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/lit/ - Literature

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18461553 No.18461553 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest literary achievement of all time?

>> No.18461595

My Diary Desu

>> No.18461644


>> No.18461650

All of Kierkegaard's writings.

>> No.18461676

The Platonic Dialogues. For no other reason than that anyone else trying to do dialogues for something that isn't a play has been horrible at it.

>> No.18462330

No it’s my diary, desu

>> No.18462643

Aristotle's works. He BTFO's Plato.
Jonathan Barnes' revised Oxford edition is the only truly useful translation, of course.

>> No.18462713


Homer's Iliad putting down five centuries of orally transmitted myth.

>> No.18462733

Someday I will write an epistolary novel about the life of an incel who fell into the alt-right rabbit hole but manages to escape it by dating a tranny, and I will call it "My Diary Desu."

>> No.18462735

The Gift by Nabokov

>> No.18462756

unironically reading the complete works of all these authors


>> No.18462769
File: 5 KB, 200x252, thyterms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hast thou considerethed.....defining thy terms?

>> No.18462779

the cocks and swear words I drew under the teacher's desk in 5th grade

>> No.18462790

Do you think they are still there?

>> No.18462804

idk lemme check

>> No.18463144

Probably don Quixote

>> No.18463150

Cicero said Aristotle's dialogues were better than Plato's.

>> No.18463152

Probably Dante.

>> No.18463691

Phenomenology of the Spirit.

>> No.18463732

My novel:
>Jack looked to his mother, she was out of her chair, walking along the beach, her sundress flowing and her hat nearly flying off her head. Jack noticed his father appearing out of the tree line. How was he not sweating in his suit? Jack didn't know. His father began to talk with his mother. It seemed like he was giving really bad news. His mother waved for Jack to get ready to leave.
>Jack was ready, the sun was really hot and he felt his skin beginning to burn. He reached into the ocean one last time before going home. Hoping to find something fun, perhaps another toy like last time. His hand dug through the sand, pluming the water with white. His fingers grasped onto something warm but smooth. He pulled it out, a cylindrical brass tube, tapered at the top. On the bottom was a silver button. Jack knew what this was, he always found them at the beach, nothing fun. He dropped the rifle casing and made his way to his mother, who was now crying.

>> No.18463752


>> No.18463952


>> No.18464352

both wrong. the greatest is of course, my diary desu

>> No.18464373

Some monk misplaced it

>> No.18464381

It's a tie between Don Quixote, Divine Comedy, the Iliad and My Diary Desu

>> No.18464386

whoever invented the word "the"

>> No.18464478


>> No.18464809
File: 157 KB, 1359x960, 99138C21-88B9-4B3E-844E-6DF4F4847F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle’s Ethics.

A roadmap for how to live a good life. It’s really perfect

>> No.18464816

>that image
It's a bit over the top, I bet he got cucked.

>> No.18465105
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>> No.18465569

>all daughters
No wonder he has to cope and pose with assault rifles while making mug shot grimaces in family pictures, nigga couldnt even sire a male descendant

>> No.18465719

After reading so much Kierkegaard I feel like all I can do now is become a priest, everything else feels inappropriate

>> No.18465775

No sé cuál es el más grande, pero el mayor logro literario fue seguramente "mi diaro," con la friolera de dos terabytes de datos, cubriendo todo, desde las "aventuras en la tienda de bolígrafos" del cronista hasta el "almuerzo innombrable." Este gran diario ha sido impreso en el papel más grande y grueso disponible y escrito con el bolígrafo más grande.

>> No.18466526

shit writing

>> No.18466570

This would be my pick.

>> No.18466595

Obviously compensating but he doesn't appear to have been fucked for all of them because they share is unattractive facial features. His older daughters are at prime glow age and his wife is still more attractive because they took after him.

Sons are the final cuck. Solid chance they never reproduce, and even if they do, you can't be sure if it is yours. Daughters almost gaurentee the line goes on. Even a total loser and uggo daughter will have sex and be supported.

>> No.18466644

Proust's In Search of Lost Time
Homer's Iliad
Flaubert's Madame Bovary

>> No.18466688

mon journal est

>> No.18466912

he's basically just asking what your favorite book is but doesn't want to sound like a pseud.

>> No.18466956

Imagine being one of these gullible retards

>> No.18467143
File: 320 KB, 1155x661, ChadMarxist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Just imagine, that the last time someone actually understood that shit. It caused him to write a fully detailed work of the mechanics of human society through history, whitch, provoked a wave of such strenght in the minds of people that completly changed the configuration of the world since the and the future to come.

I can only imagine what it would be like if just 10% of humanity understood the implications of these works.

>> No.18467262

Ubu Roi

>> No.18467940

While your average reader would most likely agree with one of you (depending of course on his predilections and biases) I have overcome this indecisive means of measure by calculating scientifically the quality of all literary works written (or rather, catalogued) and the result of my tireless efforts has been the revelation that the greatest literary achievement of the human race as a point of irrefutable fact was not but my very own diary desu.

>> No.18467961

he's just posing for a silly photo, chillax

>> No.18468055

>Daughters almost gaurentee the line goes on
Only if it's actually your daughter and you didn't get cucked in the first place.
