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/lit/ - Literature

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1846797 No.1846797 [Reply] [Original]

I have over 100 pirated books on my kindle.

you mad, lit?

>> No.1846806

Only mad about the kindle.

>> No.1846825

I am beginning to hate this culture of 4chan.
Its just not a very pleasant place to be.

>> No.1846871

Who cares - I have around 8000 on a thumbdrive, ready to copy over to my Kindle when I want.

>> No.1846875

Books need to be pirated. No author should be paid for their work. Books should be written to tell a story, not to make money. Authors will degrade the quality of their writing by serializing books instead of actually making them good in themselves, just to make money.

We really need to have all books ever written legally available for free to anyone who wants to read them.

>> No.1846891

As someone who actually owns a Kindle and thought it was a waste of money and prefers to read his pirated ebooks on a laptop, no.

>> No.1846892
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>We really need to have all books ever written legally available for free to anyone who wants to read them.

>> No.1846893


When will your beloved writer write if he has to work in another job to allow you to read the content he was working on freely?

Not sure if trolling, seriously.

>> No.1846894
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>He reads from a screen

>> No.1846896

Do you know what a library is?

>> No.1846901

i dont think anyone buys books on the kindle. i dont anyway.

>> No.1846911


In his free time, obviously. It's not like he'd be slaving himself for 12 hours a day with a regular job. Writing isn't the most hardest in the world to do. He'd be writing in part to be an attention whore and to become famous, gaining credibility and the possibility to get paid to speak at places, ect.

Same thing with music. Musicians shouldn't get paid for their music unless they appear live at concert or something.

>> No.1846917
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>Writing isn't the most hardest in the world to do.

>> No.1846923

Good writing is.

>> No.1846956

Writing a novel takes a long time — and I don't mean four-weeks-long but nights-of-despair-and-self-treachery-followed-by-low-peeks-due-to-common-perfectionism long — and I would be kind of disgruntled if I didn't get even a small bit of money after finishing it and seeing my whole strenuous efforts and terrible struggle and hard-working-but-not-that-kind-of-hard-working just being vanished away forever and ever.
It's like mental Auschwitz.

>> No.1846958

no, it really isnt. no matter how much you want to make excuses for your shitty writing. its harder to be a rocket scientist than a good writer

>> No.1846963
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>intellectual property rights

>> No.1846965

I don't think so..because rocket science has correct answers, and follows its premise logically to discover new answers..the entire thing is mechanical..creative writing on the other hand has no basis for ''correct''..and honestly the people who are published most often are of the privileged class so writing/art is kind of the worst popularity contest since high school..and the rich kids still win..I agree that writing isn't so hard, if you enjoy it..but getting published is extremely difficult and gaining recognition might cost you your self-respect.

>> No.1846970

rocket science has correct answers and literature may have no basis for "correct" answers but there is also no "incorrect" answers either. if i write something that gets reviewed poorly i would easily take that loss of self respect over the loss of a crew of people because of a design flaw.

>> No.1846971

Are you saying the writing doesn't have correct answers?

>> No.1846972
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>~800 pirated books on my kindle that I hand picked and meticulously sorted in a list to read
Where is your god now OP

>> No.1846973

Yeah I agree actually.
Not in the sense that a natural science would..The subjective content of creative writing outweighs it's objective stimulation..

>> No.1846979

>Not in the sense that a natural science would..The subjective content of creative writing outweighs it's objective stimulation..
Two things:
You've confused rocket design and rocket science; design based disciplines are not scientific in their approach
The development of a science is not logical, nor does it have "correct" answers

>> No.1846994
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>mfw i have over 1300

>> No.1847003
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1500+ bitches.

>> No.1847005

> I have xxx books on my kindle
> I will read two of them
> forever a non-reader

>> No.1847009

sucks to be you

>> No.1847020


You appear to have been 'beaten'

>> No.1847022

I have twice as many ebooks as anyone else.

>> No.1847041

no u

>> No.1847049
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>Books should be written to tell a story

>> No.1848061

An interesting topic

>> No.1848069

Philip José Farmer has said that he should have never taken up writing full time. He may have had less time to write, but he had more time to think and let his imagination take over.
That aside. I agree with you.
I'd like a perfect world where books were free but it was customary to pay a sales fee to the vendor, and add a donation to the author. But in this world it's not possible.

>> No.1848076
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>> No.1848105

>people who think books should be free
>actual authors
Never the twain shall meet.

>> No.1848110

>mfw OP is a newfag

I have over 9000 e-books on my kindle.

>> No.1848117

>American teenagers thinking that they're edgy and cool because they pirate things
Dude, like 90% of all intellectual products I ever used were pirated. My PC has a pirated Windows with pirated programs like Photoshop or Autocad, my game folder is full of pirated games, I never bought a movie DVD, I download camrips, warez and free e-books, board games in print-n-play versions etc. Tl;dr - fuck you.

>> No.1848279

I just ordered my kindle.
Someone recommend me something to pirate, plz.

>> No.1848280

Pirate a kindle.

>> No.1848283

oh you burned me good!

>> No.1848285



>> No.1848287

That is truly helpful!
Thank you good sir/madam!

>> No.1848300 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.93 MB, 1000x1000, Zelazny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about more direct offerings?

>> No.1848321

OK for starters, I guess. If you check Demonoid, there's an 8000 e-book .torrent for Kindle users [there's also an .epub version]