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18462654 No.18462654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Carroll Quigley (/ˈkwJɡli/; November 9, 1910 – January 3, 1977) was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilizations. He is remembered for his teaching work as a professor at Georgetown University, and for his writing about global conspiracies, in which he argued that an Anglo-American banking elite have worked together for centuries to spread certain values globally

Supposedly the end goal of all the chaos you see is for the west, and specifically America to snap and decide that conquering the world directly Rome style is the only way humanity will ever move forward

If Cecil Rhodes' original plan is to followed, then most of the third world will be killed off directly in a gradual genocide similar to what the Native Americans went through following recolonization, or the majority of the world outside of America will die off in a WW2 level conflict and the west will come in and save the day by bringing order

Africa, India, Latin America, and east and southeast Asia are all supposed to end up directly white governed unless the tenants of Milner group and others have changed

>> No.18462658


>To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.

—Cecil Rhodes

>> No.18462718
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>> No.18462806

>anglo American banking elite
Top zizzle

>> No.18462854

enhance those feet

>> No.18462961

>Absolute state of the UK and America today
I think it's safe to say this plan failed spectacularly.

>Cecil Rhodes
They are debating whether to tear his statue down lol.

>> No.18463087

But he's still buried in Africa in the country that was once named after him

>> No.18463113

What did they have against south east asia
Japan seemed like a decent country by 1900

>> No.18463124

Yeah the plan didn't work out as intended at all. It probably has something to do with the fact that the group was funded by the Rothschilds.

>> No.18463158

With regard to WW2, it seems like the Milner Group wanted to be friendly with Hitler because they thought he could be bought and bribed. When it became clear that Hitler actually planned to rid his country of Jewish financial control, they went to war. If you read between the lines in the book it's obvious. The Milner Group and the government of the UK as a whole were very hesitant to go to war with Germany, but according to Quigley they felt pressured to increase aggression to placate the "public" who supposedly wanted war. Now where exactly does the public get their opinions from?

The actual plans the Milner group had were to let Germany destroy the USSR (which the Milner group despised and preferred the nazis over) and exist as basically a separate sphere of interest friendly with the British Empire. It's actually quite similar to Hitler's own plans. I can only assume that the Milner group ended up caving in to "public opinion" (read: jewish media pressure) because Hitler was not interested in joining the British Empire in subjugation to Jewish financial interests, which the Milner Group itself was heavily involved with.

In summary, the Milner Group had decent intentions. They wanted a world of freedom and peace. But their liberal tendencies and total blindness to the Jewish problem let them become pawns of the Rothschilds.

>> No.18463170

Rhodes left most of his wealth to Lord Rothschild to endow the Rhodes Trust. Was he stupid or was he lying about wanting to help his people expand? No one knows.

>> No.18463192

I dont exactly think the Rothschilds are opposed to letting the English take over the world via the United States seeing as they've had more success in the England than anywhere else they've set up roots and always wished they could have had america too

>> No.18463205

This makes no sense since the Rothschilds have only increased their power over time and at the same time the British Empire was basically dismembered. Quigley even says it's the Milner Group's fault the British Empire fell apart. The Rothschilds and co. have no loyalty to the English people and are clearly willing to use them (and America now too) to gain total control of the world then throw us off like garbage.

>> No.18463216
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>Anglo-American banking elite have worked together for centuries to spread certain values globally
although I guess we have the benefit of hinsight now

>> No.18463235

There is no reason to invent a diabolical family which is trying to take over the world when a real one (The House of Saud) exists. (Not saying Rothschilds aren't a real family, but they aren't running the show).

>> No.18463245

>Not saying Rothschilds aren't a real family, but they aren't running the show
how fucking stupid can you be. they literally led the push to create the federal reserve, and funded the milner group. you fool

>> No.18463248

And Genghis Khan's family changed the course of Asian history. Doesn't mean either family is relevant anymore.

>> No.18463249

>The Rothschilds and co. have no loyalty to the English people

No, but they probably prefer using the English to other peoples seeing as the English ruling class are willing to work with them and English people defeated their enemies during WW2

>> No.18463277
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>Doesn't mean either family is relevant anymore.
Oh they are very relevant.

Yeah they work with a minority of "English" (actually Norman-descended) "elites" who have always seen their countrymen as subhuman and will gladly submit to the Jewish blood hatred against their kinsmen. For some reason they seem to hate the English and American people as much as the Germans even though we supposedly saved them from genocide. Weird how that works. They use us because we're good at conquering people, but once they're conquered, we're no longer needed, even dangerous to them, so they try to destroy us (see Rhodesia).

>> No.18464280

The fucking dishonesty wew

>> No.18464321

>The Anglo-American Establishment
Don’t we usually call that modern civilization?