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18464245 No.18464245 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else just realized what a fucking cope reading is? I have no social life, no gf yet I've read the greeks, nietzsche, tolstoy, dosto, basically all the classics, yet I realized how all of this means fuck all. You can be a literal retard, never read a book, screwed all your exams, have a shit job etc, but if you have a good and outgoing personality you literally can't suffer

>> No.18464255

Lol just talk to some girls incel, pussy is easy

>> No.18464256

>Ayone else just realized what a fucking cope reading is for me? for myself in my situation by my choices?! I don't know how to manage my time or life!!!!!
yes we realize it by your post.

>> No.18464257

What exactly isn’t a cope?

>> No.18464265


>> No.18464285

I don’t even agree with that.

>> No.18464292

Sour grapes

>> No.18464299

It’s not.

>> No.18464303

Coping much?

>> No.18464308

>doing something i enjoy is a cope
well then

>> No.18464311

Casual sex is the pinnacle of cope

>> No.18464319

Everything you do is either an effort to get pussy, or a distraction from getting no pussy. Accept the fact.

>> No.18464320

I don’t think so. I don’t even see how that could be a cope.

>> No.18464326

What if you're gay?

>> No.18464328

Just replace pussy with cock or ass

>> No.18464350

I wanna be your friend anon

>> No.18464357

If that was true people would just social skills maxx all day, yet other things seem to get done.

>> No.18464382

All art, literature, whatever are supplements - not substitutes. FACT!

>> No.18464385

>but if you have a good and outgoing personality you literally can't suffer
Maybe you didn't read enough

>> No.18464388

read for pleasure, anon. stop imagining it to be some exercise in self-cultivation.

>> No.18464404

Absolutely not :3

A 'cope' is a depressing and meaningless word. You have to do something you feel like doing for its sake, not because you feel like you need to by arbitrary standards :3

You'll start to see an influx of people posting about relationships etc etc now that Butterfly has posted about believing in God etc etc (she loves me a lil).

Just realize that neither me nor her will ever stop supporting people that need help.

>> No.18464411
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>he can’t find fulfillment in readings
Sounds like big YOU problem, not a problem in books you incel

>> No.18464535

>he reads to cope
You don't read for fun?

>> No.18464573


if you have a room like this the government should force you to be homeless

>> No.18464623

Imagine if you are outgoing and well read.
Lots of doors open than even to just good looks.

>> No.18464666


>> No.18464694

Im good looking, well read, witty and out going. Still want to kill myself everyday.

>> No.18464706
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Anyone else realize what a fucking cope frogposting is?

>> No.18464729

Are you actually reading because you want to, because it's enjoyable, for the pursuit of opening up new channels of thought, to understand new ideas? Or are you just reading to get laid? What's going on, big guy?

>> No.18464737

You just start knowing people what they are instantly and can work them out based on that. Most normies fall in a few statistical categories if you are just aquaintances. I have no problem learning new stuff to do at my office job(which is transitioning into a programming job soon), because concepts are easy to digest after you've been digesting tens of different philosophical systems.

When you understand that Hegel has written an Ethics books, when he actually hasn't, then you are ready.

>> No.18464758
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>tripfagging for attention
god I hate "women"

>> No.18464769

>makes false claim
>posts his battle station for attention
Stupid males.

>> No.18464782
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>makes false claim
Factual: You are a retarded attention whore.

>> No.18464784

Yes. Now learn to write.

>> No.18464795


>> No.18464798
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>still derailing (a shit thread) for attention

>> No.18464804

how (srs)

>> No.18464819

learn how to accurately express ideas through writing

>> No.18464826

The irony is my writing isn't good enough to elicit a proper response to my 'how to write' question, instead I get garbage like this:
>learn how to accurately express ideas through writing

>> No.18464827

Just fuck hookers

>> No.18464835

im going to rape her

>> No.18464864
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or you're too much of a retard to grasp what I meant. Either way, you've got a terrible attitude and probably won't ever actually write.

>> No.18464869

You're such a faggot.
How's that for writing?

>> No.18464884

says the gayboy who got 69

>> No.18464896

so why have I not installed grindr? gays are notoriously promiscuous after all and I shouldn't have a problem so it can't be a defeatist attitude like it is for straight incels

>> No.18464898

I read, have social life and a gf

>> No.18464905

Reading and having a social life/gf are not mutually exclusive you moron. Find some other excuse for why you're so pathetic.

>> No.18464917

Pursuit of pleasure is a death cope. You almost had it.

>> No.18464959

Any books on normies categorization?

>> No.18464971
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Heal thyself

>> No.18465143

In the absence of any genuine purpose or reason for living, or doing anything really, the only things I’m interested in are cope and escape. There is nothing else but to opt out altogether.

>> No.18465621

looks like the problem is within yourself, not in books lol.

>if you have a good and outgoing personality you literally can't suffer

If you actually think this you're delusional as fuck

>> No.18465648

You haven't read any of that because you still think like a brainlet.

>> No.18465673

Sex is a cope for death.

>> No.18465692

I laughed so hard at almost all the posts in this thread :3 This is by far the funniest thing in ages.

I swear to god, Butterfly just decided to go fucking savage on people.

>> No.18465713

Reading alone is retarded. If you can't find applications for your readings that improve your life, you're just dumb and should quit reading.

>> No.18465717

I'm married and this is not true.

>> No.18465728

I think we should institute a law to euthanize all self-identified incels.

None of you people are happy. You enjoy wallowing in your own misery and live to envelope others in your own disgustingly self-absorbed doomer cult. An incel brings no joy to anyone's life, not even their own. Their mere existence is a net negative to themselves, their family, and society at large. I say it's time we implement a final solution to the incel problem.

>> No.18465744

dildo and/or vibrator is missing

>> No.18465755

Most f*males on Twitter would unironically agree with this.

>> No.18465766

I'm only half joking

>> No.18465770

Any other groups we should euthanize? Violent criminals perhaps, or retards

>> No.18465795

I think most incels would agree to this. Those who were too scared to die could simply self-identify as a volcel and (maybe) realise that there is more to life than sex in the process. Apart from being morally abhorrent, this plan has no flaws.

>> No.18465806

Butterfly has posted more because of me :3 (yesterday she didn't post at all because I wasn't on).

Also, me and Butterfly think that socially darwinian euthanasia fags are retarded.

>> No.18465834


>> No.18465838
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>> No.18465841

Sex is a defeat against the sinister evolutionary forces and it's for your weak will.

>> No.18465842

Seethe :3

>> No.18466117
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Ehh. I lost virginity when I was 16 but am a self-identified incel. I don't hate women, don't hate any race. I also don't blame women or society. I don't really care much about sex, barely think about it desu. I'm on nofap. Last time I've had sex was 5 years ago. If you're caught up on what people "self-identify as", you're as bad as how incels are seen by the mainstream. (Mainstream sees incels as people that overly-generalize). Learn to transcend words. Many incels are bitter because they crave sex without ever having it but SOME OF THEM once they get it they do indeed calm down. Things go both ways. The fact you advocate for such extreme measures (euthanasia), even in a "joking" fashion, goes to show you have some of the "ingredients" that make them advocate for extremism, murder and rape.
>t. 6'1, fit, nofapmaxxxed, gymaxxxed, monkmaxxxxed incel.
Culture puts to much emphasis on hedonism. (I don't hate hedonism). However, pursuit hedonism can lead to suffering. Most people when they start to suffer become aggressive and bitter.
>Many bitter feminists don't see they'd be perfect companions/partners to bitter/angry incels
Honestly. I've only ever realised recently that many that have A LOT of sex are as insecure as incels. Many continue being insecure AFTER getting sex. Peace is inside not in eugenics, euthanasia, or extremism.

>> No.18466128

This is just going too far. Stop trying to make others feel negative or putting other people in 'a place' as it were. :3

It doesn't matter you guys. The point of life is not sex. Never has been, never will be.

>> No.18466147

I am a biblio-hedonist. REading all day is like 100 orgasms to me and is, without doubt, the most pleasurable activity I can do. You materialist peasants are pathetic.

>> No.18466152
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What is going too far?
Saying Euthanasia should be imposed is "making other feel negative" or put them "in a place".
I don't advocate for anything. Let people do whatever they want and find their way, that way. (learn with suffering, if they are honest with themselves enough to acknowledge their suffering).
I just self-identify as incel because I've met incels that act very bitter/angry but act very nice to you if you treat them well, as humans.
Same goes for any person, who "identifies" as any group. Also, i'd say my "self-identification" has helped me improve myself in many ways even though I'm still very young (oldcels hate me), and that many incels treat me angrily with despise for being tall. However, there are still many that can genuinely change for better.

>> No.18466182


lmfao gtfo with that pleb self helf shit, osho is just watered down eastern philosophy.

>> No.18466221

based, what are you reading now?

>> No.18466634

People like you should be euthanized, justly discarded by spirit. Return to the nothing you always were.

>> No.18466641

Money, fame, achievements, hobbies, etc. contribute to your happiness only by a tiny amount.

Men's (excluding outliers like Socrates, Da Vinci, Newton, Einstein, etc.) lifetime happiness and fulfillment pretty much entirely comes from 2 things:
-Sex and relationships
-Being respected by others
You (let's just say you're a short, ugly man) can be the richest person in history, have a life filled with luxury, and be less happy than 90 IQ middle-class Chad. You can be a Nobel Prize winner and be less happy than 80 IQ low-income Chad. You can be among the greatest scientists of all time and be less happy than 70 IQ homeless Chad (who probably won't be poor and homeless for long).

I'm convinced that sex, relationships, and being a dom mogger are the only things that make 99.999% of guys happy.

In the end we are all animals, our desires are primal.

Sex and respect is what we seek instinctively, all the coping retards from IT think sex isn't necessary to a person but it's vital it's required to not lose your psyche.

Respect for men is primal you want to be the leader and feared by everyone, being tall, having wide frame, more aggressive high t facial traits, muscles are traits to feel dominant and command respect.

Change my view. Seriously—I want to be proven wrong.

>> No.18466648

Seething. Have sex

>> No.18466671

I pray to God that you will one day have sex

>> No.18466726

dont forget the fucking christmas lights

>> No.18466741

if only you knew the half of it. Good luck with your insane ontology. We reap what we sow.

>> No.18466842

Do people really believe this?

>> No.18467110
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120 days of sodom

>> No.18467319

I have a mostly fulfilling social life and I read literature for pure enjoyment of human culture

>> No.18467353

Thank you for your service.

>> No.18467359

i miss drinking

>> No.18467366

but.. you post this stupid pink cartoon girl with regularity.. do you really think that this is above frog posting?

>> No.18467370

Not sex but having kids.
Many men have lots of sex and are very insecure.

>> No.18467392
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You should read this novel anon, I'm sure it will give you a different perspective on life.

>> No.18467404

they do until they actually get pussy.

>> No.18467413

once youve got a few broads under your belt, the illusion of sex really is made out to be just that, an illusion. Not to say that its bad, but certainly there are other motivating factors for human beings in life. Its very sad so many people relegate everything to sex.

>> No.18467529

It can definitely be a cope. Sexual addiction (Not porn addiction, that's separate but usually comorbid) is clearly coping behavior. All addictions are coping behaviors.

>> No.18467550

To quote the esteemed 21st century philosopher Kanye "ye/yeezus" West pbuh :
Money isn't everything, not having it is

>> No.18467573

God I fucking wish getting laid solved my problems and lead me to normalcy like incels think it does

>> No.18467605

>if you kill the poor there will be no communists

>> No.18467711

We want something, yearn for it, die for it, and once we get it, we still aren't happy. But that doesn't mean those things are still not important. Money/sex/popularity are all good things to have, even somewhat necessary. However, if we seek happiness through simply chasing these things, we probably won't find it. To be happy with what you have at one point in time is necessary, otherwise you won't ever enjoy anything because you will always be thinking about the future and what more you can do. That doesn't mean you should be satisfied with just wallowing in poverty, well, it's OK for some people, but most people have a drive to succeed and that's natural. You should always strive to work hard to achieve the things you want, otherwise if you are the sort of person who is driven, your present will be consumed by worrying about the future, and you won't be enjoy what you have. In summary

1. Be happy with what you have, you will only ever live in the present moment. Appreciate the beauty and kindness in your everyday life- because it's always there, even the the most dire circumstances

2. Work hard to succeed, if you are the sort of person that needs it. I worked hard to get into top med school because I knew I wanted to be respected and loved by my Muslim community here in the UK, where doctors are demigods who get all the respect and women. Plus, I didn't mind studying, I was happy while doing it. I was in a word- selfish. And there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of my friends questioned me spending so much time studying and not with them- but I needed it for my happiness. Neither me nor them were wrong- we were just different. Some people can spend their whole lives in their mothers basement- if they are happy, then who can condemn them?

3. All of life is a "cope". Sex is a cope. Money is a cope. It's all cope. Cope is needed. In fact, I'd argue those who say those things are bad because they are "copes" , are in fact coping because they can't have those things. Nerds say that chavs drink to cope with their lack of success, Chavs say that nerds work to cope with not having sex. Why can't everyone just enjoy what they have?