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18465718 No.18465718 [Reply] [Original]

the worst novel

>> No.18465725

Just because it is notoriously difficult doesn't make it horrible. There are actually some beautiful passages near the end of the novel.

>> No.18465794

Not sure how you got
Nor does it follow that the worst novel can't have
>actually some beautiful passages near the end.
So I still maintain that it is the worst novel.

>> No.18465848

How can a single book offend /lit/ so much

>> No.18465865

By what fallacious peregrination of reasoning did you happen upon the notion that the novel must have
on account of its being called the
I should say that there are more offensive works than the one in question, yet no one would ever think to call them the worst.

>> No.18466177

>fallacious peregrination
wow u must be really smart

>> No.18466178

pretty much

>> No.18466185


>> No.18466300

how do you enjoy reading it then?

>> No.18466765

Ok then, how would you define "worst" in this context.

>> No.18466805

It is more modernist poetry than a novel desu. Some sections of it get stuck in my head like music.
"Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passen- core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war"

>> No.18466847

ah the classic 'i don't understand it so there can't be anything there' take. do you think highly complicated advanced mathematics is bullshit too because you're too retarded to comprehend it? you don't expect to understand that kind of work without laying groundwork. I'd tell you to become more knowledgeable in order to appreciate FW but you undoubtedly don't have the capacity to ever grasp it. You demonstrated that by making this thread.

>> No.18466926

In what way is the
novel naturally one which is not
Can I not enjoy the worst novel, just as I might enjoy the worst flavor of ice cream, or I might like to drive the worst car?

Few in this thread seem to have stopped to consider the meaning of
so I will clarify. By
I mean that, of all novels, Finneans Waking is the by far the worst, seeing that there is no way to turn it to make it read in a coherent way. Who but a curmudgeon would think to include Finnen's Way on a list of the best novels? Just imagine the situation: so far, War and Peace, Don Quixote, and others have been brought to the table, and suddenly someone mentions Finn's Way: annoyed or concerned stares ensue; some have heat flashes, worried that soon the group will have to discuss what is the definition of a novel, and whether Fiend's Wiki falls under it. However, it would be obvious that Friend's Wake offends on every essential mark.

For anyone to call it the best or even a good novel is an obvious fanatic. But this pushes us into bad territory, and in fact we have to finally conclude that every other novel is closer to being good or the best than Finnegan, so that all that is left is to declare that it is the worst. But this in nowise means that it must be either difficult, or horrible, or ugly, or offensive, or unenjoyable.

>> No.18467179

>I couldn't read finnegans wake
>therefore no one can

>> No.18467186

Yes I agree with what you said. I like Finnegan's Wake, and I would be comfortable calling it the worst novel

>> No.18467328

there is in my midwit opinion a slight correlation between enjoyable and good. Sure, I've read a few books that are great but not enjoyable but FW is so incredibly unenjoyable I don't believe it to be any good.

>> No.18467574

Cite three of them.

>> No.18467594

1Q84 is far worse.

>> No.18467602
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How about we discuss the best novel instead.