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18466535 No.18466535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone increased their life satisfaction by reading?

>> No.18466547

Yeah I have.

>> No.18466557


>> No.18466580

I'm lovesick <:3

>> No.18466590

How can people just decide to sleep for eight hours?

>> No.18466612

Ever heard of will power?

>> No.18466619

I’ve staved off my life disappointment by reading.

>> No.18466621

I used to get these bouts of existential angst as a teen and kid because I thought that everything is meaningless and that one day I will day and everything will stop existing. Then I read Plato, Plotinus, started studying mathematics and became a bloomer.

>> No.18466690

Most people have a specific time to wake up.
But also, most people do not have a specific bedtime. They just stay awake until exhaustion sends them to bed. sometimes its midnight or even 1am midweek.

Going to bed earlier might feel like a daft thing to do, especially if you are hyped up on sugar and caffeine and can't sleep.

But drop the sugar and the caffeine, and you'll be sleepy ahead of time and your sleep pattern will readjust naturally.

8 hours is also a guide, most people can do with 7.

>> No.18466732

>you'll be unrecognisable
I will still be ugly and recognisable as such. Alas!

>> No.18466742

how the fuck does one meditate, bros?

>> No.18466778

Theres a lot of resources out there for you to look at my man, no need to ask us.

>> No.18466782

dont think about shit

>> No.18466797

just be present, I'm meditating while typing this

>> No.18466803

but which are the correct sources? there are tons of methods. why even post this image?

>> No.18466808

Find somewhere silent or listen to soothing/repetitive music, close your eyes, and focus on nothing but your breathing for as long as you can. This always works for me

>> No.18466813

Replace the water for raw milk and blood. Then replace the fruits/veggies with raw meat and organs. Now you're good.

>> No.18466891

I'd say i'm enjoying my life more now that i read instead of gaming

>> No.18466898

Well, there are multiple types of meditation. Look for the one that appeals to you most.

>> No.18466920

>Has anyone increased their life satisfaction by reading?
It's one thing to read a good book
But it's another thing entirely to be a reader.
If you're watching Tv all the time, you won't be as satisfied as if you were reading books all the time.
Transitioning from someone who reads a good book he finds once in a while to a serial, continuous book reader has definitely increased the satisfaction I get from life
This is because I always know I have a project to finish. I always know I have another life to live, another story to follow, another world to get lost in.
Unlike television, it never gets old

>> No.18467085

>no sweets
no fuck you I am addicted to energy drinks
otherwise I do all of those already

>> No.18467507

I literally do almost all of this.
I am more racist and mysoginist since I stop drinking.

>> No.18467558

sit down, shut up, watch your thoughts.

That's it basically.

>> No.18467563
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Yes, I did it by reading pic related.

>> No.18467570

It is the only thing that gives me satisfaction

>> No.18467663

Taking HRT does not count as improvement.

>> No.18467694

I like this trend of doing good just for superficial physical benefits.
So shallow. Basically one stop above women fasting not to curb their desires but out of a desire for beauty.

>> No.18467695

Anon, did your phone autocorrect N.H.K.?

>> No.18467708
File: 59 KB, 526x600, 661E88BD-9F5F-4DCC-93CB-FBE9B62F7D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I feel good when I read a nice book. I feel satisfaction particularly when I finish it. I enjoy the questions I ask during and after reading a book. Reading is good.

>> No.18467714

Someone put in brackets "the classics" between read and for.

>> No.18467719
File: 405 KB, 459x514, 61166F7D-415C-4A70-85D0-443E4F6E2810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your containment board, Ketolard. This place is for people who can read or at least pretend to.

>> No.18467725

Do people really not drink water? I have a 2 liter jug with me that I refill at least 3 times a day.

>> No.18467744

Imagination then after 15 mins of to sleep.

>> No.18467746

>so sweets
>eat fruit daily

What a stupid chart. Look up the sugar and caloric content of fruits.

>> No.18467753

Friendly reminder that no one in your genetic lineage has had a carnivore diet for at least 40,000 years.
Your genes are better suited to a plant only diet.
Fucking clown

>> No.18467758

Yes, I started reading this year and I think if I didn't start reading I would have died out of boredom of that makes sense. I had NOTHING to do.

>> No.18467765

Yes its helped my creativity, also stories/nonfiction are amazing feeling to read through.

>> No.18467778

Pleb take kys

>> No.18467792


>> No.18467793

>watch your thoughts
Um no. My thoughts are too assaulting. They need to be stamped out and killed not indulged.

>> No.18467796
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>Friendly reminder that no one in your genetic lineage has had a carnivore diet for at least 40,000 years.
>Your genes are better suited to a plant only diet.
>Fucking clown

>> No.18467819

Sounds good, let me just quit my job so I'll have time to do that.

>> No.18467862

>I'll have time to do that.
You have time to browse this board. Probably addicted to social media and "cooming" to clothed images of women on instagram.

Ask me how I know you're 5'6 and went bald before your 25th birthday.

>> No.18467871

>You have time to browse this board
I actually don't, I am neglecting sleep because I am dreading yet another day wasted at the office.

>> No.18467886

Ive been waking up at 5 all week for work. I know I should go to bed at 9 but I stay up shitposting til 11

>> No.18467909

I brew tea using the original Chinese method. It requires me to sit down and not do anything else for an hour or so while I just enjoy drinking the tea

You just need to remove yourself from any distraction and live in the moment for a little bit. In an age where everyone is constantly stimulated by something, whether it be with their cell phone or computer, just a few minutes a day of getting away from that can make a massive difference in your mental wellbeing

>> No.18467910

I do all of these things except the meditating and I'm still miserable

>> No.18467915

That just means you need to start the meditating, everything is completely in your control bro, you're just a failure for not grinding enough.

>> No.18467925

Not him, but are you claiming our ancestors could live off plants only? Because they couldn't just, like feeding on meat only, it's blatanly wrong. They wouldn't be able to get their necessary nutrients from all the corners of the world to sustain their diet like basedboys do today.

>> No.18467927

>he left out the most important part and expected results

>> No.18467932

For me it's not getting to bed late but waking up early that's the problem. 5-6 hours max. After that sometimes I can manage a sort of daydream fugue state, sometimes not, but this is often nightmarish.

>> No.18467933

Onions boys* fuck this filter

>> No.18467957

Wow you made me realize I had a major breakthrough in my life after watching Welcome to the NHK

>> No.18468061

based filter

>> No.18468224

god damn bros, i love this lil frog like you guys wouldn't believe

>> No.18468277


>> No.18468282


I literally do all this shit and I'm a depressed neet

>> No.18468380
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>> No.18468474

>have sex

>> No.18468549

come on. i can do everything else, but that's too much.

>> No.18468752

Never read the novel but is it true it says the jews have japan by the balls using economic terrorism or something alike?