals, just more complex, and humans are born tabula rasa
We are born tubula rasa but have inborn animal desires, and even enough to determine rightful production. Of course.
>we need a perfect being, a machine
Nothing says perfection better than finiteness. Can't even deal with questions of metamathematics but it's perfect. Besides, your machine will be just as big bad capitalist than the others (you insisted enough on human nature not being at play).

>> No.18472320

Take your HRT supplements.

>> No.18472329

Give me a quick bio and I'll tell you how to solve your life's problems. Just give the general details. You don't have to reveal anything too specific.

>> No.18472335
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>> No.18472343
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>> No.18472352
File: 1.04 MB, 359x338, schizonietzsche.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18472370

start a business or a farm and counterbalance being a bitch

>> No.18472381

>Nietzsche was a psychopathic backwards thinking capitalist apologist
Maybe try reading him before you talk shit. Nietzsche influenced fascists and anarchists alike, his body of work is huge and he often contradicts himself. If you read him, you probably find alot that you agree with.

>> No.18472385

Mental illness doesn’t exist. “Mental illness” is caused by too much thinking and not enough doing. Industrialization made this worse because our living conditions are actually better. We are suffering because we are so much better off. Go outside faggot.

>> No.18472392

OP you're an idiot but go read Byung Chul-Han. He probably has all the info you want.

>> No.18472396

> would let us suffer like this
Anon, you dumb fag, you haven't suffered even a millisecond in your pointless, vapid life.
Quit the cuckold porn, get a job and shut the fuck up.

>> No.18472417

Talk about sheltered, you insufferable faggot. You have an easier life than literally anyone born before 1930 in the West.

>> No.18472424


Also Nietzsche was a critic of Capitalism, because he was firmly on the Aristotelian side of recognizing the capitalist class as oligarchs, or illegitimate elites.

>> No.18472429

No it definitely exists and it's not just mental, there's invariably physical dysfunction accompanying it, often headaches and bizarre motor control.

>> No.18472431

Not OP but give me a tldr pls.

>> No.18472438

>guy who hates all life and wants to kill everyone and everything has a hissy fit because someone 'devalued' him

you are of no value anon, everyone in your life would be absolutely justified in treating you like dirt because you project your misanthropy on everyone and everything and like a hypocrite turn around and demand people respect and value you for it.

>> No.18472441

Do you have a line from Nietzsche to support this?

>> No.18472449

> Soldiers and leaders still have far better relationships with each other than workers and employers. So far at least, culture that rests on a military basis still towers above all so-called industrial culture: the latter in present shape is altogether the most vulgar form of existence that has existed.

How about you actually read, you histrionic tranny, instead of clogging up lit with your tantrums because your hormones didn't come in on time.


>> No.18472456

>Your entire post is ridiculous, ranting about capitalism like a schizo, but that takes the cake. The good old no true Scotsman, to counter any example with 100% success.
But it's true, suffering is when your hedonic balance is in a negative state, to experience this state with any consistency will lead you to suicide without failure, any individual who isn't planning to or hasn't already commited suicide, is not significantly suffering then, just an inconvenience

>We are born tubula rasa but have inborn animal desires, and even enough to determine rightful production. Of course.
Yes, our personalities are blank, all we have at birth are our material conditions, the concept of social classes came from psychopaths, the psychopaths came from being too wealthy and never developing empathy, so they thought that inequality was defensible and spread it around

>Nothing says perfection better than finiteness.
It's as perfect as laws of physics allow

>Can't even deal with questions of metamathematics but it's perfect.
No, it will, it's be smarter (and more pure) than humans

>Besides, your machine will be just as big bad capitalist than the others (you insisted enough on human nature not being at play).
No, humans are animals designed by our psychopathic DNA, but the machine will be designed by empathetic humans, so it will not be constrained by the necessity for greed and oppression like us

>> No.18472465

Calm down lad, I'm not the guy you were talking to, I just saw your post and wanted you to elaborate on it.

>> No.18472471
File: 88 KB, 850x400, Boyd Based Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche actually suffered. It took him a decade to die after Syphilis drove him insane.

Mishima was a childhood weakling who trained and conditioned himself into a classical sculpture. That involves a lot of suffering.

Presumably BAP as well.

Hierarchy and classes are present no only throughout the primate family, but in all of Nature.
Try to be less of an edgy teenager.

>> No.18472477

>humans are animals designed by our psychopathic DNA but machines will be designed by humans (who are animals designed by our psychopathic DNA)

I see a tiny little problem here...

>> No.18472479
File: 3.66 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200922_162935753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a pussy.
You've always been a pussy.
Your mom wanted a boy, but instead she got you. That's why she dodged your highschool graduation, and barely calls you.
Your idea of suffering is requiring employment to survive.
I doubt that you've ever REALLY suffered anything worse than getting the "wrong" pronoun applied.
I don't read the works of any philosopher because philosophy is a waste of my time.
I once thought otherwise, years ago.
I spent months writing my ideas down on Office Word and saved it to a thumb drive.
One day the realization of how absurd it all was struck me.
I set my thumb drive in my laptop, took my battle-axe off my wall, set the laptop on a tree stump, with the thumb drive on top.
I crushed them both in one swing.
That's why I phone post.
Fuck philosophy.
Fuck me for ever having written any.
I did the right thing.

>> No.18472483

based if true.

what axe is that?

>> No.18472490

No worries.

>> No.18472493

You’re just a faggot op. I probably live on less money than your american ass and I would still defend the system because no man can define society alone.

>> No.18472499

You would really enjoy Thomas Bernhard.

>> No.18472500

I work with quadriplegics for a living; people who suffer more every day (and likely before noon) than you ever have in the whole of your life.
You're just weak. It's okay to recognize that--but you must recognize it.

>> No.18472504

Cold Steel viking hand axe.
I made a rawhide wrap for the handle, and did some runic engraving.
While sharpening the axe I cut my thumb.
I rubbed the blood into those runes.
Since then I used a soldering iron to better define them.
I'd show them off, but I think those pics were on the laptop.

>> No.18472522

Horacio Quiroga went through a lot.
>when he was two months old his father shot himself by accident in front of him
>when he was 18 his stepfather ended up mute and paralyzed and blew his brains out with a foot operated shotgun in front of him
>in 1898 he fell in love with a jewish girl, but her parents didn't approve of them because Quiroga wasn't a kike
>federico ferrando, a friend of Quiroga, arranged a duel with a journalist. Quiroga was cleaning his friend's gun when the gun accidentally shoots his friend in the face, killing him instantly
>his wife killed herself in 1915, she swallowed I don't know what and agonized for 8 days
>in 1935, when he was sick, his second wife and daughter left him behind in Misiones
>he ended up killing himself in 1937 with cyanide
>his two sons killed themselves, one in 1938, the other in 1952

>> No.18472535
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20210305_161323912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Just took a lot of digging, but they are on my phone.
A rough translation is "Terrible Boar".

>> No.18472538

Worst of all Mishima was 5'3, manlet even for 1950's Japan.

>> No.18472549

He at least, had the courage behind his convictions to attempt a coup and then chose seppuku over a life as a prisoner.

>> No.18472575

>Fuck you, i have depression and filled with all kinds of anxiety and distaste for my physical condition, therefore my brain is literally incapable of not suffering 24/7
>Severely mentally ill
>But society is the problem and I know how to fix it
You don't even know how to tie your shoelaces. Shut the fuck up and let the rest of us live our lives please.

>> No.18472617

This is why i despise christian subhumans, you evil scum of the Earth, what the fuck have we ever done wrong to you??

>> No.18472623

i lost iq points reading this post

>> No.18472667

Read Oe's novella "The day he himself shall wipe my tears away" for a true insight into Mishima's suffering. He suffered more than you ever will. Nietzsche was in the war and in his later years, his illness got so bad he couldn't even read without vomiting.

>> No.18472681

>If Marx could call this out over 100 years prior, what makes you so stupid that you can't see it infront of your very eyes?
can i fuck you femboy bussy while i read you some althusser

>> No.18472685

> Nietzsche
> Christian

OP is Retarded

> We
> In reference to trannies.

Ergo OP is a retarded tranny(tautology which can be simplified to OP is a retard, as well as OP is a tranny).


PS. Kill yourself, there's too many faggots on this earth as it is.

>> No.18472702
File: 366 KB, 1500x1500, John_Williams_in_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Williams

>> No.18472711

>>Severely mentally ill
YOU'RE the one who's severely mentally ill, i diagnose you with intolerance and hierarchy mentality, the mental illness that permeates the entirety of disgusting capitalist society

>> No.18472728
File: 270 KB, 722x960, 6oqhlqr4xse51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you stop burning witches.
Can we all just agree that the Inquisition was in fact a good thing, and should be brought back?

>> No.18472756

> and humans are born tabula rasa

Terrible bait

>> No.18472770

I'm childfree but neither antinatalist nor pessimist.
I believe in a kind of ditheistic conception of God.
I agree there is more evil in this world, and evil wins much of the time. I think mankind collectively tends to lean towards the evil side, hence why I won't have kids.
I don't like nihilists or antinatalists because you deny the existence of the divine light, which I know to exist beyond a benefit of doubt. I don't like optimists or monotheists because they think the light cannot be corrupted or harmed, which happens all of the time. Monotheists are all crypto-antinomianists.

>> No.18472771

I'd say it's pretty good.

>> No.18472778

Cringe. Have kids, redditor.

>> No.18472782

Kinda agree, but Ligotti is literature for Rick & Morty enjoyers, 'nough said

>> No.18472787

>hence why I won't have sex
Fixed it for you.

>> No.18472794

It's always nice to see a poster so unbelievably retarded and out of his league that everyone gangs up on hims regardless of whatever beliefs he's arguing for.

>> No.18472798

You'll cowards dont even read Empedocles

>> No.18472812
File: 2.05 MB, 1318x3000, 1622544263458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can i fuck you femboy bussy while i read you some althusser
Quit objectifying me you incel fuck, even if i was a man you'd still be a disgusting creep, people like you are not even funny, you belong on r/TheRightCantMeme (which curiously has alot more subscribers than the inverse subreddit, hmmm i sure wonder why?)

>> No.18472823

found the poointhelooer

>> No.18472824

Holy shit, the left can't meme.

>> No.18472836

>femoid from reddit on /lit/

alright that explains everything

>> No.18472839
File: 66 KB, 752x1024, 6i94qa6leo161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't tell if you're baiting because there are people who earnestly believe this.

>> No.18472840

It's like an entire chapter of a picture book lmao

>> No.18472847

That's a troon.

>> No.18472850

Seriously. At this point I don't think it's even bait.
I think we're seeing this fag's genuine ideas.

>> No.18472854

Leftist “memes” be like:

>> No.18472862
File: 121 KB, 828x363, 482D3E73-F61E-4B3D-B716-A6BB7208018C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche, Mishima and Bronze Age Pervert who write fascist suffering apology as something that makes you grow or something spiritual, they are sheltered bourgeois pieces of shit.

Is this bait?

>> No.18472865
File: 301 KB, 680x396, 955FD76E-3044-4753-97CD-6B382F3E399D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m not reading all that. Sneed.

>> No.18472874
File: 79 KB, 499x500, Retort_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so chud alt-righters like you are too stupid and have too little attention span to read a joke that takes more than 5 seconds to understand? Who would have thought, fuck you, you're just proving your point that you're projecting when you say "we can't meme", you shitty neckbeards, and besides, our ability to meme is irrelevant, our ability to be moral and objective isn't, pic related

>> No.18472881

>your point
*my point

>> No.18472888


>> No.18472892

After reading his posts I think he's baiting but whoever made that image probably wasn't

>> No.18472898

I will now dedicate my life to creating a time machine so that I can plant you into a family that has their home raided my a Mongol invasion.

>> No.18472901

>our ability to meme is irrelevant, our ability to be moral and objective
The problem is that objectively speaking you are utterly amoral.
I don't even think of leftists as Human.
You're more like the "walkers" in a zombie flick. Once you were people, but now, you are simply the infected and a hazard to civilization.
By the way, REAL women don't need to dilate.

>> No.18472902

It's really funny in the same way downies are hilarious.

>> No.18472912

Hard to be sure, the talking points so perfectly mirror the real thing that I just can't be positive.
Either a master baiter, or a seriously retarded degenerate faggot.

>> No.18472916

Ok, I was gonna have an actual discussion (not necessarily taking sides) despite people making fun of you, but after seeing this I agree with those people.

>> No.18472922

>OP here, I’m also trans btw

>> No.18472924

>hyper-masculine privileged white businessman

This is what you choose to convey an image of strength?

Very problematic.

>> No.18472932

>everyone who disagrees with me is a zombie
How's high school, champ?

>> No.18472936

How can I see other posts by the same OP? This is probably bait

>> No.18472937
File: 559 KB, 1664x1974, 1596032618276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is that objectively speaking you are utterly amoral.
Says the chud who wants to kill everyone who is different from him, and ignores the LITERAL science from the WHO to enact his transphobic bias that we "aren't women"

>I don't even think of leftists as Human.
You're more like the "walkers" in a zombie flick. Once you were people, but now, you are simply the infected and a hazard to civilization.
Shut the fuck up, you're the one who's a hazard, you intolerant fuck, oh my FUCKING hell, you're the ones who spread white supremacy and cisheteronormativity and then come and go with your "both sides" bullshit, fuck you, we don't do the cancerous shit you do, we don't oppress, we don't destroy the earth, we don't treat everyone different from us like shit, we don't gaslight, we don't brainwash, we don't ignore science, YOU DO ALL THESE FUCKING THINGS AND THEN SOME

>By the way, REAL women don't need to dilate.
Wow, you know more than the WHO? Way to go expert, you're definitively the one who knows biology and psychology to tell us that we're "not real women"

>> No.18472941

We knew from the histrionic quality of your post. If there's one thing troons get right it's arguing like a woman.

>> No.18472946

Bro just chill and close the browser window. You aren't gonna convince anyone like this so you're basically having a fit for nothing

>> No.18472947

>scientific studies
What the fuck?

>> No.18472949

You're ruining your own bait.

>> No.18472960

Likely bait, but regardless, dilate.


>> No.18472977

You do know the consensus among activists (including those with organizational legitimacy) isn't the consensus among practitioners, right?

>> No.18472978
File: 247 KB, 560x500, RightCantMeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18472986

Wouldn't know. I'm in Trade school right now, bozo.

>Says the chud who wants to kill everyone who is different from him,
> and ignores the LITERAL science from the WHO to enact his transphobic bias that we "aren't women"
And I give a fuck about WHO why?
>Shut the fuck up,
Make me.
>you're the one who's a hazard, you intolerant fuck,
It wasn't the Klan that murdered 43 people and did 2 billion dollars in damage last year.
>oh my FUCKING hell, you're the ones who spread white supremacy and cisheteronormativity
Yes, as matter if fact, I do.
>and then come and go with your "both sides" bullshit, fuck you,
I think that you should be shot, I not interested in both sides.
>we don't do the cancerous shit you do,
43 dead.
>we don't oppress,
Fixing campaigns.
>we don't destroy the earth,
Portland is burning.
>we don't treat everyone different from us like shit,
Yes you do.
>we don't gaslight,
White genocide is a conspiracy theory, but libs can't wait for Whites to be a minority.
>we don't brainwash,
> we don't ignore science,
XX and XY. Other than RARE mutations, science says those are your options.
Not enough, apparently.
>Wow, you know more than the WHO?
>Way to go expert, you're definitively the one who knows biology and psychology to tell us that we're "not real women"
You will never be a woman.
Men mock your ghoulish appearance behind your back.
REAL women think that you're a pervert.
Children laugh at you to their friends.
Your parents are embarrassed by you.

>> No.18472995

Fixing campaigns is Doxxing campaigns.
Duck this phone and duck ducking spell check.

>> No.18473040

CRT is not brainwashing you frail white fuck, you've brought no arguments as to why it is, fuck you, anti-CRTers are just fucking monsters who want schools to be unable to talk about slavery and oppression, and to hide all dirty aspects of our history

>> No.18473047

All matter becomes disordered with the passage of time.
Life is the self-organization of matter.
To maintain self-organization, life must consume energy wihin an environment.
Living agents experience consciousness, or the qualia necessary to maintain order.
Disruption of the life-environment equilibrium manifests in life as suffering.
An inability to respond to such internal cues eventuates in the cessation of life.
The cessation of life results in the disordering of what was orderd.
The world does not change, except in matter becoming more disordered.
Suffering is a delusion on the part of self-organized matter.

>> No.18473062

Bro please don't just use these contemporary arguments of social suffering. You have to mention futility, billions of years of slaughter in wild kingdom and slaughter house called history. In contemplation world at least mention bullshit of wageslavery and gloomy economic landscape.

>> No.18473072

this other antinatard feels like the same poster desu


>> No.18473141
File: 95 KB, 618x741, BA4E5568-0834-41EC-BE09-898E4EEA3A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend reading the Sayings of the Desert Fathers. It says a lot about early Christian ascetic traditions and exemplifies how suffering can promote spiritual growth like you mentioned. I think there's a lot you could learn from them.

God bless and remember, Jesus loves you.

>> No.18473160

I grew up with slavery as a topic, you mongoloid twit.
CRT is a kike's effort at subversion.
It should be answered with gas.
You will never be a woman.

>> No.18473189
File: 949 KB, 1406x852, whathaveyougottolose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking HATE pieces of shit [...] who write fascist suffering apology as something that makes you grow or something spiritual, they are sheltered bourgeois pieces of shit

>people realize that our whole lives are absurd, awful and godless, as no benevolent creator

>true suffering is always unbearable, if it isn't unbearable it isn't true suffering
Cringe, lacking sound reasoning.

>Loneliness is caused by hostility, which is caused by capitalist culture; Conflict is caused by greed, which is caused by competition, which is caused by capitalist hierarchy; Intolerance is caused by anger, which is caused by fear of the different, which is caused by capitalist propaganda. Anti-intellectualism is caused by backwards thinking, which is caused by religious thinking
Cringe, immature and uneducated opinion

>We must destroy all human-made hierarchy

>utopic perfection

Have sex

>> No.18473194

>by slaying the dragon, the root of all suffering...
>Social inequality.
lmao excellent bait
i guess not enough people get the gist of ligotti to fall for it properly but dammit it made me laff

>> No.18473595

>Nietzsche didn't suffer
>Nietzsche was a fascist
both wrong

>> No.18473761

Help me, I am laughing out loud

>> No.18473775

look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.18473817

>Social inequality
People are biologically unequal why are you expecting them to ever be socially equal?

>> No.18473856
File: 61 KB, 900x900, brom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was ill his entire life, suffering from insomia, nausea, chronic pains, digestion problem and thus being unable to eat except in small amounts and of specific foods. His works were panned and ripped apart by critics or else completely ignored, his intellectual rivals like Wagner beat him in ever aspect. He died alone, cared for only by a Sister who hated him, slowly and painful of a horrible mental and physical malady, losing his mind and control of his own body while his Sister screwed with his work and twisted it to support antisemitism and German nationalism.

But yeah, sure, he didn't know suffering. Come on now, pathetic faggot.

>> No.18473862

>We must destroy all human-made hierarchy

if you really believed this, you'd go to the jungles of Brazil and live like a wild man

>> No.18473866

He was still a straight white male

>> No.18473871

Epictetus, Jesus

>> No.18473872

The bait is so obvious how the fuck are you guys falling for it

>> No.18473878

>how the fuck are you guys falling for it
Right-wingers are retarded.

>> No.18473925

Nonono you don't get it
It didn't drive him to suicide, so by OP's retarded No-True-Scotsman definition of "suffering", it's not "true suffering"

>> No.18473962

The joke is that "Feed" and "Seed" have the same last letters as "Sneed", so if it was owned by "Chuck" the name would be "Chuck's Fhuck and Shuck"

>> No.18473980

Pretty much.

>> No.18474045

I've been thinking about it, and I came to conclusion the belief that the highest moral duty is to reduce pain and suffering is about as anti-life as you can get.

Life is suffering, and everything that makes one successful in life is painful and causes suffering. Hard work, exercise, child birth, responsibility, etc, etc. They all cause pain and suffering because pain and suffering are the price of greatness.

Also the reduction (or elimination) of pain and suffering can't be an end but a means. What is the purpose of life without suffering? To be happy? Happiness is an emotion. You can choose to feel happy regardless of your circumstances, so if you're unhappy it's because you're choosing to be unhappy, and that's your own problem. Nobody has the power, let alone the duty, to make you happy.

Evolution/Darwinism/Natural Selection is not pretty, but it works. competition and creating winners and losers is how humanity rose above other animals, how empires shaped the world, and why you're reading this on 4chan instead of making cave-paintings with your feces.

Lastly, there are several alternatives that don't create moral duties on others if your goal is to reduce pain and suffering. These include:
- The "Brave New World" solution where you give people drugs to make them feel happy and not feel pain.
- Remove the parts of someone's brain that causes them to be sad or process suffering so they can be blissful idiots.
- Eliminate all lifeforms that are capable of feeling pain and suffering altogether, thus eliminating pain and suffering itself (especially humans)
- Develop a masochistic fetish where you train yourself to process pain as pleasure and get into the cock and ball torture scene.
- Kill yourself

>> No.18474261

>human life under capitalism is unbearable
Agreed until this; if the people you are talking about are so sheltered from actual trauma, how is the system unbearable? By your own observations it is sheltering.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

>> No.18474275

i haven't bothered to read your entire post but from the first few lines i can incur you're a whiny faggot. kill yourself

>> No.18474276

There are genuinely people exactly like that, they just very rarely come here

>> No.18474372

OP also hasn't killed himself

>> No.18474390

Terry Gilliam type beat

>> No.18474430
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>just read Mainlander, Cioran or Ligotti and try to refute them, i dare you

>> No.18474458

>distaste for my physical condition

>> No.18474476


>> No.18474477

This doesn't say anything about American-brand capitalism, which does rest on a military basis.

>> No.18474506

Oh you're one of those unsufferable solipsistic pricks that think they're the only ones who suffer, aren't you? never have I ever wanted an anon to genuinely kill themselves more than now. Please do.

>> No.18474550

>You are upset because you have to have a job.

>> No.18474559

Please just try to get a job and earn money

>> No.18474564

>Medical conditions later in life? Are you implying the average man under capitalism does not experience similar things throughout their ENTIRE lives, on their body and their brain?
He actually had medical conditions his whole life that caused him immense suffering, mostly through migraines, since childhood.

>> No.18474584

>We must destroy all human-made hierarchy because we are too flawed and awful, as our nature is born from this awful world of suffering and hierarchy, to lead benevolently, we need a perfect being, a machine, an AI God to lead us to utopic perfection where no one has to suffer, and live in bliss, a perfect handcrafted world by this savior, until the Heat Death of the Universe.
based deus ex player

>> No.18474593

>mostly through migraines,

>my heady weady huwts ;_;

>> No.18474602

Kino thread

>> No.18474770

>calls people sheltered bourgeois pieces of shit
>wants "social inequality" to end
I want you to know that I am laughing at you for being a vapid moron.
I am an extremely high empathy anti-capitalist, anti-abrahamic traditionalist who prefers his own race. Democracy is bullshit. Marxism is just capitalism redux. Equality is retarded, equity is even worse.
Take your stupid, unoriginal ideas and keep them to yourself.

>> No.18475750

America is not a militaristic aristocracy, no.

>> No.18476227

OP subverts the philosophical pessimism by this thread, pretending to be a deranged leftist tranny.

>> No.18476245

It was for a time.

>> No.18476253
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>> No.18476258

OP didn’t take his pills today.

>> No.18476290

>dude get raped it builds character lmao
i think you've completely and utterly missed the point of "fascist suffering apology"

>> No.18476487


>Marxism is just capitalism redux

I physically felt my brain get smoother as I read this

>> No.18476491
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You are valid

>> No.18476502

>he actually believes marxism will translate into anything but state capitalism
I dont think your brain can get any smoother than it already is kiddo

>> No.18477791

if you really are in constant pain due to some sort of chronic-degenerative, untreatable disease just off yourself and stop polluting this board with your personal blog like threads and posts please

>> No.18477815

>implying the AI God will grant us bliss and not punish us

>> No.18478102

Nietzsche suffered a insane amount, what are you talking about.

>> No.18478110

Nietzsche at one point drank his own piss from a cup and masturbated 12 times in a day when going insane from syphilis was common when syphilis spreads to the brain. He suffered about as much as anyone you can find.
Literally the suffering of Christ is comparable.

>> No.18478388


>> No.18478656

Have sex.

>> No.18478674

>i have depression and filled with all kinds of anxiety and distaste for my physical condition
Can you kill yourself? Please? I legitimately think you bring nothing to the table for anyone, even your family; I think they would all be better off if you did not exist.

>> No.18478699

>Medical conditions later in life? Are you implying the average man under capitalism does not experience similar things throughout their ENTIRE lives, on their body and their brain?

Just because you presumably suffer more than others doesn't invalidate their suffering. For a post in which you preach about the lack of empathy you come off as pretty narcisistic yourself

>> No.18478711

*lack of empathy of these writers

>> No.18478722

>burgeois unironically
i mean, i might even agree to some extent, but you're insufferable complaining is exactly what they write about

>> No.18478724

Holy shit, I fucking hate Americans so goddamn much. I am so tired of all of this pointless culture war bullshit. Every thread I go into is meaningless braindead shitflinging. Fuck Americans.

>> No.18478738


>> No.18478922

It originated in Germany though, Marx and then the Frankfurt School, blame the Jewish-Germans.

>> No.18478955

Actual fucking moron

>> No.18479014

hahah I was going to say roughly what >>18476502 did.
Do you really not understand? Oh man. Is there a word for getting filtered but not realizing it?

>> No.18479052
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pic related.

>> No.18479132

>federico ferrando, a friend of Quiroga, arranged a duel with a journalist. Quiroga was cleaning his friend's gun when the gun accidentally shoots his friend in the face, killing him instantly
That's just funny.

>> No.18479155

g o outside you pussy

>> No.18479277

The sad thing is this probably isn't even a troll, I know lots of boring fags who talk just like you. What I hate most about this at the end of the day is how restricted to one small Internet subculture it is. Meme Marxism, meme utilitarianism, meme Nietzsche, meme fascists, meme AI transhumanism, your scope is limited to the world of edgy pseuds from /lit/ and nauseating Facebook philosophy grad meme pages with names like Existentialist Memes for Postmodern Teens. I assume you also watch a lot of YouTube and listen to people with fried out sterile voices rant about Camus or whatever for twelve minutes. Please expand your horizons and read some authors from at least before the late nineteenth century, all this breadtube streamer nick land acceleration tranny nietzsche debate me reddit existential-comics shit is getting extremely old and sad. Hell I don't even go on /lit/ much these days, I check it and see a thread like this, remember why I left. Please for the love of God read something instead of just browsing wordy Facebook memes about Nietzsche and Marx. Start with the Greeks. Saged and saddened.

>> No.18479451

he got some recognition at the end of his life, which is nice

>> No.18479541

we are imperfect anon and neither is the world. there are so many flaws and aspects that we simply cant avoid and suffer not. no utopia will fix this if the world isnt perfect at the start, you cant build a roof with the foundation

>> No.18479551

>and now for something completely different

>> No.18479559

AI transhumanists are bases though.

>> No.18479570


>> No.18479633

guarantee OP had a comfortable upbringing and is compensating for it

>> No.18479810

Me too but honestly I'd rather work my crappy job than have to try to put some guy's intestines back into his body during the franco-prussian war

>> No.18479837

I like and agree with Ligotti but OP you are a giga sperg

>> No.18480111
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kek. based digits

>> No.18480121
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>> No.18480152

Don’t kill yourself, anon. Have you sought out help?

>> No.18480167

Does this “hedonic balance” really exist, though? What determines when it’s negative?

>> No.18480179

You're a mentally ill tranny so your opinion isn't worth a damn lmfao

Cope, have sex, and get a job, loser.

>> No.18480195

>"our ability to meme is irrelevant, our ability to be moral and objective isn't, pic related"
>proceeds to post a pathetic, forced and shitty leftist fail at memeing

you just proved our argument yourself faggot. Cope and seethe, left can't meme.

>> No.18480199
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>> No.18480223

I completely agree with your point, the bourgeoise always like to glorify misery and the like. For example, take a nigger woman from Rwanda. She probably saw her entire family butchered with machetes while she was raped. I wonder what would these authors would said about her, particularly with her opinions which would probably be "God does everything I'm sad I don't even know how to read". She would be classified as yet some other pedestrian human who would accomplish nothing.

>> No.18480239

>they have never suffered
>literally the next sentence
>everyone suffers under capitalism
which one is it, OP

>> No.18480251

Foolish Acolyte of Apollo. You should know by now to revel in the suffering and the growth opportunity it brings. Those who break and stagnate under pressure lack the Vitality to thrive in this reality. If you become one of the broken, you either accept your position, or refuse to surrender and contest for the power you know you have.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the abject suffering of all God's creatures. Your desire for comfort is a cultural psychosis.

>> No.18481087

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with the abject suffering of all God's creatures.
You people are fucking sick, i wish all conservatards would fucking die
You think there is not a huge problem with THIS?

>> No.18481188

Not him but, what's the problem exactly?
t. komodo dragon

>> No.18481364
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You're delusional if you think people like him want to improve

>> No.18481382

I thought that video was gonna be a factory farm or war crimes or some shit. There is nothing wrong with a predator eating prey.

>> No.18481457


>> No.18481522

>Are you implying the average man under capitalism does not experience similar things throughout their ENTIRE lives, on their body and their brain?
Can you prove that capitalism does this to the average man? Faggot.

>> No.18481574

>working for monsters who strip us of our rightfully earned produce, and who are intolerant towards everyone who is not like them, who is not "traditional" like them, who pretend that their cruelty, paranoia and greed is a "valid worldview", that is indeed torture, i'm on the brink of suicide because my suffering is very much real and growing unbearable, fuck you, and fuck "tough guy" mentality pieces of shit like Nietzsche
Just kek. I mean, this is the absolute state of the average indoctrinated critical theory faggot. I bet you didn't come up with this view by yourself, it was stamped on your brain. Also,
>who strip us of our rightfully earned produce
I'm brazilian, so I don't know the name you call Marx's "mais-valia", but this theory was refuted before it was even created. Value is subjective, thus "mais-valia" does not exist.

>> No.18481986


>> No.18482389

Fukumoto work hits different man. If I wasn't a schizo I could use it as a frame for living desu. He's one of the greats at writing about mundane aspects of life.

>> No.18482589
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And we will use gene-drives to abolish all suffering. Someday, the idea that we allowed *random* selection forces to dictate human happiness will seem absurd. Don't allow some malevolent sub-network of your brain to torture you. Rise up against this pointless punishment and you might live to experience pleasures you never imagined.

>> No.18482697

calm down, retard

>> No.18482817

You're fucking sick, i hope you get into an agonizing and torturous position like that deer so then you can realize how unbearable it is, "oh it's no big deal", sheltered bourgeois fuck, billions of innocent animals suffer and die because of piece of shit humans like you

>> No.18482827

It's naive to think a state of existence where nobody is violently exploited in some way is possible.

>> No.18482835

Go back to re*dit, please. I'll even give you an upboat.

>> No.18482867

Hemingway, Jünger, Salinger, Mailer, Aurelius, arguably Camus
You sound like a massive entitled cunt, btw.

>> No.18482872

>It's naive to think a state of existence where nobody is violently exploited in some way is possible.
IT LITERALLY IS, oh my fucking god

We're already working towards it
Read my fucking post, you retarded suffering-fetishizing sadist with no attention span
The existence of social hierarchies is the root of all of human suffering, it's painfully clear when you really analyze it; Material goods are what brings happiness to people who are not religious and insane, and those higher on the hierarchy steal your rightuflly earned mateiral goods, this is the source of our suffering
Therefore, we need to design a powerful being, an AI that's perfect AS IN, perfect moralitty, it will equally redistribute all resources in the world and chemically alter us to eliminate the suffering, and kill any backwards thinking brute who tries to oppose this
This is already being done, and the workers all over the world are already waking up to how awful life under hierarchy is, and plotting to seize the means of production, which is why we are going to reach the end of history finally, perfect utopia
Literally just read Das Kapital

>> No.18482874

Lack of any type of suffering over long periods of time makes people weak and gullible. How will your ideal society combat this?

>> No.18482901

Your privileged lifestyle contributes to the deaths of countless animals every year. What are you doing about that?
You sound like a petulant teenager who is just beginning to realize existence is cold and violent and is angered by their complete impotence to do anything in the face of it.

>> No.18482910
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>> No.18482918

So you agree with them, or are incapable of proofreading before posting on a forum dedicated to LITERATURE?

>> No.18482933

Thread is too long to read, so I'll just state the obvious: those messages about the benefits of suffering shouldn't come to you from a book.

>> No.18482942

>Lack of any type of suffering over long periods of time makes people weak and gullible.
Citation needed

>How will your ideal society combat this?
Cope bourgeois, we won't need to combat this, your cruel kind will be long exterminated by the time utopia is installed, you are outnumbered and we have nothing to lose but our chains

>You sound like a petulant teenager who is just beginning to realize existence is cold and violent and is angered by their complete impotence to do anything in the face of it.
Anger is the root of all activism, atleast i'm not an apathetic monster like you who engages in learned helplessness, also YOU'RE the one who's spoiled, considering you've likely never suffered in your life, you disgustingly romanticize it because you've never known it

>> No.18482964

>Let me make baseless assumptions instead of using logic.
I was raised poor, have been in combat, addicted, imprisoned and homeless. And then came through all that. I volunteer helping at risk youths and fellow vets and donate to charities now.
What the fuck are you doing except complaining and insulting people anonymously on 4chan?

>> No.18482987

I see. This thread is about vomiting your fefes. Or very high level trolling. Carry on.

>> No.18482993

>I was raised poor, have been in combat, addicted, imprisoned and homeless.
Well, it seems like you've suffered, the only rational explanation i can find why you still deny that we need to destroy this disgusting capitalist world of suffering, is that you're a self-hating catholic raised with religious self-flagelation that lasts even after abandoning religion, like Nietzsche
I feel sorry for you man, stop punishing yourself, join the cause

>> No.18482998

Larping faggot

>> No.18482999
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>human life under capitalism is unbearable
Lmao-ing at your life.
>Mainlander, Cioran or Ligotti and try to refute them, i dare you
For what purpose? I agree with them, yet I still won't become insufferable like you.
>Suffering is unbearable and so bad it can't be described, true suffering is always unbearable, if it isn't unbearable it isn't true suffering,
>it's the things that ruin your life if you experience them even once, torture, rape, starvation.
I was raped as a child, yet I'm still here as a functioning adult because I chose not to make a single(or even a multitude of) event to define my existence. It happened. Ok? Will being mad about it undo it? No. So why get upset?
>Social inequality
Do better in school.
>If Marx...
>We must
We must a lot of things, yet we don't just because we wish it. I wish a lot of things, but they don't happen merely because I want it. This applies to everyone. Learn to accept that.
>destroy all human-made hierarchy because we are too flawed and awful
We must also destroy crime and bad ppl!!!!!
>we need
We need a lot of things, and I need a lot of things, but I don't have them just because I want them. Accept that and move on.
>we need a perfect being, a machine, an AI God to lead us to utopic perfection where no one has to suffer, and live in bliss, a perfect handcrafted world by this savior, until the Heat Death of the Universe.
I'll admit, this part gave me a good laugh.

>> No.18483011

Stop blaming capitalism for the world's ills. Communism in practice is worse. Those in power always benefit and the poor are always taken advantage of.
Any system will be corrupted by human nature. It is inevitable.

>> No.18483016

Me? I am not sheltered or bourgeois. Chances are you're probably a middle-class straight white cis man who has never experienced "unbearable" suffering in his entire life.

>> No.18483025

Did you just assume xer religion?

>> No.18483039

I have been raped, I have been tortured, and I completely disagree with your assessment. You're just a wimp.

>> No.18483052

>Any system will be corrupted by human nature.
Dammit, when will you understand that greed, hostility and unfairness are NOT some built-in human aspecr, it's a result of our material conditions and capitalism, we're born tabula rasa, and molded by dialectical materialism, the science is settled
In a world where no one is fed tons of capitalist brainwashing, and where no one is allowed to be a psychopath, there WOULDN'T be the hostility and greed that generate capitalism in the first place! When will it get through your intolerantly thick skulls?

>> No.18483058

ok this has to be bait, no one is this stupid

>> No.18483067
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Again. Foolish Acolyte of Apollo. It is arrogant to think you can understand the mind of God/Nature & especially so to think a manmade order would surpass Nature's chaos. Please enjoy this excerpt from the end of Ernest Becker's Denial of Death, which is one of my favorite books.